The center of the Eternal Peak area.

What happened.

Going further inside, Chen Xuan discovered more than before that the dim aura he had absorbed before actually began to change under this mysterious aura.

"It's all converted into the nine-star power of the sword."

Chen Xuan's face showed an expression of joy.

The nine-star power of the Tao Sword Intention in the body was greatly increased in an instant.

He began to try to condense the second sword spirit in the world. If it could be condensed, it would definitely be of great benefit to his improvement.

at this time.

All the dim aura in the body broke through into the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent, plus the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent that had been absorbed before, all united, and then Chen Xuan began to attack the second Dao Sword Intent Ten Thousand Transformations World. , if it can really be completed, the strength will be improved again.

After gathering the first foundation, it was not difficult for Chen Xuan this time, and he even felt that he had become much more relaxed.

In an instant, the original outline of Wanzhuan World appeared.

But at this critical moment, the main reason was that the power of the nine stars of Dao Sword Intent was not enough, and he found that he had not fully mastered this power.

"It's far from there, I'm afraid a lot more is needed."

Chen Xuan was a little anxious, but suddenly he saw a dim aura not far away that was constantly moving. Others could not see it, but Chen Xuan's eyes could clearly see these dim powers. This was precisely because he had cultivated a special Only with the power of Tao can we observe it, but if it were done by others, we would not be able to discover it at all.

"That's the red aura of the nine-star power of Sword Intent. I thought I would actually touch it."

Chen Xuan instantly saw the red aura not far away, and then stamped his feet on the ground, stars appeared in the sky continuously, and came to the red aura.


Without saying a word, the long sword appeared on the red aura, absorbing the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent inside him.

"Don't be anxious yet."

Just when Chen Xuan finished absorbing the nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent in the red aura, a voice suddenly came.

"If you dare to rob me of the power of Ten Thousand Dragons and Stars, you are simply asking for your own death."

A young martial artist with a very gloomy expression stepped on the ground with his feet and came near Chen Xuan.

at this time.

His terrifying sword energy was released, and the terrifying red sword energy directly attacked Chen Xuan's body.

Go to hell.

Chen Xuan shouted loudly, and a terrifying breath came out.


The great formation of Shen Lie completely erupted, and the Immortal-level prairie fire sword attacked above and stagnated.

The young warrior with a very dark expression was defended by Chen Xuan's terrifying aura.

"What is your identity?"

Chen Xuan was speechless and carefully observed the young warrior with a very gloomy expression.

Among the power of ten thousand dragons and stars, there is the power of nine stars with Tao sword intention. It is estimated that this should be left by Zhao Bureau. This thing is very important to him.

Chen Xuan is now condensing the second sword intention of Ten Thousand Transformations World, and he is very urgent to obtain the nine-star power of sword intention. He cannot let this opportunity pass by.

He didn't have time to waste time with this young warrior with a very gloomy look. His time was very precious, so he continued walking inside without saying anything. After all, in the Eternal Peak area, all kinds of dangers would exist.

Chen Xuan would not waste any more time with him here. The most important thing at the moment was to look for the red aura.

"You stole my red aura and just wanted to leave. You really don't take me seriously."

The young warrior looked very dark and showed a terrifying expression. His anger had reached the extreme, but he attacked Chen Xuan crazily.

"The Sword of Ten Thousand Time Clouds."

Knowing that he could no longer hide it, Chen Xuan used the seventh move of the Vermilion Bird Ten Thousand Fire Immortal Sword Technique, converging the secrets of time and space and instantly sealing the terrifying young warrior to the ground.

"It's terrible now, this guy is so strong."

At this moment, the terrifying young warrior used the golden ring in his hand in an instant, and a surging power emerged from his body, directly sealing the secret method of stopping time, and finally he returned to his original appearance.

"Get out of this place quickly."

The terrifying young warrior seemed to sense Chen Xuan's power, so he did not continue fighting and turned around to leave. He knew that with his own strength, there was no way to deal with Chen Xuan.

"Keep absorbing."

Chen Xuan did not seize the opportunity to pursue, but was looking for the red aura. This person actually had a magic weapon that could break the space, so whether Chen Xuan continued to delay him or not, improving his strength was the most important thing now.

"The cohesion of the world of ten thousand revolutions has reached the most important stage. According to estimates, it can be completed with nine red auras."

At such an important time, Chen Xuan was not willing to distract his energy.

In the center of the Eternal Peak area, the black light is terrifying and the dim aura is terrifying.

At this moment.

The young warrior stepped hard on the ground with his feet and landed on the ground.

"What is his identity and why is he so powerful?"

The young warrior's expression was a bit gloomy: "The secret method of stopping time, such as this method, has actually appeared. This guy must be too scary."

At this moment, the young warrior tightly suppressed the long sword with a look full of terror. He was very unhappy inside. Being robbed of this thing by Chen Xuan, he must be very depressed inside, but now he has no other way.

"This is very important news. I think brother Wang Junlong will definitely like it." The next moment, the young warrior took out the communication stone and informed him of the battle between him and Chen Xuan.

And near the Eternal Peak area, a young warrior killed the enemy and suddenly heard the news from the communication stone.

"The secret method of stopping time? And it comes from a warrior at the third level of the Dragon Breaking God. It's really funny."

When he arrived here, the young warrior suddenly laughed.

"Your Excellency once told me that if I could absorb any fluctuations in the aura of a warrior who possesses the secret method of stopping time, my magical power would definitely be accomplished, and my strength would definitely increase many times by then."

The young warrior felt that his chance had come.

He had not succeeded before.

This time, no matter what, no monk can defend him. And the bleak place is the center of the Eternal Peak area.

The turbulent black light enveloped the entire Eternal Peak area, and the ground contained the extremely powerful nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent.

And occasionally there will be some power of Ten Thousand Dragons and Stars.

At this time, Chen Xuanzheng appeared in the Eternal Peak area, constantly looking for the power of Ten Thousand Dragons and Stars.

For him now, the nine-star power of the Dao Sword Intent hidden in the earth no longer has a very terrifying effect. Only the power of the Ten Thousand Dragons and Stars can help him condense the second Ten Thousand Revolutions World.

"The power of Ten Thousand Dragons and Stars is absolutely infallible."

After defeating the young warrior before, Chen Xuan walked in the air for about a quarter of an hour before finally seeing the power of Ten Thousand Dragons and Stars.

Just when he was about to look for it, he found that the power of the Ten Thousand Dragons and Stars was actually moving quickly. Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression. At this moment, the sound of the Jinluan's broken sword was heard.

"There is a faint divine soul in that red aura."

Chen Xuan said loudly: "What is his identity? The weak soul is hidden in the power of ten thousand dragons and stars? Could it be that it was left by Director Zhao?"

Soon Chen Xuan discovered that if the weak soul left by Director Zhao had transformed, Jinluan Broken Sword would definitely be able to understand it.

"I will draw the power of the Ten Thousand Dragons and Stars, and you will deal with the weak soul in the red aura." Jinluan Broken Sword said in a deep voice.

"If that's the case, there's no problem."

Soon Chen Xuan and Jin Luan Broken Sword reached a unified opinion.

At this moment, the Jinluan Broken Sword made a sound, and immediately near him, the mysterious red aura continued to move, and the terrifying aura of sword intent filled the air instantly.

The strange changes in the Jinluan Broken Sword instantly caused a nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent from nearby to rush toward him crazily.

Moreover, the power of the escaping Ten Thousand Dragons and Stars is also constantly fighting back.

But no matter how he counterattacked, there was no way to defend against the absorption power of the Jinluan Broken Sword.

Soon the power of the Ten Thousand Dragons and Stars was drawn nearby by the Jinluan Broken Sword.

"The Sword of Ten Thousand Time Clouds."

Chen Xuan had been prepared beforehand, holding the Immortal Level Prairie Fire Sword, and the terrifying aura rushed out. In order to kill the weak soul to the maximum extent, Chen Xuan secretly activated the sword intention to turn around the world.

The power suddenly increased several times, and in the ground, the fairy-level prairie fire sword desperately attacked and released a terrifying aura, which exploded in an instant as if it was about to break through the starry sky.

"Don't be anxious yet."

The power of the Ten Thousand Dragons and Stars were constantly fighting, and they seemed a little surprised. A voice came from inside.

But Chen Xuan didn't stop at all, and the Immortal-level Liaoyuan Sword finally came over with the terrifying power of the Immortal Sword Technique.

"Don't rush into action yet. I can tell you something about other things in the Eternal Peak area."

The weak soul in the power of Wanlong Star obviously felt the murderous intention in Chen Xuan and shouted quickly.

At this moment.

After hearing the secret of the Eternal Peak area, the Immortal-level prairie fire sword instantly became motionless.

The violent aura of the immortal swordsmanship suddenly dissipated and dissipated directly into the ground.

The sound instantly resounded through the starry sky, seeming to be in contact with the weak soul in the power of the dragons and stars.

"I have sealed the power of the Ten Thousand Dragons and Stars. He should not be able to escape now." At this moment, the sound of Jinluan's broken sword came.

Chen Xuan agreed in his heart, looking at the power of Wanlong Stars, he didn't know what the other party wanted.

"What is your identity? Why are you in the power of ten thousand dragons and stars? It's really strange." Chen Xuan asked, expressing his inner surprise.

"I am a good friend of the Domain Master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain. I followed the Domain Master to check out the Eternal Peak area, and eventually died here. Later, my weak soul hid in the power of the Ten Thousand Dragon Stars and never died. "

After hearing this, Chen Xuan said loudly: "I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

He stared at the Power of Ten Thousand Dragons Stars with a puzzled expression, and was surprised in his heart. This was too strange.

"The Domain Lord of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain has been to the Gloomy Land before." Chen Xuan said with a little doubt in his heart, his expression turned gloomy with shock.

Even the domain lord of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain has been here. There are many possibilities to prove that in this bleak land, there is really a top magic weapon that can attract the domain masters of the domain. If it is true, wouldn't this be the rumor before? real?

At this moment, Chen Xuan's terrifying expression was revealed.

There are many possibilities that Director Zhao left a really important inheritance in this place. Otherwise, it would not attract so many people.

And he also thought that the current weak soul must have been killed because the previous battle was too cruel.

The Territory Lord of the Demonic Blood Dragon Territory is already the most terrifying Territory Lord in the Eastern Region, and is also the top power in the Eastern Region.

Even the domain lords of other regions must respect the domain lords of the Demon Blood Dragon Domain when they meet them.

From this, we can see how powerful the cultivation of the Domain Lord of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain is.

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