Under the pursuit of the mysterious man, Chen Xuan felt more and more pressure. He decided to use the secret method of time and space he had mastered to escape from this dangerous jungle with Yang Wen.

"Yang Wen, follow me!" Chen Xuan shouted and quickly used the secret technique of time and space. The surrounding space suddenly distorted, and the two figures disappeared in place.

Under the guidance of the secret method of time and space, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen instantly traveled through time and space and came to another strange place. They appeared on a vast grassland, surrounded by silence and no signs of pursuit.

Yang Wen looked at Chen Xuan with a hint of surprise. "Where is this? How did we get here?"

Chen Xuan smiled and explained: "This is the secret method of time and space. We traveled through time and space and came to a safe place. We temporarily escaped the pursuit of the mysterious man."

Yang Wen nodded with emotion, admiring Chen Xuan's strength and methods even more. He knew how lucky he was to be with Chen Xuan. With such a partner, the future was full of hope.

However, Chen Xuan did not relax. He knew that the mysterious people would never give up easily, but they could not be found for the time being.

He decided to stay on this grassland for a while, waiting for the opportunity, and embarked on a journey to find the mysterious man again.

During this time, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen continued to practice and enhance their strength.

The Doomsday Forest is a mysterious and dangerous place, known as one of the most dangerous areas in the fairy world. Chen Xuan and Yang Wen stepped into the edge of the forest and suddenly felt a biting chill shrouding the surroundings.

"The Doomsday Forest is indeed worthy of its reputation. The spiritual energy here is extremely fierce." Chen Xuan frowned.

Yang Wen also felt something unusual. He held the weapon in his hand tightly and looked around cautiously: "We must be careful, there may be various dangers lurking here."

The two of them entered the Doomsday Forest together, staring closely at the movements around them. The forest is filled with all kinds of ferocious beasts and evil spirits. Every step needs to be taken with caution to prevent sudden dangers.

In the Doomsday Forest, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen began rigorous training. They look for places with abundant spiritual energy, practice meditation quietly, and understand the way of heaven and earth. Every day, they continue to break through their limits and improve their strength.

Chen Xuan used his superb swordsmanship to defeat the ferocious beasts in the forest one by one with his agile movements and fast attacks. He absorbed the energy of the ferocious beasts and transformed it into his own cultivation, allowing his strength to continue to grow rapidly.

And Yang Wen showed his powerful spell control ability, casting amazingly powerful spells in the Doomsday Forest, defeating evil spirits and demons. His spells became more proficient and his attacks became more powerful.

During the training in the Doomsday Forest, they not only improved their strength, but also obtained some precious training resources. From time to time, some rare treasures appear in the Doomsday Forest. They are all spiritual creatures from heaven and earth, which are of great help to the cultivation of cultivators.

However, the Doomsday Forest is also a place full of traps. Sometimes, they will encounter some weird illusions, making them lose their way in the illusory scene. There are also some evil creatures who suddenly attack and try to rob them of their cultivation resources.

However, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen are both cultivators who have experienced countless battles. Every encounter is a test of their strength and a tempering of their will.

After several days of practice, the strength of Chen Xuan and Yang Wen has been greatly improved. Their swordsmanship and spells became more and more proficient, and their body skills and combat skills became sharper. In the forest of doomsday, they hone their willpower and prepare to face greater challenges.

As they continued their journey, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen encountered some strange things. In a dense forest, they found an ancient temple that exuded a mysterious atmosphere and seemed to hide endless secrets.

"This place looks very ancient, there should be a lot of history." Yang Wen looked at the temple curiously.

Chen Xuan frowned and felt that there seemed to be an unusual atmosphere hidden here: "I think we should be careful. There may be some kind of trap or restriction here."

The two entered the temple cautiously, looking for clues everywhere. The interior of the temple is vast, and the walls are carved with ancient runes and patterns, obviously having a long history.

Suddenly, there was an eerie wind sound, accompanied by a strange aura. Chen Xuan and Yang Wen stared ahead warily, only to see a dark passage appear in front of them.

"Let's go, maybe the answer lies ahead." Chen Xuan decided to explore.

The two followed the passage and walked into the depths of the temple. At this time, the surrounding atmosphere became increasingly weird, as if there was an invisible force blocking their progress.

Suddenly, a phantom appeared in front of them, with a vague shape that seemed real and illusory. The figure in the phantom raised a strange smile to them: "Welcome to the temple, Chen Xuan, Yang Wen."

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen felt nervous. They had never seen this person before, but he knew their names very well and obviously knew some secrets about them.

"Who are you? Why do you want to know our names?" Chen Xuan asked, with a solemn expression.

Phantom smiled and said: "I am the guardian of the temple. I naturally know something about your purpose of coming. Are you looking for a way to practice?"

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen looked at each other. Their pursuit of the way of cultivation was indeed their goal all along.

"We are indeed looking for a way to practice, but what does this have to do with you?" Yang Wen asked.

The guardian's smile became even more mysterious: "Since you have entered the temple, you must accept the test of the temple. If you can pass the test, you may get the cultivation method you need."

"Test?" Chen Xuan said coldly, "We are not afraid of tests."

The guardian's smile gradually disappeared, and he said solemnly: "Okay, then accept my test!"

As his words fell, the entire temple suddenly became eerie and strange. A powerful aura emanated from the guardian and filled the entire space.

Under the pursuit of the mysterious man, Chen Xuan felt more and more pressure. He decided to use the secret method of time and space he had mastered to escape from this dangerous jungle with Yang Wen.

"Yang Wen, follow me!" Chen Xuan shouted and quickly used the secret method of time and space. The surrounding space suddenly distorted, and the two figures disappeared in place.

Under the guidance of the secret method of time and space, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen instantly traveled through time and space and came to another strange place. They appeared on a vast grassland, surrounded by silence and no signs of pursuit.

Yang Wen looked at Chen Xuan with a hint of surprise. "Where is this? How did we get here?"

Chen Xuan smiled and explained: "This is the secret method of time and space. We traveled through time and space and came to a safe place. We temporarily escaped the pursuit of the mysterious man."

Yang Wen nodded with emotion, admiring Chen Xuan's strength and methods even more. He knew how lucky he was to be with Chen Xuan. With such a partner, the future was full of hope.

However, Chen Xuan did not relax. He knew that the mysterious people would never give up easily, but they could not be found for the time being.

He decided to stay on this grassland for a while, waiting for the opportunity, and embarked on a journey to find the mysterious man again.

During this time, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen continued to practice and enhance their strength.

The Doomsday Forest is a mysterious and dangerous place, known as one of the most dangerous areas in the fairy world. Chen Xuan and Yang Wen stepped into the edge of the forest and suddenly felt a biting chill shrouding the surroundings.

"The Doomsday Forest is indeed worthy of its reputation. The spiritual energy here is extremely fierce." Chen Xuan frowned.

Yang Wen also felt something unusual. He held the weapon in his hand tightly and looked around cautiously: "We must be careful, there may be various dangers lurking here."

The two of them entered the Doomsday Forest together, staring closely at the movements around them. The forest is filled with all kinds of ferocious beasts and evil spirits. Every step needs to be taken with caution to prevent sudden dangers.

In the Doomsday Forest, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen began rigorous training. They look for places with abundant spiritual energy, practice meditation quietly, and understand the way of heaven and earth. Every day, they continue to break through their limits and improve their strength.

Chen Xuan used his superb swordsmanship to defeat the ferocious beasts in the forest one by one with his agile movements and fast attacks. He absorbed the energy of the ferocious beasts and transformed it into his own cultivation, allowing his strength to continue to grow rapidly.

And Yang Wen showed his powerful spell control ability, casting amazingly powerful spells in the Doomsday Forest, defeating evil spirits and demons. His spells became more proficient and his attacks became more powerful.

During the training in the Doomsday Forest, they not only improved their strength, but also obtained some precious training resources. From time to time, some rare treasures appear in the Doomsday Forest. They are all spiritual objects from heaven and earth, which are of great help to the cultivation of cultivators.

However, the Doomsday Forest is also a place full of traps. Sometimes, they will encounter some weird illusions, making them lose their way in the illusory scenery. There are also some evil creatures who suddenly attack and try to rob them of their cultivation resources.

However, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen are both cultivators who have experienced countless battles. Every encounter is a test of their strength and a tempering of their will.

After several days of practice, the strength of Chen Xuan and Yang Wen has been greatly improved. Their swordsmanship and spells became more and more proficient, and their body skills and combat skills became sharper. In the forest of doomsday, they hone their willpower and prepare to face greater challenges.

As they continued their journey, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen encountered some strange things. In a dense forest, they discovered an ancient temple that exuded a mysterious atmosphere and seemed to hide endless secrets.

"This place looks very ancient and should have a lot of history." Yang Wen looked at the temple curiously.

Chen Xuan frowned and felt that there seemed to be an unusual atmosphere hidden here: "I think we should be careful. There may be some kind of trap or restriction here."

The two entered the temple cautiously, looking for clues everywhere. The interior of the temple is vast, and the walls are carved with ancient runes and patterns, obviously having a long history.

Suddenly, there was an eerie wind sound, accompanied by a strange aura. Chen Xuan and Yang Wen stared ahead warily, only to see a dark passage appear in front of them.

"Let's go, maybe the answer lies ahead." Chen Xuan decided to explore.

The two followed the passage and walked into the depths of the temple. At this time, the surrounding atmosphere became increasingly weird, as if there was an invisible force blocking their progress.

Suddenly, a phantom appeared in front of them, with a vague shape that seemed real and illusory. The figure in the phantom raised a strange smile to them: "Welcome to the temple, Chen Xuan, Yang Wen."

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen felt nervous. They had never seen this person before, but he knew their names very well and obviously knew some secrets about them.

"Who are you? Why do you want to know our names?" Chen Xuan asked, with a solemn expression.

Phantom smiled and said: "I am the guardian of the temple. I naturally know something about your purpose of coming. Are you looking for a way to practice?"

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen looked at each other. Their pursuit of the way of cultivation was indeed their goal all along.

"We are indeed looking for a way to practice, but what does this have to do with you?" Yang Wen asked.

The guardian's smile became even more mysterious: "Since you have entered the temple, you must accept the test of the temple. If you can pass the test, you may get the cultivation method you need."

"Test?" Chen Xuan said coldly, "We are not afraid of tests."

The guardian's smile gradually disappeared, and he said solemnly: "Okay, then accept my test!"

As his words fell, the entire temple suddenly became eerie and strange. A powerful aura emanated from the guardian and filled the entire space.

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