Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6217 No warrior is allowed to trample

The aura between the earth and the ground was restored, and there was no trace of the Demon Sect's aura nearby. He was right, Chen Xuan's was from the third-layer outer domain.

This is his territory, and no warriors are allowed to trample on it on a large scale.


The Firebird Patriarch, who was sealed in the third layer of outer territory, broke through the seal and came to Zhengshan Mountain.

"It's Chen Xuan."

Tens of millions of years have passed, and the firebird ancestor's heart is full of surprise.

In his eyes, Chen Xuan was just a weak warrior before. Now Chen Xuan has become the top master of the third level. He has even become very famous in the central world of Pangu.

Now that guy at the beginning has become the top master before the third-level outer domain.

"The Firebird Patriarch."

Chen Xuan agreed with him very much.

When he first arrived at the third level, he had received attentive help from the Firebird Patriarch.

Chen Xuan respected the Firebird Patriarch very much. Even with his current cultivation level, which was powerful enough to destroy the third-level outer realm, he still respected him.

"The sect leader of the Golden Turtle Demon Sect has been killed by me. There is nothing wrong with the third level outer domain and the third level." Chen Xuandao.

"Very good. Fortunately, you came back at the right time, otherwise they would never give up."

The Firebird Patriarch was very surprised in his heart. If Chen Xuan did not come back in time, he almost didn't dare to think about what would happen next. There was even a high chance that their entire army would be annihilated, and everyone would die by then.

Hearing that the danger on the third level was lifted, he finally felt relieved.

But what surprised him even more was that the leader of the Golden Turtle Demon Sect was actually beheaded by Chen Xuan.

"The cultivation level of the leader of the Golden Turtle Demon Sect is considered to be at the top level among the masters of the Dragon Breaking God."

Firebird Patriarch said in surprise.

"There are many possibilities that the cultivation level of the sect leader of the Golden Turtle Demon Sect is at the late stage of the Shenlong Second Level Breaking God." Chen Xuan continued.

The Firebird Patriarch showed a puzzled expression, and was surprised in his heart.

Now the look he looked at Chen Xuan also became mysterious.

Previously, with the improvement of the overall cultivation of the third level, he was more exposed to some real mysteries than before. Now he also understands that the master of the Shenlong Breaking God is in the late stage of the terrifying Shenlong Second Breaking God Stage.

It's just that he didn't expect that Chen Xuan could actually kill the leader of the Golden Turtle Demon Sect who was at the late stage of the Shenlong Second Breaking God Stage. This was so powerful that he simply couldn't imagine it.

But even though he was trembling in his heart, he knew that he had to quickly return to Yunpomen to see if the Immortal Bird Clan had any losses this time.

"Since there is nothing going on in the outer realm of the third level, I will return to the Ten Thousand Demons area first." The Firebird Patriarch said with an expression on Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan agreed in his heart, took out a sword from Najie and gave it to the Firebird Patriarch.

what is going on?

When he saw the sword, Firebird Patriarch was a little surprised.

"In the past, you gave me thousands of Vermillion Bird Immortal Sword Techniques, and this is what I gave to you." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

The Firebird Patriarch didn’t know what to do.

Finally, he put the sword back, and he agreed very much in his heart: "I will accept it."

The next moment, Firebird Patriarch stamped his feet on the ground and disappeared.

In the third-layer outer domain, the terrifying star space, all the beetle demon gates were struck by terror.

Chen Xuan passed the news to the Sword God Sect. Under the leadership of the Sword God Sect, the entire star space, many top sects, all asked their masters to search for the disciples of the Golden Turtle Demon Sect hiding in the dark, hoping to kill them all.

Chen Xuan, on the other hand, obviously focused all his attention on the center of the mountain range.

"What on earth is here that can trigger the Golden Turtle Demon Sect to attack with all its strength."

Chen Xuan's expression was a little dark and he thought.

Chen Xuan has heard about the battle with the leader of the Golden Turtle Demon Sect. The Golden Turtle Demon Sect is very powerful. What he has seen so far is only what appears on the surface.

There are many possibilities that in the central world of Pangu, the top sect behind the Golden Turtle Demon Sect is secretly observing the famous sect.

Chen Xuan stared at the center of the mountain range, and suddenly felt the invisible defense of the terrifying formation in the ground, blocking him.

what is going on?

Chen Xuan's expression was a little dark, and his heart was full of tremors.

Then he showed a puzzled expression and stared at Dao Xingkong without the courage to believe it.

First, Ziyun magic weapon was activated, and several fiery red auras emitted from Suzaku's soul. The next moment, hundreds of mysterious auras flashed in the ground near him.

These red scents are actually very familiar.

"Jinluan Broken Sword."

Chen Xuan was almost surprised.

Obviously, Chen Xuan had clearly felt the red aura on the Jinluan Broken Sword before.

At this moment.

The Jinluan Broken Sword instantly appeared on the ground, standing in the center of the ground.

Chen Xuan activated him, and a terrifying aura emerged. The mysterious red aura on the golden broken sword emerged and circulated rapidly.

Chen Xuan's face showed trembling. At this time, he was also thinking in his heart, could Director Zhao have been here before.

"My ancestor has never been here before."

Jinluan broke his sword.

"But there is no way to explain why the red aura here is the same as yours." Chen Xuan said loudly.

"You can give it a try and activate the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent."

After hearing the words of the golden broken sword, Chen Xuan secretly activated the nine-star power of Tao Sword Intent.

Suddenly, the terrifying nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent spread throughout his body. He felt that the power in his body was constantly improving, and seemed to be completely suppressing his body.

At this moment, Chen Xuan noticed a little different change.

"The power of the nine stars of Dao Sword Intent has a corresponding effect."

Chen Xuan was very surprised.

What is there in the center of the mountain range that can actually have a corresponding effect on the power of the nine stars of Dao Sword Intention.

"You feel it." Jin Luan said with broken sword.

Chen Xuan agreed in his heart, and Jin Luan Broken Sword continued: "In fact, what is in the center of this mountain range is just the power of the nine stars of the sword intention."

"The nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent."

Chen Xuan was even more surprised. Director Zhao had not come to this place at all. The power of the nine stars of Dao Sword Intent was not naturally formed. If so, where did it come from.

"Master Ancestor was fighting with someone before, and the nine-star power of the sword intention was broken and appeared in the central continent of Pangu. It is estimated that one of the nine-star power of the sword intention wandered here." Jin Luan broke the sword and said: "And this compressed The space of stars happened to appear here..."

Chen Xuan couldn't say anything. It turned out to be the reason.

"The power of the nine stars of the sword intention is actually the unique skill of the ancestor, which is very powerful. Although it is only the power of the nine stars of the sword intention, it can still slowly change the star space. Before you leave here, have you ever I have a feeling that the power of Tao here is different from other compressed star spaces. "

Chen Xuan's expression was slightly nervous. After comparing the third layer of outer realm, he finally discovered it.

Seeing Chen Xuan's expression, Jin Luan broke his sword and said: "Actually, this was created by the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intention. This compressed star space had been secretly changed by the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intention. The power of Tao has the aura of Zhao Bureau, so this is also why a powerful top talent like you can appear in the third-level outer realm."

Chen Xuan was a little confused in his heart.

"Let's stop talking nonsense for the time being. Go in and absorb the power of the nine stars of the sword intent." When Chen Xuan was a little confused, Jin Luan broke his sword and said.

Moreover, the Jinluan Broken Sword now evolved into a fiery red aura, breaking through the invisible defense of the terrifying formation, completely releasing the nine-star power of the Dao Sword Intent hidden in the center of the mountain range.

The Jinluan Broken Sword suppressed the entire mountain range, and the terrifying nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent filled the entire mountain range in a stream of dim aura.

Chen Xuan felt that the nine-star power of the Dao Sword Intention in his body was very terrifying, and he first released the terrifying power.

It's really scary...

The power of the nine-star power of these sword intents far exceeds the nine-star power that Chen Xuan has cultivated well.

A dim breath appeared slowly, and it was connected with the nine-star power of the Dao Sword Intent in Chen Xuan's body. When Chen Xuan approached the dim breath without being suppressed, he could finally absorb the Dao Sword. The power of the nine-star sword intention has the Jinluan Broken Sword, and with Chen Xuan relying on his talent, he can feel the nine-star power of the sword intention from the inheritance. This time it is relatively simple.

The power in his body filled the air, and his aura exploded. He suppressed the long sword tightly, directly breaking through the nearby starry sky, and a space storm appeared instantly.

It's really scary...

Chen Xuan felt that the power in his body was too terrifying.

Although there was no breakthrough in his cultivation at all, after absorbing the nine-star power of these swords, his strength at least achieved a lot.

"Before, when I faced the masters who had just entered the third level of Shenlong Breaking God, I had many possibilities to avoid their attacks in the past, but now I have the confidence to completely suppress the masters who have just entered the third level of Shenlong Breaking God." Chen Xuan's confidence is very obvious. The way.

"It's really gratifying."

The Jinluan Broken Sword was released instantly, the mountains returned to calm, and the nearby suppression was also lifted.

"How does it feel?" Jin Luan Duanjian asked doubtfully.

He had followed Zhao Bureau to kill all the demon sects before, and he was already very clear about the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent.

"It's so terrifying. The power of the nine stars of these swords is at least equivalent to what I have practiced for more than ten years." Chen Xuan sighed.

"You are just practicing now, how can you compare with the ancestor." Jin Luan Broken Sword said very calmly.

"The nine-star power of your sword intention is broken, and the world of Pangu Central Continent appears somewhere. Can I search for the nine-star power of the sword intention hidden in the dark to condense the world of ten thousand revolutions." Chen Xuan laughed out loud.

However, Jin Luan Broken Sword soon revealed the truth.

"This is not that simple. With your current cultivation level, you are not considered powerful in the central world of Pangu. You actually want to find the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent." Jin Luan Broken Sword said: "At that time, the ancestor and the enemy The battle spread throughout the entire Pangu Central Continent. The nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent almost completely destroyed most of the Pangu Central World. However, the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent that appeared anywhere in the world cannot be very strong. You absorbed it before. Yes, it's just that the nine-star power of the sword intention is not very strong." Jin Luan Duanjian said: "In that case, I will be blunt. Even if the nine-star power of the sword intention appears, there is nothing you can do. absorb."

Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly.

At this moment Jinluan Duanjian continued: "Not to mention your cultivation level, it is simply impossible to find the nine-star power that can obtain the Dao Sword Intent."

Although the Jinluan Broken Sword can sense the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent, Chen Xuan's current cultivation level is really not good enough. There is no way to unleash the true power of the Jinluan Broken Sword. There is no way he can do it now.

Chen Xuan agreed in his heart and could only give up temporarily.

"I will absorb all the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent that appears in the central continent world of Pangu."

Chen Xuan firmly suppressed the long sword, and after a slight re-preparation, Chen Xuan left the mountain range.

dark space, earth

There is a snow mountain. At this moment, a loud shout came out from the snow mountain, breaking the silence in the dark space.


The aura contained very powerful power, and the whole place was very surprised.

"Damned upright warriors from famous families, destroying my plan of the Golden Turtle Demon Sect."

In the snowy mountains, a warrior in white clothes stood on the ground and shouted angrily.

Nearby, several elders of the Eternal Dragon Demon Sect were trembling.

"My plan has been going on for millions of years, and I have obtained the nine-star power of thirty swords. It took a lot of effort to discover these thirty. And in order to defend the ancestors of Pangu's central world, Even using the top magic weapon in the sect and the three layers of defense, I didn’t expect that my plan still failed.”

The white-clothed warrior was filled with anger.

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