Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6250 Magic weapon with attribute abilities

"No way, this is absolutely impossible, I will never believe it."

Wang Jun's first reaction was that it was impossible.

What a joke, even if he has been cultivating for tens of millions of years, he still can't forge a top-quality true immortal grade fifth-level magic weapon with attribute abilities, and it took him even less time. How is this possible?

How could the current young warrior be more powerful than his own talent?

He doesn't want to believe it now.

Magic weapons with attribute abilities are much more powerful than ordinary magic weapons, and are much more difficult to cast. It is possible to create a magic weapon with attribute abilities, which is not something ordinary people can do.

"This is the situation now. I think you still lose the game." Chen Xuan said calmly.

Wang Jun rushed to Chen Xuan, picked up the magic weapon he had cast, and finally put his eyes on it to observe carefully.

Suddenly, Wang Jun was so surprised that he couldn't say a word. He indeed found that this magic weapon was not simple.

After a while, Wang Jun shook his head helplessly, gave the long sword to Chen Xuan, and said helplessly: "I can't defeat him at all. He is indeed no match for you. It seems that your understanding of the Constitution is also very high. I This time I admit defeat.”

At this moment.

Everyone in Jianxuanmen was surprised. They didn't seem to expect that Chen Xuan actually did it.

Hundreds of warriors were very shocked and did not have the courage to believe it.

"Wang Jun can't be beaten at all? Could it be that the master of the Sword Xuan Sect has surpassed him in forging immortal swords and in cultivation? How is this possible? I thought he was an embroidered pillow before, but now it seems that I was How wrong.”

"It's very scary. It's completely unimaginable. Now it seems that he should be even more powerful."

"It's actually possible to cast a top-grade true immortal-grade divine soul fifth-level magic weapon with attributes. Even if Master Wang wants to cast it, it's not such a casual thing. At least it won't be cast in just a few hours. This The guy is really mysterious.”

The talker and Mr. Zhao of the White Dragon Territory Chamber of Commerce reacted and looked at Chen Xuan with even more mysterious eyes. Although they knew that Chen Xuan had an extraordinary origin before, it was still very shocking to see it with their own eyes.

"Now it's time to protect your commitment and join."

The outcome was completely decided, and there was no suspense for most of it. What just happened was watched by many eyes, and it was absolutely impossible for Chen Xuan to cheat.

The value of the top-grade True Immortal Divine Soul fifth-level magic weapon with attribute abilities is almost equivalent to the ordinary True Immortal Divine Soul sixth-level magic weapon, so he can really refine the magic weapon with attribute abilities.

Wang Jun didn't think he had the ability to forge a true immortal-grade sixth-level magic weapon.

So much so that in this terrifying battle, he was no longer a match for him, and he might even have lost completely.

He has practiced hard for tens of millions of years, with the goal of appearing in the world and then becoming famous in the world, but in the end he was still used as a tool for other warriors, and even his defeat this time was so complete.

"Don't worry so much."

Wang Jun is not someone who is unwilling to admit defeat: "Since I promise you, I will guarantee it. Now I join Jianxuanmen, and you do have the ability to make me take a high look."

There is no way ordinary people can do what Chen Xuan just did. Everyone can see that Chen Xuan has extraordinary talents and his future achievements will definitely be higher.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan laughed helplessly.

"Wang Jun is able to join us because it is our great luck that Jian Xuanmen can join us. Now you are the great elder of Jianxuanmen."

Chen Xuan is happy to have such people assisting him. Now his sect is only in its infancy and needs strong men to join him. The disciples currently recruited are relatively weak after all.

However, Chen Xuan didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, the reputation of the sect he founded now was not very high, and it was not a sect. People with higher grades or better talents obviously had better choices, so they wouldn't come to him. These sects are considered normal things.

Wang Jun turned his head and stared at the Jianxuanmen courtyard. Finally, he showed a helpless expression, as if he did not expect that he would lose instead of dying.

"Wang Jun."

Chen Xuan stared at Wang Jun and then said, "You should understand the rules of making swords at a higher level."

The skills practiced by Chen Xuan have reached a terrifying level.

In front of all the monks, he cast his most top-notch magic weapon.

It is really only a tiny bit away from reaching the sixth level of a true immortal soul. How can an ordinary person do it?

But he was defeated by the master of Jianxuan Sect, and the gap between them was not even close.

This incident quickly spread throughout the southwest region. Hundreds of forces were very surprised. Many warriors were discussing it. At the same time, it also shocked them.

Inside Jianxuanmen.

Although many warriors were surprised in their hearts, the competition for forging the sword was over and they dispersed now.

The speaker from the White Dragon Territory Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Zhao looked at each other, and their hearts were filled with surprise.

After the battle, they felt even more that Chen Xuan's talent and cultivation were too terrifying. If they could win over such a person, it would definitely be the best.

"And I, the Bailongyu Chamber of Commerce, am the best friend of Jianxuanmen. We already have this relationship, and there will definitely be more cooperation in the future."

After the person who spoke to the White Dragon Territory Chamber of Commerce went back, he issued a fatal order, telling everyone in his chamber of commerce not to fall out with Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan himself was also their special member, so his status was naturally unusual, and now they have also established After entering into a cooperative relationship, he can already be tied to Chen Xuan.

Master Zhao also thought carefully after returning to the White Dragon Domain. He was hesitating whether to really help Chen Xuan. Now Chen Xuanfu has been seen by everyone.

Although he helped Chen Xuan because there was no way to defend against Chen Xuan's terrifying power.

However, there is another important reason, because he really feels that Chen Xuan is usually generous, and now he has given Chen Xuan many magic weapons before he has done anything for him.

Being heavy in origin and earth fire, he could only help Chen Xuan with things.

But judging from the period of contact with Chen Xuan, there is a way to estimate this guy's future growth.

"If you continue, you can surpass Master Wang. I think he should be able to do it."

Master Zhao was very surprised at this moment.

His attitude seemed to be gradually changing, and he didn't even realize that he was gradually admiring Chen Xuan.

The highest level of the main hall.

Chen Xuan and Wang Jun were hovering in the air, while Shangguan Haoran and Dugu Lun were watching from both sides.

"Wang Jun, please come down."

Chen Xuan raised the sunspot and smiled at Wang Jun.

He agreed in his heart and put it gently on the chessboard. Suddenly his face turned gloomy with shock. Then he seemed to have discovered something and quickly put the black piece down.

"Wang Jun, I'm afraid you have heard about the nine-star chessboard. Being able to play chess on such a chessboard is a good way to cultivate one's moral character. And although this kind of chessboard is good, there is no need to be so anxious."

Wang Jun's expression was different from Chen Xuan's original thoughts.

Is there any warrior in this world who can defend against the nine-star chessboard built by the chess master Shangguan Yunho alone?

Wang Jun is no exception. He has naturally heard of the famous Shangguan Yunhao, and he knows that this kind of chessboard is not an ordinary chessboard. If he wants to play chess on this kind of chessboard, he must first have very superb skills, and strength, otherwise it would be easy to fall into it.

When observing the Nine-Star Chessboard, he immediately felt a terrifying aura being released around him.

At this moment.

Wang Jun directly felt the rhythm and understood the chessboard. He was a little confused. It is easy to get stuck when playing chess on this kind of chessboard, and there is even a certain chance of being sucked in directly.

"There is such a nine-star chessboard between the earth. I have heard rumors about it before. I am really surprised. Can this kind of chessboard allow me to realize the power of the stars? I didn't expect that it would be like this. Ci Qiang, it seems that this is not a rumor."

Wang Jun admired Chen Xuan even more than before.

"This is made by a good friend of mine. I think you should also know him. As long as Wang Jun is still in Jianxuanmen, I will let Wang Jun understand the nine-star chessboard." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

"It's really funny."

With joy, they began to play chess continuously.

In the core area of ​​​​the southwest region, there are many talents and treasures used for cultivation here. Although there are many sects, they do not have the courage to act casually. Obviously, the top force in this area is actually the most terrifying force in the southwest region, the Qingbai Dragon Sect.

The southwest region is good at casting fairy swords. Most of the disciples of Qingbai Dragon Sect have been practicing for a long time in casting fairy swords. Their understanding and cultivation in casting fairy swords have reached an impossible level.

In the terrifying southwest region, there is no warrior who does not respect the leader of the Qingbai Dragon Sect.

Now within the Qingbai Dragon Sect, the suppressive power is very terrifying.

Wang Lunyu, who was guarding his body with a fiery red aura, walked quickly on the road, his pupils very gloomy.

At this moment, he was walking directly on the road, and soon he came to the Golden Blood Immortal Dragon Mountain Range. He raised his purple eyes and looked at a place not far away. On the sandstone, there was a powerful underground ruins.

This underground ruins are the legendary ruins of the Emperor Gold Blood Immortal.

There were hundreds of changes in Wang Lunyu's heart. He was very surprised and slowly stared at the remains of the Emperor Gold Blood Immortal.

He knew very well that the current Imperial Gold Blood Immortal ruins looked like underground ruins on the surface, but they were actually the hiding place of the legendary sixth-level True Immortal Divine Soul magic weapon.

The founder of the Qingbai Dragon Sect was actually a master of forging fairy swords in the central world of Pangu.

His top magic weapon is in the Imperial Gold Blood Immortal Ruins.

And this true immortal grade divine soul sixth-level magic weapon also caused a great sensation at the time.

It's just bad luck that the founder of the Qingbai Dragon Sect died in the fight between the Demon Sect warriors and the demon clan, putting the Imperial Gold Blood Immortal ruins in danger.

Although tens of millions of years have passed, the remains of the Emperor Golden Blood Immortal have not been completely restored.

This also makes the current Imperial Gold Blood Immortal Relic, although it is a sixth-level true immortal-grade divine soul magic weapon, its power is almost equivalent to the sixth-level true immortal-grade divine soul magic weapon.

Quickly, Wang Lunyu cautiously arrived at the ruins of the Golden Blood Immortal.

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