He was originally a warrior of the Golden Dragon Divine Sect, but he still wanted to be treated like a dog. Wang Dongxiang's face showed that he was very unhappy with Wang Boluo.

"Wang Polo lied to him, get out of the Golden Dragon Sect now." Sect Master Wang's voice suddenly came out.

"Sect Master, I think about this."

Wang Polo looked helpless, lowered his head, and fought back in his heart.

"Get out of this place quickly."

Li Wencheng looked at Wang Polo and then left.

"Did I let you go?"

Chen Xuan instantly blocked Li Wencheng's approach.

"Leave the golden ring and you can leave. Otherwise, you won't be able to leave here."

"I really thought that I, Li Wencheng, was afraid of you. Even if we continue to fight, you may not be my opponent." Li Wencheng shook his head slightly.

Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly. Now his attitude is that if you don't give me the golden ring, I won't let you leave.

"In that case, fine."

Li Wencheng was very unhappy. He once again grasped the tip of his sword tightly and wanted to fight Chen Xuan to the death.

"Even though the Hunyuan Sword Technique of the Star Sword Sect is very powerful, in your hands, it is simply a travesty. Now you don't have any opponents."

Chen Xuandao, at the same time, his terrifying sword energy was released.

This terrifying sword energy has a little bit of the power of a sword that can turn around the world, and its power is not much weaker than the Hunyuan sword technique of the Star Sword Sect.

At the same time, he used the power of Suzaku's Nirvana as the basis to activate it, and the red sword energy filled the air crazily.

Li Wencheng didn't have Chen Xuan's strong defense. He flew backwards under the terrifying sword energy.

With a bang, his body flew out.

"Give me a golden ring and I'll spare you a favor." Chen Xuan looked at Li Wencheng.

"It's really damned that this guy can be so powerful."

Li Wencheng attacked crazily, but Chen Xuan sealed him without spending much effort.

Staring at this scene, everyone in the Golden Dragon Divine Sect was very surprised.

"In an instant, there was nothing he could do."

"Who could have thought that even Li Wencheng would be sealed like this."

"If we start a fight now, let all the warriors understand that even if they attack with the triple invincible divine sword technique at the Shenlong realm."

"Very true, Chen Xuan can definitely use Li Wen as a stepping stone to come to the Beidi area."

The top brass of the Golden Dragon Divine Sect could already predict how the entire Beidi region would tremble when the news spread.

Just at this time!

More than an hour later, Li Wencheng's body was filled with defensive aura. Chen Xuan looked at him and looked at the golden ring he was aiming for.

"If you had given it to me earlier, would you still be using it like this?"

At this moment, many high-level warriors from the Golden Dragon Divine Sect came near Chen Xuan and looked at each other.

Only Wang Polo was confused and confused, not knowing what to do.

"Wang Boluo, take Li Wencheng and leave the Golden Dragon Sect."

Under the leadership of Wang Boluo, Li Wencheng stood up with difficulty and gradually walked out of the Golden Dragon Sect.

"Just wait for me and I will definitely kill you."

The violent aura near Li Wencheng was suddenly released.

"What should we do better now?" Wang Polo said in a low voice.

"Find a place first, I need to recover from my injuries." Li Wencheng said.

Although he was very unhappy with Wang Polo, he now needed his help.

"But it's just the Golden Dragon Divine Sect. Leave as soon as you leave. After I completely recover from my injuries, I will take you to join the Star Sword Sect." Li Wencheng said: "As for Chen Xuan, he took the golden ring by force. There is no possibility for the Star Sword Sect to let him. If he leaves, there is no way he will miss the opportunity in the Blood Dragon Plain with his talent. I will kill him completely when the time comes."

Li Wencheng and Wang Boluo left slowly. After many warriors from the Golden Dragon Divine Sect had left, Chen Xuan took out the golden ring and observed it carefully.

I had felt the strange power coming from the golden ring before. This was Zhao Ju's unique technique, the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent.

"It is indeed the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent."

Chen Xuan was secretly happy, with a smile on his face.

With the power of his spiritual consciousness, the world of Dao Sword Intent in his body quickly condensed, and the nine-star power of the raging Dao Sword Intent emerged from his body, completely wrapping the golden ring.

At this moment.

But when the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent came into contact with the golden ring, a change occurred.

During Chen Xuan's observation, a golden aura actually appeared on the golden ring.

"What's this."

Chen Xuan's consciousness was enveloped, and under the protection of the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent, he entered the golden ring.

at this time!

Suddenly, he felt like his whole body was in a state of trance.

His body was suppressed, which made him very helpless. He only maintained the incense for half a stick, and the feeling quickly dissipated. At this moment, Chen Xuan discovered that a nebula map appeared in his place.

This is a true god star cloud map, and it is transformed with the power of nine stars of Tao Sword Intent.

"Is he retained by Bureau Zhao?"

Chen Xuan was a little surprised in his heart, and he carefully observed the cloud map of the True God Star cloud location in his mind.

On the nebula site map, there are dots of dim aura that are constantly moving, hundreds of thin red terrifying auras, and each terrifying aura shows a path.

And these terrifying auras have only one direction. The inheritance left by Bureau Zhao is at the place where all the terrifying auras gather.

Chen Xuan informed Jinluan Broken Sword of the news about the cloud location map of the True God Star.

He felt a little helpless in his heart, expressing his ignorance.

"I suffered a very serious injury, and I haven't recovered yet. Some of the traces of my spiritual consciousness are missing." Jin Luan broke his sword and said.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan felt a little helpless.

"But since it is the nebula site map transformed by the power of the nine stars of Dao Sword Intent, it can definitely be seen that there is a high probability that it was left by the adults." Jin Luan Broken Sword thought: "As for Li Wencheng and why the Star Sword Sect didn't I found out that they probably don’t know the mystery of this golden ring.”

The golden ring contains the nine-star power of the Dao Sword Intent, and also contains Zhao Ju's other purposes. If you want to open the golden ring, you must receive the nine-star power of the Dao Sword Intent from the outside to open it.

Chen Xuan also opened the golden ring.

At this moment, Chen Xuan suppressed the long sword tightly, and he was even more convinced that this time in the Blood Dragon Plain, there was a high chance that he could get the top magic weapon Chuan Chang left by Director Zhao.

"The Dao Sword Intent star map is already in your consciousness. Now you can absorb all the nine-star power of the Dao Sword Intent in the golden ring." Jin Luan Duanjian said.

Chen Xuan agreed in his heart and clutched the golden ring tightly.

Just at this time!

Turbulent power emerged near Chen Xuan, and the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent in the golden ring was instantly absorbed by Chen Xuan.

In an instant, the power of the nine stars of Dao Sword Intent was absorbed.

At this moment, Chen Xuan clearly found that the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intention in his body was getting stronger and stronger.

"I didn't expect that a golden ring could possess so much nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

He could find that it was not far away from the world where the second sword intent could be condensed. If he could break through, he would definitely let all his enemies die.

"This opportunity in the Blood Dragon Plain will definitely condense the second sword intent into the world."

Chen Xuan looked at the golden ring in the long sword. It was dim. Chen Xuan gently placed it on the ring.

Chen Xuan needs to continue to improve the power of the nine stars that he used to absorb the sword intention.

He was suspended in mid-air and began to continue to increase the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent in his body.

The Goldfish Cultivation Tower is finally open.

"Fang's Goldfish Cultivation Tower was built by Wang Shaogu, the Supreme Patriarch of our Golden Dragon Divine Sect. It contains precious magic weapons. Many warriors from our Golden Dragon Divine Sect went inside but couldn't find it. If Brother Chen Xuan can find it, he will He is a good friend of my Golden Dragon Divine Sect.”

The Grand Ancestor of the Golden Dragon Divine Sect has said before that if the precious magic weapon left in the Goldfish Cultivation Tower can be found, the Golden Dragon Divine Sect's breakthrough will be very likely.

While the Golden Dragon Divine Sect has no way to find it, it can also look for some talented warriors to help.

"Master, there is no need to worry, I will definitely try my best to find him." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

"Be careful after arriving at the Goldfish Cultivation Tower." Sect Master Wang said.

Chen Xuan agreed in his heart, and then Sect Master Wang gently waved his sword, and a terrifying aura moved continuously and disappeared in the clan land near the Golden Dragon Divine Sect.

Just at this time!

A terrifying sound appeared, and the Goldfish Cultivation Tower opened.

A sound spread crazily nearby, and Chen Xuan disappeared in the blink of an eye, arriving inside the Goldfish Cultivation Tower.

"Sect Master, can you complete it?" Many elders came not far from the Sect Master.

"The Goldfish Cultivation Tower is the starry sky secret realm of our Golden Dragon Divine Sect. Only the ancestors of our Golden Dragon Divine Sect can practice in it. I don't understand why the Supreme Patriarch asked other warriors to help us find it." Some elders can't understand. The way.

Other elders were obviously staring at the gradually appearing Goldfish Cultivation Tower with some confusion.

"Everyone, millions of years have passed since the existence of our Golden Dragon Sect, but our strength is still declining. If our Golden Dragon Sect wants to break through, the Goldfish Cultivation Tower is the key." The sect leader said helplessly: "The words left by the ancient ancestor Wang Shao, I know very well that Chen Xuan is the warrior our Golden Dragon Divine Sect is looking for.”

After hearing this, many elders stopped talking.

In the Goldfish Cultivation Tower, slightly suspended in the desert, Chen Xuan could not see the end at a glance.

"This is the Goldfish Cultivation Tower."

Before arriving at the Goldfish Cultivation Tower, Chen Xuan felt the power in his body releasing a terrifying aura.

"what happened."

Chen Xuan had a surprised expression on his body, and then he discovered that the terrifying first power was the magic flame first power among different mysterious first powers.

"The power of the demon flame."

The magic flame's first power suddenly started to move, and a little bit of the first power burst out from Chen Xuan's body and spread to the desert.

And the whole ground was filled with constant sounds.

Chen Xuan turned around and obviously found a terrifying ginseng tree appearing in the extremely dark ground.

"Could it be that the Golden Dragon Divine Sect's first power is related to the Demon Flame's first power?" Chen Xuan was slightly surprised.

Why, during the recent period of time in the Golden Dragon Divine Sect, why did he not realize that the ancient power in the bodies of many warriors of the Golden Dragon Divine Sect was related to the ancient power of the Demon Flame?

But there is also a possibility that the strength of the Golden Dragon Divine Sect has declined to the point where no warrior can take the lead. If you think about it carefully, it is still possible.

Chen Xuan obviously felt that the terrifying ginseng tree was summoning him.

He directly flew to the ground with the wind, and was closer to the terrifying ginseng tree than before. The power of the demon flame was even more terrifying than before.

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