At this moment, Chen Xuan also activated his strongest swordsmanship, and a terrifying aura bloomed all over his body.

This is the first time he has used all his strength to perform the technique since he broke through to the third level of the divine dragon realm and became invincible. Now his overall strength has been improved, and his cultivation has improved a lot.

The seventh move of the Suzaku Ten Thousand Fire Immortal Sword Technique, the Ten Thousand Time Cloud Sword, coupled with a world of Taoist sword intent, used all the power to increase his strength. Even he did not have the guts to imagine the power that exploded. At this moment, Chen Xuan The surrounding air was squeezed, and all the disciples observing nearby closed their eyes.

The key is, he also doesn't need defense at all.

The sixth-level Dzogchen defense aura of the True Immortal Soul Soul can completely defend against any attack. Basically, there is no need to worry about his attacks, because it will not have any impact on Chen Xuan and will not slow down his speed. You can now Chen Xuan is almost invincible.

The Dao Starry Sky dissipated instantly, and the Dao Starry Sky seemed to have stopped flowing. Time had completely slowed down at this moment, and no one could realize what was happening around them.

In the Demon-Slaying Dragon Territory, all the monks stared at this place. They all looked at Chen Xuan in surprise, wondering what kind of technique he was performing.

Their hearts were filled with the thought that this terrible battle was related to the overall situation of the Demon-Slaying Dragon Territory in the future. No one knew what kind of changes would happen in the end. After all, according to the current situation, Chen Xuan's true strength was still not revealed at all. No one knows how strong he is.

It's just that being able to fight across a large realm is almost impossible. Is it possible that Chen Xuan is so powerful that he can ignore the entire large realm and still be able to kill the enemy?

At the same time, they were very convinced that the Domain Lord of the Demon-Destroying Domain could completely suppress Chen Xuan and kill him. Well, after all, fighting across a large realm was almost impossible to happen. No one wanted to believe it.

The aura of terror permeated the surroundings.

Many warriors were filled with great surprise at this time.

Is this a terrible battle at the Domain Lord level?

This level of fighting, just watching from nearby, is already too much for their bodies to bear, not to mention the terrifying energy contained in it. If they accidentally come into contact, it is very likely that they will be killed in an instant. Killed without any chance of resistance.

This really surprised many warriors. Everyone opened their eyes to see what happened. They were all very curious. If no other changes happened next, would Chen Xuan be able to withstand it? Such a powerful offense.

Just at this time!

The terrifying sound spread crazily towards the nearby area.

Chen Xuan held the immortal-level prairie fire sword and stepped on the ground quickly. A terrifying aura emitted from his body. This was not his strongest power.

At this time, the power of his Suzaku Nirvana and the Suzaku Ten Thousand Fire Immortal Sword Techniques complemented each other, and a very terrifying power broke out. This aura instantly swept the entire earth.

At the same time, there is also a world of sword intent that enhances strength, and the power has reached the extreme.

"Let me see how powerful the Domain Lord is, and see if you can withstand my attack."

Chen Xuan said in a low voice.

Of course he knows that the domain lord of the demon-destroying domain is not the domain lord of an ordinary domain, but the domain lord of a domain with very terrifying cultivation. Such level of strength has long been beyond the reach of ordinary people, and almost no one can. Face off against an enemy of this level.

But at this moment, he no longer needs to worry. The only thing he wants to think about is to kill him. This Que Chu harmed his friends and encountered so many dangers. He will never let them feel easy. Now Chen Xuan must let them You know what the consequences will be if you provoke yourself.

"Be careful with the power of the Demon God of the Domain Lord of the Demon-Destroying Domain. His cultivation is very strong. In the battle just now, I didn't have much of an upper hand. You must be vigilant when fighting him."

Not far away, the Jianxun Territory Lord did not expect that Chen Xuan's cultivation level had reached such a terrifying level. If he had known that Chen Xuan was so strong, he should have used his trump card from the beginning. Maybe he could join forces with Chen Xuan to kill him. Killed.

But he still reminded Chen Xuan.

He is the top talent from his eastern region. If he dies here, he will lose a lot. Besides, Chen Xuan was trained by him and will definitely take the initiative to help him in the future.

This is their chance.

"Go to hell, you absolutely cannot be my opponent."

The domain master's long sword of the demon-destroying domain was released, and a long sword aura instantly appeared in the ground. Each long sword aura contained his powerful demon god's power. It itself was the demon god condensed by the demon clan. The power is even more powerful.

Even Chen Xuan couldn't help but nod.

"The final red aura sword shadow, kill."

As the domain master of the Demon-Destroying Domain let out a loud shout, many long sword auras, carrying the infinitely violent power of the demon god, burst out. Obviously, he has now used most of his strength to achieve this goal. One hit would kill him, and he didn't want to keep this scourge to cause trouble for him in the future.

In an instant, these red aura sword shadows completely enveloped Chen Xuan, and the powerful aura attacked Chen Xuan. At this time, Chen Xuan only felt that his body was wrapped in layers of aura, and he had no way to resist, and had to This power is indeed very strong. Even if he is faced with it now, it is difficult to give up.

But at this critical moment, Chen Xuan came up with a crazy idea.

He gave up defense and used all his strength to attack. He now wanted to try how strong his attack power was. If he could kill the enemy, it would be clear that Chen Xuan could truly surpass him by a large level. People fight.

"He is too courageous. What does he want to do? Just now he was clearly using the power of defense to resist the adults. Now he doesn't defend but attacks directly. What on earth is this guy thinking?"

Many warriors showed doubtful expressions.

Even the Jianxun Territory Lord was constantly surprised. He wanted to defend himself, but it was too late, and he obviously didn't understand what Chen Xuan was thinking in his heart.

But in just a few minutes, he became happy. It was obvious that Chen Xuanyuan's cultivation was not that simple.


Hundreds of long sword auras, under the use of the domain master of the Demon-Destroying Domain, all hit Chen Xuan's body, and the auras collided fiercely in the air.

But unexpectedly, his defensive aura was not damaged at all, and everyone was surprised.

Moreover, any time the aura of the long sword comes into contact with Chen Xuan's defensive aura, it will suddenly disappear without a trace, and the power of the demon god will be directly dissipated. They have never seen this situation before.

This was simply beyond their expectations. After seeing what happened, the Jianxun Territory Lord was very surprised.

He couldn't even speak. Alas, this was the first time this had happened.

Among the five areas in the eastern region, if there is anyone who has the strongest understanding and cultivation of defensive spiritual energy, non-Jianxun Domain Master, his defensive spiritual energy has reached a very terrifying level.

But it has only reached the sixth level of the True Immortal Divine Soul, Great Perfection.

But at present, this guy's defensive spiritual energy power has exceeded his imagination, and is even stronger than him. How is this possible?

You need to know what level Chen Xuan is now. His cultivation level is a big level lower than that of veteran powerhouses like them. This is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

Chen Xuanyuan is not only able to fight across levels, but his defense is also so strong.

"Is that the sixth-level Dzogchen defense aura of the true immortal soul? How did you do it? He really brought me many surprises."

Jianxun Territory Lord shouted loudly, he did not have the guts to believe that what happened in front of him was actually true.

It was indeed very surprising for him to meet a strong man like Chen Xuan in his lifetime. He could actually see the sixth-level Dzogchen defensive aura of the True Immortal Soul.

"Ignoring the Demon-Destroying Domain Lord's attack at all, this is definitely the sixth level of the True Immortal Divine Soul's Great Perfection defensive aura."

Then Jianxun Territory Master suppressed his inner surprise and observed Chen Xuan carefully.

Finally, he was certain that Chen Xuan's defensive aura had indeed reached the sixth level of the True Immortal Soul level.

"The defensive spiritual energy breaks through the sixth level of the True Immortal Soul of Great Perfection, which is enough to break the Eastern General Territory and the entire Eastern Region. It's too terrifying."

He even expected that Chen Xuan would be able to defeat the Domain Lord of the Demon-Destroying Domain with the Sixth-level Perfect Immortal Divine Soul's defensive aura. If he could really accomplish such a feat, it would be clear that Chen Xuan's strength should not be underestimated. It's just such a surprise.

"It's really amazing. What is the origin of this guy? He can be so powerful."

The Lord of Jianxun Territory was full of praise for Chen Xuan. He even began to admire Chen Xuan a little now. This is not something ordinary people can do.

Warring Area Zheng

For the first time, Chen Xuan burst out with the powerful cultivation of the sixth-level Dzogchen defense aura of the True Immortal Soul, and defended against the attack of the Domain Lord of the Demon-Destroying Domain without spending much effort.

The Immortal Level Liaoyuan Sword in his hand also carried the invincible sword energy in an instant and attacked quickly. Now Chen Xuan showed no mercy at all. He knew that facing such a powerful enemy, he must not be merciful and must attack in an instant. to cancel his attack, and then launch a fatal attack on him.

"The Sword of Ten Thousand Time Clouds."

Chen Xuan gave a low shout and Wan Qian Shi Yun Sword was instantly displayed.

at this time.

The starry sky near the Domain Lord of the Demon-Destroying Domain emitted instantly, and terrifying sword energy emerged from nearby. Their only target was the Domain Lord of the Demon-Destroying Domain.

"How can it be."

The body of the Domain Lord of the Demon-Destroying Domain retreated several hundred meters.

He showed a puzzled expression and stared at Chen Xuan.

"His defensive aura is much stronger than that of Jianxun Territory Master. How did this kid do it?"

The power of the demon god used all its strength to defend, but it did not seal Chen Xuan's defense. The domain master of the Demon Destroying Domain was very surprised. He could not imagine that Chen Xuan could bring him such a big surprise. This was really unexpected. .

But the most important thing now is to defend against Chen Xuan's attack. Although he also believes that Chen Xuan will not really pose a threat to him, the surprises Chen Xuan just brought him were too many. He does not want to be merciful because of his lack of mercy. Killed by Chen Xuan.

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