Chen Xuan's spiritual power was so strong that many warriors felt panic.

"They found us, leave this place quickly and go in directly!" Chen Xuan's face was gloomy, and he stomped his feet on the ground and disappeared in the Zheng of the Fairy Ghost Rock Mountains

Eastern area, the Demon Dragon Domain.

Chen Xuan, who was improving his cultivation, suddenly recovered.

"Demon King, it's not bad." Chen Xuan said to himself.

He had already understood what happened in the western area.

At the same time, he also understood that with the cultivation of the soul phantom, plus many warriors of the weaker regional demon clan, he could fully cope with the crisis in the western area.

"After solving the Dragon God Demon Sect, I should return to the southwest area." He knew that he came to the eastern area because he couldn't bear it.

The three great elders of the Qingbai Dragon Sect wanted to get Li Qiuyu's Nine Transformation First Power, so he had to turn against the Qingbai Dragon Sect.

"I just don't know how Jianxuanmen is now." Chen Xuan shook his head with a little helplessness. If Master Wang hadn't helped him secretly, he would not have been able to escape at all.

"I hope Jianxuanmen didn't suffer too much damage." Master Wang promised to help Jianxuanmen as much as possible after he escaped.

"There's still some time before I can take revenge myself." Chen Xuan thought with gritted teeth.

After that, Chen Xuan left the Demon-Slaying Dragon Domain.

On the way to the southwestern area, the spirit phantom led many masters from the western area to attack the immortal domain of the Dragon God Demon Sect.

Although the leader of the Dragon God Demon Sect had been defeated by Chen Xuan, the Dragon God Demon Sect was still a force that could not be underestimated. In the process of attacking the immortal domain, the warriors in the western area continued to encounter fierce resistance and counterattacks.

In the Immortal Ghost Rock Mountains, Chen Xuan's consciousness swept across a silent place and detected a weak energy fluctuation. He frowned secretly, as if he found something wrong. But out of caution, he did not go there immediately.

As time went on, the warriors in the western area continued to grow, and the remaining forces of the Dragon God Demon Sect continued to decrease. Finally, after several months of fighting, the western area returned to tranquility, and the immortal domain of the Dragon God Demon Sect was completely destroyed.

Chen Xuan returned to the center of the western region, and all the major sects were extremely grateful for his contribution. Although he was not a demon, his name had spread throughout the western region and he became a highly respected demon king among the demons.

"Chen Xuan, your contribution is indelible, and we will always remember it." The leader of Huaxian Mountain personally thanked Chen Xuan.

After receiving the commendation from the sects, Chen Xuan did not stop and continued his journey to the southwestern region. He knew that the place where he was most needed now was Jianxuanmen.

After leaving the western region, Chen Xuan sped up, constantly using the law of space to shuttle and try to shorten the journey.

Returning to the southwestern region, Chen Xuan found that the atmosphere of Jianxuanmen was a little heavy. Upon inquiry, he learned that the battle between Qingbailong Sect and Jianxuanmen was still going on, and Jianxuanmen had been struggling to support it.

"Chen Xuan, you are finally back!" The leader of Jianxuanmen saw Chen Xuan and his eyes flashed with joy.

"Master, are you doing well?" Chen Xuan smiled slightly.

"Thanks to your help, we were able to keep a glimmer of hope." The sect leader said, "But the power of the Qingbai Dragon Sect is too strong, and we have been trying to support it." Chen Xuan nodded slightly. He had expected this to happen. He knew that now was the time when Jianxuan Sect needed him the most. "Sect leader, now that my cultivation has improved, I will do my best to help Jianxuan Sect." Chen Xuan said solemnly, "We must completely defeat the Qingbai Dragon Sect and make it impossible for them to turn over!" The sect leader was relieved when he heard this. Chen Xuan's return injected new hope into Jianxuan Sect. They decided to take a break temporarily, accumulate strength, and wait for the best time to come. Chen Xuan did not dare to delay. He began to organize the masters of Jianxuan Sect for more rigorous training and layout. At the same time, he also used his spiritual sense to search for the dynamics of the Qingbai Dragon Sect, trying to avoid being noticed by the other party. Time passed in a tense and orderly manner, and Jianxuan Sect grew stronger under the leadership of Chen Xuan. The Qingbai Dragon Sect seemed to have also felt the changes in Jianxuan Sect and began to strengthen its suppression of Jianxuan Sect. Finally, as Jianxuanmen became more and more prepared, the atmosphere of war once again permeated the southwestern region. This time, Jianxuanmen will go all out to fight the final decisive battle with Qingbailongzong.

Huaxianshan, Wanlong Golden Palace and other sects also expressed their support for Jianxuanmen. Like Chen Xuan, they knew the importance of defeating Qingbailongzong.

In the southwestern region, there was a war of war. Jianxuanmen, Huaxianshan, Wanlong Golden Palace and other sects united to fight against the evil force Qingbailongzong.

Chen Xuan stepped forward. He was wearing a black robe, his eyes were like lightning, and he exuded a powerful aura. He held the Lioyuan Sword, the sword light was as bright as a star, and a domineering power emanated from him.

"Chen Xuan, it's you!" The Grand Elder of Qingbailongzong widened his eyes. He didn't expect that this young man who had been despised by them would appear here and become so powerful.

"I'm here to stop your evil plan!" Chen Xuan's voice was cold and firm. He faced the master of Qingbailong Sect without fear.

The battle was about to break out, swords flashed, flames burned, and thunder and lightning intertwined. The ground was filled with a strong murderous aura, and the battlefield was full of corpses and blood.

Chen Xuan was agile and shuttled across the battlefield like a civet cat. Every swing of the sword was a sure kill. He was as fast as lightning and as accurate as a star. He was unstoppable and swept away the enemy all the way.

Under his leadership, the masters of Jianxuan Sect were full of fighting spirit. They trusted Chen Xuan and followed him firmly without fear of sacrifice.

"Chen Xuan, don't be too proud too early!" The great elder of Qingbailong Sect roared angrily. He used his ultimate move, and the dragon energy around him rose and turned into a giant dragon.

The giant dragon roared and rushed towards Chen Xuan with great momentum. Chen Xuan was as steady as a rock, waving the Lioyuan Sword, and the sword energy was sharp, repelling the giant dragon.

However, the battlefield was surrounded by powerful enemies, and masters of evil forces kept rushing out to try to obstruct Chen Xuan's progress. Chen Xuan was not in a hurry, fighting one against a hundred, and his sword moves were endless, beheading the enemy.

The battle was in full swing, and tragic scenes came into everyone's eyes. In the bloody rain, Chen Xuan's eyes were always firm. He knew that he was shouldering the mission of defending justice and would never back down.

In the air, thunder and lightning were intertwined, and the power of thunder crisscrossed, forming a sea of ​​thunder. Chen Xuan used his divine consciousness to condense a huge dragon phantom, like a blue dragon breaking through the air and rushing towards the enemy.

"Chen Xuan, you are so brave that you dare to go against our Qingbai Dragon Sect!" The Grand Elder of Qingbai Dragon Sect was furious. He roared, and the dragon energy on his body surged and turned into several giant dragons.

Chen Xuan sneered, and the sword light was like a rainbow, intertwined with the dragon energy, emitting a dazzling light. For a time, the entire battlefield was shrouded in this magnificent battle.

Under the leadership of Chen Xuan, the warriors of the united sects fought bravely. They exerted their strongest strength, cooperated with each other, and had both offense and defense. Every warrior was releasing all his potential and was determined to completely eliminate the evil forces.

As the battle progressed, the masters of Qingbai Dragon Sect gradually retreated. Some of them were injured, some were killed, and their morale was low. However, the united forces led by Chen Xuan became more and more courageous, united, and pressed forward step by step.

The cruelty of the battle did not make Chen Xuan retreat, but instead inspired his inner determination. He understood that only by completely defeating the evil forces could he protect the peace of his homeland and people.

Finally, the resistance of the Qingbai Dragon Sect gradually weakened, and their defeat became heavier and heavier, and they retreated step by step. Chen Xuan took advantage of the situation and rushed into the core position of the Qingbai Dragon Sect first.

The Grand Elder of the Qingbai Dragon Sect gritted his teeth, and he felt that the hope of victory was gradually fading away. He tried his best to counterattack again, but Chen Xuan had already shown overwhelming strength.

"This move!" Chen Xuan shouted in a low voice, and the Lioyuan Sword in his hand turned into a flash of lightning and slashed at the Grand Elder of the Qingbai Dragon Sect.

The Grand Elder of the Qingbai Dragon Sect's pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt the threat of death. However, he was in a desperate situation at this moment and had no power to avoid it.


A bright sword light pierced through the Grand Elder of the Qingbai Dragon Sect, and he let out a shrill scream, turned into a bloody light and disappeared on the battlefield.

After the battle, Chen Xuan was finally ready to return.

When Chen Xuan set out on his way back, he did not notice the Dragon God Demon Sect warriors lurking in the dark. These warriors are the elites of the Dragon God Demon Sect. They hide in the dense forest, waiting for the best opportunity to sneak attack Chen Xuan.

When Chen Xuan walked into a dark forest, suddenly, a cold sword light flashed, and a Dragon God Demon Sect warrior rushed out from behind the tree, stabbing Chen Xuan with a long sword in his hand.

Chen Xuan reacted quickly and dodged sideways, but the sword light brushed his arm, leaving a blood mark. Chen Xuan did not hesitate at all, swung the Lioyuan Sword, the sword light was bright, and intertwined with the opponent, and started a fierce battle.

The battle scene was thrilling, and the Dragon God Demon Sect warriors made fierce moves and fierce attacks. Chen Xuan was at ease, with agile sword moves and agile body movements. Sometimes he moved between branches and leaves, and sometimes he attacked directly against the enemy.

Soon after, more and more Dragon God Demon Sect warriors joined the battle and surrounded Chen Xuan in the middle. They attacked in groups, not giving Chen Xuan any chance to breathe.

A firm look flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. He knew that he was at a disadvantage, but he would never retreat. He concentrated all his attention and fully exerted the power of the Lioyuan Sword. A sword light swept out and forced the surrounding enemies to retreat.

However, the Dragon God Demon Sect warriors did not give up. They cooperated tacitly and continued to attack, trying to break Chen Xuan's defense line. The battle became more and more intense, with swords crossing, fire splashing, and lightning bursting.

Suddenly, a Dragon God Demon Sect warrior used a secret method to turn into a phantom, and his speed increased dramatically. He instantly went behind Chen Xuan and stabbed him in the heart with a long sword in his hand.

Chen Xuan felt the danger, and his consciousness spread instantly, sensing the enemy's position. He shouted, his body spun forward rapidly, and the Lioyuan Sword stabbed straight behind him.

"Puff!" The long sword of the Dragon God Demon Sect warrior was pierced by Chen Xuan's sword light, and blood splattered. However, at this moment, another Dragon God Demon Sect warrior suddenly appeared, and shot a hidden weapon in his hand at Chen Xuan's waist.

Chen Xuan's pupils shrank slightly, and he had no time to avoid it, so he could only resist this fatal blow. With a sharp pain, Chen Xuan's robe at his waist was torn, and blood gushed out.

The battlefield was in chaos, and Chen Xuan was under siege and was seriously injured. His eyes were more determined, and he knew that he had to stay calm and not let the enemy disrupt his rhythm.

Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and launched the strongest attack of the Lioyuan Sword. The sword light bloomed like a flame, instantly forcing the surrounding enemies back. He used his spiritual sense, felt the weak enemy, made a quick decision, and chased after him.

"Boom!" Chen Xuan's sword light directly defeated a Dragon God Demon Sect warrior, but more enemies surrounded him.

The battle became more and more fierce, and Chen Xuan gradually fell into danger under the enemy's encirclement. He felt that his mental power consumption increased sharply, but he did not give up. He knew that as long as he persisted, victory was in sight.

At this critical moment, a bright light suddenly shot from a distance, like a meteor streaking across the night sky. Everyone looked up and saw reinforcements from Huaxian Mountain arriving.

"The masters from Huaxian Mountain are here!" someone exclaimed.

He shouted loudly, his body quickly spun forward, and the prairie fire sword stabbed straight into the back.

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