This actually surprised the Ghost Array Patriarch. He felt even more horrified than before. The magic weapon in the Magic Dragon Qixiancao Cultivation Garden was lost. This matter was very important. It was absolutely impossible for Jiu Sect to ignore it, and at least send out some sound, but now they still have no movement.

A few days later.

Chen Xuan floated leisurely in the pavilion, and suddenly the starry sky kept moving, and the dim auras condensed into a fiery red light.

"Chen Xuan."

The Domain Chief Territory Lord laughed helplessly after seeing Chen Xuan.

"grown ups."

Chen Xuan showed an expression of surprise and was very happy. After he got the magic weapon from the Demonic Dragon Qixiancao Cultivation Garden, he was not worried about the revenge of the Nine Sects. This was because he had communicated with the Domain Master, but it was only the Nine Sects. He was afraid that What.

"You actually got all the magical weapons from the entire Demonic Dragon Qixiancao Cultivation Garden. If I were the master of the Nine Sects, I would be equally crazy." The Domain Master said with a smile.

"What can the central region do now?" Chen Xuan said with a little doubt in his heart.

"Until you left, there was no more terrifying talent." The domain chief said: "In order to deal with the nine gates this time, I will return to the central domain for retreat."

Chen Xuan agreed in his heart: "There are adults here, but it's only the Nine Sects, so there's no need to worry.

At this moment, a large number of terrifying warriors from the nine sects were going crazy, and no warrior was not worried about them.

"What happened."

"Jiumen, what exactly are you going to do?"

"Before, the Nine Sects wanted to attack the western area, kill the Wanlong Golden Palace, and occupy them."

Among the many warriors, there was a monk. Suddenly, hundreds of warriors were very surprised.

"What? Kill the Wanlong Golden Palace and occupy them."

The hearts of many warriors are filled with trembling. They cannot think about how crazy the purpose of the Nine Sects is.

"Jiumen has always been the top force in the Northeast region, but currently they are also the strongest in the Western region. I heard that they have long valued the Western region."

"This time, many terrifying warriors from the Nine Sects have started planning, and it is estimated that there are many possibilities of preparing to occupy the western area."

This terrifying battle was about to begin, and the news that Jiumen had started planning spread quickly.

Many arguments broke out in the west area instantly, and an atmosphere of terror quickly filled the entire west area.

Except for the Wanlong Golden Palace, which had been planned before, the other forces were all very shocked. If the Nine Sects were targeting the entire western region, after the Wanlong Golden Palace was wiped out, they would be next.

People from many sects united in the fairyland controlled by Wanlong Golden Palace. At this moment, the leader of Wanlong Golden Palace found them and asked them what happened this time.

And they also expressed the idea of ​​​​confronting each other together. Although the Nine Sects are powerful, it is also impossible to kill the Wanlong Golden Palace in the recent period.

In the sky of Dao Star, Chen Xuan and the Territory Master came together and hung in the air.

Looking at the chessboard that Chen Xuan suddenly took out, he looked at Chen Xuan with a little doubt, how could he get such a good nine-star chessboard.

"This chessboard belongs to Shangguan Yunhao." Chen Xuandao.

"Shangguan Yunho."

The domain chief showed a puzzled expression, and then said in surprise.

He showed a puzzled expression and stared at Chen Xuan. Was it Shangguan Yunhao who had caused a sensation in the entire Pangu Center world?

Chen Xuan agreed in his heart, and the domain chief was a little surprised in his heart, and then felt very helpless.

"So that's what happened. This chessboard comes from Shangguan Yunho."

The domain chief said: "Shangguan Yunhao is actually a real strong man. The nine-star chessboard he refined, even the very top players want to use this chessboard to play chess. But Shangguan Yunhao also has a relatively strong personality. Strange, only the warriors he recognizes can get the chessboard he made."

Now the Territory Chief Territory Lord has a big mouth and finally discovered a problem.

"You were, this chessboard was given to you by Shangguan Yunho."

The domain chief said in confusion.

"It's totally good. I have been promoted in the Northern Xinjiang area for a while before, and the Blue Dragon Blood Moon Secret Realm was opened. When I went inside, I happened to find Shangguan Yunhao, and he gave me some nine-star chessboards." Chen Xuandao.

The Domain Chief Domain Master was delighted: "It turns out that's the reason. You are indeed a warrior from our domain. Shangguan Yunhao's spiritual power is very high, and his personality is very strange. It's good that you can be recognized by him."

The domain chief domain master knew very well that the power of the Nine Transformation Gods chessboard was very precious, and he was very surprised at this moment.

With the Nine Stars Chessboard there, the Domain Chief seemed to be anxious to get him to play chess. Soon, they were immersed in the Nine Stars Shenlong Chessboard.

It's unclear how much time had passed, but suddenly the Domain Master put down the sunspot in his hand and stared not far away.

What happened.

Chen Xuan saw the area master's rear end and whispered: "Are they coming?"

The Territory Chief Territory Lord agreed in his heart: "Nine Sects almost have many warriors led by the Nine Sect Masters alone."

The Territory Chief Territory Lord shook his head helplessly and said: "There is no need to worry, I will help you."

Deep in the sky, a large number of warriors from the Nine Sects were walking towards the Immortal Domain controlled by the Wanlong Golden Palace.

The power near them exuded a power that surprised many warriors. Even though they were far away, they could still feel the terrifying movement.

"Lord Sect Master, not far away is the Immortal Domain under the control of the Wanlong Golden Palace."

The second elder of the Nine Sects walked up to the Lord of the Nine Sects and whispered.

"Grandmaster of the Ghost Formation, crawl out from the ground."

The nine sect masters, Earth, suddenly spread a large amount of time and air energy, covering the entire Immortal Realm. Within the Immortal Realm, hundreds of warriors were instantly seriously injured.

Soon the turbulent aura of the technique spread out and enveloped the entire Immortal Realm. The Ghost Array Patriarch, who was protected by a gray defensive layer, flew above the Immortal Realm, looking at the many terrifying warriors of the Nine Sects with his purple eyes.

"Lord Sect Master, what do you want to do?"

The founder of the Ghost Formation said in a deep and puzzled voice.

"I think you, the founder of the Ghost Array, know best." The master of the Nine Sects showed a horrified expression and said: "You, the Wanlong Golden Palace, secretly united with other forces to secretly take away all the treasures in my Nine Sects' Demonic Dragon Air Fairy Grass Cultivation Garden. What does Caidibao mean?"

"Do you think I, the Wanlong Golden Palace, have this level of cultivation?"

The Patriarch of the Ghost Array said coldly: "The Demonic Dragon Qi Immortal Grass Cultivation Garden is trying to secretly take it away from the mysterious ruins. This matter was not done by me at the Wanlong Golden Palace at all. I don't know anything."

"Stop talking nonsense. Now I, the Nine Sects, want to kill your Wanlong Golden Palace." The master of the Nine Sects said arrogantly: "Now there is no Wanlong Golden Palace in the west area. It's a pity that the one called Chen Xuan The guy is finally going to die today.”

Finally, the invincible masters of the second level of the divine dragon realm from the nine sects united to perform their techniques.

Just at this time!

As long as the Wanlong Golden Palace's second level invincible master of the divine dragon realm is killed, the Wanlong Golden Palace will definitely suffer a terrifying blow.

"We will risk our lives to protect our Bandung Golden Palace."

Many invincible experts at the second level of the divine dragon realm, led by the sect leader of the Wanlong Golden Palace, also used their techniques crazily.

Outside the Immortal Realm, many invincible masters at the second level of the Divine Dragon Realm fought together, Dao Xingkong was broken, and an invincible expert at the second level of the Divine Dragon Realm released a huge power.

With so many invincible experts at the second level of the Divine Dragon Realm performing their techniques together, the entire western area will be completely destroyed.

Deep in the sky, hundreds of various sects were hiding in the dark, and they were trembling inwardly when they saw the movement.

In an instant, a divine dragon died in the Bandung Golden Palace, reaching the invincible state.

"It's really damn good."

The master of the Wanlong Golden Palace gave a loud shout, but there was nothing he could do.

An invincible expert at the second level of the divine dragon realm, even if one looks closely at the entire western region, can definitely be regarded as a top expert, and there are not many in the Wanlong Golden Palace. However, now an elder at the second level of the divine dragon realm has been Kill directly.

"It's really funny. Your Bandung Golden Palace will never escape my grasp."

In the distance, the master of the Nine Sects showed a terrifying expression at this moment.

At the same time, his eyes are on the founder of the ghost formation. Who has the power to use the sealing method to obtain the top magic weapon?

Now there is only the Ghost Array Patriarch.

"I want to see how long you can fight with me."

The master of the Nine Sects said in his heart.

He was forcing the Ghost Formation Patriarch to take out those top magic weapons and then snatch them away.

"The things belonging to my Nine Sects cannot be taken by anyone of any status."

The fighting nearby at this moment is very terrifying.

An invincible elder at the second level of the divine dragon realm died in the Wanlong Golden Palace, followed by other elders, as if they were risking their lives.

In the middle of the ground, Chen Xuan and the Territory Chief Territory Lord were watching.

"Master Chief Territory Lord." Chen Xuan said quickly and suddenly.

The Territory Chief Territory Lord agreed in his heart, and then gently waved his sword.

In the battle area, Dao Xingkong was suddenly wiped out, and the surging aura quickly formed a terrifying invisible defense formation, directly breaking up the invincible battle between several top forces at the second level of the Divine Dragon Realm.

Then, in the gap between space and time in the starry sky, a terrifying aura erupted. These auras formed an invisible defense formation and appeared between several major areas.

The sudden change made the Nine Sect Masters a little confused.

"what happened."

The Master of the Nine Sects stared at the invisible defense of the powerful formation.

At this moment, he was shocked in his heart, his face was very surprised, and he looked towards the ground in utter disbelief.

Terrifying news permeated the entire land. Hundreds of warriors were violently attacked and very confused.

"What kind of person is blocking my nine gates?"

The Master of the Nine Sects suppressed the trembling in his heart and showed his expression to Dao Xingkong.

Being able to directly separate many battles in the invincible realm of Shenlong Breaking God, it was very clear without thinking that the warrior was actually a terrifying third level Shenlong Breaking God stage.

At this moment, the master of the Nine Sects also had a little thought on his face. Could it be that the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God stage, together with the Wanlong Golden Palace, secretly took away the Magic Dragon Air Fairy Grass Cultivation Garden to obtain the magic weapon.

At this moment.

A mysterious warrior appeared on the invisible defense of the Dao Star Sky Formation.

"Nine gates."

The Domain Chief Domain Master stared at the Nine Sect Masters and said.

"I want to ask what your identity is."

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