Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6230 The chief domain master of Tianyu is back

Several rays of fiery red light flew between the ground, and he stood in front of the space-time gap where the stars condensed, but at this moment.

I saw the domain chief waving his long sword gently, and the dim aura broke into the terrifying aura one after another, breaking the terrifying aura. Before, Zhao Budong thought that he would definitely be killed, without any doubts, but he didn't expect that now he didn't. Any injuries.

"I'm alive."

Zhao Budong looked at Chen Xuan in surprise and anxiety.

"How can it be."

A very surprised cry came from the Eternal Dragon Demon Sect.

He got news that the domain chief and Lord Wang were going to visit one of the secret realms. There was no way to come back during the recent period.

"It's really damn good."

"There's no use thinking too much."

It is definitely impossible for him to fight one-on-one with the domain master.

In an instant, he burst out with all his strength and flew towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan must die no matter what.

"It's just asking for death."

The expression of the Domain Chief Territory Lord was a little dark, and he wanted to kill Chen Xuan under his nose.

He instantly appeared near the Eternal Dragon Demon Sect.

A terrifying sword energy was released, knocking the people of the Eternal Dragon Demon Sect away, and then he released another terrifying sword energy, completely sealing the people of the Eternal Dragon Demon Sect.

Mr. Wang in the distance looked very surprised at this moment. Fortunately, he did not fight with the domain chief, otherwise he would die later.

At this moment, a raging sword energy was released, killing the Eternal Dragon Demon Sect.

"The Nine Sects secretly unite with the warriors of the Eternal Dragon Demon Sect. I will never let you go."

go to hell!

When Lord Wang used his skills, the warriors of the Nine Sects had no defense at all.

"There is absolutely no possibility that I will be killed."

The leader of the Nine Sects used all his strength to use a fiery red aura from Najie, and then released him completely.

Just at this time!

His body was shattered instantly, and his soul disappeared directly.

Lord Wang waved his long sword, and the escaping soul exploded out, directly filling the area.

"The Territory Chief Territory Master, the Nine Sects have taken refuge in me, and have many connections with me. Give me a chance, and I will never let them go from the Nine Sects." Wang Daren said solemnly.

"Haha, go ahead."

Not long after, Master Wang left the Wanlong Golden Palace.

"It doesn't matter to you."

The Chief Territory Lord looked at Chen Xuandao.

"Fortunately, sir, you are back, otherwise they would never give up."

Chen Xuan said helplessly, he did not expect that the Eternal Dragon Demon Sect would actually find him. It seems that he was discovered by them in the third layer of outer land.

More than a month later, a terrorist attack hit Jiumen in Northeast China.

The warrior who performs the technique is the guardian of the Nine Sects, Lord Wang Ju.

When this news came out, many warriors were surprised as to why Master Wang fell out with the Nine Sects, but only those top sects understood that the Nine Sects had taken refuge in the Demon Sect and secretly united with the warriors of the Eternal Dragon Demon Sect.

The killing of the nine sects made many sects, whether in the western region or other regions, realize the powerful power of the triple invincible master of the Shenlong Breaking God Stage.

After the nine sects were killed, Mr. Wang looked very helpless. He went over alone and gave the area that the nine sects were originally in charge of to the domain chief. In the end, this area fell into the hands of the Wanlong Golden Palace.

When there are a lot of changes happening in other areas.

Chen Xuan and the domain chief were sitting together playing chess and drinking tea.

"Master Chief Territory Lord, how much do you know about the Eternal Dragon Demon Sect?" Chen Xuan said with a little doubt in his heart.

He informed the domain chief and domain master of everything that happened in the third-level outer domain.

He paused for a moment and then said: "The Eternal Dragon Demon Sect is very strong, so powerful that even I don't know about them. I'm afraid the famous and decent people have already understood what happened on the third level. The Eternal Dragon Demon Sect has been hiding in the dark. Come out at this time. , It must be a ploy, but you don’t have to worry about this at all, the famous and decent senior officials will take care of it all.”

The Territory Chief Territory Lord was a little helpless. He was worried that they would secretly use their skills on Chen Xuan.

"Your talents and cultivation are very terrifying. The Eternal Dragon Demon Sect will never allow you to break through such a terrifying person. There is a 100% chance that they will not be able to bear it at all costs and completely obliterate you." The domain chief said: "With this, As for the future, you should be more cautious, never go anywhere else, and inform me in time if there is any danger."

His soul phantom has been protecting the central area. Compared with the matter of the Wanlong Golden Palace, the central area is a very critical matter. At the same time, during the recent period, the Eternal Dragon Demon Sect has been very urgent.

He wants to defend the central domain to avoid anything bad happening.

In the entire western area, the Bandung Golden Palace is very strong. Of course, Huaxian Mountain, which has a good relationship with the Bandung Golden Palace, is also very surprised.

Chen Xuan left their Huaxian Mountain. At this moment, Zhao Yunlei and the sect master of Huaxian Mountain were naturally very happy.

Many sects, in order to win over Chen Xuan, also continued to deliberately flatter Huaxian Mountain.

The west area was completely quiet.

The Wanlong Golden Palace received the Nine Gate Immortal Realm and then instantly improved, and it was obvious that it could challenge the top-level forces in the west.

After resting for a while, Chen Xuan was ready to leave.

"Where are we going, Chen Xuan."

Shangguan Haoran and Dugu Lun stood near Chen Xuan and whispered.

"Shangguan Haoran and Li Qiuyu were chased by the Nine Sects in the northeastern region. The place where Li Qiuyu left was also in the western region."

Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart: "Let's go over now and head to the western region to see if we can find Li Qiuyu."

Chen Xuan used the nine-door space formation to quickly arrive at the western region. The central world of Pangu was divided into five regions according to the direction.

But in fact, the western region and the western region are very far away.

Most experts look down upon this. Therefore, these major areas are called places where almost no one comes.

The White Dragon Domain is a fairy domain in the southwest region, relatively close to the Nine Gates.

At this moment.

Chen Xuan and the others walked out of the space formation.

"Is this the White Dragon Realm?" Dugu Lun asked in a low voice, confused.

Chen Xuan agreed in his heart, but suddenly, a scolding sound came from nearby.

"Come here quickly."

Hearing the sound, Chen Xuan turned and looked around, and obviously found a young warrior sitting on the ground next to the space formation, filled with protective aura. Not far from him, there was a golden floating sword.

This golden floating sword is actually made from the Golden Dragon Immortal Stone.

In that golden suspended sword, there are hundreds of protective auras circulating in large quantities.

Near him, there were hundreds of guardian warriors. These people didn't say a word, and the power around them was very gloomy.

"come over."

Seeing that Chen Xuan and the others were motionless, the young warrior who protected the aura showed a puzzled expression.

"Shall we go there?"

Chen Xuan looked at him, and then his expression became a little dark and slightly unhappy.

"Yeah, you guys."

Several guardian warriors walked angrily not far away from Chen Xuan and the others and said: "This is the White Dragon Territory. You have just arrived here. Don't cause other troubles, otherwise you will all die."

Being shouted at by several guardian warriors, Dugu Lun and Shangguan Haoran were a little angry and wanted to use their skills, but they were still stopped by Chen Xuan.

"We don't seem to have violated the rules of the White Dragon Territory." Chen Xuan said with a little doubt in his heart.

"Any warrior who has just come here and comes to the White Dragon Territory for the first time must take the initiative to hand over part of his Tao power before he can enter the Immortal Territory." The guardian warrior said.

"Take the initiative to hand over the power of Tao."

Chen Xuan was a little confused, but his eyes fell on the golden floating sword, and when he saw the large amount of power running inside, he finally knew the reason.

Chen Xuan and the others walked over, and the young warrior looked at the golden floating sword and said: "Put a piece of true energy into the golden floating sword Zheng."

Chen Xuan was able to discover that the young warrior surrounded by protective aura was actually a warrior who had just entered the third level of Shenlong Breaking God.

If he used his skills, he could defeat him, but it was his first time here and he was unwilling to enmity with them.

After receiving Chen Xuan's nod, Dugu Lun and Shangguan Haoran took out their long swords, released a force, and put in the golden floating sword Zheng.

Finally, Chen Xuan also took out the long sword, and terrifying power emerged instantly. He used the power of his spiritual consciousness, and a force spread out from the golden floating sword Zheng.

"Let's stop talking nonsense for now and leave this place. In the White Dragon Territory, you must abide by the rules, otherwise you will definitely be killed, without any doubt."

The young warrior surrounded by protective aura said angrily.

Chen Xuan and the others nodded and left.

No one noticed that after Chen Xuan's power entered the golden levitation sword, the golden levitation sword underwent some changes.

The power that was originally running suddenly began to shake crazily, and Chen Xuan's power obviously released a terrifying aura, absorbing them crazily.

Time dissipated, and soon the golden floating sword instantly shattered.

At this moment.

The power in the golden floating sword spread directly towards the nearby area, causing a great tremor in the area.

"what happened."

The face of the young warrior surrounded by protective aura instantly turned gloomy.

This belongs to Master Zhao Yu, and he must use a lot of strength every day, otherwise they will be sealed.

"It's really damn good."

In one of the pavilions where no warrior would come.

Chen Xuan and the others were floating inside. At the moment when the golden floating sword was broken, Chen Xuan felt that his power was broken.

"I don't know what Daran from the White Dragon Territory means, and why he wants to get the power of many warriors."

Chen Xuan showed a little bit of horror.

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