Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6352 The Domain Lord of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain Appears

But now he appeared alone.

"Lord of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain, do you want to speak out for this guy?"

At this moment, the Territory Lord of Lei Guangyun Territory retracted the arrogant Dao Thunderbolt in his body instantly.

But he still had many doubts in his heart.

"Lord of the Thunder Cloud Domain, go back and stop worrying so much." The Domain Lord of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain said gently and slowly.

Although the voice is not loud, it is still expressed definitely.

At this moment, the Territory Lord of Lei Guangyun Territory looked at Chen Xuan mysteriously, and then showed a puzzled expression to the Territory Lord of Demon Blood Dragon Territory: "In that case, since you, Territory Lord of Demon Blood Dragon Territory, have come out, I don’t need to continue talking nonsense, this matter is over now.”

Only the Territory Lord of the Demonic Blood Dragon Territory has such great power to make the Territory Lord of the Thunder Cloud Territory, who has a very violent personality, put aside his inner hatred. He also knows that there is no point in continuing to pursue the case, so It's better to be more open-minded now and not care so much.

"Get out of this place quickly."

The domain lord of Lei Guangyun Domain directly suppressed Shangguan Yunzhi and disappeared into the Blood Dragon Plain.

There were many warriors left who were observing the front carefully, and their hearts were filled with trembling.

The Domain Lord of the Snow Region and several other warriors carefully observed Chen Xuan, trying to see everything about him clearly.

"Very mysterious, his strength is unfathomable."

The Domain Lord of the Snowy Region sighed.

"It's absolutely true. With the third level cultivation of Shenlong Breaking God, he can kill Wang Junlong and Zhao Wu. It's really surprising and terrifying."

Several domain lords, including the domain lord of the Snow Domain, looked at each other and the domain lords of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain, and then mentally agreed with Chen Xuan. Then they took the disciples from their respective regions and left quickly, and waited. It's not necessary here either.

"Let's not go so far now, let's go together."

The domain master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain took Chen Xuan and left the mountain range.

"Lord of the Void Domain, does the Domain Master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain know Chen Xuan? Why did he do this suddenly?" Wanyan Zilu reacted and said loudly.

The Lord of the Void Territory glanced at him: "I don't know, but I guess there must be some relationship between them, otherwise he would never appear suddenly."

Wanyan Zibei was even more surprised in his heart.

"He is indeed very mysterious. He actually asked the Domain Master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain to help him perform his skills. It doesn't take long at all for him to achieve a breakthrough in strength. By then, his name will be spread all over the five eastern regions. This area is really scary." Wanyan Zibei thought for a moment and then left.

The opportunity in the bleak land is over.

Some warriors left, while others continued to check out several other very dangerous places. As for Chen Xuan, he was currently talking with the domain master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain.

Staring at the current mysterious warrior, Chen Xuan couldn't imagine it.

The current warrior is the legendary domain master of the strongest domain, the domain master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain.

"The Domain Lord."

Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression.

"Come out, there's no need to wait."

In the Demon Blood Dragon Domain's domain master's path, the green mountain stones suddenly moved continuously, and a phantom of the soul appeared on the ground in an instant.

"The Domain Master really surprised me."

Zhao Guangbei was very surprised and his body was shaking. It was obvious that too long time had passed and now they finally met again.

"After such a long time, I finally see you."

Seeing his good friend from back then again, the Domain Master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Territory shook his head helplessly, feeling very depressed about this matter.

Chen Xuan walked nearby without disturbing the conversation between the two of them.

After some time, Zhao Guangbei and the Domain Master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain looked at Chen Xuan and came over.

"Thank you very much this time." The Domain Master of the Demon Blood Dragon Domain said seriously: "I, the Domain Master of the Demon Blood Dragon Domain, really owe you a favor this time. In this eastern region, if there is anything If you need anything, feel free to speak and tell me if you need anything.”

After hearing this, Chen Xuan showed surprise and joy on his face.

The opportunity for the Domain Lord of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain is very important. He is a very powerful presence in both the east and the north.

"Thank you very much, Territory Lord." Chen Xuan expressed his gratitude with a very excited expression.

"You don't have to be like this. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to come out of the bleak place. Now you are my friend, Zhao Guangbei. If you need anything, feel free to speak. As long as we can help, we will definitely I will help you." Zhao Guangbei said with a smile.

In the following time, they talked for a while, and they also talked in depth about what happened inside.

The Domain Lord of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain was very curious about Chen Xuan and asked about his promotion process. It seemed that he was also curious about Chen Xuan's cultivation.

When I heard that he was in the Eastern General Territory, the Territory Master of the Demon Blood Dragon Territory laughed out loud and said, "Are you interested in going to the Beidi Region? This area is even more powerful than the Eastern Region."

Chen Xuan apologized: "Lord of the Territory, I still have some things to do in the Eastern General Territory for the time being. I have to finish this matter. When I finish my work, there is no way to get here for the time being. Then I will definitely If you can come to the Beidi area, I hope you can be promoted by the adults. "

"In that case, I won't keep you any longer, but don't worry, if you need help, I will definitely help you." The Domain Master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain smiled.

Chen Xuan said goodbye to them without talking much.

Staring at Chen Xuan's leaving body, Zhao Guangbei said: "How is this guy? Is he really that powerful?"

"There are ways to estimate his future. He is very scary." The Domain Master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Territory sighed: "His understanding of the immortal swordsmanship and his cultivation are not much better than mine. Even Wanyan Zilu can't beat him at all. And he He also possesses the power of Suzaku Nirvana, which is equally terrifying in terms of defensive spiritual energy. In previous conversations with him, I discovered that his soul is very powerful and has reached the fifth level of True Immortal. What will he achieve in the future? Very strong.”

After hearing this, Zhao Guangbei cursed loudly: "This guy is too scary. I thought his talent was extraordinary before, but I never thought he had such strength."

With the cultivation of the third level of Shenlong Breaking God, the soul can reach the perfect level of the fifth level of True Immortal. This is simply astonishing. It is something that ordinary people would not dare to think about.

"Even if you look closely at the eastern region, there are almost no rivals among the younger generation. He can be called the strongest." This is the praise of Chen Xuan from the Domain Master of the Demon Blood Dragon Domain. If word spreads, hundreds of people will 100% will cause horrific changes.

"Immortal swordsmanship, defensive aura, runic spirit, every talent and cultivation level are terrifyingly strong. Such a top talent is unlikely to appear in tens of millions of years, but I am very curious, where did he come from? Come here." The domain master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Territory said a little doubtfully.

Chen Xuan returned to the Eastern General Territory, and what happened in the Blood Dragon Plain was spreading at the fastest speed.

However, the Eastern General Territory is far away from the Beidi area and has not spread yet, so many people do not understand what Chen Xuan is doing.

At this opportunity in the Gloomy Land, all the warriors from the Eastern General Territory were killed, especially the Blood Cloud Mountain Sect, which suffered a lot.

After a period of time.

Chen Xuan quickly came to Sword God Sect.

What happened.

He walked in the air on the ground, lowered his head to observe the vicinity, and directly discovered that there were monks fighting.

"What's going on? Isn't that Fan Yu? There are monks chasing him. What's going on?"

Chen Xuan found Fan Yu, and it was obvious that his expression was a little gloomy.

"Warriors of the Blood Cloud Mountain Sect, I didn't expect you to dare to appear here."

A little killing intent appeared near Chen Xuan, his body quickly stepped on the ground, and his body appeared on the ground.

At this moment, there was a sound of explosion in the ground. Fan Yu was seriously injured and his body immediately flew backwards.

At this moment.

Chen Xuan gently held Fan Yu up, and finally his expression became very serious.

"Fan Yu, you will never escape my grasp."

"After such a long time, you still have the guts to kill a disciple of my Bloody Cloud Mountain Sect. This time I will definitely kill you completely."

"You thought that by joining the Sword God Sect, nothing would happen. Now we have completely surrounded you."

"Let me tell you something. It won't take long at all. The leader of the Sword God Sect will also die. When the time comes, the Sword God Sect will also be destroyed. Then you will all die."

Several warriors joined forces and knocked Fan Yu away, showing a terrifying expression.

But now they found Chen Xuan behind Fan Yu.

What happened.

After Fan Yu discovered Chen Xuan, he showed a puzzled expression and did not have the courage to believe it.

"What is your identity? Do you know who we are if you dare to care about so many things?" One of them said, having experienced the invincibility of the third realm of the Six Paths God, Thunder God, Dragon Breaking God, and was invincible.

"Didn't you always want to kill me? Now I'm here, but you can't even recognize me. It's really ridiculous." Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly.

"Get out of this place quickly, Brother Chen, these guys are very powerful." Fan Yu said.

Chen Xuan said very helplessly: "Leave this place to me. You should go back for the time being. I am more than enough for them."

Then he stopped Fan Yu and stepped forward to stare at the third level invincible god of the Shenlong Realm of the Blood Cloud Mountain Sect.

"I didn't expect that the leader of the Sword God Sect would be you."

At this moment, the few people realized that they were full of murderous intent. They had been looking for Chen Xuan before.

go to hell!

The experience of the previous words, the Six Paths God, Thunder God Dragon, Breaking God, Third Level Realm, was invincible. With a low drink, he flew towards Chen Xuan. He confidently thought that he could definitely kill Chen Xuan.

The sword energy was extremely powerful and hit the body of this invincible person at the third level of Divine Dragon Breaking God.


His body was shattered instantly, and his soul was scattered.

His defenses collapsed.

Fan Yu was very surprised at this moment.

"Everyone come here and kill him. This guy is very crazy."

At this moment, they launched an attack very unhappy.

But for Chen Xuan now, their cultivation is really not good enough.

at this time.

He released three swords continuously and struck them instantly.

The people among them were directly burned to death by the flames, and the remaining people quickly left the place. After discovering that Chen Xuan's cultivation was not that simple, they didn't know that it was impossible to fight him.

"How can it be."

The surviving Shenlong realm was invincible at the triple God-breaking stage, and was very surprised in his heart.

"How come your cultivation is so strong?"

"Now I know I'm afraid. It's too late."

As he spoke, the Immortal-level prairie fire sword had already erupted, the Ten Thousand Hours Cloud Sword was instantly unleashed, and the power of the Dao Sword Intent's Ten Thousand Transformations of the World surged out.

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