At this moment, extremely powerful energy exploded near the entire Eternal Peak area.

"It's really good. I, Wang Junlong, have finally understood the top level magic method. Now my cultivation level can definitely be improved."

Near one of the dark caves, Wang Junlong stood, and a very powerful aura filled the air near him. Even Chen Xuan did not expect that when he killed the Ten Thousand Dragons Demon King with the Sixth Level Dzogchen Perfection Jinluan Broken Sword of the True Immortal Spirit, a weak divine soul of the Ten Thousand Dragons Demon King escaped without any movement. , turned to Wang Junlong’s body Zheng

At this time, Wang Junlong was no longer the top talent in Rukong Domain before, but the Demon King of Ten Thousand Dragons.

"From now on, I am the Demon King of Ten Thousand Dragons, Wang Junlong."

Wang Junlong's expression was very gloomy, and his body exuded a terrifying aura. His expression was very gloomy, and there was an aura that shocked many warriors.

He merged with the weak soul of the Ten Thousand Dragon Demon King, and his cultivation became extremely powerful.

He suppressed the sword tightly, and the terrifying aura burst out, making the earth tremble.

At this moment, the aura on his body quickly reached its peak.

"The third level of the divine dragon realm, breaking the gods without any burdens"

Wang Junlong spent a lot of effort and couldn't help but finally broke through and became the third level of the divine dragon realm without any burden.

"There are nine major difficulties in the invincibility of the third level of the divine dragon realm, but they can't stop me, Wang Junlong. After I left the bleak land, I looked for a hidden place to overcome the nine difficulties." Wang Junlong suddenly said.

After gathering the weak souls of the Ten Thousand Dragon Demon King, Wang Junlong's hatred for Chen Xuan became even greater.

"Chen Xuan, this bleak place is where you were killed. If I, Wang Junlong, didn't kill you, I would have been a dog for the rest of my life."

The surging demonic energy kept moving, and Wang Junlong's body disappeared into Linzheng

In the following time, hundreds of warriors in the bleak land received precious magic weapons, and they were obviously very proud.

But at this time, a very terrifying Ten Thousand Dragon Demon King appeared quickly.

The Demon King of Ten Thousand Dragons, Wang Junlong, used his terrifying power to perform martial arts on nearby warriors.

A certain place in the center of the Eternal Peak area.

For example, the two disciples of Kongyu, who had received the inheritance before, had smiles on their faces, although they were very excited inside.

One of the warriors showed a happy smile. He didn't expect to get such a legendary gift this time.

"I didn't expect that we were lucky enough to actually get this magic weapon this time."

"It's totally good. It's a pity that senior brother Wang Junlong is missing. Otherwise, there is a high chance that he will be inherited. By then, his cultivation will definitely be improved and stronger."

They walked at the same time and discussed Wang Junlong at the same time. They respected their senior brother Wang very much.

When Wang Junlong was mentioned, they felt a little helpless.

"I believe that Senior Brother Wang Junlong will never be defeated. He will definitely come back, and his cultivation will make more breakthroughs."

"That's very correct. Senior Brother Wang Junlong is very powerful in Ru Kong Domain. As a top talent, he independently created the combination of Dao Xingkong and Ru Kong Sword Technique, which was recognized by the domain master of Ru Kong Domain. But it's just Chen Xuan. , I believe Zhen Huan will definitely not be able to defeat him, there is absolutely no doubt.”

At this moment.

While they were talking, a terrifying aura suddenly appeared behind them.

After they quickly saw him, they showed puzzled expressions, which was very surprising.

"Senior Brother Wang Junlong, I didn't expect it to be you. We were talking about you just now, but now you show up."

They suddenly said in surprise.

However, Wang Junlong had a very helpless face and exuded a terrifying aura.

"Senior Brother Wang Junlong, what's wrong with you? The expression on your face seems a little bad. Haven't you fully recovered from your serious injury? Didn't you receive the inheritance before?"

After finishing this sentence, the disciple felt that something was not right. The other party's expression was too gloomy.

He thought for a while and realized that he had said the wrong thing, and finally shook his head in embarrassment, but he didn't know what he was talking about, so he could only quickly shut his mouth.

But after hearing his words, Wang Junlong suddenly showed a terrifying smile.

"Since you want me to break through again and reach a very top state, you have to pay something. I think now is the time for you to fulfill it." Wang Junlong suddenly laughed and said

"Let me think about it, what is it? Brother Wang, what do you mean? If you have anything on your mind, just say it."

Wang Junlong deliberately pretended to think: "Otherwise, I will take your lives and help me with my cultivation."

"Senior Brother Wang Junlong, what do you mean?"

Seeing Wang Junlong suddenly perform the technique, the two disciples shouted loudly and all retreated. They seemed not to have expected that such a change would happen. Brother Wang, who was usually respected by them, was now acting like crazy.

Although they wanted to resist, how could they be Wang Junlong's opponents?


Wang Junlong swung his long sword, sealing them instantly, and then killed them immediately.

Then their defensive aura and the power in their bodies were completely absorbed.

"All the warriors are mocking me, Wang Junlong, but I want to use your defensive aura to dedicate it to the former combination of Dao Xingkong and Rukong swordsmanship, Wang Junlong."

From now on, he is no longer the Taoist master, but the Demon King of Ten Thousand Dragons, Wang Junlong.

He wanted to use the defensive aura of all the monks to help him improve his cultivation.

In the following period, many disciples of the sect were more or less killed by Wang Junlong.

At this moment, news about the reappearance of the Ten Thousand Dragon Demon King is constantly being spread.

"The Demon King of Ten Thousand Dragons has reappeared. It is definitely him. There will be no mistakes."

"What happened? Wasn't he already dead before? Why are there still rumors about him now?"

Many warriors were filled with doubts. They had watched helplessly as Chen Xuan and he perished together.

In the center of the Eternal Peak area, Chen Xuan was a little confused. He also heard this rumor.

He knew very well that he killed the Ten Thousand Dragon Demon King with the sixth-level Dzogchen Perfection Golden Broken Sword of the True Immortal Soul, but the rumors now spreading are all clarifying a problem.

"The Demon King of Ten Thousand Dragons is finished." Zhao Guangbei also said: "There are definitely monks who are secretly causing trouble, otherwise there would be no possibility. I didn't feel his aura at all at the beginning, but now he is impossible "Resurrected."

"It's no use so much. I'll go take a look first for the time being."

Chen Xuan got some useful things from the discussions among many warriors and began to track the Ten Thousand Dragons Demon King. Based on these messages and clues, Chen Xuan had obtained some of his specific locations. During this period, again and again Someone died mysteriously.

He was originally the top talent in the Beidi region, and also the top talent among the younger generation in the Eastern region. When something like this happened, it was naturally impossible for Wanyan Zilu to observe from the side. He had already been here long ago.

"Any Ten Thousand Dragon Demon King, if it appears, must be completely killed. We must not give him a chance to be reborn."

Wanyan Zilu only needed to say a word, and many warriors were searching for the Ten Thousand Dragon Demon King.

After hearing this, Wang Junlong's face suddenly released a violent aura.

"Wanyan Zilu, you want to kill me, hahaha, that's really good."

Then he stamped his feet on the ground and disappeared into the starry sky.

Not long after, Wang Junlong found Wanyan Zilu.

At this time, Wanyan Zilu was somewhere inside, looking for traces of the Ten Thousand Dragon Demon King.

"Wanyan Zilu, it seems you are looking for something."

Wang Junlong walked slowly and calmly on the surface.

"Wang Junlong, how are you? Then why did you come to this place?"

Seeing Wang Junlong, Wanyan Zilu was also slightly surprised.

He thought that after being defeated by Chen Xuan, Wang Junlong would be unable to continue to improve his cultivation. Unexpectedly, he walked out so quickly, and his cultivation became even more terrifying.

"I'm asking you, what are you doing here?" Wanyan Zilu said doubtfully.

"Of course I came to see you for something."

Wang Junlong laughed very evilly and said.

"What, just do it directly." Wanyan Zilu didn't pay attention and said directly in confusion.

But at this moment.

Suddenly, surging demonic energy emerged in front of Wang Junlong, followed by a powerful and rapid sword energy release.

Wanyan Zilu directly took out his weapon to defend himself.

The terrifying power permeated his body through the sword.


Wanyan Zilu's body retreated several hundred meters.

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