They could feel many terrifying looks coming from around them.

Regarding this matter, Luo Ming watched intently, Shangguan Yun didn't even pay attention to it, but Chen Xuan seemed calm.

Several of the entourage of the nine disciples are all invincible and invincible warriors at the ninth level of the divine realm. Shangguan Yun can defeat them by himself. I don't know where they get their confidence.

"Many stupid fools." Shangguan Yun shook his head and said.

"Yes, that's correct. Shangguan Yun, you can deal with all these beasts with low cultivation levels by yourself," Luo Ming said.

What the two of them said was overheard by a member of their entourage.

Their expressions suddenly darkened.

"Hahaha, it's really funny. Are all today's warriors so arrogant?" Zhao's entourage said.

"A trash warrior who is not very good at cultivation actually has the courage to act arrogantly in front of Zhao Yunlong's living area. If Zhao Yunlong hadn't been here, I would have killed you with one sword."

Luo Ming couldn't stand the stimulation, and immediately became very unhappy and wanted to launch an attack.

However, he was directly defended by Chen Xuan.

"Why do you look like this? Give me a closer look?" Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly and said helplessly.

Luo Ming gradually calmed down.

"Hahaha, it's really funny. I will definitely kill you in the future."

The other entourage members even sneered, thinking that these entourage members Yu Wenqiu had found were too rubbish.

"Why am I here? The rest of your entourage will only show off on the surface, but they will actually get into a sect war and guarantee their escape." Zhao Ting said with a smile.

"How about asking Wang Junlong to prepare some entourage for you to ensure your safety." Wang Junlong walked near Yu Wenqiu's body and whispered.

Yu Wenqiu shook his head and refused.

"You know what the situation is now. Do you think you can survive entering the dragon scale area with just a few of them?" Wang Junlong continued.

Chen Xuan, who had always kept his expression calm, obviously changed his expression after hearing these words.

In Sand Magic Tales, the most important thing is being powerful, and the sword in your hand is the most important.

Luo Ming had been used to it a long time ago, and the guys in front of him were not as good as him in cultivation. They only relied on Zhao Yunlong's strength to be famous, so Luo Ming hated him the most.

"What do you mean?"

Wang Junlong's face was gloomy and he just wanted to talk.

Suddenly, the door opened in front of Zhao Yunlong's living area.

"It's such a terrifying shock."

Chen Xuan looked a little unhappy, and it was obvious that his pupils were very surprised.

It is indeed very terrifying. He is indeed a strong man who has just entered the divine dragon realm. The skills displayed in such a realm have surprised many warriors.

The vibration that came from the ground just now was not noticeable to warriors who were not very strong in cultivation.

At this point, only Chen Xuan was left, and he saw that it was the space shaking mentioned in the rumors.

Even with his current level of cultivation, there is absolutely no way he can do this.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Zhao Yunlong wanted to kill them, the space shaking just now would be able to kill them all.

This is the strong man who has entered the divine dragon realm for the first time.

The most important thing is that the strong man who is approaching the realm of the dragon is almost equal to zero.

Many eyes fell not far from the gate of Zhao Yunlong's living area.

A mysterious aura slowly flew out from inside.

Surrounded by a mysterious aura, the body is very fast.

"Zhao Yunlong?"

Chen Xuan concentrated his consciousness very much, filled the air with his spiritual consciousness, and wanted to explore the mysterious aura.

But the consciousness disappeared without even getting close to the mysterious aura.

"Indeed, very scary."

I saw Zhao Yunlong with my own eyes. Then Chen Xuan had an even more terrifying realization.

Zhao Yunlong's pressure is much stronger than that of the sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect.

Is this a strong man who has entered the divine dragon realm for the first time?

It's just that there is no way to break through the aura of Sand Magic Tan.

Otherwise, if you break through and absorb the power contained in the ground, you will be able to break through to the divine dragon realm in an instant.

All the warriors present clearly discovered the power of spiritual pressure at the same time.

They couldn't help but take a few steps back.

There was a disciple standing at the front with a very helpless expression on his face: "Sir."

"We have reached this situation now. The dragon scale area is open. You should look for opportunities."

This moment...

Chen Xuan could vaguely see that in the mysterious aura, the long sword in Zhao Yunlong's hand was vaguely filled with golden aura.

Zhao Yunlong waved his weapon gently, and the space was suddenly torn apart, and a barren desert full of golden sand was gradually revealed.

"This dragon scale area is a bit mysterious and weird."

Feeling the breath released from the dragon scale area, Chen Xuan suddenly said.

In an instant, the dragon scale area returned to calm.

A spiritual aura appeared in the calm golden sand.

"Go in."

People went in one after another, and soon everyone was in.

After the dragon scale area was closed, it disappeared out of thin air, and many warriors dispersed.

When Zhao Yunlong landed lightly in front of the living area, he revealed a very terrifying murderous aura.

He was a strong man who had just entered the dragon realm, and he carefully observed Chen Xuan's body in an instant.

"The magical talent and strength of the Immortal Sword are very terrifying."

Zhao Yunlong said helplessly.

He also discovered the power of Suzaku's body refining, but this actually had no way to arouse his thoughts.

The only thing that surprised him was that Chen Xuan's immortal sword talent and strength were stronger than anyone he had seen after practicing in seclusion for tens of millions of years.

Huh... at this moment!

The ground space was constantly shaking, and a force of thunder instantly filled the air, and the breath of spiritual pressure filled the air.

A phantom of the soul suddenly appeared above Zhao Yunlong's living area.

"Zhao Yunlong."

The mysterious aura on him quickly faded.

"What are you doing here?" Zhao Yunlong said very puzzled.

"Don't you want to try it?" Zhao Yunlong's expression changed, and then he shook his head and said, "It's not time yet."

"What's going on? Zhao Yunlong, one of the top masters with a great reputation, is also afraid."

The warrior in the air said, "We have been sealed in the Sand Demon Pond for tens of millions of years, and there is no way to leave this place. Even if we become several top masters, what can we do? Aren't we still sealed warriors?"

"Wang Luoyu, we are different." Zhao Yunlong sighed.

"Why are we different?" said the mysterious warrior.

"You still don't understand." Zhao Yunlong said.

"I only know that the famous Zhao Yunlong is scared."

At this moment, the phantom of the soul gradually dissipated in the air.

Looking at the place where Wang Luoyu disappeared, the pressure of the top strong man disappeared, and Zhao Yunlong was silent for a long time.

"Wang Luoyu, how could I not want to leave this place."

The Dragon Scale Area was created by Zhao Yunlong, one of the top strong men.

Combining the terrifying aura in the Sand Demon Pond, he condensed his immortal way into the desert where no grass grows, and evolved into the Dragon Scale Area.

The Dragon Scale Area is very famous, and almost all warriors in the Zhao Yunlong area want to go there.

However, the materials and treasures needed to improve the cultivation of the Sand Demon Pond are very scarce, so the Dragon Scale Area does not give others a chance.

No matter how strong the talent and strength are, it is impossible to enter the Dragon Scale Area.

The Dragon Scale Area was created even now. At present, only Zhao Yunlong's inheritors and the first inheritor in the sect can go there.

At this time.

After entering the dragon scale area, Chen Xuan and his body were constantly attracted to it.

As soon as they came in, they found blood-red lines. These lines were surrounded by the immortal way in the golden sand, which was very shocking.

"That is the power condensed by the immortal way."

Yuwen Qiu knew more about the dragon scale area, and he found the blood-red lines directly in an instant.

"There is some inheritance information in the immortal way lines, and the chance of getting inheritance is very high."

Yuwen Qiu said.

When he was talking, Chen Xuan had already found that Zhao was leading several entourages near them to absorb the power condensed by the immortal way.

"We defend, you concentrate on absorbing." Chen Xuan looked at Yuwen Qiu and said.

Yuwen Qiu nodded and began to absorb immediately.

In the dragon scale area, there is a certain amount of power condensed by the immortal way. With the help of more than a dozen entourages, Zhao absorbed it very quickly.

In an instant, he absorbed a lot of the power condensed by the immortal way in his area.

He looked around him and obviously suddenly found Yuwen Qiu who was absorbing the immortal way. His expression was extremely calm, revealing a murderous aura.

Then he quickly approached Yuwen Qiu.

"Go to hell."

Seeing Zhao approaching, Luo Ming suddenly shouted.

At this time, he swung the long sword in his hand, and the golden long sword flew out with powerful force, killing Zhao.

At this moment.

More than a dozen entourage members seized the opportunity to appear and defend Zhao from the attack of the golden long sword.

"The Dragon Scale Area is actually a place created by Zhao Yunlong. Do you want to occupy it yourself?"

"This place is a big place. You should hurry up and leave this place, and take out all the power condensed by the way of immortality you got before."

More than a dozen entourage members, carrying terrible power, said arrogantly.

Zhao, who was behind more than a dozen entourage members, looked at Chen Xuan, and a mocking laugh suddenly came out.

"Kill those guys."

"At this point, you are the only one left, and you also want to kill us?" Luo Ming swung the long sword and madly killed several warriors.

At this moment.

The water was rippling, and more than a dozen entourage members joined together to perform martial arts, defending against the long sword, and the counter-shock knocked Luo Ming away.

Shangguan Yun stopped Luo Ming and said in confusion: "You are not injured, are you?"

Luo Ming shook his head and said: "I am fine, but these damn bastards are equally powerful. I need Shangguan Yun to perform your skills to assist me."

Shangguan Yun flew over quickly and prepared to activate the high-level demon spirit body, but at this time Chen Xuan said a lot of things.

"You don't need to perform your skills to deal with a few trash warriors who are not worth mentioning and have poor cultivation."

At this moment, Chen Xuan walked in front of a dozen entourage members.

Chen Xuan said in confusion: "Now I give you a chance, but if you can't kill us, I'm really sorry, I will kill you with my own hands."

Zhao was completely enraged by Chen Xuan, and his face was very crazy, shouting loudly: "Kill him to death for me."

A dozen entourage members also laughed mockingly and suddenly said: "You think you have lived too long and want to die."

The techniques practiced in seclusion by more than a dozen of the entourage have great power in this dragon scale area.

Just at this time.

His aura fluctuated, and he appeared in front of more than a dozen of his entourage. After a while, several warriors shouted loudly, and the long swords they held in their hands joined together.

At this moment, the terrifying power burst out instantly.

The aura in front of several warriors fluctuated into a powerful gray aura, and the golden sand rushed past them instantly.

"It's not very powerful."

Chen Xuan nodded helplessly. Although the warriors in front of him were all invincible at the ninth level of the divine realm, they were not very powerful.


The Ten Thousand Immortals Sword Technique, at the fifteenth level, flew out.

Right now.

The surging sharp sword energy broke through the golden sand and killed the powerful gray aura Zheng.

Phew... right now!

Wherever the sharp sword energy covered, all the gray aura dissipated, and even the aura fluctuations in the center instantly turned into ashes.

Chen Xuan's sharp sword energy carried terrifying power and broke the body of an entourage inside.

Right now.

The breath exploded and quickly gathered together with the golden sand.

"How can it be?"

The few remaining entourage members were extremely shocked, and their expressions were very shocked.

They were so horrified that they killed him with a slash of sword energy. How powerful was the cultivation of this guy in front of them?

"This is not going to be good, sir, get out of here quickly."

The few remaining entourage members fled as fast as they could.

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