Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6430 Traveling through the flames

Both Chen Xuan and Yang Wen admired Cheng Qing's strength. Chen Xuan said: "Senior Cheng Qing, your Heavenly Fire Tribulation is really powerful."

Cheng Qing smiled modestly and said: "It's just a small matter. Only with the cooperation of Chen Xuan and Yang Wen can the Fire Tribulation be performed more perfectly."

Yang Wen also smiled and nodded: "Yes, we work together to have such a smooth battle."

But at this moment, Cheng Qing suddenly showed a fierce look and wanted to occupy all the Five Bamboo Dragon Grasses.

Chen Xuan frowned, watching Cheng Qing's eyes become cold and greedy, and he felt alert in his heart. He said calmly: "Cheng Qing, didn't we agree to work together before? Why do we suddenly want to snatch the Five Bamboo Dragon Grass?"

Cheng Qing sneered and replied: "Cooperation? That's just taking advantage of you. I have always wanted Wuzhulongcao, and now that I have finally found it, I don't want to share it with you."

Not to be outdone, Yang Wen said: "Cheng Qing, you are going too far! We are peers and should help each other."

Cheng Qing glanced at him disdainfully: "Help? I only believe in my own strength and don't need help from others."

Chen Xuan looked at Cheng Qing calmly and said confidently: "Since you are so determined, let's speak based on our strength."

Cheng Qing ignored them and stared at the Five Bamboo Dragon Grass, as if he was ready to take action.

Chen Xuan's heart moved. He knew that now was not the time to argue with Cheng Qing, but to stabilize the situation first.

So he said softly: "We have cooperated well before, why should we become enemies of each other just because of a plant?"

Cheng Qing laughed sarcastically: "Chen Xuan, how strong do you think you are? I want to see if you are really powerful, or if it is just the confidence that the Five Bamboo Dragon Grass has given you."

A cold light flashed between Chen Xuan's eyebrows: "Since you don't want to be reasonable, then don't blame me for being rude."

In the tense atmosphere, the confrontation between Chen Xuan and Cheng Qing became more and more intense. Their words were full of distrust and hostility towards each other, and the whole scene was tense and tense. In this dense forest, the two of them were ready to fight with all their might for the precious Five Bamboo Dragon Grass.

Chen Xuan and Cheng Qing looked at each other, their momentum gradually rising. Suddenly, Cheng Qing took a step forward, his body like lightning, and rushed towards Chen Xuan, with a majestic spiritual power condensed in his hands.

Chen Xuan sneered. He also did not show weakness. He used his physical skills and concentrated his spiritual power on his palms to meet Cheng Qing's attack.

The figures of the two people shuttled through the dense forest at a speed that was difficult to catch. Every move they made contained powerful power, and the trees in the dense forest were shaken by their momentum.

Cheng Qing's attacks were sharp and fierce, and he constantly tried to defeat Chen Xuan and seize the Five Bamboo Dragon Grass. Chen Xuan, on the other hand, responded calmly, skillfully avoiding Cheng Qing's attacks while looking for opportunities to counterattack.

"You're still not strong enough!" Cheng Qing roared, and a blazing flame instantly appeared on his palm, forming a flaming blade and slashing towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan smiled coldly, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes. He didn't flinch, and his palm turned into a palm shadow, condensing a powerful wind blade.

The flame blade and the wind blade collided in mid-air, bursting out with dazzling light. The loud rumbling sound resounded throughout the dense forest, making people feel frightened.

The two people's powers are intertwined, and the scene is extremely intense. They are all elite cultivators with equal strength. No one is willing to show weakness and they are determined to fight to the end.

In the fierce battle, Chen Xuan gradually gained the upper hand, and his strength far exceeded Cheng Qing's expectations. Seeing Chen Xuan gradually suppressing himself, Cheng Qing's eyes became more and more fierce, and he was unwilling to fail.

In the tense atmosphere, both Chen Xuan and Yang Wen felt Cheng Qing's powerful killing intent. Chen Xuan's eyes were firm. He was well aware of the strength of his cultivation and was not afraid of Cheng Qing's threat.

"Cheng Qing, are you really going to take this road of no return?" Chen Xuan asked calmly.

"The point of no return? Ha, the path of cultivation has always been about the jungle. Since you two fools don't know the current affairs, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Cheng Qing sneered, with a ferocious light shining in his eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Qing moved and turned into an afterimage, rushing towards Chen Xuan and Yang Wen. He activated his violent spiritual power, turned his hands into claws, and his sharp nails shone with cold light, attacking Chen Xuan like a ghost.

Chen Xuan sneered when he heard this, dodged to avoid Cheng Qing's sharp attack, and then quickly counterattacked. He formed a seal with his hands, his spiritual power surged, and a golden light flashed out, turning into a sword energy and heading straight towards Cheng Qing.

Yang Wen didn't show any signs of weakness. He moved quickly and turned into an afterimage. He quickly circled around Cheng Qing's side and punched out. The force was like a mountain collapsing and the earth cracking, and he hit Cheng Qing fiercely.

Although Cheng Qing is greedy, his strength cannot be underestimated. He hurriedly avoided Chen Xuan's sword attack, while protecting his chest with both hands, condensing a layer of spiritual power to resist Yang Wen's punch.

The battle between the three men was extremely fierce and fierce, and the scene was extremely dangerous. Chen Xuan looked determined, taking steps step by step, trying his best to avoid Cheng Qing's attacks and looking for the opponent's flaws.

Yang Wen was smart and flexible. He constantly changed the angle and method of attack, trying to find Cheng Qing's weakness and defeat him.

But Cheng Qing was extremely cunning. He sometimes evaded and sometimes counterattacked, using obstacles in the surrounding environment to protect himself while trying to find opportunities to attack Chen Xuan and Yang Wen.

The battle was very fierce, the surrounding air currents were churning, spiritual power was raging, and the entire dense forest was enveloped by this powerful force.

The battle between Chen Xuan, Yang Wen and Cheng Qing becomes increasingly fierce. They are all top practitioners, each displaying unique techniques and techniques. Every move is a fatal blow, and the scene is extremely thrilling.

Chen Xuan's face was expressionless, with determination shining in his eyes. He had already seen through Cheng Qing's intentions and knew what the other party wanted to do to obtain the Five Bamboo Dragon Grass. But he would never let such a thing happen, Wuzhulongcao was too important to them.

"Cheng Qing, your greed will cost you dearly!" Chen Xuan said coldly.

"Hmph, I want to see what you can do to stop me!" Cheng Qing sneered, with madness and greed in his eyes.

As the battle continued, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen cooperated tacitly and constantly tried to defeat Cheng Qing.

Both Chen Xuan and Yang Wen admired Cheng Qing's strength. Chen Xuan said: "Senior Cheng Qing, your Heavenly Fire Tribulation is really powerful."

Cheng Qing smiled modestly and said: "It's just a small matter. Only with the cooperation of Chen Xuan and Yang Wen can the Fire Tribulation be performed more perfectly."

Yang Wen also smiled and nodded: "Yes, we work together to have such a smooth battle."

But at this moment, Cheng Qing suddenly showed a fierce look and wanted to occupy all the Five Bamboo Dragon Grasses.

Chen Xuan frowned, watching Cheng Qing's eyes become cold and greedy, and he felt alert in his heart. He said calmly: "Cheng Qing, didn't we agree to work together before? Why do we suddenly want to snatch the Five Bamboo Dragon Grass?"

Cheng Qing sneered and replied: "Cooperation? That's just taking advantage of you. I have always wanted Wuzhulongcao, and now that I have finally found it, I don't want to share it with you."

Not to be outdone, Yang Wen said: "Cheng Qing, you are going too far! We are peers and should help each other."

Cheng Qing glanced at him disdainfully: "Help? I only believe in my own strength and don't need help from others."

Chen Xuan looked at Cheng Qing calmly and said confidently: "Since you are so determined, let's speak based on our strength."

Cheng Qing ignored them and stared at the Five Bamboo Dragon Grass, as if he was ready to take action.

Chen Xuan's heart moved. He knew that now was not the time to argue with Cheng Qing, but to stabilize the situation first.

So he said softly: "We have cooperated well before, why should we become enemies of each other just because of a plant?"

Cheng Qing laughed sarcastically: "Chen Xuan, how strong do you think you are? I want to see if you are really powerful, or if it is just the confidence that the Five Bamboo Dragon Grass has given you."

A cold light flashed between Chen Xuan's eyebrows: "Since you don't want to be reasonable, then don't blame me for being rude."

In the tense atmosphere, the confrontation between Chen Xuan and Cheng Qing became more and more intense. Their words were full of distrust and hostility towards each other, and the whole scene was tense and tense. In this dense forest, the two of them were ready to fight with all their might for the precious Five Bamboo Dragon Grass.

Chen Xuan and Cheng Qing looked at each other, their momentum gradually rising. Suddenly, Cheng Qing took a step forward, his body like lightning, and rushed towards Chen Xuan, with a majestic spiritual power condensed in his hands.

Chen Xuan sneered. He also did not show weakness. He used his physical skills and concentrated his spiritual power on his palms to meet Cheng Qing's attack.

The figures of the two people shuttled through the dense forest at a speed that was difficult to catch. Every move they made contained powerful power, and the trees in the dense forest were shaken by their momentum.

Cheng Qing's attacks were sharp and fierce, and he constantly tried to defeat Chen Xuan and seize the Five Bamboo Dragon Grass. Chen Xuan, on the other hand, responded calmly, skillfully avoiding Cheng Qing's attacks while looking for opportunities to counterattack.

"You're still not strong enough!" Cheng Qing roared, and a blazing flame instantly appeared on his palm, forming a flaming blade and slashing towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan smiled coldly, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes. He didn't flinch, and his palm turned into a palm shadow, condensing a powerful wind blade.

The flame blade and the wind blade collided in mid-air, bursting out with dazzling light. The loud rumbling sound resounded throughout the dense forest, making people terrified.

The two people's powers are intertwined, and the scene is extremely intense. They are all elite cultivators with equal strength. No one is willing to show weakness and they are determined to fight to the end.

In the fierce battle, Chen Xuan gradually gained the upper hand, and his strength far exceeded Cheng Qing's expectations. Seeing Chen Xuan gradually suppressing himself, Cheng Qing's eyes became more and more fierce, and he was unwilling to fail.

In the tense atmosphere, both Chen Xuan and Yang Wen felt Cheng Qing's powerful killing intent. Chen Xuan's eyes were firm. He was well aware of the strength of his cultivation and was not afraid of Cheng Qing's threat.

"Cheng Qing, are you really going to take this road of no return?" Chen Xuan asked calmly.

"The point of no return? Ha, the path of cultivation has always been about the jungle. Since you two fools don't know the current affairs, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Cheng Qing sneered, with a ferocious light shining in his eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Qing moved and turned into an afterimage, rushing towards Chen Xuan and Yang Wen. He activated his violent spiritual power, turned his hands into claws, and his sharp nails shone with cold light, attacking Chen Xuan like a ghost.

Chen Xuan sneered when he heard this, dodged to avoid Cheng Qing's sharp attack, and then quickly counterattacked. He formed a seal with his hands, his spiritual power surged, and a golden light flashed out, turning into a sword energy and heading straight towards Cheng Qing.

Yang Wen didn't show any signs of weakness. He moved quickly and turned into an afterimage. He quickly circled around Cheng Qing's side and punched out. The force was like a mountain collapsing and the ground cracking, and he hit Cheng Qing fiercely.

Although Cheng Qing is greedy, his strength cannot be underestimated. He hurriedly avoided Chen Xuan's sword attack, while protecting his chest with both hands, condensing a layer of spiritual power to resist Yang Wen's punch.

The battle between the three men was extremely fierce and fierce, and the scene was extremely dangerous. Chen Xuan looked determined, taking steps step by step, trying his best to avoid Cheng Qing's attacks and looking for the opponent's flaws.

Yang Wen was smart and flexible. He constantly changed the angle and method of attack, trying to find Cheng Qing's weakness and defeat him.

But Cheng Qing was extremely cunning. He sometimes evaded and sometimes counterattacked, using obstacles in the surrounding environment to protect himself while trying to find opportunities to attack Chen Xuan and Yang Wen.

The battle was very fierce, the surrounding air currents were churning, spiritual power was raging, and the entire dense forest was enveloped by this powerful force.

The battle between Chen Xuan, Yang Wen and Cheng Qing becomes increasingly fierce. They are all top practitioners, each displaying unique techniques and techniques. Every move is a fatal blow, and the scene is extremely thrilling.

Chen Xuan's face was expressionless, with determination shining in his eyes. He had already seen through Cheng Qing's intentions and knew what the other party wanted to do to obtain the Five Bamboo Dragon Grass. But he would never let such a thing happen, Wuzhulongcao was too important to them.

"Cheng Qing, your greed will cost you dearly!" Chen Xuan said coldly.

"Hmph, I want to see what you can do to stop me!" Cheng Qing sneered, with madness and greed in his eyes.

As the battle continued, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen cooperated tacitly and constantly tried to defeat Cheng Qing.

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