Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6241: True Immortal Grade Soul Level 5 Magical Treasure

Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression and said, "I have something I want to ask."

"There's no need to talk in circles. If you have anything on your mind, just do it."

Because of Master Wang, Master Zhao respects Chen Xuan very much.

"Years ago, there was a warrior who left this place from the Northeast region. I wonder if Mr. Zhao has seen him before." Chen Xuandao.

"You know very well that there are many warriors who come to our White Dragon Domain. I wonder if the warrior near you has any specific performance." Mr. Zhao said with helplessness and doubt in his heart.

"He possesses the power of Nine Transformations." Chen Xuan was very surprised and said calmly.

What happened?

When he heard the power of Nine Transformations, Zhao Darao's expression changed obviously.

"What? Mr. Zhao has heard of him." Chen Xuanzhui said doubtfully.

Zhao Darao was very surprised, and then he deliberately pretended to smile and said: "The power of the Nine Revolutions is actually a rare body-refining power on earth. If the power of the Nine Revolutions comes to our White Dragon Territory, I will definitely I understand, but I have never seen her in my memory.”

"Master Zhao, think carefully." Chen Xuan asked eagerly, he still felt that this person should know something.

Moreover, he was also observing Zhao Darao's expression, trying to see something from it. Now Chen Siyuan was not sure whether he was lying to him or not.

Mr. Zhao showed his determination directly.

"There is absolutely no need to think about it. There is indeed no such warrior. If I meet him, I will definitely be impressed." Zhao Dayang.

"Then Mr. Zhao, you have gained a lot of power. Why? There are so many people coming and going here. Haven't you ever seen so many people?" Chen Xuan continued to press.

Master Zhao looked a little gloomy and stared at Chen Xuan: "Brother, for the sake of Master Wang's reputation, I won't talk nonsense. What you are asking is actually a very dangerous matter in our White Dragon Territory. If you continue to do this, I, Bailongyu, won’t give you a good look either.”

Master Zhao made a move to let him go, which made Chen Xuan very angry.

He looked at Master Wang, who walked over and looked at Master Zhao.

"Lord Zhao, I still don't know what your form and style were like before. I think you should already know what my personality is."

After Master Wang finished, extremely powerful power suddenly emerged from the ground, and Zhao Darao's body was instantly sealed.

"what you up to."

Master Zhao had a very surprised expression on his face and shouted loudly.

But there is no way. In front of Master Wang, Master Zhao cannot fight back desperately, because the gap in strength is really too big.

But at this moment.

Master Wang waved his long sword gently, and Zhao Darao's long sword spread towards the vicinity, and a storage space ring fell to the ground.

"What? I want to tell the Qingbai Dragon Sect." Master Wang showed a horrified expression. His idea had been discovered long ago, so he was prepared in advance.

"What are you going to do?" Mr. Zhao stared at Chen Xuandao very unhappily.

"I just want to see what Zhao Daran is thinking."

The next moment, a terrifying and powerful aura emerged near Chen Xuan.

This is absolutely impossible!

Mr. Zhao fought back desperately, but in an instant he fell into the true immortal-level immortal formation.

"I didn't expect you to be so gifted in the Immortal Formation Technique and the Secret Technique of Runes."

Master Wang said at this moment.

Chen Xuan used the terrifying True Immortal Level Immortal Formation technique to attract Master Zhao. He was actually just a master who had just entered the third level of Divine Dragon Breaking God. He was sealed by Master Wang and had no power to defend himself. Now Master Zhao seems to have been crippled. , Zheng stood in the rest hall without saying a word.

"Tens of millions of years ago, did a warrior with the power of the ninth rank come to the White Dragon Territory?" Chen Xuandao.

Master Zhao nodded his head helplessly: "Yes."

"I want to know where the warrior went." Chen Xuan continued doubtfully.

"He possesses the power of the Nine Revolutions, and was favored by the Sect Master of the Qingbai Dragon Sect, who brought her to the Qingbai Dragon Sect." Zhao Dayang: "The test given by the Sect Master allowed me to obtain various powers. Improve his Nine-Revolution Power. When his Nine-Revolution Power is fully activated and reaches a very powerful level, the sect leader will directly take the source of his Nine-Revolution Power and absorb it. "

Master Zhao was suppressed by the True Immortal Immortal Formation, and soon Chen Xuan got what he wanted. This news really surprised Chen Xuan, and he was also very angry. He had always regarded Li Qiuyu as his sister. , now that he is being treated like this, how could he just let it go?

It's a pity that the opponent is indeed very powerful, and now with his personal strength, he has no way to deal with this sudden realization.

"It's really damn good."

Chen Xuan's face showed he was very anxious, but he was certain that Li Qiuyu was not dead for the time being and should be safe.

It didn't take long for him to finally finish asking. Originally, Chen Xuan wanted to directly and completely obliterate Zhao Darao, but his sword was blocked by Master Wang.

"The Blue and White Dragon Sect is actually a very dangerous area. Even if I go there alone as a warrior, I may die in it. With your current level of cultivation, contending with the Blue and White Dragon Sect is almost equivalent to asking for death in the past." Wang The master said helplessly: "He is still somewhat useful. If you suppress him, you can still rely on him in the future."

In the end, Chen Xuan heard Master Wang's dissuasion and did not use the technique on Master Zhao.

Chen Xuan took out his long sword, and a force filled Zhao Darao's body.

Soon Chen Xuan felt a strong breath coming from Lord Zhao's body. After creating communication with him, he finally felt relieved.

What happened?

Master Wang was a little curious about what Chen Xuan was doing.

"I have a source of fire in my power. I can use it to force Lord Zhao to be a little bit stronger and not resist." Chen Xuan said calmly.

"Source of fire? For a warrior at the late stage of the second level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Stage, the general source of fire is useless." Master Wang said.

"No need to worry. My source of fire, even if it is an invincible master of the second level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Stage, can't understand it, so I am still very confident in myself." Chen Xuan said with obvious confidence.

At this moment, Master Wang did not continue. Although he did not know much about Chen Xuan, he now believed that Chengquan would not lie to him.

Although he was curious about where Chen Xuan got this power, he still didn't ask. After all, he knew that if the other party wanted to, he would definitely tell him. As an old hand who had lived for hundreds of millions of years, he was also very optimistic about Chen Xuan, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"In this case, I don't need to worry."

Master Wang used his long sword, and the power sealed in Lord Zhao dissipated instantly.

And the True Immortal Array Dafa also spread to the vicinity, and after Lord Zhao recovered, he shouted angrily and directly used the technique on Chen Xuan.

But at the moment when he was about to use the technique, he felt that his body was suppressed, which made him very helpless.


A terrible breath came from Lord Zhao, and his body fell to the ground with a bang.

"What are you doing? What happened?" Lord Zhao said loudly.

"Nothing, just leaving the source fire in your body." Chen Xuan waved his hand and said, "You don't have to think about opening it. There is basically no way to open this source fire. Every time you try, the source fire will continue to burn your bones until the end. The source fire burns your limbs and all the methods to solve the rune power are useless. Believe me, you can only die. If you don't believe it, go ahead and try it. However, I don't know how you will die at that time." "Terrible, this guy is really terrible." Lord Zhao stood up from the ground and retracted the defensive aura on his cheek: "The world's first sword-making master in the southwest region actually used his skills on a warrior who had just entered the third level of the Dragon Breaking God Realm. It's simply shameful." Lord Zhao was very unhappy with Master Wang's behavior. Master Wang shook his head. It was nothing. Anyway, he had promised Chen Xuan. According to his character, he would definitely not break his promise. Moreover, he had also gained a lot of benefits from Chen Xuan. He was very optimistic about this young man, so even if he offended him this time, he would definitely help Chen Xuan. "What do you want?"

At this moment, Lord Zhao turned around and looked at Chen Xuan.

"What I want is very simple. If you listen to me and don't mess up my plan, I can save your life." Chen Xuan said bluntly: "Don't worry, I can't let you die, and I can't let you do something too much. You are obviously more useful to me now."

"It's really interesting."

Lord Zhao was full of anger at this time. If it wasn't for Master Wang, he would have used the skills directly on Chen Xuan, and the other party would definitely not be able to deal with him. It was precisely because of Master Wang's existence that his plan was disrupted.

"You should think carefully for the time being. We don't have that many people. If you figure it out, come to find me nearby. But you'd better not think about reporting the news. You should know that my flames are burned out from your Dantian. No matter where you go, you will be burned to death. And don't think about looking for someone to find a solution, because if I find that he has some changes, I will start directly, and you will still be dead in the end. If you cooperate with me obediently, you still have a chance to survive." The next moment, Master Wang and Chen Xuan disappeared in the rest hall. Zheng "Damn guy, I must kill you completely, it's really damned." Lord Zhao shouted angrily. Now he is very unhappy. No matter what, he is also the master of a region, but now he is threatened by this hairy guy, Ruci. After suppressing Lord Zhao, Chen Xuan and Master Wang returned to the quiet pavilion.

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