"Don't be so anxious now, you will know when the time comes." Chen Xuandao: "I am not helping your Nebula Sword Sect, but Hua Qiang. After all, he saved my life in the first place. The fight between us had nothing to do with me."

After that, Chen Xuan left here.

In the main hall, many elders looked at Luo Xingjian.

"Sect Master, this guy is very arrogant. What nonsense are you talking about? Are we just going to let him leave like that? We absolutely cannot give up like this."

"With his cultivation, how can he help us deal with the crisis? I suggest that he be completely eliminated and let this guy be arrogant again."

The elders were discussing.

But Luo Xingjian couldn't say a word.


An elder suddenly said, Luo Xingjian turned around and laughed helplessly.

"We are at the end of our rope now. Is there any other way?"

"Then there's no way to get this guy to help." The elders finally objected. They didn't believe Chen Xuan.

"He is more powerful than you think. There are many possibilities that he does have power."

"Sect Master, I don't understand why you should believe him."

The black-robed elder said in surprise and confusion.

"Before, I tested him secretly, guess what the result was."

Luo Xingjian smiled helplessly: "When my power came into contact with him, it seemed to have no end. I instantly lost control of the power. This guy can be unfathomable. Even I don't know what he is now." "Cultivation."

"He can defeat Zhao Wujun without spending much effort, and his strength has at least reached the third level of the Dragon Breaking God, so he is likely to be more powerful than we thought." Luo Xingjian continued: "According to my speculation, his true strength The power is because he has just entered the middle and late stage of the third level of Shenlong Breaking God, but I don’t know what level it is, but this cultivation level is already very powerful. It can be far beyond his level. He can really Achieve cross-level combat.”

At this moment.

After hearing this, the elders discussed it.

The invincible Shenlong Second Level God-breaking Realm can actually have the strength to enter the middle stage of the Shenlong God-breaking Third Level Realm for the first time? This is simply impossible.

"He is very correct. Our Xingyun Sword Sect has no choice. He is also a terrifying force. If we have his help, at least we will have one more force in the fight with the Joajin Mountain Sect. Of course, this guy's cultivation Because, it must be good. Even if he can't help us completely recover, he can at least help us. "

At this point, you can only resort to tricks.

In fact, according to Luo Xingjian, if Chen Xuan dared to make such bold statements, there was a 100% chance that he would have a powerful trump card, but he didn't know what the specific trump card was.

There was a little bit of expectation on his face. He didn't know whether Chen Xuan could help him get through this crisis. Anyway, the sect had reached this point and there was no other way.

In front of the main hall of the sect, Hua Qiang saw Chen Xuan coming out and walked over quickly.

"How's it going? The sect master didn't deal with you, right?"

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly.

"There is one thing I want to tell you. After the Nebula Sword Sect is in crisis, you will succeed Zhao Wujun and become the first disciple."

"What do you mean, why did I become the first disciple?"

Hua Qiang caught up and said confusedly, he didn't know what Chen Xuan meant by what he said.

There is a big gap between him and Zhao Wujun. He can only be regarded as average in the Nebula Sword Sect, and his cultivation level is not particularly strong. There is no possibility at all that he can succeed Zhao Wujun and become the first disciple of the Nebula Sword Sect. I don't even have the guts to think about it.

Seeing Hua Qiang's expression, Chen Xuan smiled slightly.

There is a big gap between him and Lord Zhao Wu, and Chen Xuan also knows it. However, if the Nebula Sword Sect throws all the talents and treasures used in cultivation on you, I think with his talent, it should not be difficult to break through the distance.

When he heard Chen Xuan's words, he was even more surprised.

Even when Chen Xuan saw him for the first time, he had already seen how extraordinary he was. This was not because Chen Xuan just said it casually, but because he really saw his talent. Among these disciples, he was the most outstanding one. .

As for why he is performing mediocre now, I am afraid it has something to do with his character.

One day more than half a month later.

The Joaquin Mountain Sect launched another fierce attack, and red murderous aura filled the entire land. Hundreds of warriors all came out, their expressions were very surprised.

The Huajin Mountain Sect was very well prepared. As they attacked all the way, the Xingyun Sword Sect's defense was almost equivalent to that of No Ying.

Not long after, the Hua Jinshan Sect came over to kill him.

In front of Wan Lei Territory.

All the masters of the Huajin Mountain Sect gathered in this place.

Sect Master Zhao led the way, his expression full of helplessness. In this situation, he must achieve destruction at once.

At this time, his expression was full of sarcasm.

"Now, there is no Nebula Sword Sect anymore. I must completely wipe them out to prevent future troubles. I cannot let them recover again."

Sect Leader Zhao said that last time, because of some things, the Huajinshan Sect failed to complete its plan.

This time, the Huajinshan Sect was fully prepared, and he believed that the Nebula Sword Sect had no way of defending itself.

"Sir, Lord, are you going to attack directly? I believe they will not have any ability to resist."

The great elder came over and whispered.

The aura in this place is very terrifying. Many disciples have been prepared. Several elders around have also used formations to seal everything in the area. The purpose is to prevent anyone from escaping. .

Sect Leader Zhao shook his head helplessly and said: "Thousand Thunder Territory is the base of the Nebula Sword Sect. Although our Huajinshan Sect is not worried about the Nebula Sword Sect at all, he also has the strength of the sect. If he comes here, he will be completely Unforeseen dangers.”

"I guess Luo Xingjian already understood that we were going to kill him. If I am not wrong, he will come out."

At this time, the Nebula Sword Sect...

When Luo Xingjian heard the news, he was a little surprised in his heart. He obviously didn't expect that they would suddenly attack at this time, and there was no expectation at all.

His face was ugly, he couldn't escape after all, they had failed before.

Definitely more prepared this time.

The time has come, they must stand, they must be beaten back.

"Sect Master, we must repel them."

"Our Xingyun Sword Sect is an ancient sect after all. How could we let him bully us like this? We absolutely cannot just swallow his anger. We must resist."

"That's very true. We have to protect our Nebula Sword Sect with all our lives. We must not let them achieve their wishful thinking so easily."

Many elders, Horror said, these elders are basically the main war faction, and surprisingly, basically no one has backed down. One of the main reasons for this is because the other side has been bullying them over the years, and has done a very good job. Absolutely, the purpose is to kill them all to avoid future troubles.

"Everyone, prepare to fight. This time we must be prepared."

Luo Xingjian agreed in his heart, knowing that this time the Joaquin Mountain Sect was very fierce and there was no way to avoid it. He could only prepare for a fight. Now it was the only way.

He knew very well that there was a chance that he would not be able to come back. Luo Xingjian's own cultivation was still quite strong, but now the strength of the entire sect was not as strong as before.

at this time!

Hundreds of sounds were heard breaking through the air, and many elders, led by Luo Xingjian, flew over from the vicinity of Ten Thousand Thunder Territory.

Their faces were full of anger.

"Damn the Joaquin Mountain Sect."

The anger in the hearts of many elders has reached the extreme. They suppressed the long sword tightly, their expressions were very gloomy, and they were very eager to destroy the Huajin Mountain Sect.

"Luo Xingjian, your Xingyun Sword Sect has no way out. Haha, next time I will completely slaughter you all so that you don't have any chance to resist."

Sect Leader Zhao showed a horrified expression and said, he believed that as long as his people killed him, the other side would have no way to resist.

"Do we have to fight to the death? Hahaha, there is no deep hatred between us, but you are completely blinded by ambition." Luo Xingjian said doubtfully.

"What's the problem with your household?" Sect Leader Zhao sneered.

"The disciples of the Nebula Sword Sect obeyed the order and surrounded several elders of the Nebula Sword Sect."

At this time, there was a terrifying sound in Dao Star Space, and the aura in Dao Star Space was very strong.

The Huajinshan Sect and the Xingyun Sword Sect started a thorough battle.

Many disciples of the Nebula Sword Sect who were weak in cultivation were very shocked. Their expressions were very dark, and their hearts were full of worry. After all, their strength was not as good as others, and many people were killed and injured last time. I don't know how many people will be killed or injured this time.

Hua Qiang even found Chen Xuan and told him that the Huajinshan Sect was attacking with all its strength and the Nebula Sword Sect was likely to be wiped out. He asked him to escape quickly. He didn't know what happened in the main hall. I don’t know what the conversation between Chen Xuan and their sect master revealed.

Although Chen Xuan showed good strength last time, he did not think that Chen Xuan was so powerful that he could save their entire sect.

"Chen Xuan, please leave this place quickly. The current situation is very critical. You must leave quickly. What will happen next? Even I can't tell. After all, you are not a member of our sect, so I don't want to Let this implicate you."

Seeing Hua Qiang, Chen Xuan smiled slightly and said, I have to say, this guy is really a good person.

"Brother Huaqiang, you and I have only known each other for a while, but you have treated me like this. I will definitely help you this time." Chen Xuan said with a gloomy expression: "You don't need to worry. The Nebula Sword Sect is not in any danger, and you are not in any danger." It’s dangerous, I’m ready, just waiting for them to come.”

Even Chen Xuan secretly compared the gap between the two sects, and he was the winner.

Chen Xuan looked at Hua Qiang, then left the room.

After leaving the room, he met Zhao Bolong, one of the top masters of the Nebula Sword Sect. At this time, he also looked very anxious.

"It's Chen Xuan."

Zhao Bolong suddenly said.

What happened.

"Outside, a battle has begun. We are disciples of the Nebula Sword Sect, and we are ready to fight to the death. If you are not a disciple of the Nebula Sword Sect, you can leave now. We will not hold you accountable."

Zhao Bolong looked at Chen Xuan and left immediately.

Among the sects, Zhao Bolong is considered to be very powerful in cultivation, and his talent is also very outstanding.

But it is not within the scope of ordinary disciples, because he is the direct disciple of the sect master, and his status is very unusual.

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly.

Soon, many disciples outside the sect had been seriously injured.

"You bastards of the Nebula Sword Sect, you are simply looking for death. You still won't surrender under such circumstances. Go and die now."

A disciple of the Huajin Mountain Sect, holding a long sword, burst out with extreme power, and his anger hit the body of the Xingyun Sword Sect disciple Zheng


The bodies of the disciples of the Xingyun Sword Sect spread directly towards the vicinity, evolving into phantoms of souls, and turned into a ray of remnant soul, floating in the air when Zheng

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