Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6232 The departure of the mysterious young warrior

After hearing this, Chen Xuan finally realized that this was the reason.

After the mysterious young warrior left, Chen Xuan walked nearby, thinking about Wang Juan.

Dugu Lun and Shangguan Haoran both went out to investigate the news. Soon, Chen Xuan suddenly heard the sound of many people discussing.

Turning around, he directly discovered that many warriors had gathered in the fighting area not far away.

"What are they looking at right now."

Out of curiosity, Chen Xuan also walked over quickly.

Finally, it was discovered that the weapon refining competition was actually going on in the battle area, and nearby, many warriors were discussing it.

"Zhao Wulong's weapon refining methods are so rubbish, there is no way he can compare with Song Weidong."

"It's totally good. There's a high chance that Zhao Wulong can't be beaten at all."

"Poor Zhao Wulong, he is so powerful that he is not qualified to win a large magic weapon chamber of commerce organized by Wanjin Guild."

It didn't take long for Chen Xuan to understand the situation.

The young warrior in black clothes in the fighting area is Zhao Wulong, and the mysterious warrior with gray hair is called Song Weidong.

Song Weidong is a younger generation disciple of the Qingbai Dragon Sect, and the skills he practices have reached a very high level.

The large-scale magic weapon chamber of commerce organized by the Wanjin Guild gave many ordinary swordsmiths a hope of defeating Song Weidong, so that monks would continue to challenge Song Weidong.

At present, Zhao Wulong has issued challenges many times.

After observing for a while, Chen Xuan discovered that Zhao Wulong was not as simple as he seemed.

"Although Zhao Wulong's weapon refining method seems to have no rules on the surface, it actually contains very terrifying methods." Chen Xuan was a little confused in his heart: "There is a high possibility that Zhao Wulong will win this time. The origin of this guy Very simple.”

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, the nearby warriors were very unhappy.

"Why do you think Zhao Wulong can win?"

"The magic weapons they cast are all fifth-level magic weapons of the true immortal grade, but it can be clearly seen that Zhao Wulong is not as good as Song Weidong. Now Song Weidong obviously has a greater chance of winning."

"This was deliberately pretended. He wanted to confuse Song Weidong." Chen Xuan said slowly: "Zhao Wulong was not absolutely sure that he would win the final victory, so he used this method. When Zhao Wulong was forging the sword, he The method is very unique, this is the law of sword making..."

Chen Xuan said loudly, many warriors nearby had already had opinions on this matter before.

"Don't do it so much. What do you know? Son, you are just a layman."

After hearing his words, a white-haired mysterious warrior nearby actually nodded slightly.

He looked at Chen Xuan with an even more expectant look than before.

Especially when I heard Chen Xuan's sword-making rules, I was very confused.

"You actually know the rules of sword-making." The white-haired mysterious warrior said doubtfully.

At this moment, Chen Xuan finally discovered the white-haired mysterious warrior, and suddenly nodded slightly at this matter.

"It seems that the senior is actually a master."

Then Chen Xuan didn't say any more.

A sword-making master, although he can forge magic weapons of the sixth level of the True Immortal Soul, but he does not understand the rules of sword-making. However, this is already his upper limit. The extent of improvement in the future is very limited, and he will not be able to reach this level in his lifetime. That's the last step.

As for the sword-making master, although he could only forge low-level true immortal-grade divine soul fifth-level magic weapons, he felt the rules of sword-making and mastered the true skill of sword-making.

Such a warrior can grow into a powerful person in the future. He is far beyond the sword-making master of the sixth level of the True Immortal Soul.

The rules of sword-making are a very important insight into sword-making.

If it is felt, a major breakthrough will occur.

For tens of millions of years, Chen Xuan had improved his cultivation of the Immortal Sword Technique, and the skills he practiced were also improving, which made him feel the law of sword-making by chance.

When the white-haired mysterious warrior heard the sword-making rules, he was very surprised.

But Chen Xuan stopped talking. He just looked at Chen Xuan and did not continue talking. About half the time of incense sticks passed and the weapon refining competition was over.

Just at this time!

Near the battle area, raging and terrifying thunderbolts appeared, and the aura in the ground instantly became terrifying.

Song Weidong and Zhao Wulong stopped at the same time.

"You can't win."

Song Weidong stared helplessly at Zhao Wulong, as if everything was going according to his original thoughts.

Zhao Wulong did not respond and remained silent without saying a word.

When many warriors saw the casting of Zhao Wulong, they already understood the gap between him and Song Weidong, and directly admitted that they could not beat him. Now many warriors are patiently waiting for the results.

"The winner of this weapon refining competition is Zhao Wulong."

But when Master Song Yungang came out from Zhao Wulong, the entire fighting area was surprised.

Hundreds of warriors stared at the magic weapon in Master Song Yungang's hand in surprise.

"What? Didn't I see clearly?"

"How is it possible? How could Zhao Wulong defeat Song Weidong."

"This is absolutely impossible."

Many warriors all shouted.

Even Song Weidong's smile didn't move, and he looked at Master Song Yungang without the guts to believe it.

He shook his head in silence.

"I know very well what you are surprised about. I take the Qingbai Dragon Sect as my guarantee that there is nothing unfair this time." Master Song Yungang said: "Song Weidong's sword level is indeed slightly higher than that of Zhao Wulong. However, Zhao Wulong realized The essence of sword-making."

When he heard the sword-making rules, Song Weidong was very surprised and kept shaking his head.

He knew very well what the sword-making rules meant, and now he stared at Zhao Wulong unhappily, with a mysterious look on his face.

As a result, in Chen Xuan's original thoughts, he turned around and walked out.

After leaving the fighting area, Chen Xuan was about to go to the White Dragon Territory to have a look, but just after he left, he suddenly found the white-haired mysterious warrior from before appearing.

"I'll see you again in the future."

The white-haired mysterious warrior smiled helplessly at Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan also raised his hand gently, and then left here.

"You know the rules of sword-making, and I guess you are actually a sword-making master." The white-haired mysterious warrior said in confusion.

Chen Xuan suddenly said: "I just have a little understanding of it."

The white-haired mysterious warrior did not believe what Chen Xuan said.

"The law of sword-making is very turbulent. No one can discover its ultimate origin. There are almost no people who can understand the law of sword-making." The white-haired mysterious warrior said.

Chen Xuan chatted with the mysterious warrior for a few words, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

"If what I'm thinking is very correct, my senior should actually be an expert hermit. I want to ask you something."

At present, this white-haired mysterious warrior is very mysterious.

"What." The white-haired mysterious warrior said.

"Will Master Wang come to participate in the large-scale magic weapon chamber of commerce held by Wanjin Guild this time?" Chen Xuan said with a little doubt in his heart.

Hearing Master Wang, the white-haired mysterious warrior was also slightly moved.

"What? Are you also asking Master Wang to help you?"

Chen Xuan said helplessly: "I have other matters, and I would like to ask Master Wang for help."

"Master Wang has a very high status and is very strange. Even if you see him, he can't help you." The white-haired mysterious warrior said.

"If I can see it, I will definitely find a way." Chen Xuandao.

The white-haired mysterious warrior looked at him and smiled, and did not continue talking to Chen Xuan, but left quickly.

Not long after, Chen Xuan came to the Magic Weapon Chamber of Commerce in Bailong Domain. The items on display here were all ordinary magic weapons.

Chen Xuan didn't know what to do, so he stared carefully. In fact, Chen Xuan came to this place for different purposes. The first purpose was to track down the news, and obviously he also wanted to see if he could find a precious magic weapon.

More than an hour later, Chen Xuan said slightly: "The magic weapons here are basically of a higher level, and there is nothing powerful. According to the magic weapon chamber of ​​the White Dragon Territory, there is a true immortal grade soul fifth-level magic weapon to protect it. Unfortunately, in the main The highest level of the palace.”

"Come in quickly."

"It's really funny. How come you have time to come to the Magic Weapon Chamber of Commerce in White Dragon Territory?"

Suddenly, a mysterious warrior wearing a red robe walked up. When he was at the door on the way, he was seen by Chen Xuan.

"grown ups."

Chen Xuan's expression was a little dark. He looked at the mysterious warrior wearing a red robe among the many warriors. Obviously, this guy should be Lord Zhao.

"Master Zhao."

Chen Xuan's expression changed, and he quickly walked several hundred meters and observed Mr. Zhao carefully.

The Suzaku power in his body suddenly released terrifying power. When Chen Xuan quickly looked at Zhao Darao, he also turned to look at him.

"Who are you? Leave now."

Several guardian warriors said.

Chen Xuan arrived at the next level in an instant.

"There is a mysterious aura of power in Zhao Darao's body."

Chen Xuan thought in his heart that it was for this reason that Suzaku Xian released the terrifying power.

"Although he is just a warrior who has just entered the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Realm, my feeling is very heavy. This guy is very mysterious."

After some time.

In the pavilion.

"How's it going? Did you find anything?" Chen Xuan said with a little doubt in his heart.

"We will investigate along the way. This Master Zhao is very worthy of exploration." Dugu Lun said: "He has many possible connections with Li Qiuyu's disappearance."

Chen Xuan's face showed slight movement.

"In the past, although Mr. Zhao controlled the White Dragon Territory, he had a very high status in the Qingbai Dragon Sect. But when the power of the Nine Revolutions appeared in the White Dragon Territory, it didn't take long to catch up with Mr. Zhao and make a huge breakthrough. "

"Even the great elder of the Qingbai Dragon Sect came to the White Dragon Territory alone. He helped the Qingbai Dragon Sect a lot."

"In the future, Master Zhao will start to acquire those powers without any worries, and he will also change the rules. Many changes will occur in the White Dragon Territory. Many warriors are very afraid of Master Zhao."

"The Great Elder of Qingbai Dragon Sect."

Chen Xuan's expression was a little dark, as if he was sure of something.

"Could it be that after being suppressed by Mr. Zhao, Li Qiuyu was given to the Qingbai Dragon Sect, and then she was taken to the Qingbai Dragon Sect. This is the only explanation that can be understood now."

Compared to before, things are even more unpredictable than before.

He felt that Chen Xuan could confirm that Li Qiuyu's disappearance was definitely related to the Qingbai Dragon Sect. Otherwise, he had no way to determine why Li Qiuyu suddenly disappeared.

"I basically think that Li Qiuyu was taken away by the Qingbai Dragon Sect." Shangguan Haoran said.

"Today, I met Mr. Zhao at the Magic Weapon Chamber of Commerce in the White Dragon Territory." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart: "He is much more powerful than those reported in other areas. At the same time, I feel that he obviously wants to Gathering many thousands of ancestral powers within his own body.”

The aura displayed by Mr. Zhao is very dangerous.

"If you want to find Li Qiuyu, you must start with Mr. Zhao. I think I am the most suspicious in this family. We must investigate and investigate." Shangguan Haoran said.

"But with our cultivation, it is impossible to act at will. After all, Mr. Zhao still has the Qingbai Dragon Sect." Dugu Lun smiled helplessly: "It would be great if we could get Master Wang's approval. Maybe we can Just ask him."

But he knew very well that this was impossible. Master Wang was not an ordinary person.

Even if they don't have to see Master Wang, even if they see Master Wang, he may not be able to help them.

Moreover, asking Master Wang to go to the Qingbai Dragon Sect to ask for someone would make him completely fall out with the Qingbai Dragon Sect. I guess he would definitely not do such a thing.

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