Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6208: Thanks to the Master of Wanlong Golden Palace

"Then I would like to thank you very much, Lord Wanlong Golden Palace." Chen Xuandao.

"It's the master of Wanlong Golden Palace." Zhao Yunlei came over at this moment and couldn't help but say.

"Originally, there was no need for me, Wanlong Golden Palace, to be involved in the battle between you Huaxian Mountain and Wanlong Golden Sect." Dayang, the sect leader of Wanlong Golden Palace: "But Chen Xuan has a great influence on me, Wanlong Golden Palace." Help. We, Wanlong Golden Palace, have decided to use all our strength to support Huaxian Mountain and fight against Wanlong Golden Sect, so you don’t have to worry too much this time.”

The master of the Wanlong Golden Palace raised his long sword and said loudly: "We have many people in the Wanlong Golden Palace and will arrive at Huaxian Mountain soon. Zhao Yunlei will make your decision then."

Zhao Yunlei felt that his thoughts were too good. A top-level force like Wanlong Golden Palace was actually willing to help Huaxian Mountain defend Wanlong Golden Sect.

Zhao Yunlei couldn't help but look at Chen Xuan, feeling even more powerful than before.

"Although he is not the domain master as imagined, Wanlong Golden Palace has used all its strength to support it, but it is nothing but Wanlong Golden Sect." Zhao Yunlei thought in his heart. After hearing this, Wang Junhao also laughed helplessly. .

At this moment, Dayang, the leader of the Bandung Golden Palace, asked, "Can I have a few words with brother Chen Xuan?"

"Of course." Zhao Yunlei said: "If the master of Wanlong Golden Palace needs anything, just tell him directly."

Then Zhao Yunlei and Wang Junhao left quickly.

On the war zone, they came together.

"Zhao Yunlei, what did Chen Xuan help the Wanlong Golden Palace? Why did the Wanlong Golden Palace come to help even though they were starting a terrifying battle with the Wanlong Golden Sect." Wang Junhao didn't understand and said: "A top force like them, We should pay more attention to the benefits and magic weapons. I don’t believe that just by helping, many of their sect disciples can come to this place to help.”

Zhao Yunlei agreed in his heart: "What is the situation in the Wanlong Golden Palace? But the master of the Wanlong Golden Palace is such a warrior, it is impossible to joke. Since he is helping, there is absolutely no way he can be wrong."

Zhao Yunlei said: "There are many possibilities that Chen Xuan was in the Xianshan Sect and helped Wanlong Golden Palace obtain some terrifying and precious magic weapons."

Only this explanation can explain what happened.

From now on, Chen Xuan is more important to Zhao Yunlei than before, even surpassing Huaxian Mountain. With the Wanlong Golden Palace, the power of the Huaxian Mountain area instantly increased.

The Pangu Central World is very vast, and the area is also very large. Some people will not be able to travel through the entire Pangu Central World in their lifetime.

Since before, some super masters have divided the Pangu Central World into five regions, and the area where Huaxian Mountain is located can be regarded as the northernmost region of the Pangu Central World. The cultivation in this area is not as good as others, almost equivalent to the weaker ones. area.

Although Huaxian Mountain has 150 immortal realms under its control, it can only be regarded as a force second only to the top at best, and there is no way it can be regarded as a top force.

The Wanlong Jin Sect has a very terrifying difference. Their power is very powerful. They have a longer history. There have been some terrifying talents in the sect before, and they are famous in the Pangu Central World, so their cultivation has improved even more, and they can be regarded as Pangu. The top-level force in the western region of the central world.

Compared with Huaxian Mountain, it is much more powerful.

Wanlong Jinzong fought with Huaxian Mountain and suppressed Huaxian Mountain.

However, at this moment, the terrifying addition of the Bandung Golden Palace caused a great change in the mentality of the war.

Zhao Yunlei, Wang Junhao, the sect master of Huaxian Mountain and several other warriors looked full of smiles and were very surprised in their hearts.

The Wanlong Golden Palace is considered to be the top force in the western region. Even the Wanlong Golden Sect does not have the guts to definitely fight with the Wanlong Golden Palace. After all, they are not an ordinary sect.

Huaxian Mountain has never had any interaction with the Bandung Golden Palace. They did not expect that the Bandung Golden Palace would come out at such a critical moment and be willing to help them. This also surprised them. According to common sense, in such a critical moment, They should not come forward under the circumstances.

This also has to make Zhao Yunlei and other warriors even more curious. What kind of power does Chen Xuan have? Why even the Wanlong Golden Palace gave him a reputation, and then I came to participate in this battle.

At the same time, the master of the Wanlong Golden Palace seems to like Chen Xuan very much. This is no wonder, after all, Chen Xuan is a super talent.

On the way, Zhao Yunlei and Wang Junhao looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

"The crisis was finally resolved, and we finally managed to overcome it." Zhao Yunlei shook his head helplessly and said slowly.

"That's absolutely right. You are really lucky in Huaxian Mountain. You are lucky to have such a powerful disciple as Chen Xuan. Treat this guy well." Wang Junhao was extremely surprised.

After all, Chen Xuan has the domain master, and now the Wanlong Golden Palace is standing on him, and they can't help but start a terrifying battle with the Wanlong Golden Sect because of him.

This is not something that weaker warriors can accomplish. Unless they are super talented or have a good relationship with them, otherwise they will never be allowed to help.

Zhao Yunlei agreed in his heart and had already made a decision in his heart.

With all his strength, he now wants to protect Chen Xuan. He believes that as long as Chengquan is still there, Huaxian Mountain will be able to break through.

"Get out of here. With the Bandung Golden Palace, we really need to fight back. We must not let them just step on our heads and shit."

Zhao Yunlei smiled slightly and pulled Wang Junhao away.

In the pavilion, the master of the Wanlong Golden Palace stared at Chen Xuan with a smile. He was very satisfied with Chen Xuan.

He really couldn't think about the fact that this young warrior who looked ordinary on the surface was actually his good friend in the Wanlong Golden Palace. This was really unimaginable.

And the most surprising thing is that he not only saved Zhao Butong and helped the Wanlong Golden Palace obtain the inheritance of the founder of the Kaisect, but also restored the ancestor of the ghost formation. This is simply unthinkable.

After some time, Dayang, the leader of the Bandung Golden Palace, said: "Before I came, Zhao Budong mentioned that I would like to express my gratitude to you. Thank you so much for saving him in the northern Xinjiang area. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid he died inside before."

"It's just a favor. Instead, the master of Wanlong Golden Palace can come to help Huaxian Mountain. I am very grateful."

"It's really interesting. With how much help Brother Chen Xuan has given to the Wanlong Golden Palace, how could we, the Wanlong Golden Palace, not help us when we saw the danger? And you did help us first before. In short, this time it's by We are here to help you, so your sect doesn’t need to worry.”

The master of Wanlong Golden Palace chatted a lot with Chen Xuan, and he was also very surprised by Chen Xuan.

As the discussion progressed, the master of the Wanlong Golden Palace became even more surprised. He felt that Chen Xuan's talent was too strong.

He obviously felt that there was a very domineering force near Chen Xuan, and with this kind of power, his future achievements would be absolutely unlimited.

"Brother Chen Xuan doesn't need to worry. There is the Wanlong Golden Palace to perform the exercises, but it's just the Wanlong Golden Sect. They can't make any waves." The master of the Wanlong Golden Palace said with a smile: "If that's the case If the Wanlong Jinzong knows that there are difficulties, there is a 100% chance that they will retreat. If they know that there are tigers in the mountain and prefer to go to the tiger mountain, I, the Wanlong Golden Palace, will not mind starting a terrifying battle with them. "

This is the Wanlong Golden Palace, which also belongs to the ancestor of the Ghost Array.

If the Wanlong Golden Palace wants to get the western area, the obstacle is the Wanlong Golden Sect. Now that the Ghost Array Patriarch is the source of power behind it, who can temporarily suppress the ancestor of the Wanlong Golden Sect, the Wanlong Golden Palace naturally does not need it. Worry too much.

"Thank you very much, Master of Wanlong Golden Palace."

Chen Xuan slightly expressed his respect and gratitude.

Three or four months later, Huaxian Mountain and the Wanlong Jin Sect started a thorough battle.

Facing Huaxian Mountain's powerful and crazy attack, Wanlong Jin Sect couldn't help but want to kill Huaxian Mountain.

A certain fairyland.

"Sect Master, Huaxian Mountain has launched a fierce attack."

In the center of the Immortal Realm, the body of the gray-haired young warrior exuded a powerful aura, and the aura on his body was released instantly.

On the blue aura, a demon soul and a long sword were released.


This is the obvious statement of Wanlong Jin Sect, and this guy is the leader of Wanlong Jin Sect.

"Let's compete with Huaxian Mountain here."

Master Wanlong Jin was full of ridicule: "Now Huaxian Mountain will disappear completely."

After finishing, a large amount of his breath came out.

In an instant, all the masters of Wanlong Jin Sect gathered at this place, waiting for the arrival of Huaxian Mountain.

The fairyland is not far away.

Under the leadership of the sect master of Huaxian Mountain, many masters went crazy to kill other strong men.

There were screams of terror from among the many warriors.

Some warriors were killed, including warriors from Huaxian Mountain and warriors from Wanlong Jin Sect.


The sect leader of Huaxian Mountain, who was standing not far away, swung his long sword quickly, and suddenly the surging and terrifying power condensed into a golden aura in the ground, covering the entire earth.

This is absolutely impossible!

A terrifying aura came from nearby. When the huge golden aura fell, hundreds of Wanlong Jin Sect disciples were killed.

In just over an hour, many masters from Huaxian Mountain had already reached the Immortal Realm.

Facing the many masters from Huaxian Mountain who were coming to kill them, Master Wanlong Jin had an aura in his eyes.

"Sect Master of Huaxian Mountain, are you so eager to seek your own death?" Sect Master Wanlong Jin said with a terrifying expression as he stood near the Immortal Domain.

"The Wanlong Jin Sect killed my disciples of Huaxian Mountain without any reason. Now we, Huaxian Mountain, want to avenge our shame."

"Really, but I think it's not that easy for you to pay."

Master Wanlongjin only needed one word. Many masters left here, and a large number of fights broke out instantly. The two sides had already had their grudges before, and now they obviously would no longer hide it, and they all used their trump cards. .

Chen Xuan did not follow many people to the fighting area, but stayed in Huaxian Mountain.

Cave Zheng

Chen Xuan was suspended in mid-air, with the nearby fairy sword magic runes constantly moving, and the terrifying power of the fairy sword magic condensed.

And near his soul, there is obviously also the terrifying rune soul power.

"go to hell."

Not sure how much time had passed, Chen Xuan let out a low drink, and a broken sound suddenly came from the ground.

Then it was like the rune soul power of the God of Death emerged from his soul. This power was really terrifying.


Under Chen Xuan's suppression, the power of the rune soul condensed into a raging aura in the ground, which was very surprising. If anyone were here, it would definitely be very shocking.

Just at this time!

Terrifying sounds were heard, and this turbulent aura kept moving and changing.

Chen Xuan turned around, feeling very surprised in his heart, with a little smile on his face.

Go to hell.

As his voice fell, the power of the rune soul was instantly withdrawn, and the turbulent aura in the ground disappeared directly.

In his place, the soul has undergone tremendous changes.

"At the late stage of the fifth level of True Immortal Grade, I didn't expect this breakthrough."

Chen Xuandao, although very quiet, could hardly hide his happiness. It took him so long to finally break through.

The cultivation in Lulu Xianshan Sect has finally completed a breakthrough. The breakthrough of the soul is the late stage breakthrough of the fifth level of True Immortal Grade.

"My soul and the protective aura on the surface are almost equivalent to those of a first-time master of the third level of Shenlong Breaking God. However, there has been no breakthrough in the Immortal Sword Art, but I think it shouldn't be very difficult to break through."

Chen Xuan smiled helplessly.

His strongest trump card is the Immortal Sword Art, but until now, there is no breakthrough at all, so he can't help but be a little anxious, but it is useless to be anxious.

Just as he was thinking, his consciousness and soul were suddenly very surprised, and then many specific messages poured into his consciousness, making him slightly surprised.

In an instant, the same doubt appeared in his soul phantom.

The soul phantom that was directly separated by the mysterious master finally continued to communicate, and the connection between them gradually became clear.

What happened.

Chen Xuan used his spiritual power and discovered the phantom of the soul, and then he showed a surprised expression.

"He is in the northern area, improving his cultivation."

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