"Chen Xuan, you stole our treasure, and now you have to pay the price for it!" Lu Yun roared.

Chen Xuan smiled coldly: "Since you want to die, don't blame me for being rude!"

He did not hesitate in his heart, the true essence in his body surged, the Suzaku Liaoyuan Sword contained the power of blazing flames, the sword light bloomed, and cut towards the surrounding formations.

However, the fairy-level formation is not so easy to crack. Strange rune patterns flashed with mysterious light, protecting Lu Yun and Zhao Keyun layer by layer.

"Chen Xuan, you'd better surrender. You have no chance of winning against the fairy-level formation!" Zhao Keyun sneered.

Chen Xuan's eyes were firm. Although he knew the power of the fairy-level formation, he would not retreat easily. He continued to urge the sword technique, and the Suzaku Liaoyuan Sword turned into a giant flaming sword, slashing towards the formation.

Under the destruction of the sword technique, the fairy-level formation began to waver, but it was still strong. Lu Yun and Zhao Keyun looked at each other. They knew they couldn't fight Chen Xuan head-on and had to find a way to stop him.

"Chen Xuan, your heart!" Lu Yun suddenly shouted, and his figure was like lightning, appearing in front of Chen Xuan, and the long knife in his hand with a flashing black light slashed at him fiercely.

Chen Xuan's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly blocked the attack. The violent impact made him take a few steps back. Zhao Keyun also took the opportunity to launch an attack. The two cooperated tacitly and tried to trap Chen Xuan in the immortal-level formation.

Chen Xuan was trapped in the immortal-level formation, surrounded by invisible pressure and fog, making it difficult for him to distinguish the direction. This is a clever dilemma. The immortal-level formation contains powerful power, which makes Chen Xuan feel great pressure.

On the other side of the immortal-level formation, Zhao Keyun and Lu Yun stared at the formation and sneered. They knew that Chen Xuan was now trapped in the formation and could never escape. Lu Yun said proudly: "Chen Xuan, you really overestimate your own ability. Do you think you can fight us with a little improvement in cultivation? Ridiculous!" Zhao Keyun also smiled disdainfully: "That's right, you are just a role in front of us, not worth mentioning at all. Now you have only two choices, hand over the inner elixir of the golden armor dragon beast, or die in this fairy-level formation Zheng" Chen Xuan looked at them calmly, he knew that he couldn't panic at this moment. Although he was trapped in the formation, he was not without a chance. His eyes became deep, and the fire of the soul burned in his heart. "Chen Xuan, stop daydreaming." Lu Yun said impatiently, "You have no hope at all." "Really?" Chen Xuan said lightly, "I think you may not have seen the situation clearly yet." As he spoke, Chen Xuan's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and the fast-moving figure made Zhao Keyun and Lu Yun dazzled. "How could he be so fast?!" Lu Yun shouted in surprise. "Heart!" Zhao Keyun shouted vigilantly. Chen Xuan had come to them, holding the Lioyuan Sword, and the sharp sword energy burst out instantly. Zhao Keyun and Lu Yun rushed to meet them and started a fierce battle.

In the fairy-level formation, Chen Xuan's sword skills became more and more sharp, and each sword contained terrible power, which made Zhao Keyun and Lu Yun feel great pressure. Although they were powerful, Chen Xuan's swordsmanship made them feel daunted.

"Why is this guy's swordsmanship so strong?!" Zhao Keyun said in surprise.

"Don't be timid, the two of us will definitely be able to subdue him together!" Lu Yun gritted his teeth.

Zhao Keyun nodded, and the two of them joined forces to deal with Chen Xuan again. Chen Xuan did not retreat in the face of the joint attack of the two Rao. His spiritual power surged all over his body, and he exerted the power of the Lioyuan Sword to the extreme.

The battle lasted for a long time, and all three of them were already injured. Although Chen Xuan was a little tired, he still maintained a firm will and did not give up.

At this moment, a strange voice sounded: "Enough!"

Everyone stopped fighting and turned around to see a figure slowly approaching. This was a middle-aged man in a green robe. His eyes revealed a kind of superiority that made people dare not look down on him.

"What are you doing?" The middle-aged man asked lightly.

"Xiao Lingfeng!" Zhao Keyun and Lu Yun saw him and their faces suddenly became solemn.

Chen Xuan also felt a sense of oppression. He knew that the Xiao Lingfeng in front of him was definitely a strong man, and he was probably not their match.

"This is our personal grudge, and it has nothing to do with you." Zhao Keyun forced a smile, trying to ease the atmosphere.

"Grudge? It seems that you two are very interesting." Xiao Lingfeng sneered, "In this case, let me solve this grudge."

After that, Xiao Lingfeng's figure instantly disappeared from the spot, and then appeared in front of Zhao Keyun and Lu Yun again.

Chen Xuan was trapped in the fairy-level formation, and the two sides started a tense battle again. Lu Yun and Zhao Keyun kept trying to besiege Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan always maintained a stable defense with his superb sword skills and sharp reactions.

Lu Yun and Zhao Keyun's hatred for Chen Xuan continued to rise, and they were determined to completely defeat Chen Xuan in this battle and avenge the Golden Armored Dragon Beast.

However, Chen Xuan was not angry or afraid, and he remained calm in his heart. In this battle, he felt the shortcomings of his practice and discovered a new realm of his swordsmanship.

As the battle progressed, Chen Xuan began to gradually comprehend a new sword meaning, his sword moves became more and more fierce, and he showed an impeccable offensive and defensive momentum.

Lu Yun and Zhao Keyun gradually felt the pressure, and their offensive gradually became less powerful than before, while Chen Xuan became more and more courageous, as if he had an infinite source of power.

"Chen Xuan, don't get too proud too early!" Lu Yun roared angrily, forming seals with his hands and manipulating the immortal-level formation to press towards Chen Xuan even more crazily.

Zhao Keyun also joined the battle. He transformed into a stream of light, and his speed was so fast that it was elusive. His moves were fierce, trying to break through Chen Xuan's defense from the side.

Chen Xuan responded calmly. He concentrated his sword intent in his heart and steadily responded to his opponent's attack step by step. His swordsmanship became more and more unfathomable, as if it merged with the swordsmanship of the earth.

Time passed quietly in this fierce battle, and Chen Xuan gradually felt the peak state of his sword intention. His sword moves are like flowing clouds and flowing water, natural and sharp.

Lu Yun and Zhao Keyun gradually fell into Chen Xuan's rhythm. They felt Chen Xuan's power, but they could not find a chance to break through his defense.

Chen Xuan always kills his enemies and will never let them leave. Although Lu Yun and Zhao Keyun decided to retreat temporarily, Chen Xuan did not relax his vigilance.

"Escape? It's not that easy!" Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and his figure was like lightning, following closely behind. The sharp sword energy filled the surrounding area, as if it was about to cut the enemy into powder.

Lu Yun and Zhao Keyun felt Chen Xuan's murderous intention, and their hearts trembled. They did not doubt Chen Xuan's strength and knew that confronting him again would be almost suicidal.

"Run away!" Chen Xuan said coldly, the long sword in his hand turned into a stream of light, and instantly arrived in front of Lu Yun and Zhao Keyun.

Lu Yun hurriedly waved the magic weapon in his hand to resist, while Zhao Keyun transformed into a stream of light to dodge. Chen Xuan's offensive came like a violent storm, and the immortal-level formation turned into a deadly weapon in his hands.

"Don't even think about escaping this time!" Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with cold light, and he was determined to completely eliminate these two enemies to avoid future troubles.

The battle broke out again, Chen Xuan's sword moves became more fierce, and every blow was full of destructive power. Sometimes he is as nimble as the wind, sometimes as sharp as a sword, perfectly demonstrating the ultimate realm of swordsmanship.

Lu Yun and Zhao Keyun were shocked. They found in disbelief that Chen Xuan was even more powerful than before. They knew that continuing to fight would only bring greater disaster.

"Let's go!" Lu Yun gritted his teeth. He had already felt the breath of death, and continuing to entangle would only lead to disaster.

Chen Xuan condensed the immortal power of time and space, and the sword technique of thousands of time clouds bloomed with infinite sword intent. The cold air filled the air and time seemed to be frozen. He tried to trap Lu Yun and Zhao Keyun in the shackles of time and kill them both.

However, just when Chen Xuan's offensive was about to succeed, Zhao Keyun suddenly took out a magic weapon that shone with mysterious light. The magic weapon exuded a powerful aura, and in an instant it broke through Chen Xuan's Ten Thousand Time Cloud Sword Techniques and released the frozen shackles of time.

"What kind of magic weapon is this?" Chen Xuan was shocked. He didn't expect his opponent to have such a powerful method.

Zhao Keyun seized the opportunity, took advantage of Chen Xuan's momentary confusion, hugged Lu Yun tightly, and left quickly. They turned into streams of light and disappeared into the distance like lightning.

"Damn it, you actually let them escape!" Chen Xuan was furious. He didn't expect that his plan was actually cracked by the other party and allowed them to escape.

Chen Xuan felt a sense of determination in his heart. He decided to continue practicing and find more powerful magic weapons and techniques to fight against the powerful time and space immortal power in the future. His trump card was, but now it seems that it is not enough.

Chen Xuan sat down again and began to practice thousands of Shiyun sword techniques, explore their shortcomings, and think of countermeasures to crack Zhao Keyun's mysterious magic weapon.

In the immortal formation, time passed, and Chen Xuan was immersed in the practice. His state of mind gradually calmed down, and his understanding of the sword became deeper.

"Time flows, the sword is eternal." Chen Xuan murmured to himself. He felt the flow of time and space, as if he was integrated into the changes in the entire universe.

Stepping out of the fairy-level formation again, Chen Xuan's eyes were firm and profound. He knows that in the face of powerful enemies, only by constantly strengthening himself can he protect the beliefs in his heart.

"Zhao Keyun, Lu Yun, I will find you, chase you to the corner of Yahai, and never let you escape!" Chen Xuan swore in his heart.

Lu Yun and Zhao Keyun fled to a hidden cave. They were angry and cursed Chen Xuan,

Zhao Keyun said angrily: "This Chen Xuan is so hateful. He is so ruthless and won't let us go!"

Lu Yun also hissed with resentment: "Yes, he didn't give us a way to survive at all, and we almost died in his hands."

The two people's anger and hatred towards Chen Xuan reached the extreme. They decided that they could not sit still and wait for death, but must find a way to fight back. Zhao Keyun thought for a moment and then said: "Although our strength is not as good as Chen Xuan, if we can use some helpers, we may be able to kill him."

"Help?" Lu Yun looked at Zhao Keyun doubtfully.

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