In the battle, Chen Xuan and Zi Ning cooperated well, and the mutual trust and tacit understanding made them more comfortable. The wind and sand wolf pack was repelled, but they did not stop.

The danger in the desert was not over. Next, they encountered a huge flame phoenix. This flame phoenix has an extremely powerful flame power. Every time it flaps its wings, it can set off a violent sea of ​​fire.

"Be careful, the flame of the Flame Phoenix is ​​very powerful!" Chen Xuan reminded Zi Ning.

Zi Ning responded calmly. With a thought, she condensed the power of ice and snow and tried to freeze the wings of the Flame Phoenix. However, the flame power of the Flame Phoenix was very strong, and the ice could not restrain it at all.

Chen Xuan did not dare to be careless. He waved the Liaoyuan Immortal Sword, and the sword light was like fire, colliding with the Flame Phoenix attack. He kept looking for the flaws of the Flame Phoenix, hoping to defeat it in one fell swoop.

After a fierce duel, Chen Xuan finally found the flaws of the Flame Phoenix. He immediately seized the opportunity and slashed the wings of the Flame Phoenix with a sword. Suddenly, the Flame Phoenix's movements became slow.

Seeing the opportunity, Zi Ning immediately cast a more powerful ice and snow spell to freeze the wings of Flame Phoenix. Chen Xuan took the opportunity to launch a fatal attack, and the Lioyuan Immortal Sword pierced the heart of Flame Phoenix.

The Flame Phoenix let out a shrill cry and instantly turned into a ball of flame and dissipated. Chen Xuan and Zi Ning breathed a sigh of relief. They successfully defeated this powerful fairy beast.

"This Flame Phoenix Inner Pill will be more helpful to you. You take it first." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

Zi Ning hesitated a little. She knew that the Flame Phoenix Inner Pill was indeed very helpful to her cultivation, but Chen Xuan also needed to improve his strength.

"Chen Xuan, this is also very important to you. Let's share it together." Zi Ning said firmly.

Chen Xuan shook his head and insisted: "No, you take it first. We all need stronger strength, and you have also paid a lot in the battle. This is what you deserve."

Zi Ning looked at Chen Xuan gratefully and whispered: "Thank you, Chen Xuan. You are such a good person. I will never let this power down."

The two smiled at each other, and the tacit understanding and trust between them became deeper. They knew that only by supporting each other and moving forward together could they go further in this world.

Next, Chen Xuan and Zi Ning said goodbye.

Although reluctant, Chen Xuan still had important things to do.

Soon, Chen Xuan returned to the Demon-Slaying Dragon Domain.

"I'm back." The young Li Qiuyu saw Chen Xuan coming back, smiled in his eyes, and quickly walked to Chen Xuan's side.

"Yeah." Chen Xuan looked at the young man and laughed.

There is still half a year before the Domain Lord Conference of the Domain. Chen Xuan is not idle. He is concentrating on practicing and striving to improve his cultivation.

Although his current cultivation can kill the domain lord of the domain, he is considered a top master in the eastern region, but in the central region, he is also not worth mentioning.

There are more powerful masters in the central region, who are much stronger than him.

"If you want to gain a foothold in the central region, you must first improve your cultivation to the fifth level of the Dragon Breaking God Period." Chen Xuan muttered in his heart. In order to go further, he must continue to work hard to practice.

The fifth level of the Dragon Breaking God Period is very different from the three-level God Breaking God Period of the Dragon Realm.

Break through to the fifth level of the Dragon Breaking God Stage, and then be able to comprehend the Dao Starry Sky and touch a little bit of the difference between the power of the ninth level of the Dao.

However, no matter how strong the third level of the Dragon Breaking God Stage is, it is still the late stage of the third level of the Dragon Breaking God Stage, and there is a big gap between it and the third level of the Dragon Breaking God Stage in essence.

"Now my defensive aura has reached the sixth level of the True Immortal Soul. It is difficult to break through in the recent period of time. The soul has also reached the fifth level of the True Immortal. If you want to break through to the sixth level of the True Immortal Soul, it is almost equivalent to climbing."

Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart: "Now I should focus on the Suzaku Ten Thousand Fire Immortal Sword Technique."

Before, Chen Xuan's trump card was the Suzaku Ten Thousand Fire Immortal Sword Technique.

Compared with the more closed-door cultivation before, Chen Xuan found that the Immortal Sword Technique was very powerful, even more powerful than any immortal sword technique he found.

On his face, the Immortal Sword Technique was tolerant

When the cultivation is raised to the peak, it can be truly powerful and surpass all living beings.

But this is what he is thinking about in his heart at present, and it is very difficult to truly achieve this goal.

But people always have to have goals, otherwise they are just like salted fish.

At this moment, Chen Xuan was very surprised and began to practice the Immortal Sword Art in seclusion.

In the eastern region, five regions simultaneously restored peace.

Now Chen Xuan's reputation is praised by all warriors.

Whenever a cultivator mentions the Demon-Slaying Dragon Domain, Chen Xuan will definitely be mentioned.

The overall situation in the eastern region has changed because of helping Chen Xuan.

A group of warriors related to Chen Xuan have also benefited from this.

The Xingyun Sword Sect, where Chen Xuan broke through before, has now become an important area of ​​the Sword God Sect.

At the same time, Luo Xingjian, Hua Qiang and other warriors have also become guests of honor of the high-level officials of the Eastern General Region.

Elder Zhao Junheng, Zhao Wuliang and others were also summoned to the Qingyun Luo Domain and became good friends with very high status.

Some palaces that had a deep hatred with Chen Xuan before were directly ordered to be abolished by the Sword Seeking Domain Lord.

Now the Eastern General Region has undergone great changes.

As the Domain Lord Conference of the Domain came here, the Domain Lord of the Demon Blood Dragon Domain and several other warriors were also in seclusion.

At this time, in the extremely far western region, is Huaxian Mountain.

When Chen Xuan left, he arranged for his spirit phantom to protect Huaxian Mountain and help them improve their cultivation.

Now Huaxian Mountain has joined forces with Wanlong Golden Palace to become the top force in the western region.

Except for the Bandung Golden Palace, no force can compete with Huaxian Mountain.

Therefore, Zhao Yunlei and the sect leader of Huaxian Mountain were very surprised.

However, Huaxian Mountain is now in a state of anxiety.

Between the ground, the terrifying power of thunder spread everywhere, and the aura filled the air.

Zhao Yunlei, the sect leader of Huaxian Mountain and other experts appeared, and they observed the dark and powerful aura not far away gradually filling the air.

"Elder, what should we do?"

The sect leader of Huaxian Mountain said in a deep and puzzled voice.

"Communicate with the Wanlong Golden Palace?" Zhao Yunlei asked doubtfully.

"We have already communicated. The Bandung Golden Palace has also been temporarily suppressed by them. There is no way to leave this place. It seems that they may have been plotting for a long time." The sect master of Huaxian Mountain shook his head helplessly, "It's just that I don't understand. The area controlled by the region is full of people from Huaxian Mountain. How did they deceive us and discover such a terrifying sect? "

"The aura on their bodies is very terrifying. I seem to be reminded of a previous legend." Zhao Yunlei went over to learn about it.

"What previous legend?" the sect master of Huaxian Mountain asked loudly.

"Dragon God Demon Sect."

This time, all the high-level warriors in Huaxian Mountain were shocked.

"What? Dragon God Demon Sect."

"Isn't it possible? Wasn't the Dragon God Demon Sect completely wiped out before? How could it reappear?"

Many high-level warriors simply did not believe that it was the Dragon God Demon Sect that was attacking Huaxian Mountain this time.

"The Dragon God Demon Sect is very powerful, which is beyond our imagination. At present, these are just branches of the Dragon God Demon Sect warriors. If many Dragon God Demon Sect warriors exert their full power, it will trigger a war in the central world of Pangu." Zhao Yunlei said helplessly.

He knew that the warriors of the Dragon God Demon Sect who had been hiding in the dark for millions of years would never give up if they could not kill Huaxian Mountain by using their skills.

"Aren't they afraid of the high-ranking officials from famous and upright families?" the sect master of Huaxian Mountain asked doubtfully.

"Since they dare to be so arrogant and domineering, they must be prepared." Zhao Yunlei said: "Now that the Wanlong Golden Palace has been temporarily suppressed, our Huaxian Mountain is completely isolated. Tell all the disciples to prepare for a bloody battle."

Not long after, a powerful and terrifying aura emerged instantly.

Zhao Yunlei stared not far away.

The warrior leading the way is a master of the Dragon God Demon Sect.

"Kill or finally surrender."

The master of Dragon God Demon Sect faced Huaxian Mountain.

This is not the first time they have dealt with Huaxian Mountain. The previous times were just tests, but this time they really attack with all their strength.

"The disciples of the Dragon God Demon Sect are so arrogant and domineering. They really think that we, Huaxian Mountain, are easy to bully."

Zhao Yunlei said angrily.

"Since you are so ignorant of life and death, let's all die."

The master of the Dragon God Demon Sect shouted loudly, and then hundreds of disciples of the Dragon God Demon Sect launched an offensive.

All we can do now is fight!

"I would rather die than surrender."

The high-level warriors of Huaxian Mountain performed their skills before this.

A terrifying battle broke out instantly.

But the Dragon God Demon Sect was too powerful. Just after the fight, many people at the top of Huaxian Mountain were killed.

Suddenly, a wave of broken thoughts was released instantly. The ground quickly turned into a pool of blood, and hundreds of souls were unleashed.

"It's really damn good."

The sect master of Huaxian Mountain and Zhao Yunlei teamed up to seal the leader of the Dragon God and Demon Sect.

"It's really good."

The leader of the Dragon God Demon Sect waved his long sword and released terrifying sword energy flying towards the sect leader of Huaxian Mountain.

The battle is extremely fierce!

There was a gap in the Huaxian Mountain's sect leader's defense, and his body flew backwards.

“Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

Then, the leader of the Dragon God Demon Sect launched the terrifying Earth, Thunder and Death to attack Zhao Yunlei.

The whole place was filled with a terrible aura.

Nearby, a slender warrior wielded a long sword and flew across the ground.

"The Dragon God Demon Sect is really arrogant."

The warrior who spoke was the phantom of Chen Xuan’s soul.

When he left, he left behind a phantom of his soul to protect the warriors in Huaxian Mountain and help them improve their cultivation.

Now that Huaxian Mountain is under attack, Soul Phantom's retreat practice has been successful.

"Before, the Dragon God Demon Sect actually wanted to seal the third layer of outer territory. If they succeeded, all my brothers would be killed." Divine Soul Phantom: "This hatred is deep and will only end with the death or injury of one party."

He once swore an oath that when he encountered a warrior from the Dragon God Demon Sect, he would not speak a word, but would directly take out his weapon and kill him.

But now the Dragon God Demon Sect actually dares to attack Huaxian Mountain.

"It's time for all warriors to understand that there are many terrifying forces in weaker areas." Chen Xuan said helplessly in his heart, and then he took a step forward and came to the battle area.

But at this moment.

He waved quickly, and a terrifying aura immediately divided the fighting area.

Zhao Yunlei and the sect master of Huaxian Mountain, who were fighting, quickly retreated. When the terrifying aura was instantly released with extremely violent power, the whole place seemed to be suppressed, turbulent and trembling.

The Shen Lie formation completely erupted, the sounds of fighting came, and hundreds of terrifying auras continued to emit.

In the ground, the aura of terror keeps emerging.

at this time!

This sudden sight completely surprised many warriors. The battle came to a standstill, and the leader of the Wanyi Dragon Alliance and the great elder who were fighting with the leader of the Dragon God Demon Sect quickly left the place.

When they turned around and saw the majestic fairy beast in the ground, they were very surprised.

"Wanyi Dragon Alliance is finally safe." The leader of Wanyi Dragon Alliance finally breathed a sigh of relief and said helplessly.

In the earth, the suppressive power is very gloomy.

Chen Xuan stepped out and came to the vicinity of the Dragon God Demon Sect, looking down at them like God.

"The warriors of the Dragon God Demon Sect are really lingering." Chen Xuan said, waving his long sword and flying to the ground.

"What is your identity?" The leader of the Dragon God Demon Sect steadied his body, stared at Chen Xuan with his black eyes, and asked doubtfully.

"My identity is not important. What is important is that if your Dragon God Demon Sect dares to use all its strength to attack the Wanyi Dragon Alliance, you must be prepared to be killed." Chen Xuandao.

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