"A warrior from outside?"

Chen Xuan was very confused when he heard this.

However, the warrior in tattered clothes did not explain, and swung his sword towards him.

"Ten Thousand Immortals Sword Art."

Chen Xuan already had a deep understanding of this guy's body-refining defense power, and he instantly displayed the Ten Thousand Immortals Sword Art.

Fifteen moves broke out, and the terrifying and terrifying sharp sword energy burst out, quickly attacking the long sword in the hand of the warrior in ragged clothes.

A terrible aura suddenly emerged.

The warrior in tattered clothes was seriously injured, his aura appeared, and his body retreated quickly.

"He can actually harm me?"

The warrior in tattered clothes looked at Chen Xuan with a smile, and a terrifying turbulent aura emerged from his body.

"Just die."

The warriors in tattered clothes attacked again.

Chen Xuan showed no mercy, and the Ten Thousand Immortals Sword Art flew out.

A large amount of sharp sword energy turned into an extremely powerful force, directly wrapping the warrior in ragged clothes.

Just after a fight, the warrior in tattered clothes was stabbed directly by Chen Xuan's sharp sword energy. Then his defense was shattered and he was surrounded by a large amount of sharp sword energy.

"Come here."

Chen Xuan still didn't kill him, but took back the sharp sword energy in the end.

Right now.

He flew forward, and the long sword he held in his hand fell on the back of the warrior in ragged clothes, sealing his body for a short time.

"I have no intention of killing you, but what exactly is this place?"

Chen Xuan deliberately lowered his voice.

The warrior in tattered clothes looked extremely calm, and he said with great confusion: "Are you serious about not killing me?"

Chen Xuan also agreed very much in his heart.

"Did you really come in from somewhere else?" The warrior in ragged clothes looked at Chen Xuan curiously, not having the guts to believe it.

How could other warriors cultivate in seclusion and become such a powerful Wang Yuli?

The most important thing is that although this guy is at the ninth level of the divine realm, his true cultivation level is almost equivalent to the ninth level of the divine realm and the invincible accomplishment.

"Yes, that's correct. I came in from somewhere else. Now you can tell me where this place is." Chen Xuan said very puzzled.

"This place is Sandman."

The warrior in tattered clothes said.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan was very surprised.

How did he appear in Sand Magic Tales?

"Could it be that a warrior opened the Sand Magic Tales?"

Given what Ci said, Chen Xuan didn't understand why Sand Devil Tan, such an important place in the realm, could not be opened by the sealed warriors inside.

The sect leader of Qingyun Immortal Sect?

But now he is the only one who has the cultivation level to open the Sand Magic Tan.

Thinking of this place, Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

What is really unexpected is that it was the actions of the sect leader of Qingyun Immortal Sect that kept him alive.

"Yu Wenqiu..."

Chen Xuan clenched his sword tightly, and it was obvious that his pupils were excited.

But it didn't take long for Chen Xuan's face to darken. As soon as he entered Sand Magic Tales, he noticed its terrifying aura.

"You are also a sealed warrior." The warrior in ragged clothes said very puzzledly.

As long as the warriors enter Sand Magic Tan, they are basically sealed warriors.

"But your cultivation level is very good. If I infer that you are good, even among the younger generation of the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, you can indeed be the top?" said the warrior in ragged clothes.

The warrior in tattered clothes felt that his cultivation level could completely suppress the nine major perfections of the divine realm.

"What is the specific area of ​​Sand Magic Tan?" Chen Xuan finally said.

The warrior in tattered clothes shook his head: "I don't know, let alone the ninth level perfect warrior of the divine realm. Even if he is the ninth level invincible master of the divine realm or even the ninth level invincible peak of the divine realm, it is impossible to walk through the Sand Demon Tan. "Compared to the Third Level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, Sand Demon Tan is not very big.

But mainly because of his special terrifying aura, it is really difficult to walk around.

Over the years, only warriors with extremely powerful lethality would be sealed to the Sand Demon Tan Zheng.

There is little natural aura in this place, almost none, and the materials and treasures needed to improve cultivation are even scarcer.

If you want to survive, you must constantly fight with other warriors to snatch a large number of materials and treasures needed to improve your cultivation.

Only by continuously improving his cultivation can he survive.

For example, this warrior in tattered clothes was just a ninth-level peak warrior in the realm of gods when he was first sealed in.

Thousands of years have passed, and he is occasionally chased by strong men. The materials and treasures needed to improve his cultivation level are unthinkable and will never be obtained.

Now he has cultivated in seclusion to become a powerful physical defense force. He has perfected the ninth level of the divine realm and is able to kill the ninth level of the divine realm and is invincible.

He is obviously already a top powerhouse in this area.

If it were in other places, it would take ten thousand years to improve, but this place was the Sand Demon Tan. After hearing the words of the warrior in tattered clothes, Chen Xuan finally understood.

If you encounter other warriors in Sand Magic Tan, there is a high chance that both sides will find ways to attack each other crazily to gain the other's power.

Thinking of this place, Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

"Brother, what's your name??" The warrior in ragged clothes asked in confusion.

At the beginning, the warriors in ragged clothes were very disdainful to other warriors, thinking that they did not understand cultivation.

The sealed warrior in the Sand Demon Tan, whose cultivation level is not much different, can use all his aura to suppress his warrior, but what is different from before is that now he encounters a body refining defense that is almost the same as him It is so powerful that the secret method of Immortal Sword Intent can completely suppress his warriors.

The most important thing is that this guy is a terrifying talent.

"Chen Xuan." Chen Xuan said: "How long did it take you to enter the Sand Demon Tantan?"

The warrior in tattered clothes shook his head, as if he couldn't remember.

"Then what's going on with you?" Chen Xuan continued to ask very doubtfully.

"Haha, it's really good."

The warrior in tattered clothes said: "A person who was falsely accused of being a member of the Immortal Beast Sect."

The most important thing now is that he needs the help of warriors in tattered clothes. In this case, now that they have briefly united, the most important thing for Chen Xuan now is to find Yu Wenqiu.

"Since you are an adult in this area, you should be very familiar with this place." Chen Xuan said very puzzled.

The warrior in tattered clothes nodded and said: "There are many areas in Sand Magic Tan. My area is very powerful, but I am the only top strong person in my area."

"I need your help." Chen Xuan said directly what he meant.

"What's going on?" The warrior in ragged clothes looked extremely calm.

"I want to find someone who has recently entered Sand Magic Tan." Chen Xuandao: "If you can help me find him, I will give you some materials and treasures needed to improve your cultivation."

The most attractive thing for warriors in Sand Magic Tan is actually the materials and treasures needed to improve their cultivation.


"There is no need to worry at all. As long as you can find it, there are many materials and treasures needed to improve cultivation in my place." Chen Xuandao.

Then he waved the weapon gently, and a breath invaded the consciousness of the warrior in tattered clothes.

"Is this the warrior you are looking for?"

The warrior in tattered clothes said very puzzledly.

The warrior in tattered clothes led Chen Xuan to observe his area.

The area is about hundreds of thousands of miles, and it is an area for warriors in rags. In this area, there are some immortal beasts who have reached the ninth level of the divine realm, and a few warriors who have reached the ninth level of the divine realm.

"That's all?"

Chen Xuan said with some helplessness on his face.

"You must not look at me, you must know that this place is the Sand Demon Temple." The warrior in tattered clothes said: "I am a few losers, I don't have the courage or talent, but against the ordinary ninth-level invincible warriors in the realm of gods, I am still There is no problem, as for those immortal beasts, their cultivation is also very powerful."

After getting to know each other for a while, Chen Xuan finally understood the area where warriors in ragged clothes lived.

After asking, the warrior in tattered clothes did not get the information he wanted, so he shook his head helplessly at Chen Xuan and said: "In Sand Demon Tan, the warrior you are looking for is completely impossible to find from this place. Entering through this gate, or even entering, is completely prohibited from appearing in this place.”

Chen Xuan also agreed very much in his heart.

The warrior in tattered clothes walked close to his body and said, "There is some possibility. There will be news soon."

Outside, in a main hall, a warrior in tattered clothes suddenly looked into the distance, his expression becoming extremely gloomy.

"It's over now. A very powerful warrior comes here to act arrogantly."

Violent power rushed over in an instant, and a young warrior in red clothes came to the warrior in ragged clothes.

"It's nothing, how about it? Have you thought about it?" The young warrior in red clothes deliberately lowered his voice and exuded a terrifying aura.

"What is his identity?" Chen Xuansheng asked very confused.

"He is a strong man nearby and a member of the Immortal Beast Sect. He has terrifying power. I can't beat him at all."

Although they are both at the ninth level of the divine realm, the young warrior in red clothes has a stronger cultivation level.

Chen Xuan carefully observed the young warrior in red clothes. If it were not for the warrior in tattered clothes, he would not be able to feel the power of the demon in his body.

"What's going on? Did your son find a helper?"

Seeing a stranger like Chen Xuan, the young warrior in red clothes smiled.

"You are really too arrogant." The warrior in ragged clothes deliberately lowered his voice.

The aura within a mile nearby was vibrating crazily, and he was ready to use his skills at any time.

"Looking at it now, you have made your decision. In this case, I will not hold back."

The young warrior in red clothes shook his head and said, "I just need to completely suppress you."

The young warrior in red clothes smiled and said with a terrifying aura.

The young warrior in red clothes clenched the long sword in his hand, and instantly released a sword energy.

At this moment, a lethal attack broke out in an instant.

The warrior in tattered clothes looked at Chen Xuan and rushed forward with a very low expression.

At this moment.

The warrior in tattered clothes used his powerful body refining defense to defend against the attack of the young warrior in red clothes.

This young warrior in red clothes is more powerful than the warrior in tattered clothes.

The warrior in tattered clothes showed no mercy and unleashed his strongest attack.

Huh... at this moment!

The young warrior in red clothes dealt with it very easily, and finally used the golden long sword to knock the warrior in tattered clothes away.

With a loud bang!

At this moment, the young warrior in red clothes was about to attack the warrior in tattered clothes. Chen Xuan took back the Liaoyuan Sword from a distance and swung it out with a fierce sword.

A terrible aura suddenly emerged.

The Liaoyuan Sword brought a powerful pressure and slashed in front of the young warrior in red clothes, defending his front school

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