Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6272 Preparations for Tianhua Jinshan Sect

"With me here, the Nebula Sword Sect cannot be destroyed."

"In that case, I will let you see how powerful my Hua Jinshan Sect is."

After Sect Master Zhao finished speaking, suddenly a disciple of the second level Divine Dragon who broke the gods appeared in an instant.

"Lord Sect Master, I will deal with this kind of garbage."

The disciple of the Huajinshan Sect stamped his feet on the ground, turning into a red aura that burst out.

"It would be better if you come here. I can just show you how powerful I am."

Chen Xuan laughed calmly, raised his long sword, and the terrifying aura of immortal swordsmanship gathered on the long sword Zheng

He was seen quickly using his secret technique, and the extremely violent power of the Immortal Sword Technique quickly condensed into a sword energy.


Under his use, Chen Xuan's sword energy had almost no defense and directly hit the body of the Huajinshan Sect disciple.

at this time.

Chen Xuan's sword energy shattered, and the disciples of the Huajinshan Sect died instantly.

What happened.

At this moment, many warriors from the Huajin Mountain Sect were staring at Chen Xuan.

Many warriors from the Xingyun Sword Sect also showed expressions of surprise.

Directly destroying the invincible warrior of the second level of the Divine Dragon, it is easy to figure out that Chen Xuan's true power has definitely reached the level of the third level of the Divine Dragon.

"There are many possibilities that our Nebula Sword Sect can really be safe."

Some elders hope in their hearts.

Luo Xingjian stared at Chen Xuan deeply, not knowing what to do.

"With me in this place, there should be no danger to the Xingyun Sword Sect." Chen Xuandao: "But your Huajinshan Sect treats my words as nothing. In this case, I will be here to protect them. Your Huajinshan Sect's Warriors, one by one, they all will die."

At this time, Chen Xuan exuded a terrifying aura, like a murderous god.

There are many warriors in the Huajin Mountain Sect, all of whom are very anxious to use their skills.

However, he was guarded by Sect Master Zhao.

"Do you think you have lived too long?" Sect Leader Zhao looked at Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan remained silent and closed his eyes without saying a word.

At this moment, Sect Master Zhao was completely unhappy.

"go to hell."

He raised his long sword and shouted low, and the Yuan Xue Sword quickly condensed.

This time, the Yuanxue Sword is slightly different from the previous period. The blood-red sword energy contains a fiery red aura, which makes people obviously feel very surprised.

"Death by my Yuanxue Evil Sword

Sect Master Zhao arrived near Chen Xuan in an instant.

Motivated by powerful force, the invisible sword energy enveloped Chen Xuan.


Sect Master Zhao took the Yuanxue Sword and killed Chen Xuan angrily.

But something unexpected happened.

The Yuanxue Sword was so terrifying, but it couldn't seal Chen Xuan's superficial protective spiritual energy defense.

Many warriors were very surprised at how powerful his protective spiritual energy defense on the surface was.

"I don't believe you can defend me."

Sect Leader Zhao was very crazy and activated the Yuan Xue Sword frantically to bombard Chen Xuan.

But no matter how he attacked, there was no way to defeat Chen Xuan, or even to crack the power of Suzaku's Nirvana.

This sight not only shocked the warriors of the Xingyun Sword Sect, but also the disciples of the Huajinshan Sect.

go to hell!

Sect Leader Zhao shouted wildly, and the Yuanxue Sword launched its strongest attack.

This terrifying aura directly killed Chen Xuan.

The invisible sword energy defense kept moving, but he directly defended against the Yuanxue Evil Sword attack.

"It didn't work out."

Sect Master Zhao's heart was full of dissatisfaction. He had never seen such a situation before.

The surging power emitted from Chen Xuan's body and directly ejected Sect Leader Zhao.

Sect Master Zhao's body flew backwards. Now that he stabilized his body, he quickly gathered the Yuan Xue Sword and prepared to continue the attack.

But at this moment Chen Xuan finally spoke.

He stared at Sect Master Zhao step by step, and wherever the aura covered it, the stars in the sky completely dissipated.

"You have been attacking for so long, and now it's finally time for me to attack."

Chen Xuan laughed helplessly and waved his sword.

"It's really damn good."

At this moment.

The long sword covering the entire earth came over and struck against the Yuan Xue Sword.


In the observation of many warriors, Chen Xuan's long sword actually absorbed the Yuan Xue Sword.

The entire Wan Lei Territory was completely surprised.

Go to hell.

Chen Xuan used all his strength and the Yuanxue Sword broke through instantly. Sect Leader Zhao's trump card, which was also a very powerful and top-level magic weapon of the Huajin Mountain Sect, was actually broken by Chen Xuan's long sword. This is something that no one dares to imagine.

This scene was extremely terrifying, and everyone was filled with shock.

Whether it was Chen Xuan's burst of strength or the scene that happened in front of them, they were all filled with surprise.

"The Yuanxue evil has been broken."

Within the Ten Thousand Thunder Territory, there were constant cries.

If you take a brief look at the Huajinshan Sect, you will find that many warriors are stunned, but no one says a word. All the monks are full of despair and unwillingness.

They have no way to accept the current situation. The broken Yuanxue Sword means what they know very well.

Absolutely impossible!

After a while, the terrifying aura of Sect Master Zhao came.

He was extremely crazy and full of unwillingness.

"He must die."

At this time, Sect Master Zhao was very crazy. He didn't believe that he had put in so much effort and ended up stalling at this place. The strength shown by Chen Xuan indeed made him feel extremely confused.

He didn't care too much and flew towards Chen Xuan, wanting to use his cultivation advantage to completely obliterate Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's long sword waved again, and violent power filled the entire earth. When Sect Master Zhao flew towards him, a terrifying sword energy sealed him.

Just at this time!

Sect Master Zhao fought back crazily, even wanting to destroy his soul and body, but he still couldn't do it.

The cultivation level displayed by Chen Xuan was very terrifying.

Even if Sect Leader Zhao Ruci first entered the third level of Shenlong Breaking God Realm, he would not have the power to reverse the situation. This is simply impossible in the eyes of ordinary people. After all, the cultivation level revealed by Chen Xuan on the surface is not the third level, but what he is now The power displayed far exceeded the early stage of the third level, and may even have reached the peak of the third level. The situation made everyone feel a little uneasy.

"I gave you a chance, but unfortunately you didn't surrender, so you can't blame me next."

Chen Xuan did not give Sect Master Zhao a chance. He quickly stepped on the ground and the ground trembled instantly. His long sword quickly struck at Sect Master Zhao.

The sword energy filled the air crazily, and the starry sky filled the air.

The terrifying aura continued to emit.

Sect Leader Zhao's body instantly filled the area, and thousands of auras in the ground killed his soul.

A little bit of the power dissipates.

There was complete silence in the ground, and all the monks were very surprised.

The domain lord of the Huajin Mountain Sect has been killed. How is this possible? Why can Chen Xuan achieve such a feat? Almost no one dares to believe it. The man who thought he was talking nonsense at the beginning has not only done it now, but also He also refreshed their horizons with his super strength.

At the same time, the warrior who completely obliterated him was just a warrior in the late stage of the second level of Divine Dragon Breaking God.

Luo Xingjian's heart was filled with changes. He laughed horribly. Nothing happened to the Nebula Sword Sect. At least they were completely safe now and no longer needed to think about the sect's destruction.

At the same time, the biggest enemy, the Joaquin Mountain Sect, will also give up continuing to attack them. Now it can be a great situation, and no one can stop them at all.

"Sect Master Zhao has been killed, and the Joajin Mountain Sect will no longer exist. If you quit the Joajin Mountain Sect now and get entangled with the Nebula Sword Sect in the future, I will let you go and give you a chance to leave here."

Chen Xuan's voice was heard outside the sect.

Many warriors from the Huajin Mountain Sect carefully observed the front and found that they indeed had no grudge against Chen Xuan.

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, the elders of the Huajinshan Sect led many warriors to yell: "Kill the leader of our sect. We, the Huajinshan Sect, do not share the same sympathies with you. Even if you die, you will be completely wiped out."

"That's very true. We, the Huajinshan Sect, are all people who are not afraid of death. We cannot bow to you, so you should give up on this idea."

"There is absolutely no way we will surrender."

An angry scream came out, and many elders came over and stood together. Their bodies exuded a terrifying aura, and they were ready to fight to the death.

But there are still some people who have other ideas in their hearts.

"Sect Master Zhao is finished. If we continue to stay here, we are simply asking for death."

"That's very correct. When I joined the Huajin Mountain Sect, my purpose was just to improve my cultivation."

"I know very well that I am asking for death. Why do I want to stay? So let's get out of here now. We can't stay here any longer."

"We are grateful to our seniors for letting us survive."

A monk led many warriors to make this sound, and then many disciples began to quickly escape from this place.

"Fucking garbage."

At this moment, many elders raised their hands and released a terrifying sword energy. Several disciples who quickly left here were killed.

In an instant, most of the disciples fled, but only some persisted in sticking to their beliefs and did not escape after this incident.

"It seems that you have made your choice. In that case, you can't blame me for being rude next time." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

"Everyone, come here, kill him, and avenge your lord's shame. We will never back down now."

Under the leadership of many elders, the remaining warriors of the Huajinshan Sect launched a large-scale attack on Chen Xuan. They thought they could interfere with Chen Xuan, but unfortunately, this did not pose any threat to Chen Xuan at all, and even let him It feels a little ridiculous.

go to hell!

The Immortal-level Prairie Fire Sword suddenly appeared in Chen Xuan's hand, and the Immortal Sword Technique was used instantly.

"You are lucky. At the last moment, you saw the real immortal swordsmanship."

Finally, the terrifying atmosphere continued to exude.

Just that terrifying aura completely wiped out all the other warriors of the Huajin Mountain Sect, leaving no one behind.

All the monks of the Nebula Sword Sect were slightly surprised.

"It's too scary. His immortal swordsmanship is much more powerful than that of the Huajinshan Sect."

"It's absolutely true. It turns out that when he completely wiped out Sect Leader Zhao, he didn't use all his power at all."

"How powerful is his real power? Can we challenge Master Zhao Junheng?"

At this moment, many warriors were involved in discussions.

The sword energy filled the air crazily, and many disciples were seriously injured.

Chen Xuan single-handedly destroyed the Huajinshan Sect and single-handedly resolved the crisis of the Xingyun Sword Sect.

The news of the extermination of the Huajin Mountain Sect spread quickly.

The seventy-two immortal realms and top sects under Jian Xunxing Kongyu are all curious about the identity of this guy who can kill the Joaquin Mountain Sect alone.

Some forces even secretly asked disciples to come to see what happened here. Ever since this news was spread, it has caused a big stir. After all, destroying a sect is not the same thing anywhere. Many people are here. Pay attention to this matter.

Xingyun Sword Sect, sect leader Zheng

Luo Xingjian was waiting for Chen Xuan alone, and when he saw him, his expression showed excitement.

Nowadays, Chen Xuan has become a figure that many warriors of the Nebula Sword Sect believe in, and they respect him very much.

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