Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6449 The mood gradually becomes peaceful

He no longer feels ashamed and avoids, but faces it bravely.

"Me, this is also my advantage." Chen Xuan said to himself silently.

Under the baptism of trials, Chen Xuan's mood gradually became calmer, and his inner strength was improved. He understood that practice is not only the exploration of laws, but also the awareness and purification of the heart.

Gradually, the illusory figure became clear, and it seemed to be conveying some kind of message.

Chen Xuan understood that this was not the real self, but part of the trial. He displays a determined will to transcend this illusory self.

"I am Chen Xuan, and I have found my own direction." Chen Xuan said calmly.

As he spoke, the illusory figure gradually dissipated, as if he had found peace in his heart.

The entire ruins became calm again, and the shaking in the treasure house gradually stopped.

Everyone looked at Chen Xuan and couldn't help but smile with relief. They understood that Chen Xuan found his answer in the trial and received inner baptism.

"Congratulations Chen Xuan, you succeeded." Bai Yunpiao sincerely congratulated.

"Your path of cultivation has become more determined." Leng Yun also said approvingly.

Chen Xuan smiled slightly and looked at everyone gratefully: "Thank you for your support. I will work harder."

Everyone continued to search in the treasure house, and everyone found their own treasures and adventures. They understand that this journey to the ruins is not only a pursuit of external strength, but also an inner exploration and improvement.

In the treasure house, they not only obtained magic weapons and treasures, but also gained a deeper understanding of the laws. This will be an important asset for their future spiritual path.

Finally, when everyone was about to leave the ruins, a light suddenly flashed and an ancient letter appeared in front of everyone.

"What is this?" Yang Wen took the letter curiously.

The envelope was engraved with ancient runes and exuded a mysterious atmosphere. Everyone opened the letter in confusion and found an ancient text written inside.

"This is the inheritance of the ruins!" Leng Yun exclaimed.

Everyone gathered together and carefully observed the inheritance map on the letter.

There are mountains drawn on the map, as well as some mysterious symbols and words, which seem to hide important clues.

"It seems that we have to unlock the code on this map to find the location of the inheritance." Bai Yunpiao said.

"These symbols and words are very ancient, we need to decipher their meanings." Leng Yun frowned slightly.

"Let's analyze it together." Chen Xuan suggested.

Everyone worked together and began to carefully study the symbols and words on the map. They compared the runes and records in other places in the ruins, trying to find corresponding clues.

After some painstaking analysis, they gradually discovered that there was a connection between the symbols on the map and certain laws in the ruins.

Each symbol seems to represent a specific law.

"This symbol should be the law of water." Yang Wen pointed at a symbol on the map and said.

"Yes, this is the Law of Fire." Leng Yun identified another symbol.

Everyone matched the symbols on the map with the laws of fire, water, wind, and ice, and gradually revealed the clues of the map.

However, as they deciphered, the lines on the map became more and more complex, and it seemed that more clues were needed to fully delineate the path.

"We seem to be missing something." Bai Yunpiao frowned.

"It seems that this inheritance is not so easy to unravel." Yang Wen sighed.

Chen Xuan thought for a moment and then said: "Since we have found a lot of treasures and adventures in this ruins, maybe the clues on this map may also be scattered in other places."

Everyone's eyes lit up and they understood what Chen Xuan meant.

They decided to return to other parts of the ruins and continue looking for clues related to the map.

They found something similar to the symbols on the map in an ancient inscription.

In a strange talisman formation, a special crystal was discovered. The crystal was inlaid with a pattern of the law of water, which echoed the symbols on the map.

Gradually, everyone found more and more clues related to the map, and each clue brought them closer to the location of the inheritance.

"We already have a lot of clues, but it seems we are still missing the last step." Leng Yun frowned.

"If we study it carefully, we may be able to find the final clue." Bai Yunpiao encouraged.

Everyone worked together again to carefully compare the clues in their hands with the information on the map.

Finally, under Chen Xuan's observation, he discovered that a certain symbol on the map seemed to correspond to an unexplored area in the ruins.

"Perhaps, that is the location of the last clue we are looking for." Chen Xuan said, pointing to the symbols on the map.

"Go and take a look at that place," Yang Wen said excitedly.

Everyone immediately went to that location, and sure enough they found the missing clues on the map.

He no longer feels ashamed and avoids, but faces it bravely.

"Me, this is also my advantage." Chen Xuan said to himself silently.

Under the baptism of trials, Chen Xuan gradually became calmer and his inner strength improved. He understood that practice is not only the exploration of laws, but also the awareness and purification of the heart.

Gradually, the illusory figure became clear, and it seemed to be conveying some kind of message.

Chen Xuan understood that this was not the real self, but part of the trial. He displays a determined will to transcend this illusory self.

"I am Chen Xuan, and I have found my own direction." Chen Xuan said calmly.

As he spoke, the illusory figure gradually dissipated, as if he had found peace in his heart.

The entire ruins became calm again, and the shaking in the treasure house gradually stopped.

Everyone looked at Chen Xuan and couldn't help but smile with relief. They understood that Chen Xuan found his answer in the trial and received inner baptism.

"Congratulations Chen Xuan, you succeeded." Bai Yunpiao sincerely congratulated him.

"Your path of cultivation has become more determined." Leng Yun also said approvingly.

Chen Xuan smiled slightly and looked at everyone gratefully: "Thank you for your support. I will work harder."

Everyone continued to search in the treasure house, and everyone found their own treasures and adventures. They understand that this journey to the ruins is not only a pursuit of external strength, but also an inner exploration and improvement.

In the treasure house, they not only obtained magic weapons and treasures, but also gained a deeper understanding of the laws. This will be an important asset for their future spiritual path.

Finally, when everyone was about to leave the ruins, a light suddenly flashed and an ancient letter appeared in front of everyone.

"What is this?" Yang Wen took the letter curiously.

The envelope was engraved with ancient runes and exuded a mysterious atmosphere. Everyone opened the letter in confusion and found an ancient text written inside.

"This is the inheritance of the ruins!" Leng Yun exclaimed.

Everyone gathered together and carefully observed the inheritance map on the letter.

There are mountains drawn on the map, as well as some mysterious symbols and words, which seem to hide important clues.

"It seems that we have to unlock the code on this map to find the location of the inheritance." Bai Yunpiao said.

"These symbols and words are very ancient, we need to decipher their meanings." Leng Yun frowned slightly.

"Let's analyze it together." Chen Xuan suggested.

Everyone worked together and began to carefully study the symbols and words on the map. They compared the runes and records in other places in the ruins, trying to find corresponding clues.

After some painstaking analysis, they gradually discovered that there was a connection between the symbols on the map and certain laws in the ruins.

Each symbol seems to represent a specific law.

"This symbol should be the law of water." Yang Wen pointed at a symbol on the map and said.

"Yes, this is the Law of Fire." Leng Yun identified another symbol.

Everyone matched the symbols on the map with the laws of fire, water, wind, and ice, and gradually revealed the clues of the map.

However, as they deciphered, the lines on the map became more and more complex, and it seemed that more clues were needed to fully delineate the path.

"We seem to be missing something." Bai Yunpiao frowned.

"It seems that this inheritance is not so easy to unravel." Yang Wen sighed.

Chen Xuan thought for a moment and then said: "Since we have found a lot of treasures and adventures in this ruins, maybe the clues on this map may also be scattered in other places."

Everyone's eyes lit up and they understood what Chen Xuan meant.

They decided to return to other parts of the ruins and continue looking for clues related to the map.

They found something similar to the symbols on the map in an ancient inscription.

In a strange talisman formation, a special crystal was discovered. The crystal was inlaid with a pattern of the law of water, which echoed the symbols on the map.

Gradually, everyone found more and more clues related to the map, and each clue brought them closer to the location of the inheritance.

"We already have a lot of clues, but it seems we are still missing the last step." Leng Yun frowned.

"If we study it carefully, we may be able to find the final clue." Bai Yunpiao encouraged.

Everyone worked together again to carefully compare the clues in their hands with the information on the map.

Finally, under Chen Xuan's observation, he discovered that a certain symbol on the map seemed to correspond to an unexplored area in the ruins.

"Perhaps, that is the location of the last clue we are looking for." Chen Xuan said, pointing to the symbols on the map.

"Go and take a look at that place," Yang Wen said excitedly.

Everyone immediately went to that location, and sure enough they found the missing clues on the map.

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