However, as the battle continued, the momentum of the three people gradually diminished, and their injuries became more and more obvious.

They both know that this battle will only cost both sides a heavy price.

Suddenly, the third prince shouted loudly, the long sword in his hand emitted a dazzling light, and he performed a peerless swordsmanship.

"Nine Heavens Thunder Sword!" The Third Prince roared in a low voice. The power of his sword was as astonishing as if it were above the Nine Heavens, as if it could split the void.

Both Leng Yun and Bai Yunpiao felt this terrifying sword force, and they had to work together to resist it, their whole body's true energy reaching the limit.

The battle between the three became more and more intense, and the air around them seemed to freeze, and the air pressure was suffocating.

The sword light and palm shadows intertwined with each other, forming chaos.

The power of the Third Prince's Nine Heavens Thunderous Sword Technique is astonishing. Each sword seems to be able to tear through the void, bringing with it the power to destroy everything.

Leng Yun's palm technique was cold and sharp, with icy power, making it difficult for people to get close. Bai Yunpiao's swordsmanship was fierce and swift, and every sword hit the enemy's vital points, making it difficult for people to dodge.

The moves between the three people were endless, both offensive and defensive. It seemed like they were in a stalemate, but in fact they were all using their strongest methods. Neither of them wants to show weakness, they both want to defeat the other and show their strength.

Chen Xuan and others watching the battle became nervous as the battle became more intense.

They know that this battle will determine who can dominate the Yuntian Secret Realm and who will become the real master of this secret realm.

As the battle progressed, the injuries of the three became more serious, but they still did not flinch and fought with all their strength. Sweat and blood intertwined, leaving blurry tracks in the air.

Time seems to have stood still in this battle of life and death. I don’t know how long it has passed, but the battle is still going on, and no one has a clear advantage.

A flash of determination flashed in the third prince's eyes. He knew that he had to come up with stronger means, otherwise he would not be able to defeat these two powerful enemies.

He once again displayed his peerless swordsmanship, and the sword glow was dazzling, carrying the power of thunder and lightning.

Leng Yun and Bai Yunpiao did not flinch. They also used their moves to start the final battle with the Third Prince.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the entire temple was extremely solemn, and everyone felt the fierce battle between the three people.

In the fierce battle, the third prince, Leng Yun and Bai Yunpiao gradually realized that each other was equally powerful and it was difficult to decide the winner. They stopped their attack and took a few steps back, facing each other face to face.

The third prince took a deep breath, showed a smile and said: "Yes, the strength of you two really impressed me. In today's battle, the three of us couldn't tell the winner."

Leng Yun snorted coldly: "You guys from the Yunxia Fairy Kingdom always think that you are invincible. Today I want you to see how powerful our Moyun Sect is!"

Bai Yunpiao smiled calmly: "The strength is similar. No one can escape from this Yuntian secret realm. We still have a lot of time to compete."

The three of them faced each other, and the atmosphere was tense and full of hostility. They all understand that only one party can have an advantage in this mysterious realm of Yuntian, but now it seems that no one is willing to give up.

Chen Xuan, Yang Wen and Little Firebird were observing from the side, their hearts filled with tension and apprehension.

The battle between these three people was so fierce that they were not sure whether they could defeat any of them.

In this tense atmosphere, Chen Xuan suddenly said: "You three, why don't we have a truce for now. We haven't found the exit of the secret realm yet. Why don't we work together to find a way out first? After we get out of trouble, we will decide the winner." How about negative?”

The third prince, Leng Yun and Bai Yunpiao were all slightly startled. They did not expect Chen Xuan to make such a suggestion.

The hostility and competition between them is indeed strong, but the current situation is indeed not optimistic.

The third prince pondered for a moment and finally nodded: "Okay, in that case, let's make a temporary truce and find a way out together."

Everyone worked together to find an exit and entered the depths of Yuntian's secret realm.

This space is full of mysterious power, filled with countless mists, and seems to hide endless secrets.

While everyone was exploring, the ground suddenly shook, and the entire Yuntian Secret Realm seemed to be trembling. The strong vibration made everyone feel uneasy. They immediately stopped what they were doing and looked around warily.

At this moment, a figure rushed out of the fog at a speed that was jaw-dropping. This is a mysterious man wearing a black robe. His face cannot be seen clearly. He is holding a long black sword and exudes a heart-stopping aura.

The mysterious man stopped in front of everyone, his eyes were cold and expressionless.

Everyone immediately stared at him with vigilance, ready to deal with possible battles at any time.

"Who are you, and why did you break into the Yuntian Secret Realm?" The mysterious man's voice was low and cold.

Chen Xuan clasped his fists and said, "We didn't break in intentionally, we just came here by mistake. We are looking for an exit and hope to leave."

After hearing this, the mysterious man's eyes moved slightly, seeming to hesitate.

Then he sneered: "Accidental collision? Do you think you can leave here easily? The Yuntian Secret Realm is not a place where you people can escape."

Everyone's expressions were solemn, they didn't know much about this mysterious Yuntian secret realm.

But the mysterious man's words made them feel a little uneasy, as if this was not a place they could leave easily.

"In that case, let's give it a try." Leng Yun suddenly spoke, a glint of challenge flashing in his eyes.

The mysterious man didn't say much, but directly raised his sword, and a powerful momentum burst out from him, as if to shake the entire Yuntian Secret Realm.

Then, fierce fighting broke out again.

The mysterious man is very powerful. He holds a long black sword and his sword moves are extremely sharp. Each move contains the power of destruction.

Leng Yun, the third prince and Bai Yunpiao joined forces, but they still couldn't gain the upper hand.

Although Chen Xuan and Yang Wen did not join the battle, they also felt the terror of the mysterious man.

However, as the battle continued, the momentum of the three people gradually diminished, and their injuries became more and more obvious.

They both know that this battle will only cost both sides a heavy price.

Suddenly, the third prince shouted loudly, the long sword in his hand emitted a dazzling light, and he performed a peerless swordsmanship.

"Nine Heavens Thunder Sword!" The Third Prince roared in a low voice. The power of his sword was as astonishing as if it were above the Nine Heavens, as if it could split the void.

Both Leng Yun and Bai Yunpiao felt this terrifying sword force, and they had to work together to resist it, their whole body's true energy reaching the limit.

The battle between the three became more and more intense, and the air around them seemed to freeze, and the air pressure was suffocating.

The sword light and palm shadows intertwined with each other, forming chaos.

The power of the Third Prince's Nine Heavens Thunderous Sword Technique is astonishing. Each sword seems to be able to tear through the void, bringing with it the power to destroy everything.

Leng Yun's palm technique was cold and sharp, with icy power, making it difficult for people to get close. Bai Yunpiao's swordsmanship was fierce and swift, and every sword hit the enemy's vital points, making it difficult for people to dodge.

The moves between the three people were endless, both offensive and defensive. It seemed like they were in a stalemate, but in fact they were all using their strongest methods. Neither of them wants to show weakness, they both want to defeat the other and show their strength.

Chen Xuan and others watching the battle became nervous as the battle became more intense.

They know that this battle will determine who can dominate the Yuntian Secret Realm and who will become the real master of this secret realm.

As the battle progressed, the injuries of the three became more serious, but they still did not flinch and fought with all their strength. Sweat and blood intertwined, leaving blurry tracks in the air.

Time seems to have stood still in this battle of life and death. I don’t know how long it has passed, but the battle is still going on, and no one has a clear advantage.

A flash of determination flashed in the third prince's eyes. He knew that he had to come up with stronger means, otherwise he would not be able to defeat these two powerful enemies.

He once again displayed his peerless swordsmanship, and the sword glow was dazzling, carrying the power of thunder and lightning.

Leng Yun and Bai Yunpiao did not flinch. They also used their moves to start the final battle with the Third Prince.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the entire temple was extremely solemn, and everyone felt the fierce battle between the three people.

In the fierce battle, the third prince, Leng Yun and Bai Yunpiao gradually realized that each other was equally powerful and it was difficult to decide the winner. They stopped their attack and took a few steps back, facing each other face to face.

The third prince took a deep breath, showed a smile and said: "Yes, the strength of you two really impressed me. In today's battle, the three of us couldn't tell the winner."

Leng Yun snorted coldly: "You guys from the Yunxia Fairy Kingdom always think that you are invincible. Today I want you to see how powerful our Moyun Sect is!"

Bai Yunpiao smiled calmly: "The strength is similar. No one can escape from this Yuntian secret realm. We still have a lot of time to compete."

The three of them faced each other, and the atmosphere was tense and full of hostility. They all understand that only one party can have an advantage in this mysterious realm of Yuntian, but now it seems that no one is willing to give up.

Chen Xuan, Yang Wen and Little Firebird were observing from the side, their hearts filled with tension and apprehension.

The battle between these three people was so fierce that they were not sure whether they could defeat any of them.

In this tense atmosphere, Chen Xuan suddenly said: "You three, why don't we have a truce for now. We haven't found the exit of the secret realm yet. Why don't we work together to find a way out first? After we get out of trouble, we will decide the winner." How about negative?”

The third prince, Leng Yun and Bai Yunpiao were all slightly startled. They did not expect Chen Xuan to make such a suggestion.

The hostility and competition between them is indeed strong, but the current situation is indeed not optimistic.

The third prince pondered for a moment and finally nodded: "Okay, in that case, let's make a temporary truce and find a way out together."

Everyone worked together to find an exit and entered the depths of Yuntian's secret realm.

This space is full of mysterious power, filled with countless mists, and seems to hide endless secrets.

While everyone was exploring, the ground suddenly shook, and the entire Yuntian Secret Realm seemed to be trembling. The strong vibration made everyone feel uneasy. They immediately stopped what they were doing and looked around warily.

At this moment, a figure rushed out of the fog at a speed that was jaw-dropping. This is a mysterious man wearing a black robe. His face cannot be seen clearly. He is holding a long black sword and exudes a heart-stopping aura.

The mysterious man stopped in front of everyone, his eyes were cold and expressionless.

Everyone immediately stared at him with vigilance, ready to deal with possible battles at any time.

"Who are you, and why did you break into the Yuntian Secret Realm?" The mysterious man's voice was low and cold.

Chen Xuan clasped his fists and said: "We didn't break in intentionally, we just came here by mistake. We are looking for an exit and hope to leave."

After hearing this, the mysterious man's eyes moved slightly, seeming to hesitate.

Then he sneered: "Accidentally? Do you think you can leave here easily? Yuntian Secret Realm is not a place where you can escape."

Everyone looked solemn. They didn't know much about this mysterious Yuntian Secret Realm.

But the words of the mysterious man made them feel a little uneasy, as if this was not a place they could leave easily.

"In that case, let's give it a try." Leng Yun suddenly spoke, with a glimmer of challenge in his eyes.

The mysterious man didn't say much, but directly raised his long sword, and a powerful momentum burst out from him, as if to shake the entire Yuntian Secret Realm.

Afterwards, a fierce battle broke out again.

The mysterious man was very powerful. He held a black long sword, and his sword moves were extremely sharp, and each move contained the power of destruction.

Leng Yun, the third prince and Bai Yunpiao joined forces, but still couldn't gain the upper hand.

Although Chen Xuan and Yang Wen did not join the battle, they also felt the horror of the mysterious man.

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