"Is Chen Xuan okay?" The leader of Huaxian Mountain whispered, a little worried.

Zhao Yunlei said: "Don't worry, this ghost formation ancestor knows Chen Xuan. If there is an accident, he can't see Chen Xuan in danger and not help."

Chen Xuan waved his long sword and flew between the ground, staring at Shao Yang calmly.

"I was able to defeat you back then, and I can still defeat you now."

Chen Xuan was full of sarcasm: "At the same time, I was able to forcibly seize your Jinyun Sword last time, and I can still do it this time."

"You must die." Shao Yang was furious.

Chen Xuan's words angered Shao Yang.

Shao Yang shouted loudly, and flew directly between the ground with the wind. His body turned into a mysterious aura and attacked Chen Xuan desperately.

And there was a sound of sword energy coming from the ground, and many warriors were all very surprised and began to retreat.

"That's Shao Yang."

Deep in the sky, hundreds of forces were watching in secret, and they were very surprised when they saw the aura bursting out from Shao Yang.

"It is said that Shaoyang got a very precious magic weapon in the Xianshan Sect. Now he has broken through to the late stage of the second level of the Divine Dragon and his cultivation is even more terrifying."

"I have never heard of this disciple of Huaxianshan before. He is also in the late stage of the second level of the Divine Dragon. I wonder if he can defend against Shaoyang's attack."

"Master Ghost Array seems to care about him very much."

Many forces are discussing.

And the battle has already begun.

Song Dong sneered at Huaxianshan, aiming to use Shaoyang to reduce the loss of Wanlong Jinzong to zero.

"As long as he wins, there is no need for my Wanlong Jinzong to give up the fairyland."

Song Dong said in his heart: "At the same time, this guy named Chen Xuan seems to have a very strong talent and cultivation. If he is killed, Huaxianshan will have no choice. And Wanlong Jindian may not be able to unite with them."

This is simply a good thing.

Song Dong showed a horrible expression in his heart, as if he had seen their hope.

At this time.

In the ground, a surging fiery red power was released instantly, forming a terrifying green gate near Chen Xuan.

In the Qingmen, the Golden Cloud Sword attacked desperately.

The Golden Cloud Sword went straight to Chen Xuan at this moment.

When it was about to approach Chen Xuan, it turned into a long sword, and its power increased a lot.

At this time!

The surging power was radiated. Although Shao Yang had previously broken through to the late stage of the second level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God, his power was even stronger than that of the warriors in the late stage of the second level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God.

"Shao Yang is too terrifying."

"Wanlong Jinzong actually has such a terrifying talent." Many warriors sighed incomparably.

All the people in Wanlong Jindian carefully observed the front and were a little worried about Chen Xuan, but seeing the calm expression of the Ghost Array Patriarch, Zhao Yunlei and Wang Junhao didn't know what to do. Now only the Ghost Array Patriarch was very calm.

He knew Chen Xuan's cultivation better than all the warriors, but it was only Shao Yang. Even if the warriors who had just entered the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God wanted to kill Chen Xuan, it would be difficult.


Soon the Golden Cloud Sword carried a terrifying power and killed Chen Xuan angrily.

The power of Suzaku Nirvana was fully activated, and the terrifying Immortal Sword Rune wrapped Chen Xuan's body, forming the Immortal Sword Aura, defending against the attack of the Golden Cloud Sword.

What happened?

At this moment, Shao Yang was also a little confused.

"I just want to see how many times you can defend."

Then Shao Yang withdrew his spiritual power, increased the power of the technique, and angrily pushed the Golden Cloud Sword to attack Chen Xuan's body.

But the power of Suzaku Nirvana was very strong, and the Golden Cloud Sword had no way to break through.

Facing the crazy Shao Yang, Chen Xuan smiled calmly.

"Can you deal with my swordsmanship?"

Chen Xuan's voice was transmitted to Shao Yang.

His body trembled, and then he looked at Chen Xuan.

At this moment, Chen Xuan gently raised the long sword, holding the long sword tightly, and released the sword energy very terrifyingly.

"You don't have the power to be my opponent now."

Chen Xuan's voice was very terrifying, and his terrifying sword energy was released, and the air suddenly became gloomy, and the whole ground was completely dark.

And the whole space seemed to be broken, the power passed through the Golden Cloud Sword, the extremely powerful power, and came to Shaoyang's body Zheng

"It's really damn it."

Shaoyang shouted and frantically defended.

But he had no way.

At this moment.

Chen Xuan's terrifying breath hit Shaoyang.

His body flew backwards directly.

And Chen Xuan sat down and instantly absorbed the Golden Cloud Sword that burst out instantly.

"Go to hell."

Chen Xuan released a breath.

The Golden Cloud Sword was instantly restored and was picked up by Chen Xuan, and there was no way to resume action.

In the ground, it was madly releasing terrifying power.

The warriors who watched secretly showed a puzzled expression and did not have the courage to believe.

They thought there would be a shocking battle before, but Shaoyang, who was called the strongest top talent of Wanlong Jinzong, was defeated, and the Golden Cloud Sword was sealed.

How powerful is Chen Xuan's cultivation.

In secret, everyone was surprised, and hundreds of warriors were even more surprised.

Everyone in Huaxian Mountain and Wanlong Golden Palace was surprised, and then burst into a lot of praise.

The Ghost Array Master stared at Chen Xuan's body and laughed calmly, meaning.

"How is it possible."

Director Song, who was originally very confident, was trembling and surprised after seeing what happened.

"There is absolutely no possibility, no possibility. If the difference in cultivation level is not very big, there is no way he could lose to him."

Director Song is crazy. He can't accept the current situation.

But after all, he was also a warrior who had been practicing for millions of years. He directly used his skills to bring Shaoyang, who was seriously injured, not far away.


Chen Xuan looked at Shao Yang, put back the Golden Cloud Sword, and turned back not far from the Ghost Array Patriarch.


After Shao Yang heard this, his protective spiritual energy shattered. Although his inner anger had reached the extreme, Song Dong could only agree that Wanlong Jinzong was no match.

"We, the Wanlong Jin Sect, are no match."

If you lose, you can only offer other immortal realms.

"Offering the Immortal Realm on your own initiative? Haha, I, the Wanlong Jin Sect, will go back to discuss it and will give an answer within three or four months."

After that, Director Song dragged Shaoyang's body and turned around to leave.

"We won."

Many warriors in Huaxian Mountain suddenly shouted in excitement. They did not expect that the final result would be like this.

"Chen Xuan is too scary."

This is the inner thought of all the monks. Zhao Yunlei, the sect leader of Huaxian Mountain, Wang Junhao and other warriors stared at Chen Xuan and respected him very much.

The various sects observing in secret also left quickly.

They knew that after this terrifying battle, Huaxian Mountain and the Wanlong Golden Palace were completely united, and that the western region would be controlled by them for a long time.

At this moment, many people put Chen Xuan in the middle. The result of this battle was beyond the original thoughts of all the monks.

Before, it was just a competition between Wanlong Golden Sect and Huaxian Mountain, but even Wanlong Golden Palace will come in.

At the same time, what is very important is when will the peak of the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Stage appear in the Bandung Golden Palace.

After all, in a place like the west area where almost no one comes, the peak of the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Stage is the top. The emergence of the third level peak of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Stage makes the Wanlong Golden Palace even more powerful.

During the previous period, there were some other sects that were even stronger than Wanlong Jin Sect, and they were prepared to attack secretly while they were hurting each other.

But after seeing the terrifying power of the Ghost Array Patriarch, they all gave up the idea.

After the battle ended, the reputation of the Ghost Formation Patriarch also resounded throughout the western region.

Any warrior who mentions him will remember his terrifying power of runes.

There were already many ruins in the previous fighting area.

Chen Xuan stood on the ground, staring at the murderous Immortal Realm, and he shook his head slightly.

The Patriarch of the Ghost Array has returned to the Wanlong Golden Palace. He told Chen Xuan that if something happened, he could come directly to the Wanlong Golden Palace. During the conversation with the Patriarch of the Ghost Array, Chen Xuan discovered that the Patriarch of the Ghost Array had completely let go of the past. , preparing to hide in the Bandung Golden Palace.

At the same time, it was also heard from him that he seemed to want to accept Zhao Budong as his disciple.

It's very simple to think about it. There is a 100% chance that Zhao Budong's cultivation level will increase instantly next time.

In about a week, most of the people in the Wanlong Golden Palace returned, and only the master of the Wanlong Golden Palace stayed in Huaxian Mountain.

At present, they are patiently waiting for Wanlong Golden Sect to take the initiative to give the Immortal Domain, even if it takes a huge amount of effort. After this battle, Wanlong Golden Palace and Huaxian Mountain are completely united, which is very good for Huaxian Mountain. This also made Zhao Yunlei very surprised by Chen and regarded him as the successor of Huaxian Mountain.

Moreover, Chen Xuan's name is also resounding throughout the entire western region. A guy who is in the late stage of Shenlong Second Level Breaking God can actually seal Shaoyang directly without even watching the attack of Jinyun Sword. What a terrifying cultivation level this requires.

After the battle ended, many sects began to inquire about Chen Xuan's specific information. They were even more surprised to hear that Chen Xuan had never come from the Xianshan Sect.

Hundreds of warriors all shook their heads helplessly. If there is a talent in Huaxian Mountain, it won't be long before he can even stand at the top of the western region.

Huaxian Mountain.

"Zhao Yunlei."

Near Chen Xuan, there were the sect masters of Wanlong Golden Palace, Zhao Yunlei, Wang Junhao, and several warriors from the sect masters of Huaxian Mountain. At this moment, Chen Xuan used his spiritual power to take out the Golden Cloud Sword from the Green Mountain Stone.

"This Golden Cloud Sword is of no use to me, just keep it in the sect." Chen Xuan said and gave the Golden Cloud Sword to Zhao Yunlei.

Zhao Yunlei showed a puzzled expression, followed by surprise.

Zhao Yunlei knew how precious the Golden Cloud Sword was. It was the top magic weapon of the Wanlong Golden Sect and was very powerful.

Chen Xuan could have used this in exchange for some precious things, but now he suddenly gave the Golden Cloud Sword to Huaxian Mountain, which made Zhao Yunlei feel very helpless.

"You are also a cultivator. The Golden Cloud Sword is rare for cultivators. You should practice in seclusion." Zhao Yunlei said helplessly.

Chen Xuan has made his decision and there is nothing to change.

"My immortal sword technique is very different from that of Wanlong Jin Sect. His Golden Cloud Sword is of no use to me."

Seeing Chen Xuan's attitude, Zhao Yunlei did not continue, and he put back the Jin Yun Sword.

"Chen Xuan, you have made great achievements in this battle. Just speak and the sect will give you a hand," Zhao Yunlei said.

Chen Xuan agreed in his heart: "Then thank you very much, Mr. Zhao Yunlei."

After chatting for a few words, Chen Xuan left here. Staring at his departing body, the master of the Wanlong Golden Palace and Wang Junhao all sighed.

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