Chen Xuan used his inner strength to control the flames in the refining furnace and began to refine the Shadow Sword. The spiritual energy in the refining furnace filled the air, and the Shadow Sword continued to emit a faint light.

As the refining progresses, the grade of the Shadow Sword gradually increases, exuding a more powerful aura. Yang Wen felt that the power in the sword was getting stronger and stronger, and his heart was filled with joy and excitement.

In the end, the spiritual energy in the refining furnace was completely refined, and the grade of the Shadow Sword reached a new height. Chen Xuan took out the Shadow Sword from the refining furnace and handed it to Yang Wen.

"Congratulations, Yang Wen, the level of the Shadow Sword has been improved!" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

Yang Wen excitedly held the Shadow Sword and thanked him: "Thank you Chen Xuan. Without your help, I would not have been able to obtain such a powerful weapon."

"You're welcome, we are partners, and we should help each other. Now that we all have more powerful weapons, the future will be smoother!" Chen Xuan encouraged.

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen continued to practice in the Doomsday Forest. They found a hidden training place and used it as their training base. The environment here is quiet and full of spiritual energy, which is very suitable for practicing.

They started practicing every day.

Chen Xuan took out the prairie fire sword and swung his sword skills. The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, the sword was shining and the sword was shadowing, and he continued to hone his sword skills. Yang Wen, on the other hand, held the Shadow Sword and displayed his sword skills. The sword's light flashed and its edge was revealed.

They learn from each other and make progress together during the cultivation process. Every duel made their swordsmanship more proficient and their strength even higher.

In addition to swordsmanship, Chen Xuan is also practicing his body and constantly strengthening his physique.

He collected various spiritual herbs in the Doomsday Forest and used them to refine elixirs to improve his physical fitness and cultivation.

Yang Wenze constantly realized his talent and understanding in the process of cultivation. He sat in the training place with his eyes closed and meditated, comprehending the mysteries of heaven and earth, trying to break through his own training bottleneck.

Time passed quietly in practice. Day after day, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen's cultivation level continued to improve, and their strength also continued to increase.

However, there is no peace in the Doomsday Forest. Around the practice site, various fairy beasts appeared from time to time, trying to stop their practice.

A huge roar sounded, and a huge fairy beast rushed out from the depths of the Doomsday Forest. It was tall, with silver-like hair, piercing eyes, and exuded a heart-stopping aura.

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen immediately felt the powerful strength of this fairy beast, and their expressions changed, and they were secretly wary.

"This is a Silver Moon Unicorn, one of the top fairy beasts in the Doomsday Forest!" Yang Wen lowered his voice and held the Shadow Sword tightly in his hand.

Chen Xuan also frowned. The Silver Moon Unicorn's strength exceeded their imagination. This would be an extremely fierce battle.

The Silver Moon Unicorn raised its head high, neighed, and rushed towards Chen Xuan and Yang Wen with a mighty momentum.

"Be careful!" Chen Xuan shouted, and the two of them immediately started to cooperate. The prairie fire sword in Chen Xuan's hand turned into a sword light and faced the Silver Moon Unicorn's attack, while Yang Wen turned into a shadow and instantly circled behind the Silver Moon Unicorn.

The attack power of the Silver Moon Unicorn was astonishing, but Chen Xuan and Yang Wen cooperated tacitly, using their flexible movements and superb sword skills to neutralize its offensive and launch a counterattack at the same time.

The sword glow flashed, the sword light was vertical and horizontal, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen worked together, showing an eye-catching combat effectiveness. They constantly challenge the Silver Moon Unicorn's bottom line, trying to defeat it.

However, the Silver Moon Unicorn is not that easy to deal with. The magical power it exudes makes Chen Xuan and Yang Wen feel more pressured. Despite their best efforts, they still struggled to gain the upper hand.

The battle was fierce. The surrounding trees were destroyed by sword energy and fairy power. Deep grooves were opened on the ground. The entire Doomsday Forest was in violent shock.

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen gradually felt exhausted, but they were not discouraged, but instead inspired more fighting spirit. They know that this battle determines their life and death, and only by persisting until the end can they have a chance of survival.

The Silver Moon Unicorn also showed signs of fatigue, but it still roared and continuously attacked Chen Xuan and Yang Wen.

Just when the two sides were engaged in a fierce battle, a figure suddenly fell from the sky and rushed towards the Silver Moon Unicorn with an astonishing momentum.

"Who is it?" Chen Xuan and Yang Wen turned around at the same time, and saw a figure as strong as flying, holding a long sword, and the sword was bright, like a divine sword descended from heaven.

The figure integrated the attacks of the prairie fire sword and shadow sword with his own sword moves to form a powerful offensive. With one blow, the Silver Moon Unicorn was instantly repulsed.

Both Chen Xuan and Yang Wen couldn't help but look at the mysterious swordsman in surprise. "Thank you for your help!" Chen Xuan thanked the swordsman with his hands.

The swordsman smiled slightly and said: "My name is Du Jian Wushuang, and I am also on the road of cultivation. But seeing that you are not weak, it is interesting. Let's deal with this Silver Moon Unicorn together."

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen nodded, and the three of them reunited to attack the Silver Moon Unicorn.

With the help of Du Jian Wushuang, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen felt that the pressure was suddenly reduced, their cooperation became more tacit, and their offensive became more fierce.

Finally, after a fierce battle, the three of them worked together to defeat the Silver Moon Unicorn and successfully saved their lives.

Chen Xuan used his inner strength to control the flames in the refining furnace and began to refine the Shadow Sword. The spiritual energy in the refining furnace filled the air, and the Shadow Sword continued to emit a faint light.

As the refining progresses, the grade of the Shadow Sword gradually increases, exuding a more powerful aura. Yang Wen felt that the power in the sword was getting stronger and stronger, and his heart was filled with joy and excitement.

In the end, the spiritual energy in the refining furnace was completely refined, and the grade of the Shadow Sword reached a new height. Chen Xuan took out the Shadow Sword from the refining furnace and handed it to Yang Wen.

"Congratulations, Yang Wen, the level of the Shadow Sword has been improved!" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

Yang Wen excitedly held the Shadow Sword and thanked him: "Thank you Chen Xuan. Without your help, I would not have been able to obtain such a powerful weapon."

"You're welcome, we are partners, and we should help each other. Now that we all have more powerful weapons, the future will be smoother!" Chen Xuan encouraged.

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen continued to practice in the Doomsday Forest. They found a hidden training place and used it as their training base. The environment here is quiet and full of spiritual energy, which is very suitable for practicing.

They started practicing every day.

Chen Xuan took out the prairie fire sword and swung his sword skills. The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, the sword was shining and the sword was shadowing, and he continued to hone his sword skills. Yang Wen, on the other hand, held the Shadow Sword and displayed his sword skills. The sword's light flashed and its edge was revealed.

They learn from each other and make progress together during the cultivation process. Every duel made their swordsmanship more proficient and their strength even higher.

In addition to swordsmanship, Chen Xuan is also practicing his body and constantly strengthening his physique.

He collected various spiritual herbs in the Doomsday Forest and used them to refine elixirs to improve his physical fitness and cultivation.

Yang Wenze constantly realized his talent and understanding in the process of cultivation. He sat in the training place with his eyes closed and meditated, comprehending the mysteries of heaven and earth, trying to break through his own training bottleneck.

Time passed quietly in practice. Day after day, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen's cultivation level continued to improve, and their strength also continued to increase.

However, there is no peace in the Doomsday Forest. Around the practice site, various fairy beasts appeared from time to time, trying to stop their practice.

A huge roar sounded, and a huge fairy beast rushed out from the depths of the Doomsday Forest. It was tall, with silver-like hair, piercing eyes, and exuded a heart-stopping aura.

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen immediately felt the powerful strength of this fairy beast, and their expressions changed, and they were secretly wary.

"This is a Silver Moon Unicorn, one of the top fairy beasts in the Doomsday Forest!" Yang Wen lowered his voice and held the Shadow Sword tightly in his hand.

Chen Xuan also frowned. The Silver Moon Unicorn's strength exceeded their imagination. This would be an extremely fierce battle.

The Silver Moon Unicorn held its head high, neighed, and rushed towards Chen Xuan and Yang Wen with a mighty momentum.

"Be careful!" Chen Xuan shouted, and the two of them immediately started to cooperate. The prairie fire sword in Chen Xuan's hand turned into a sword light and faced the Silver Moon Unicorn's attack, while Yang Wen turned into a shadow and instantly circled behind the Silver Moon Unicorn.

The attack power of the Silver Moon Unicorn was astonishing, but Chen Xuan and Yang Wen cooperated tacitly, using their flexible movements and superb sword skills to neutralize its offensive and launch a counterattack at the same time.

The sword glow flashed, the sword light was vertical and horizontal, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen worked together, showing an eye-catching combat effectiveness. They constantly challenge the Silver Moon Unicorn's bottom line, trying to defeat it.

However, the Silver Moon Unicorn is not so easy to deal with. The fairy power exuded from it makes Chen Xuan and Yang Wen feel more pressured. Despite their best efforts, they struggled to gain the upper hand.

The battle was fierce. The surrounding trees were destroyed by sword energy and fairy power. Deep grooves were opened on the ground. The entire Doomsday Forest was in violent shock.

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen gradually felt exhausted, but they were not discouraged, but instead inspired more fighting spirit. They know that this battle determines their life and death, and only by persisting until the end can they have a chance of survival.

The Silver Moon Unicorn also showed signs of fatigue, but it still roared and continuously attacked Chen Xuan and Yang Wen.

Just when the two sides were engaged in a fierce battle, a figure suddenly fell from the sky and rushed towards the Silver Moon Unicorn with an astonishing momentum.

"Who is it?" Chen Xuan and Yang Wen turned around at the same time, and saw a figure as strong as flying, holding a long sword, and the sword was bright, like a divine sword descended from heaven.

The figure integrated the attacks of the prairie fire sword and shadow sword with his own sword moves to form a powerful offensive. With one blow, the Silver Moon Unicorn was instantly repulsed.

Both Chen Xuan and Yang Wen couldn't help but look at the mysterious swordsman in surprise. "Thank you for your help!" Chen Xuan thanked the swordsman with his hands.

The swordsman smiled slightly and said: "My name is Du Jian Wushuang, and I am also on the road of cultivation. But seeing that you are not weak, it is interesting. Let's deal with this Silver Moon Unicorn together."

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen nodded, and the three of them reunited to attack the Silver Moon Unicorn.

With the help of Du Jian Wushuang, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen felt that the pressure was suddenly reduced, their cooperation became more tacit, and their offensive became more fierce.

Finally, after a fierce battle, the three of them worked together to defeat the Silver Moon Unicorn and successfully saved their lives.

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