Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6259: Casting a True Immortal Soul Level 6 Magical Treasure

Luo Shou expressed his opinion directly, and some elders also agreed in their hearts.

Now many people have opinions on Chen Xuan.

But Chen Xuan was not wrong. There was nothing they could do now, so they could only wait patiently.

"I want to see what tricks you can do. Hahaha, damn bastard, you're still far from fighting me." Luo Shou showed a terrifying expression.

An hour is coming soon, but now many people have no way of discovering what Chen Xuan's purpose is.

"it's over."

In the battle area, many warriors only have half a stick of incense left. Even if Master Wang arrives, it is impossible to forge a true immortal-grade divine soul sixth-level magic weapon. Against them, Chen Xuan cannot win, like Chen Xuan People usually have an inscrutable feeling, but why have they stopped now?

"It's impossible. I believe Mr. Chen will never lose."

Wang Yueru looked mysterious. In the end, he still firmly believed that Chen Xuan could win again, because just relying on what Chen Xuan taught him back then, he believed that Chen Xuan would never give up at this time.

A long time passed, and when there were only the last few minutes, Chen Xuan suddenly recovered.

"I advise you to admit that you can't defeat me. Magic weapons are not something you can just practice. If you can refine them in such a short time, then there will really be a ghost."

Luo Shou showed a horrified expression, and the other warriors were also waiting to see what Chen Xuan was going to do.

But at this time, Chen Xuan made an idea that was beyond the original thoughts of all the monks. He used his long sword and many spiritual materials appeared not far away from him. Finally, there was a faint smile on his face. .

"What he wants to do, this guy is really weird."

"The casting has only begun now. He is really too brave. It is impossible for him to cast it in such a short period of time."

"For a few minutes, even Master Wang couldn't do it. I really don't know what he wants to do."

Many warriors showed doubtful expressions and stared at Chen Xuan. Now their minds were full of doubts. What Chen Xun did was too weird. Why did he wait until the last few minutes to start?

You must know that Master Wang can't do it, why can he do it? Maybe he thinks that his talent is even greater than Master Wang.

In the battle area, Chen Xuan used his long sword, and a terrifying thunderstorm came out, suppressing many spiritual materials in front of him.

Moreover, within his body, the law of sword-making was operating.

Suddenly, terrifying earth thunder appeared, filling the entire earth, and then a flame began to burn.

The next moment, in the very dark place, the powerful power of thunder covered the entire earth, and Chen Xuan appeared in it, exuding a turbulent and terrifying aura.

When he said the last words, the terrifying earth thunder dissipated, the terrifying power of thunder left, Dao Xingkong returned to calm, and the spiritual materials that could be struck by thunder and lightning began to gradually transform and appeared on the sword-making platform. .

Chen Xuan stood in the fighting area without saying a word. In front of him, a long sword obviously appeared. This long sword contained a positive and turbulent aura, and the heat of the flames began to gradually decrease.

Many warriors were surprised. In a few minutes, a magic weapon was made? This is simply impossible. No one can believe that Chen Xuan can actually do it.

"There is no possibility. This is absolutely impossible. It must be a magic weapon that this guy secretly took out and then pretended to be here." Song Shushou shouted.

"Don't think so much. He was indeed the one who refined it just now."

The eyes of the sect leader were full of surprise.

He is very clear about what Chen Xuan did before. Others did not see clearly, but at this moment, he has observed clearly, and as a referee, you can also see clearly what Chen Xuan used just now. Ability.

"It's completely unimaginable that he actually did it." Surprise appeared on the face of the sect leader.

"I'm sorry for delaying the Great Elder's time. I was just planning it."

A complacent smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face, and then he raised his hand apologetically, and then gave the forged magic weapon to the great elder. This was all within Chen Xuan's calculation.

"There is no possibility. How could the casting be completed in just a few minutes? What on earth did this guy do?"

"Very correct. He must have taken advantage of the powerful thunder power that covered the entire earth to secretly take out this magic weapon from the ring. Otherwise, there is absolutely no way to explain it."

"This must be the case. Please give me a good punishment, Lord Sect Master. For someone who cheats openly like him, I must make him look good."

In the fighting area, many warriors shouted in terror.

Only Wang Yueru seemed to have realized something, and his body kept trembling. He knew that this was a technique that Chen Xuan had given him before. At first, he thought that it was just Chen Xuan who was lying to him, but he did not expect that this was actually real.

The great elder took the magic weapon for observation, and then quickly gave it to the sect leader, with a hint of shock on his face.

The sect leader was even more trembling after seeing it. No one could imagine that Chen Xuan actually completed what was said in the legend.

In the viewing area, other senior elders also observed, and finally all the monks' eyes focused on Chen Xuan.

"This guy is much more powerful than I thought. What kind of secrets does he have?"

"Great Elder, I didn't expect that he actually did it. It's better for you to come and tell them what Chen Xuan just did." The sect leader said helplessly.

The great elder trembled in his heart and said: "Everyone, I am very aware of your surprise, but the sect leader can testify that Chen Xuan's magic weapon was cast within the past few minutes. Although I am also very shocked, this is indeed real."

Many warriors have this idea. They feel that if this matter is true, Chen Xuan has achieved what is said in the legend, that is, he has understood the true law.

"How can it be."

Luo Shou shouted loudly. Wang Shou and Song Shou were surprised. They were unwilling to believe that Chen Xuan could do it.

"After our judgment, the magic weapon cast by Chen Xuan is at the sixth level of the True Immortal Soul. However, things are not that simple."

Now the great elder was very surprised and said: "His magic weapon has attribute abilities, which simply surprises me."

At this moment.

The entire area was completely filled with shock. They could not imagine that Chen Xuan not only used such a short time, but also created something with attribute abilities. This was simply unimaginable.

The sixth-level true immortal soul with attribute abilities was cast within a few minutes. This could be a magical skill. Even a god descending to earth would not be able to do it, but Chen Xuan did it.

What on earth is going on?

Where is mine?

Is this still something that humans can do?

If others had said this, they would definitely not believe that Chen Xuan could do it, but the sect master and the elder spoke alone, and they all stood up to see whether the matter was true or not, even some people still had doubts in their hearts.

But no one will question these two big shots, so whether what Chen Xuan refines now is real or fake, is it still useful?

Several guards immediately lost their voices. They felt that they were completely shocked.

At first, I just knew that Chen Xuan was very strong in sword making and his cultivation level was not low, but this was too outrageous.

He is so hidden. If you know that the only one who can do what Chen Xuan is like is Master Wang.

After all, some people feel that his talent in this area is not even weaker than Master Wang.

The battle area was obviously filled with thousands of people. At this moment, it was no longer interesting to talk about being number one, because Chen Xuan had no doubt that he would be number one this time.

Realizing the power of the true law, as mentioned in the previous legend, is not something that ordinary people can do. Even the three great ancestors of the Qingbai Dragon Sect cannot do this.

But now he actually appeared in this sword-making competition, and even appeared in Chen Xuan's place. You must know that before this, many people didn't care about him.

Many warriors were trembling inwardly. They could not describe the shock in their hearts.

They really couldn't think about how a warrior in the late stage of the Shenlong Second Level God Breaking could possibly do this. Isn't this too terrifying?

At the same time, what surprised them the most was that the magic weapon forged by Chen Xuan was actually a sixth-level magic weapon with attributes and abilities.

There are many possibilities for this. Has his ability to forge immortal swords surpassed Master Wang?

After silence, everyone in the battle area was surprised, and very powerful shouts continued to emanate.

In the viewing area, many warriors, including the sect leader, were also very surprised.

The body of the great elder who was holding the magic weapon was trembling. Millions of years had passed, and now it was something he would never be able to forget. This was really shocking.

Several other guards were immediately surprised.

Luo Shushou's crazy look was very dark, and he didn't have the guts to believe what was happening in front of him. Although he now knew very well that Chen Xuan really did it, but even so he was unwilling to accept the current situation.

"There is absolutely no possibility, how could he do it."

Suddenly, Guard Luo's voice stopped many warriors from thinking.

"This is absolutely impossible."

At this moment.

The battle area fell silent for an instant, and hundreds of eyes focused on Luo Shou.


The great elder said with a gloomy expression.

"Great Elder, I have realized that the power of the true law only exists in the previous legends. It is absolutely impossible to do something that even the sect leader cannot accomplish. He is just a guardian, and it is impossible to do it." Guard Luo said .

Many warriors know that it is impossible for him to do it. After all, it is very surprising to realize the power of the true law.

But the great elder's face was gloomier than before.

Luo Shushu suspected Chen Xuan. There were many possibilities. They were also committing fraud, and they were actively cooperating with Chen Xuan?

"What you can't do doesn't mean that others can't do it, and what you mean by this is that you are questioning me. What Chen Xuan refined is clearly what this level should look like. You have never seen it before It’s really normal,” the great elder said unhappily.

In the viewing area, the master of the clan looked a little gloomy and said: "We are originally from the same sect, how can we tolerate him so little? Moreover, when the other party wins, we are unwilling to admit it. What qualifications does a warrior like you have to be the guardian of the hall?" , you know, your position can be regarded as joining our sect, can't you accept this?"

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