Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6321 The lackey of the Dragon God Gang

Recalling the past more than before, the Dragon God Gang felt even more unhappy than before. At that time, he had a chance, but he was seriously injured because of this incident.

"I swore before that I would avenge my shame in the years to come. From now on, I will kill all of you Golden Dragon Divine Sect warriors."

The Dragon God Gang suddenly looked very dark, showing a terrifying expression.

"And you are the first person I want to kill."

It didn't take long for the Dragon God Gang to once again use the tip of their sword to attack Wang Dongxiang.

"A warrior like you can only live as a lackey of the Dragon God Gang for the rest of his life."

Hearing Wang Dongxiang's ridicule, the mysterious warrior became even more unhappy.

"Since you want to die, I will let you die completely, so go die now."

The next moment, the Dragon God Gang released their long swords and launched their strongest attack, instantly covering Wang Dongxiang.

At this moment, a loud shouting sound appeared.

Wang Dongxiang found Junior Brother Song, and Song Daode ran over quickly.

"Junior Brother Song, why are you back? You can't be his opponent."

Wang Dongxiang closed his eyes, feeling helpless inside.

"What's going on? Why is he still alive?"

Several Dragon God Gang looked at each other, and then said doubtfully, their faces were full of doubts.

"Did something happen to them? Why did my iFi work well before, but now something like this happened?"

A certain Dragon God Gang had a crazy idea in his consciousness, and then he suddenly appeared.

go to hell!

He burst out with a terrifying sword energy, and the pervasive power burst out, attacking Song Daunde.

"Junior Brother Song."

Wang Dongxiang shouted wildly, but there was nothing he could do. He was forced by the Dragon God Gang and had almost no ability to resist.

"Why is this happening?"

With Wang Dongxiang's terrifying aura, he watched Junior Brother Song being killed, but was unable to help him.

But suddenly!

What happened next was beyond all the monks' original thoughts.

The Dragon God Gang was about to approach Song Dongde, and suddenly a violent sword energy appeared in the ground.

The next moment, the bodies of the Dragon God Gang appeared on the ground, dead instantly.

What happened.

This sudden change made many warriors tremble.

All eyes fell instantly on Song Daode, in fact, on Chen Xuan behind him.

"What is your identity?"

The warrior leading the way looked at Chen Xuan and said doubtfully.

"Kill Wang Furong and the others."

He told Wang Furong before, but there was still no response.

Song Daode and the mysterious young warrior, he already felt that Wang Furong and the others were dead.

"You can encounter warriors from the Dragon God Gang wherever you go." Chen Xuandao.

When the Dragon God Gang reacted, they continued to attack, hoping to kill Wang Dongxiang before that.

But as Song Dongde yelled, the terrifying and violent sword energy launched another desperate attack, instantly killing the head of the Dragon God Gang warrior who attacked Wang Dongxiang.

Song Dongde quickly brought Chen Xuan to Chen Xuan's vicinity.

"He doesn't have anything to do with it."

Song Dongde's pupils were full of helplessness, and he was very worried when he saw Chen Xuan's current situation.

"I just suffered some serious injuries. There is no life-threatening danger." Chen Xuan said helplessly.

"Thank you very much, senior."

Wang Dongxiang showed a puzzled expression towards Chen Xuan.

"It's really interesting, even more interesting than before."

The warrior who led the way suddenly laughed out loud: "I didn't expect that there would be monks in this Blood Dragon Mountain who have the courage to mock our Dragon God Gang."

"I'll give you time to get out, otherwise I won't mind launching a crazy attack." Chen Xuandao.

"But he is just a third-level warrior of the Divine Dragon Breaking God, and he dares to be so arrogant. Don't you know how big our Dragon God Gang is?"

"The only result of satirizing the Dragon God Gang is death."

"Now it's not just you who's going to die, it's them too."

Wang Dongxiang and Song Dongde looked at Chen Xuan.

"The target of the Dragon God Gang is our Golden Dragon God Sect warriors. They are very strong in the Blood Dragon Mountain. Senior, it is better to leave quickly." Wang Dongxiang said: "I, Wang Dongxiang, only ask that the senior can take away Junior Brother Song."

"not related."

Chen Xuan agreed in his heart, and then walked over, with a little killing intent in his eyes.

"It seems you have made a decision."

"Arrogant and domineering, so arrogant."

But before the Dragon God Gang finished speaking, Chen Xuan's body transformed into a terrifying aura and he attacked with all his strength.


A sound appeared, and a terrifying aura came from time to time.

In just one moment of using his spiritual power, Chen Xuan returned to where he was.

On the ground, hundreds of corpses appeared, as well as surprising defensive auras.

Wang Dongxiang showed a completely puzzled expression, which was simply surprising.

The disciples of the Dragon God Gang who were chasing them were almost all at the peak of the third level of the Shenlong Breaking God Realm. There was even an invincible master who had just entered the third level of the Shenlong Breaking God Realm. This kind of power could be very powerful.

"It's so scary. Who is he?"

After the surprise, Wang Dongxiang's heart was filled with changes.

Although Song Daode had seen Chen Xuan's cultivation before, he was very surprised at this moment. He didn't expect that Haru Xue could be so powerful.

"Thank you very much, senior, for helping us two brothers. If it weren't for you, we would have died this time." Wang Dongxiang quickly expressed his gratitude. "I just helped out." Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly and said, "You guys should leave this place quickly. It's very dangerous here." After that, Chen Xuan was ready to leave. "Looking at your direction, are you going to Beidi Dragon City as well?" Wang Dongxiang asked in confusion. Chen Xuan stopped. Although he didn't know where Beidi Dragon City was, he still nodded slightly. He knew very little about the Beidi area, and there were many possibilities to learn something from his two brothers. "It's a coincidence that our Jinlong Shenzong is the sect of Beidi Dragon City. Senior is a benefactor to our two brothers. Why don't we go together?" Wang Dongxiang smiled and said, "When we go to Beidi Dragon City, my Jinlong Shenzong will definitely repay you." "In that case, that's fine." The central area of ​​the Blood Dragon Mountain is the base of the Dragon God Gang. The fiery red thunder and lightning aura enveloped the entire Jinxuelong Mountain, making people feel a very powerful aura. Quickly!

A young warrior came to Luo Darao's location with a quick look.

"Lord Luo, it's not good."

"What's the matter? Is there someone very powerful?" Lord Luo shook his head slightly and said in doubt.

"Lord Luo, we sent people to kill the Golden Dragon Sect, and all of them were destroyed. Now we don't know who did it."

Lord Luo appeared, showing a puzzled expression, without the courage to believe.

"Could it be that the masters of the Golden Dragon Sect performed their skills?"

"According to our useful information, it is a mysterious young warrior. His cultivation is only the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Realm, but his cultivation is very powerful. He killed our team in one level."

"Mysterious young warrior, the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Realm."

When hearing this useful information, a little scary expression appeared near Lord Luo.

"It seems that I haven't left here for so long, and all the warriors have forgotten me, Luo Mo."

Lord Luo is actually a third-level invincible master of the Divine Dragon Realm.

Even in the Beidi area, he is famous.

"Use all your strength. If you find a warrior who killed him, tell me immediately." Luo Mo said.

"Don't worry, there is no problem, Elder Dragon God."

Luo Mo looked at the dark ground.

"The Dragon Destroying God is in the early stage of the third level, and it can directly destroy the Dragon Destroying God at the peak of the third level." Luo Mo said: "Such a talent and cultivation are really terrible."

Luo Mo suppressed the long sword tightly, and the violent breath in his heart was released immediately.

Going forward with Chen Xuan, the two brothers of the Golden Dragon God Sect gradually had no worries.

Several times when they encountered terrifying fairy beasts, Chen Xuan used his skills and killed them with thunder.

After a few days, they saw that Chen Xuan was a top talent that was rarely seen in hundreds of years.

"Too scary."

Wang Dongxiang sighed in his heart, even Wang Shaoying, the most outstanding top talent of the Golden Dragon God Sect, might not be his opponent.

"This is not the initial stage of the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Realm, it is simply an invincible master of the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Realm."

Whenever Wang Dongxiang looked at Chen Xuan, he couldn't help shaking his head.

"Be more cautious."

At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly whispered.

Wang Dongxiang and Song Dongde looked very surprised. The next moment, many warriors appeared not far from them and blocked their way.

"You killed the warriors of my Dragon God Gang, and you still want to leave the Blood Dragon Mountain. It's simply funny."

The leading warrior was full of ridicule: "Only if you die can the anger of the Dragon God Gang be quelled."

"Brother Hualong, what should we do?" One of them said in confusion.

"Lord Luo wants to completely wipe out this guy alone. If I kill him, there will be a precious magic weapon for 100%."

The leading warrior wanted to take this opportunity to kill him, so he did not directly pass the news back to the Dragon God Gang base.

"Lord Luo."

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly.

"Lord Luo of the Dragon God Gang is actually an invincible master of the third level of the Divine Dragon Realm." Wang Dongxiang said.

The moment Chen Xuan's consciousness appeared, his body quickly stepped on the ground and performed his skills in an instant.

"Come here, all of you, kill him."

Many warriors of the Dragon God Gang showed crazy expressions and quickly surrounded Chen Xuan little by little.

But just when they were about to perform their skills, they were killed by Chen Xuan.


When he put the sword back, there were many corpses lying on the ground.

"Leave this place quickly."

Chen Xuan's expression was a little nervous, and he said quickly.

He didn't expect that Lord Luo of the Dragon God Gang was actually an invincible master of the third level of the Divine Dragon Realm.

"If he is invincible in the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God, it's okay. If he is invincible in the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God, it's a little troublesome."

He came here this time to go to the Blood Dragon Plain to find the ruins, and he didn't want to cause trouble.

"What? It's all over." Luo Mo was very unhappy after hearing the news.

"A bunch of damned trash."

It was clear without thinking that this group of warriors wanted to take this opportunity to kill him, but ended up losing their lives.

"I want to see where this guy is from, how dare he be so arrogant."

Romo decided to perform the technique alone.

"Tell me where he is."

Soon after hearing where Chen Xuan was last, Luo Mo left the base.

After a period of time.

One of the volcanoes with a strong smell of fire, Zheng

Romo looked not far away.

"If my guess is correct, he should be here."

Suddenly, he saw several people arriving at the volcano Zheng

"You came to my area and you still want to leave."

Romo used his long sword, and suddenly a powerful and terrifying demonic energy emerged horribly.

"There is nothing we can do now, it's Romo."

At this moment, Wang Dongxiang looked very surprised and said loudly and suddenly.

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