Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6261 Realizing the power of the true law

The three great ancestors were full of praise for Chen Xuan, and even felt that Chen Xuan would surpass them in the future.

If this news got out, I'm afraid it would cause a big sensation.

Realize the power of the true law. This is the power of the previous legend. Very few people can truly understand it. To know the power of the law, you must not only deeply press the power of the Tao, but also comprehend the deeper swordsmanship. Ordinary people are It's impossible to do it. Not only does it require a chance, but it also requires extremely high understanding.

It can be seen that Chen Xuan's achievements in swordsmanship will definitely not be low in the future.

"In that case, fine."

The ancestor of the three great masters said: "From now on, you will be here and follow us to improve the rules of sword making. I know very well that with your talent and cultivation, it will not take long to cast a real sword." It is not difficult for you to obtain the sixth-level True Immortal Divine Soul Great Perfection Magical Artifact."

At this moment, the sect leader left, leaving Chen Xuan behind.

The three great ancestors brought Chen Xuan to the center of the clan land, which was also the place where they improved their cultivation.

Chen Xuan looked into the distance, and suddenly his body was shocked.

He directly discovered that there was a golden spiritual stone in the center.

On top of the golden spirit stone, there is a warrior with fiery red hair.

Although the color of his hair has changed, he can clearly find that this person's appearance is almost exactly the same as that of Li Qiuyu.

Chen Xuan's body trembled slightly, but it soon returned to silence. He knew that there was no way to expose it yet. At present, Chen Xuan still knew too little about what these three old guys were thinking.

The three great ancestors are here, and he doesn't want any flaws to appear.

"What is that and why is there a person here."

Chen Xuan deliberately pretended not to understand and said in surprise and confusion.

"Hehehe, you don't need to worry about this. Alas, you don't need to know now."

The three great ancestors said calmly, and then brought Chen Xuan to a place not far from the golden spirit stone.

In the following time, the three great ancestors asked Chen Xuan many things, and also discussed the rules of sword making with Chen Xuan.

But the most important thing is to realize the power of the true law, which is also very useful to the three great ancestors.

Time flies.

It has been three years since Chen Xuan came to the clan land soon.

At the same time, he did learn many methods of forging fairy swords from the three great ancestors, and the three of them were also very strong in swordsmanship. During the period of talking with them, Chen Xuan also gradually He has gained a deeper understanding of swordsmanship. At present, he still doesn't understand why Li Qiuyu appears here. At least, Chen Xuan has not figured out the cause and effect.

Although they secretly tracked down the news about Li Qiuyu, the three of them seemed unwilling to reveal too much, so they only talked a little with Chen Xuan, and the three of them were respectively.

Grand Ancestor Zhao Jun, Grand Ancestor Wang Bojian, Grand Ancestor Cao Jinlong.

Among them, the ancestor of Zhao Jun Taishang had a relatively good personality. He was very happy to discuss with Chen Xuan. When Chen Xuan had questions, he would basically take the initiative to answer Chen Xuan's questions. However, Chen Xuan still didn't learn from him. Get yourself useful information.

Ancestor Wang Bojian and Grand Ancestor Cao Jinlong clearly gave people a very terrifying feeling. Chen Xuan could even detect the cold murderous intent on their faces. Although he didn't know what the purpose of the two of them was, at least, at least Chen Xuan is now comfortable talking to them.

During the discussion with Zhao Jun Taishang Ancestor, Chen Xuan also gradually learned some of the real mysteries about the three great Taishang Ancestors.

The relationship between the three great ancestors is not as good as expected, and this is also because of the relationship between them. Of course, Chen Xuan is not sure now. According to common sense, if the three of them can practice here, they must be related. is very good.

But Chen Xuan found that they seemed to be arguing about something, and the point of the dispute made him very curious.

"The three great ancestors have conflicts." Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

For him, he can use this to defeat them one by one, and these three elders are obviously not good enemies. They put Chen Xuan under great pressure. In terms of cultivation, Chen Xuan has no way to compete with them. Personal confrontation.

"Chen Xuan, you should practice here for the time being. I will discuss it with other warriors." The ancestor of Zhao Jun stared at Chen Xuan and whispered.

Chen Xuan agreed in his heart and shifted his gaze to Li Qiuyu who was on the golden spirit stone.

At this time, Li Qiuyu was still unconscious, and his body was emitting a fiery red light. What surprised him was that now Li Qiuyu's hair actually turned red.

Chen Xuan didn't know much about what happened in the middle.

The area around him was filled with defensive spiritual power, which seemed to be sealed on the golden spiritual stone. There was no way to recover it, and it would never be able to wake up.

"Do you want to get her Nine Revolutions First Power? Otherwise, there is really no way to explain it."

At this moment, a cold expression broke out on Chen Xuan's face. He had always treated Li Qiuyu as his younger sister, but these three old monsters actually wanted to attack Li Qiuyu. Chen Xuan couldn't bear this. of.

The three great ancestors and Chen Xuan had talked too much about Li Qiuyu before.

But during this time, Chen Xuan also heard some real mysteries from Zhao Jun Taishang Ancestor.

Li Qiuyu's power of Nine Revolutions has not yet reached its peak. The current three great ancestors have used the power of hundreds of different warriors to increase the power of Nine Revolutions.

Chen Xuan also understands this nine-turn first power, because he must absorb a large amount of first power from different warriors before he can improve it.

If you use your own strength to improve, it will obviously be very difficult, but these three old men also arranged for their men to gather the different strengths of other warriors, and then let them truly reach the ninth rank.

When the power of the Nine Revolutions reaches its maximum, Grand Ancestor Cao Jinlong will directly absorb it and occupy the power of the Nine Revolutions, thereby increasing his lifespan.

According to the words of the ancestor of Zhao Jun, the power of the Nine Revolutions is very important to them.

The power of the Nine Transformation Masters, who can comprehend a higher level, can not only prolong their life, but also allow them to achieve breakthroughs in cultivation, and it will even be of great help to them in forging swords.

If they can truly absorb it, there will be almost no obstacles on the road to forging fairy swords in the future, and even breakthroughs around them will be more tempting to them. They have lived for who knows how many years. If there is no way to break through If so, it will eventually take shape.

Even top powerful men like them have no way to disobey Tao, let alone resist reincarnation.

This is a major event related to the Qingbai Dragon Sect. Grand Ancestor Cao Jinlong obviously has enough confidence in the power of the Nine Revolutions.

Just when Chen Xuan was confused, the ancestor of Zhao Jun came over.

"In four months, the power can be obtained." Zhao Jun Taishang Ancestor said: "At the same time, Cao Jinlong Taishang Ancestor wants you to realize the true power of the law, but you don't have to worry too much, just Just a little."

After getting to know Chen Xuan, Zhao Jun Taishang Ancestor did not worry and said directly.

Chen Xuan was shaking, and he was even more anxious. He realized that there was no way to wait now. It was obvious that the reason why these three old monsters asked Chen Xuan to come over in the first place had other ideas. They had been teaching them during this period. Chen Xuan's martial arts helped him improve his strength. Of course, this was not just because they were kind or because they wanted to help Chen Xuan improve.

One of the main reasons is that they want to improve their strength and achieve breakthroughs in cultivation.

Is there still April left? This time is running out for me.

"Is the power of the Nine Revolutions Master really as powerful as yours, the Supreme Ancestor of Zhao Jun? I have heard some rumors before, but I didn't expect that it can actually extend your life." Chen Xuan suddenly said.

"That's natural, otherwise why would our three great ancestors spend so much effort to absorb it." The ancestor of Zhao Jun said: "The power of the Nine Revolutions is the hope of the Qingbai Dragon Sect's breakthrough. Grand Supreme Cao Jinlong Ancestor obviously had enough confidence to make no mistakes.”

"But things are not that simple."

Chen Xuan hesitated, but finally came out.

"We are also the three great ancestors. Why is it that Grand Ancestor Cao Jinlong takes over and you don't do anything? This makes me a little confused. Although I haven't stayed here for a particularly long time, I think you The status of the three ancestors should be about the same. ”

After that, Chen Xuan quickly apologized and said: "Ancestor Zhao Jun, I didn't mean that, I just have a little doubt."

The Supreme Ancestor of Zhao Jun waved his hand and said: "The power of the Nine Revolutions is what we most hope to obtain, but millions of years have passed and we have only found this one warrior, so there is nothing we can do now. It also passed through us at the beginning. It was unanimously decided to let him absorb it first, and if this power is divided into three parts, it is not impossible, but our original arrangement was not like this. "

"Among the three great ancestors, Grand Ancestor Cao Jinlong has the strongest cultivation and has made the greatest contribution to the Qingbai Dragon Sect. It is understandable that he takes over."

Chen Xuan could understand that the ancestor of Zhao Jun seemed a little helpless.

"Ancestor Zhao Jun, don't you want to absorb it?" Chen Xuandao said: "If you get it, I don't think you can be worse than Ancestor Cao Jinlong in the future, and you may even be stronger."

Grand Ancestor Zhao Jun also became alert at this time: "Don't mention this matter again. If I find out that you mention it to me again, I won't let you go easily."

No matter what, this is a matter between the three of them, and if Chen Xuan is like this now, it means something extraordinary.

And if the other two elders knew about it, it would probably have a bad influence, and even cause such a big rift between the three of them, and this was definitely not something he wanted to see.

Zheng, the Stone of Green Mountain

Fire Bird, Demon Dragon, Shangguan Haoran, and Dugu Lun looked at each other with helpless expressions. When they came in, Chen Xuan had already put them into the Green Mountain Stone. This Green Mountain Stone was not an ordinary one. Magic weapon, so the three old monsters didn't notice any breath in it at all.

"Now no matter what, we have to rescue Li Qiuyu. I absolutely cannot see Qiu Yu suffering like this anymore. These three damn old monsters dare to do this to Qiu Yu. I will definitely kill them when the time comes. "Shangguan Haoran said in a deep voice.

"We can't help but see the danger. Now we can obviously rescue Qiu Yu." Dugu Lun also said.

A thunderbolt struck near the fire bird: "Oh, what you think is really too simple. These three old monsters are very strong. It's not that easy to deal with them."

"I want to kill all these old ladies and ancestors. The three of them are really hateful."

Only Demon Dragon is relatively calm, because he knows very well how terrifying these three randi are.

"The three great ancestors are all invincible masters at the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Stage. Even the Grand Ancestor Cao Jinlong may break through to the fourth level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Stage at any time. You are really too brave. This It's simply impossible for us, so don't think about it now." Demonic Dragon said: "With your level of cultivation, not only are you unable to rescue Li Qiuyu, but you will also be in greater danger."

"But even so, what should we do? Are we just watching Li Qiuyu being sealed by them? Now Qiuyu has never been able to regain consciousness. You guys, I'm afraid you don't know how long we have known Qiuyu." Shangguan Haoran said.

This is true. The Demon Dragon only joined Chen Xuan later. He didn't know that the humans in front of him had known each other hundreds of millions of years ago.

He didn't know much about the relationship between them.

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