Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6382: Sword Seeking Territory Lord's Outburst

"Doesn't he want to live? What on earth does this guy want to do?"

At this moment, many high-level warriors were discussing, feeling a little surprised in their hearts.

Only Jianxun Territory Master saw that figure, and then his body was shocked. It was obvious that he felt that this person was a little familiar, as if he was someone he knew.

Then he stepped hard on the ground with his soles, which turned into a golden aura and came into the very powerful monster. When he saw this person, a shocked expression appeared on his face.

"The Domain Lord, what exactly does he want to do?"

Many warriors shouted loudly at this moment.


Jianxun Territory Master burst out with his strongest aura. After arriving at the Ancient Huanglong Desert, he killed all the fairy beasts that were close to him.

In an instant, the Jianxun Territory Lord arrived near Chen Xuan.

"Get out of this place quickly. What's going on with your son and why are you here?"

at this time!

In just one moment of using his spiritual power, Jianxun Territory Master brought Chen Xuan out of the Ancient Huanglong Desert. He was also a little surprised when Chen Xuan appeared here.

According to common sense, even if Chen Xuan came out, he would definitely be at the entrance. How could he appear in this place?

Moreover, there are many very violent monsters around, causing such a big sensation. It is obvious that this place is absolutely unusual.

He didn't know what happened inside, so he could only ask Chen Xuan.

At this moment.

A very powerful demonic beast stopped not far from the ancient Huanglong Desert. It did not have the courage to take a step. It was obvious that there were not only many powerful human beings.

They let out a very terrifying scream and seemed very unhappy, but there was nothing they could do.

"It's Chen Xuan."

After seeing Chen Xuan, many senior executives were a little confused. Didn't they expect it to be him?

What exactly is going on.

Many people are filled with doubts

Isn't this the leader of the Sword God Sect? Why is he here? What happened.

"Lord of the domain, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Chen Xuan looked at each other with Jian Xun Territory Lord and many elders.

"What happened? Why did you appear in this place?" Jianxun Territory Master asked in confusion.

"The previous legend is indeed a good place to improve defensive aura. It is indeed very dangerous inside." Chen Xuan smiled helplessly in his heart.

At this moment, Jianxun Territory Master was very curious: "How far has your defensive aura broken through?"

"Probably, it's about the same as the Domain Lord. Now that my strength is at the same level, almost no one can pose a threat to me."

Chen Xuan said this.

After hearing his voice, many warriors nearby were very surprised.

Jianxun Territory Master was trembling very much, with an expression of terror on his body. He knew what Chen Xuan understood now.

This shows that Chen Xuan already has the same defense power as him, which is already very powerful. His current defense power is already very invincible in the same realm, let alone Chen Xuan.

I'm afraid he is the only one left who can deal with Chen Xuan now.

"It's really funny, very good."

The Jianxun Territory Lord was very happy to hear that Chen Xuan's defensive spiritual energy had broken through. He had watched Chen Xuan grow up little by little.

The entire Qingyun Luo Territory was celebrating the leader of the Sword God Sect.

Chen Xuan is back this time. There is almost no one in the Eastern Region who can deal with him. His current strength is undoubtedly strong. In this echelon, no one in the Sun can pose a threat to him.

But Jianxun Territory Master has no idea what Chen Xuan’s specific strength is. If he knew that Chen Xuan was the only warrior in the eastern region who has been able to defend the sixth level of the Eastern Region’s defense aura for hundreds of millions of years, he doesn’t know what he would think about this matter. ?

Of course, Chen Xuan has not fully demonstrated his strength at present. He knows that it is not enough yet.

The very powerful monsters did not dissipate for a long time, and they did not continue to fight against these strong humans. Although the overall strength of the monsters was also very strong, under normal circumstances, they would not go to war. After all, this pair It's a huge drain on both sides.

Jianxun Territory Master felt that this should be related to Chen Xuan coming out of the Land of Legend. Otherwise, these monsters would definitely not have suddenly gathered in this place. There must be something wrong somewhere.

But he didn't pay much attention to it. Chen Xuan was safe now. What they wanted to do now was to hold a big banquet and help Chen Xuan to cleanse himself from the dust.

At night, the golden light kept flashing, and the hall was filled with warriors.

"The Great Protector."

The Jianxun Territory Lord held up the sunspot.

"With the talent and cultivation of the great protector, I really don't understand, among the young generation in the eastern region, there are any warriors who can fight you. Now that you are strong enough, no one can pose any threat to you. You are undoubtedly powerful." With that, the Jianxun Territory Lord looked directly at the chessboard.

"The Domain Lord has gone too far. Although I am already relatively powerful now, I still have no way to deal with such a powerful master like you." Chen Xuandao.

Jianxun Territory Lord shook his head helplessly and said: "I was originally the Territory Lord of the territory. I don't know the top talents, but there has never been anyone like you. Your breakthrough shocked me. I am secretly surprised. Eastern There is a top talent like you in the general domain, and you don’t have to be too polite to me. I know that your talent is far more than that. You will definitely be able to go further in the future, and you may even surpass me. "

Before Chen Xuan could say anything, Jianxun Territory Lord continued: "Now you are the core and high-level warrior of my Eastern General Territory. If I abdicate, you will be the next Jianxun Territory Lord. What's wrong with you? Look at your expression. You don’t seem to be willing, but come out. The Eastern Region will definitely use all its strength to support you. If anything happens, it will be solved immediately. Hahaha, you are now one of us. Chen Xuan, there is no need at all. polite."

After Chen Xuan came back this time, the Lord of Jianxun Territory showed great joy. He must also know that Chen Xuan definitely got a lot of benefits from it this time.

At the same time, he truly accepted him.

Not because of Master Xuanyuan, nor because of the Demon Blood Dragon Territory Lord.

It's just obvious that Chen Xuan has both talent and cultivation. This is enough to show that Chen Xuan's future growth is absolutely unlimited and he can definitely become a strong man. With such a powerful talent, is it still a problem to break through in cultivation in the future?

"Lord of the domain, I do have something to ask you." Chen Xuan said with a little doubt in his heart.

"It doesn't matter what it is. If I knew anything, I would definitely tell you. If you need help, I will also provide it to you. You don't need to worry at all." Master Jian Xunyu said.

"To be honest, I want to go to the Demon-Slaying Dragon Domain."

"What are you doing in the Demon Slayer Dragon Territory? Why do you want to go to this place suddenly?" Jianxun Territory Master said in surprise and confusion.

"I have a friend who was suppressed by the domain lord of the Demon Destruction Domain. I want to go. I want to see what they are going to do and why they did it suddenly." Chen Xuandao.

Jianxun Territory Lord was helpless for a moment, then said: "You don't need to worry about this. Let's go together. I believe that the Territory Lord of Demon Destroying Territory will not attack you because of my reputation."

Among the five regions in the eastern region, the Demon Slayer Dragon Realm has always been famous for its mystery. No one knows what it is like inside and they are closed enough that basically no one goes to this place.

Obviously, what Demon Slayer Dragon Realm loves most is strength.

Because of this, the Demon Slayer Dragon Realm has a very high status among the five regions.

He has never participated in the struggle between the five regions, and has nothing to do with the world. It seems that he is completely aloof.

But even so, the five regions also have great respect for the Demon Slayer Dragon Realm. They know that these people are not so easy to mess with.

This time Chen Xuan wants to go to the Demon Slayer Dragon Territory to find friends. There is a high possibility that he will be on the opposite side of the Demon Slayer Dragon Territory, and there will probably be some friction.

The opponent is the domain master of the Demon Destruction Domain. With Chen Xuan's cultivation, defeating the opponent is almost equivalent to asking for death in the past.

The Sword God Sect is now developing very well in the area controlled by the Eastern General Territory. The Lord of the Jianxun Territory values ​​him so much that he finally wants to join forces with Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan was thinking secretly in his heart. He was also thinking carefully about whether this would be good or bad for him. After a moment, he finally confirmed that it would be good to have a backer at least for now.

It’s not that I’m worried about the Domain Lord of the Demon-Destroying Domain, but it’s just that with the presence of the Domain Master of Jianxun, there are many possibilities and there will be less trouble. After all, such a powerful enemy will definitely bring a lot of trouble to myself. Chen Xuan doesn’t want to be completely separated from him now.

Of course, Chen Xuan will definitely kill him in the end, but not yet. The enemy's current cultivation level is very strong. If there is a real fight, his chance of winning is not particularly high.

"Then thank you very much, Territory Lord, this matter may be very cumbersome."

Chen Xuan showed a very excited expression to express his gratitude. The other party was willing to help him, and he was naturally very touched. After all, Chen Xuan had encountered some troubles before, and it was he who came to help, so Chen Xuan was still very grateful to him. respected.

"Hahaha, there is absolutely no need to be like this. Why are you so polite? You are the great protector of my eastern region. It is natural for me to help you. You don't need to think too much. It would be strange if I didn't help you, right. "When are you going to the Demon-Slaying Dragon Territory? If you want to go, you can tell me at any time and we will go there together." Jianxun Territory Master said with a puzzled smile.

Although he didn't know what Chen Xuan wanted to do, since Chen Xuan had already proposed it, he would definitely go and help.

"I'm very anxious now. If I'm in a hurry, I hope it's tomorrow."

Chen Xuan's face was so shocked that he became gloomy and said that this matter was very important to him. Now that such a change had suddenly occurred, he must hurry over and see what was going on.

"In that case, we will rush over tomorrow. Now let's hurry up and get ready. I also need to prepare."

Time passed very quickly. The next morning, Chen Xuan found the Lord of Jianxun Territory. Now he had many important things to do, so Chen Xuan was also very hasty.

After seeing Chen Xuan coming, he had a smile on his face. There was nothing more at that time. They left the Eastern General Territory without any movement and headed for the Ancient Huanglong Desert.

There will definitely be many dangers in the middle.

"The five regions in our eastern region should have space formations in each other. However, the Demon Slayer Dragon Realm is an exception. This place is very weird, and they are unwilling to participate in these disputes between the regions. , it seems that they have no intention to expand, and they were really powerful before. There was an area that wanted to conquer them, but it ended up in a very miserable end, so that now various reasons combined, let There is no warrior in the other five areas that I am willing to go to, so there is no space formation, and there is basically no direct road to the Demon Slayer Dragon Territory. We must rush there now. "Jian Xun Territory Master said at the same time. Okay, and told Chen Xuan at the same time.

Chen Xuan agreed clearly in his heart.

From the looks of it, the Demon Slayer Dragon Territory is indeed mysterious enough. Almost no one knows what is going on there.

"About millions of years have passed, and I have only been to the Demon-Slaying Dragon Realm once when I was young, and then I have never been there again. Moreover, it is indeed very dangerous inside. There are many powerful people there. The master has been hiding in it and has not come out for a long time," Jianxun Territory Lord continued.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at a place not far from the Ancient Huanglong Desert. Once here, they still needed to continue walking.

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