He was originally a big shot in the domain. Jianxun Domain Master valued talent and cultivation. He didn't care who served as the Domain Master of a sect domain. As long as he had enough talent and cultivation to be used by him, the rest would be enough. Things don't require much concern.

In his eyes, Chen Xuan's talent and cultivation surpassed that of Lord Wang Lin, and indeed brought him many surprises.

It's just that they continued to talk here, but no one outside could know what Jianxun Territory Master and Chen Xuan secretly talked about, and even the news was not spread.

Now when leaving Qingyun Luoyu, Chen Xuan showed a happy expression.

In the pavilion, people around Jianxun Territory Master were playing chess. Near him, a mysterious warrior showed a smile.

"The domain lord."

"What do you think of this guy?" Jianxun Territory Master asked doubtfully.

"In terms of talent and cultivation, he can be ranked among the top few in the Eastern Region. However, it will take time to test his future cultivation level. I think his talent is very different, and his future achievements will definitely not be limited. "The mysterious warrior said.

A long time ago, I lost the power of Suzaku's Nirvana. After half the time, I had no chance to let him go anymore. I saw the greatest potential in him, and his future achievements would definitely be extraordinary. I'm very optimistic about him now. "Jian Xunyu Master said.

Past few.

News came out from the Qingyun Luo Domain that the Lord of Jianxun Domain alone wanted to allow Chen Xuan to create a new sect, parallel to the Twelve Immortal Domains, with a different status, or even a higher level.

At the same time, all warriors in the Twelve Immortal Realms can compete with Chen Xuan, but they must refrain from using other cheating methods.

When the news came out, the entire Eastern Region discussed it very rigorously. They were all very curious about Chen Xuan who suddenly appeared, and they didn't know where he came from.

Although Chen Xuan caused a storm outside, they were still very confused inside.

The Twelve Immortals Territory were even more surprised. Could it be that Chen Xuan's talent and cultivation have convinced the Lord of Jianxun Territory? Otherwise, why would such a thing happen?

The order issued by Jianxun Territory Lord seemed fair on the surface, but in fact it was very beneficial to Chen Xuan. After all, everyone knew very well that he must have taken a fancy to Chen Xuan's talent.

The Lord of Jianxun Territory had objections to certain sects in the Twelve Immortal Territories. He used Chen Xuan to break the overall situation that had lasted for millions of years, and then made the competition for the Twelve Immortal Territories even more terrifying. Of course, , this is just a guess by these people, they don’t know what happened specifically.

"Although Jian Xun Territory Lord is optimistic about Chen Xuan, he actually wants to change the current overall situation. So what we have to do now is to stabilize the basic market as soon as possible and not let our place get chaotic first."

"It's absolutely true. The Eastern General Territory has not made any achievements before. The Lord of Jianxun Territory must have opinions on this. If even a newly established sect cannot deal with it, it is very likely that it will be replaced. However, , we have no way to guess what the old man is thinking."

"This is also in line with Jianxun Territory Lord, the Twelve Immortal Territory Lords. People with strong cultivation can become a prince. Chen Xuan possesses the power of Suzaku Nirvana, so he is naturally favored by Jianxun Territory Lord, and he has the talent His cultivation is very strong, and he will definitely be very strong in the future. I am afraid that he has a way to estimate how far Chen Xuan will grow in the future. The obvious purpose of this order is to cultivate Chen Xuan. "

"The Twelve Immortal Realms can compete fairly with the newly established sects, but they do not allow the third-level invincible masters of the divine dragon realm to act casually. This is to train Chen Xuan and prevent him from being attacked and killed by the third-level invincible masters of the divine dragon realm."

The sound of many discussions quickly dispersed.

The Twelve Immortal Realms are all carefully observing the Yunlei Immortal Realm, and they are obviously very curious about what is happening here.

Eastern General Territory.

With a bang, a courtyard directly turned into ashes. Elder Longshi stood on the place where time and space flowed, his face full of anger. He was very unconvinced, but he felt a little helpless.

"My Eastern General Territory followed the Jianxun Territory Lord and suppressed the world. Now it suddenly happens like this, which really makes me unhappy."

Elder Longshi was very angry, but he had no choice now. If he had the choice, he would have already made plans.

The words of the Jianxun Territory Master showed that no one had the ability to resist. They knew very well that this time, Chen Xuan had been connected with a higher-level person, and now they would not bring any harm to Chen Xuan. threaten.

"Elder, what should we do?" Master Wang Lin said anxiously: "Chen Xuan possesses the power of Suzaku Nirvana, and has a long cultivation talent and a terrifying cultivation level. He must be looked at by the Jianxun Territory Lord and Zheng Xuan For the sake of Chen Xuan, the Jianxun Territory Lord has stopped talking. We have not taken action at the moment. If we really do something to him, if the adults find out, we will definitely not be able to live with it. "

"Elder Chen Xuan's talent and cultivation level, you also understand that if you continue to ignore him and let him break through, he will definitely cause great trouble to our Eastern Region. This guy has been mocking us before, and we must not let him be like this. alive."

"Masters with the third level of invincibility in the divine dragon realm and above cannot use their techniques, but there is no way to achieve the third level of invincibility without the divine dragon. We still have a chance." Elder Longshi said: "Jianxun Territory Lord is making preparations. I think he must have his own plan to find a balance between our Eastern Region and Chen Xuan."

"How can the strength of our sect in the Eastern General Territory be comparable to that of rubbish? I will definitely kill him this time." Elder Longshi said: "And we can't leave him any more opportunities. Let me explore Yunlei." Immortal Realm, tell me all the news about him in time."

The Eastern General Territory, which had been peaceful for tens of thousands of years, was completely calm due to the order of the Jianxun Territory Lord. It was no longer possible to be as lively as before, and the person who caused these commotions was naturally Chen Xuan.

The Twelve Immortal Realms have been observing Chen Xuan carefully. They are all curious about what kind of noise this young man can make.

What kind of talent and cultivation does this guy have that allows Jianxun Territory Lord to see him alone?

Everyone is very curious about where Chen Xuan comes from.

Some of the top young talents from the Twelve Immortals Territory are very eager to try. It is obvious that they want to challenge Chen Xuan in the afternoon and prove that they are the outstanding top talents in the Eastern General Territory. Only in this way can they They are valued by senior officials, but unfortunately, they are not Chen Xuan, nor do they have his talent.

After a period of time.

In the area controlled by Yunlei Immortal Domain, Chen Xuan has just established a sect.

He is called the Sword God Sect, and he is the first sect leader of the Sword God Sect, and the domain chief is the great elder.

Moreover, the five regions continued to stand up and issue edicts announcing that they would withdraw from the Eastern General Region and join the Sword God Sect.

At this moment, the entire Eastern Region was trembling.

"What? Five regions joined the Sword God Sect at the same time. I didn't expect it to be so terrifying."

"Where does this Chen Xuan come from, and why did he allow five regions to make this choice?"

"Awesome, absolutely terrifying."

They had never expected that such a thing would happen. After hearing this, many warriors were very trembling. It seemed that the situation here was about to change.

The domain master of the Twelve Immortal Domains was very surprised.

The entire Eastern General Territory was very unhappy after hearing the news, but they had no other choice.

Several areas are the foundation of the Eastern General Territory, but now they have all joined the Sword God Sect. This has a huge impact on the pattern.

"It's really damned, everything deserves to be damned."

Elder Longshi was even more unhappy. He did not expect that things would happen like this. This was completely beyond his expectation.

But the end was done, and he didn't have the strength to do anything else.

"Our Eastern General Territory is not a piece of garbage left to be slaughtered by others. It is impossible for you to bully us. This time, we will definitely let them bear the price."

This is the sound coming from the Eastern General Territory, and they are completely angry now.

The original Yunlei Immortal Domain has now become the sect of the Sword God Sect.

The entire Immortal Realm was very lively. Hundreds of warriors came to congratulate them, and they all had smiles on their faces.

The Domain Chief Territory Lord is even more busy, which is very surprising. It seems that he did not expect that he would be in this situation, and his status is also very, very high. There will be such a person, all of which are due to Chen Xuan. It was a gift, so he was still very excited in his heart.

He was secretly pleasantly surprised now. He had a pretty good eye for the right person back then, otherwise he would have ended up like the Chief Territory Master of the Wan Zhen Transformation Domain, which would have been very miserable. Moreover, he did not have too many plans, but I felt that Chen Xuan had a certain affinity, but in the end he actually found the right person.

"Everyone, now that the Sword God Sect has been created for the first time, everyone is very happy."

Chen Xuan was originally the sect leader. He left after a few words, leaving behind the warriors who were being entertained by the domain chief. They were willing to give him face, and Chen Xuan naturally would not treat them badly. It is delicacies from mountains and sea.

The banquet in the hall lasted for half a month, and the news spread around all the warriors in the Eastern Region. Many people were very shocked, because what happened was indeed different from what they expected. Originally, they thought Chen Xuan would die. But the result was a turn of events. Not only did Chen Xuan's status improve, but he also became the head of the sect.

A few days later.

But at this moment.

A breath came quickly from the sky, and when it was about to approach the main hall of the Territory Lord, it suddenly transformed into a human form and appeared on the earth.

At this moment.

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