Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6346 The Attack of the Ten Thousand Dragon Demon King

All the monks' formations gathered together to attack the monster's head.

at this moment

The Demon King of Ten Thousand Dragons let out a scream of terror. The demonic aura was even more terrifying than before. The aura exuding from his body was undoubtedly the aura of the demonic sect. It was very possible that there was a demonic sect in this place before. People exist.

"Everyone takes advantage of this opportunity to quickly set up the formation and enter the school according to the original plan."

Wanyan Zilu flew directly in front, reached the broken mountain peak, completely merged with the ground, and launched a very terrifying attack.

Moreover, the top talents in other areas also launched attacks at the same time. They all wanted to kill this monster. Although they had disputes before, their purpose now was the same, which was to kill the monster as soon as possible.

"It's just asking for death."

The mountain peaks moved, and the turbulent aura from the earth burst out, attacking Wanyan Zilu and several other warriors.

According to the original plan, all the warriors who knew the Immortal Formation were to unite to set up the Immortal Formation. Only in this way could they trap him. The division of labor between different people was also very clear. The first was to use the formation to control.

Just at this time!

In an instant, the surging Immortal Formation appeared, temporarily sealing the monster in the broken mountain peak.

"Go to hell."

The next moment, Wanyan Zilu used all his strength to release the dim aura from his body.

All other warriors entered the school as planned

The surging dim auras gathered together and dissipated. Even a fifth-level master of the Shenlong Breaking God Stage did not have the guts to defend against such terrifying power.

at this time.

There were constant sounds, and the broken mountain peak was completely swallowed up by the turbulent space.

The blue stone that sealed the Ten Thousand Dragon Demon King appeared in the eyes of many warriors.

In the bluestone, a person with red eyes was extremely powerful, and his expression was very dark. He fought back crazily, trying to rush out.

"You will all die if you are so arrogant."

Qingshi stood in the ground and attacked with all his strength.

A top talent was hit by a bluestone and burned to death instantly.


The plan is completed, and the Ten Thousand Dragon Demon King will soon be eliminated. The results they have achieved now are the best in history.

But at this moment.

Just after Wanlong Demon King killed several warriors in a row, he suddenly attacked Chen Xuan. After feeling the hostility of the opponent, Chen Xuan's expression became a little surprised. He did not expect that he would suddenly launch an attack on him.

"This is bad."

Chen Xuan did not choose to fight the Ten Thousand Dragons Demon King one-on-one, but left quickly. He knew that if it were one-on-one, he would definitely not be his opponent.

"at this time."

The warriors of the Blood Cloud Mountain Sect finally waited for the opportunity, and their expressions became very ferocious.

go to hell!

When Chen Xuan left quickly, the disciples of the Blood Cloud Mountain Sect were secretly lurking nearby and immediately surrounded him. All attacks were concentrated on Chen Xuan. Even Chen Xuan did not expect that these people would suddenly launch an attack.

"It's really funny. I see you survived this time. Damn you bastard. You must die now."

The disciples of the Blood Cloud Mountain Sect have aroused the anger of many warriors.

"You are simply asking for your own death."

at this time.

Before Chen Xuan could use his skills, a monk immediately used his skills to kill the disciples of the Xueyunshan Sect. He was obviously very angry in his heart.

"I am actually from the Eastern General Territory, Blood Cloud Mountain Sect. Why are you attacking us?"

The elders of the inner sect were beheaded before they even finished speaking.

"Damn these guys, they simply don't take us seriously, let's all join in."

"He actually attacked our people and killed them all."

At this moment, all the disciples here went crazy. They did not expect that these people would actually launch an attack on Chen Xuan, and they all united together at this time.

Although the disciples of the Blood Cloud Mountain Sect were killed instantly, Chen Xuan was affected by this reason.

In an instant, the Ten Thousand Dragon Demon King chased him, his expression was very crazy.

go to hell!

The bluestone carried terrifying power and directly attacked Chen Xuan.

The power of Suzaku's Nirvana used all its strength to envelope Chen Xuan.

But even so, Chen Xuan was knocked away and his body was seriously injured.

With a bang, at this time, his body rolled on the ground several times, and then hit the ground heavily again. Now his breath changed and he was seriously injured.

Just as Qingshi continued to prepare Chen Xuan to launch an attack, Wanyan Zilu led many warriors to launch an attack suddenly.

"what happened."

Chen Xuan was slightly surprised.

"The Ten Thousand Dragon Demon King saw me, so he wanted to kill you urgently. If I guessed correctly, it must be this possibility. He can feel my breath, otherwise, he shouldn't suddenly attack you. Take action." Zhao Guangbei said helplessly.

While Zhao Guangbei was talking, the Ten Thousand Dragons Demon King launched a crazy attack. The space-time gap in the Immortal Formation suddenly appeared. Many warriors around him were killed at the hands of the Ten Thousand Dragons Demon King.

At this moment, the fighting area was completely out of control.

Many top talents are all in danger, and they also realize that facing such a powerful enemy, their lives may be lost at any time.

Even though he was rushing not far away, the most powerful Wanyan Zilu was still filled with defensive aura.

Now the attack of the Ten Thousand Dragon Demon King has reached a very terrifying level.

Only a few top talents, including Wanyan Zilu, can defend. Other warriors have no chance at all.

"leave temporarily."

Among the many warriors, some monks shouted loudly. They knew that if they continued to fight, they would only leave their lives here. Therefore, now that everyone has retired, it is obvious that they do not want to die.

Many warriors were all retreating, and they were very panicked.

go to hell!

Qingshi attacked near Wanyanzi Road and knocked him away in just an instant.

But also for this reason, it brought enough time to help other warriors.

at this time!

Qingshi attacked Chen Xuan after knocking Yan Zilu away.

at this time.

When the bluestone attacked Chen Xuan, it dissipated instantly, and the entire earth was enveloped by the air of Dao Star.

The battle area fell silent for an instant.

"what happened."

Even Wanyan Zilu suddenly stood up and looked at the turbulent flow of time and space on the earth.

"A trump card?"

Wanyan Zilu's spiritual consciousness was unable to sense Chen Xuan's aura.

This shows that Chen Xuan is finished, and his heart is somewhat unsatisfactory.

"Is the Demon King of Ten Thousand Dragons finished?"

The top talent who came alive finally felt relieved.

The Demon King of Ten Thousand Dragons was finally finished. Although the result was not satisfactory, it was impossible for them to care whether a stranger would live if Chen Xuan was killed. It was obvious that some of them had only heard of Chen Xuan, but Not much is known about him, and many even think he was killed well.

"Chen Xuan died to completely eliminate the Ten Thousand Dragon Demon King. Now he is my good friend Wanyan Zilu. If any monk has the courage to mock him, don't blame me for being rude. This time, the reason why he can The biggest contribution to eradicating this scourge is Chen Xuan, so he is our hero."

The sound of Wanyan Zilu instantly resounded throughout the entire land.

Many warriors were very surprised, and they all nodded slightly. They also knew that he and Chen Xuan had contact once, and it seemed that they also cherished each other.

Now that the Ten Thousand Dragon Demon King has been killed, others are naturally looking for precious magic weapons.

In the center of the Eternal Peak area, the top-level magic weapon of inheritance will appear. Many people are very excited. The reason why they go to great lengths to eradicate this monster is because of the magic weapon inside.

One of those mysterious places.

Chen Xuan sat cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by a large number of nine-star power of sword intent.

at this time!

Soon his injuries had completely recovered, and his expression and aura had recovered a lot. It was obvious that he did not expect that he would actually appear here.

"Let's stop talking nonsense for now." Zhao Guangbei said doubtfully.

Chen Xuan agreed in his heart, and then turned his eyes to the bluestone not far away.

"What on earth is going on?" Chen Xuan said confused.

Before, he only felt that the Dao Sword Intent in his body suddenly rushed out of the world, and then the shattering power suddenly filled the area around him, and the next moment he was completely unconscious.

When he fully recovered, he found himself in a mysterious place.

He couldn't understand why this happened.

"There are many possibilities that it is caused by the power of the Ten Thousand Dragons and Stars in your body, otherwise there will be no other explanation." Zhao Guangbei said helplessly.

He is not the successor of Zhao Bureau, so he naturally does not know the real secret of the world of Dao Sword Intent.

But obviously this is Chen Xuan's unique power, so even he himself doesn't know it very well.

"The Tao sword will change the world forever."

Chen Xuandao, he observed his body carefully, and found that there was no movement or change in the world where Dao Sword Intention was turning. This made Chen Xuan feel a little surprised.

At this time, a message appeared from Chen Xuan.

Then Chen Xuan showed an expression of surprise and instantly fully understood the specific development of the matter.

"So that's the reason."

Chen Xuan suppressed the sword tightly, feeling very happy in his heart.

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