The power of the Immortal Lion fills every corner of the cave, powerful and majestic.

Everyone felt an oppressive aura, as if the entire cave was filled with the presence of these two immortal lions.

Chen Xuan, Bai Yunpiao and Yang Wen faced the two powerful immortal lions without flinching.

They gripped their weapons and prepared to go all out. Different from the previous battle, this time they faced two enemies, and they were powerful fairy beasts.

"Be careful! Don't be attacked by them!" Chen Xuan reminded everyone.

The immortal lions rushed over ferociously, their huge bodies causing gusts of wind in the cave.

Their speed is as fast as lightning and their power is terrifying. Chen Xuan and others quickly separated, avoiding the first wave of impact from the immortal lions.

The battle broke out again, and the claws and teeth of the fairy lion were filled with murderous energy. Chen Xuan waved the fairy sword in his hand, displayed his agile swordsmanship, and neutralized the attack of a fairy lion. Bai Yunpiao used his fairy staff to release powerful spells, trying to control the other fairy lion.

Yang Wen used his body skills to flexibly avoid the immortal lion's attack, looking for the opportunity to attack.

The three of them cooperated tacitly, turning passivity into initiative, and gradually forced the immortal lion into trouble.

However, these two immortal lions showed no sign of weakness, their power was almost unimaginable. Every attack contains the power of destruction, making people dare not be careless at all.

The battle lasted for a while, and Chen Xuan and others gradually felt tired.

The strength of the Immortal Lion forced them to concentrate and remain vigilant at all times, leaving no room for relaxation.

"These two immortal lions are really too powerful!" Bai Yunpiao gasped.

"We must find a way to defeat them, otherwise we will not be able to move forward." Chen Xuan held the sword tightly with a firm gaze.

Yang Wenze kept looking for the immortal lion's weaknesses, trying to find a fatal opportunity.

The battle entered a stalemate, with both sides going back and forth, and the battle became extremely fierce.

The strong air current in the cave was activated, and the rocks on the walls were shattered, as if the entire cave was about to collapse due to this fierce battle.

Time seemed to become extremely long, and every attack and dodge was consuming everyone's physical strength and energy.

They gradually felt the exhaustion of their strength, but they still persisted without flinching.

Just when everyone seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, Chen Xuan suddenly had a flash of light in his eyes. He seemed to have found a chance.

"Bai Yunpiao, I have a plan, can you cooperate with me?" Chen Xuan asked softly.

Bai Yunpiao nodded quickly, expressing his agreement.

Chen Xuan motioned to the others to take cover for the time being, and then he and Bai Yunpiao quickly exchanged glances.

In the next moment, Chen Xuan and Bai Yunpiao launched powerful attacks at the same time. Chen Xuan's fairy sword released a dazzling light, turned into a sword light, and accurately pierced the eyes of a fairy lion.

Bai Yunpiao, on the other hand, activated the fairy staff and cast a powerful spell, forming a bright beam of light and aiming directly at the throat of the other fairy lion.

Feeling the mortal threat, the immortal lions roared angrily one after another.

However, Chen Xuan and Bai Yunpiao's attacks were approaching quickly. Their targets were clear and they struck out without hesitation.

Immortal swords and spells flew through the air at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

Chen Xuan's fairy sword accurately hit the fairy lion's eye, and Bai Yunpiao's spell also hit the fairy lion's throat.

The two immortal lions roared miserably, their huge bodies shaking unsteadily. Their attacks stopped instantly and they fell into intense pain.

"Take the opportunity to attack!" Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

Everyone did not dare to miss this rare opportunity and launched attacks one after another. Chen Xuan, Bai Yunpiao and Yang Wen worked together to concentrate their firepower to surround the remaining immortal lions.

The immortal lions struggled, trying to get out of the predicament they were trapped in.

However, their power has been greatly weakened and it is difficult to withstand everyone's attacks.

Soon after, the two fairy lions finally couldn't hold up anymore and fell to the floor of the cave. They roared for the last time and then fell silent.

Silence returned to the cave again, and everyone gasped and smiled at each other.

The hard battle was finally won.

"We succeeded!" Bai Yunpiao said excitedly.

"The strength of these two immortal lions is too strong, and we all paid a heavy price." Chen Xuan said a little tiredly.

"However, we finally defeated them. This is a big victory." Yang Wen also breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone took a short rest and then continued deeper into the cave.

They know that there are more secrets waiting for them to explore in this ruins.

After walking through a passage, everyone discovered a spacious hall.

There is a huge stone platform in the center of the hall, with an ancient box placed on it. The box exuded a rustic air and obviously contained something important.

"It seems that this is the inheritance we are looking for." Chen Xuan's eyes flickered.

Everyone approached the box and opened the lid. There is an ancient book inside.

Everyone approached the box and opened the lid. There is an ancient book inside, with a bright gemstone inlaid on the cover, shining with deep light.

"Is this an inheritance?" Bai Yunpiao stared at the book, his eyes full of excitement.

"It seems so." Chen Xuan carefully took out the book and opened it gently.

The pages of the book are full of ancient texts, recording the techniques and wisdom of immortal cultivation.

"This is a book of inheritance. It should contain many precious cultivation methods and experiences." Yang Wen said excitedly.

Everyone gathered together and read the contents of the book together.

These methods and experiences were created by immortal monks thousands of years ago, recording their experiences and insights in their immortal cultivation.

Everyone was deeply immersed in it, as if they were in an ancient practice scene.

"This is really good." Bai Yunpiao said with emotion.

"We can absorb the techniques and insights from it, which will be of great help to our cultivation." Chen Xuan said.

The power of the Immortal Lion fills every corner of the cave, powerful and majestic.

Everyone felt an oppressive aura, as if the entire cave was filled with the presence of these two immortal lions.

Chen Xuan, Bai Yunpiao and Yang Wen faced the two powerful immortal lions without flinching.

They gripped their weapons and prepared to go all out. Different from the previous battle, this time they faced two enemies, and they were powerful fairy beasts.

"Be careful! Don't be attacked by them!" Chen Xuan reminded everyone.

The immortal lions rushed over ferociously, their huge bodies causing gusts of wind in the cave.

Their speed is as fast as lightning and their power is terrifying. Chen Xuan and others quickly separated, avoiding the first wave of impact from the immortal lions.

The battle broke out again, and the claws and teeth of the fairy lion were filled with murderous energy. Chen Xuan waved the fairy sword in his hand, displayed his agile swordsmanship, and neutralized the attack of a fairy lion. Bai Yunpiao used his fairy staff to release powerful spells, trying to control the other fairy lion.

Yang Wen used his body skills to flexibly avoid the immortal lion's attack, looking for the opportunity to attack.

The three of them cooperated tacitly, turning passivity into initiative, and gradually forced the immortal lion into trouble.

However, these two immortal lions showed no sign of weakness, their power was almost unimaginable. Every attack contains the power of destruction, making people dare not be careless at all.

The battle lasted for a while, and Chen Xuan and others gradually felt tired.

The strength of the Immortal Lion forced them to concentrate and remain vigilant at all times, leaving no room for relaxation.

"These two immortal lions are really too powerful!" Bai Yunpiao gasped.

"We must find a way to defeat them, otherwise we will not be able to move forward." Chen Xuan held the fairy sword tightly with a firm gaze.

Yang Wenze kept looking for the immortal lion's weaknesses, trying to find a fatal opportunity.

The battle entered a stalemate, with both sides going back and forth, and the battle became extremely fierce.

The strong air flow in the cave was activated, and the rocks on the walls were shattered, as if the entire cave was about to collapse due to this fierce battle.

Time seemed to become extremely long, and every attack and dodge was consuming everyone's physical strength and energy.

They gradually felt the exhaustion of their strength, but they still persisted without flinching.

Just when everyone seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, Chen Xuan suddenly had a flash of light in his eyes. He seemed to have found a chance.

"Bai Yunpiao, I have a plan, can you cooperate with me?" Chen Xuan asked softly.

Bai Yunpiao nodded quickly, expressing his agreement.

Chen Xuan motioned to the others to take cover temporarily, and then he and Bai Yunpiao quickly exchanged glances.

In the next moment, Chen Xuan and Bai Yunpiao launched powerful attacks at the same time. Chen Xuan's fairy sword released a dazzling light, turned into a sword light, and accurately pierced the eyes of a fairy lion.

Bai Yunpiao, on the other hand, activated the fairy staff and cast a powerful spell, forming a bright beam of light and aiming directly at the throat of the other fairy lion.

Feeling the mortal threat, the immortal lions roared angrily one after another.

However, Chen Xuan and Bai Yunpiao's attacks were approaching quickly. Their targets were clear and they struck out without hesitation.

Immortal swords and spells flew through the air at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

Chen Xuan's fairy sword accurately hit the fairy lion's eye, and Bai Yunpiao's spell also hit the fairy lion's throat.

The two immortal lions roared miserably, their huge bodies shaking unsteadily. Their attacks stopped instantly and they fell into intense pain.

"Take the opportunity to attack!" Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

Everyone did not dare to miss this rare opportunity and launched attacks one after another. Chen Xuan, Bai Yunpiao and Yang Wen worked together to concentrate their firepower to surround the remaining immortal lions.

The immortal lions struggled, trying to get out of the predicament they were trapped in.

However, their power has been greatly weakened and it is difficult to withstand everyone's attacks.

Soon after, the two fairy lions finally couldn't hold up anymore and fell to the floor of the cave. They roared one last time and then fell silent.

Silence returned to the cave again, and everyone gasped and smiled at each other.

The hard battle was finally won.

"We succeeded!" Bai Yunpiao said excitedly.

"The strength of these two immortal lions is too strong, and we all paid a heavy price." Chen Xuan said a little tiredly.

"However, we finally defeated them. This is a big victory." Yang Wen also breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone took a short rest and then continued deeper into the cave.

They know that there are more secrets waiting for them to explore in this ruins.

After walking through a passage, everyone discovered a spacious hall.

There is a huge stone platform in the center of the hall, with an ancient box placed on it. The box exuded a quaint air and obviously contained something important.

"It seems that this is the inheritance we are looking for." Chen Xuan's eyes flickered.

Everyone approached the box and opened the lid. There is an ancient book inside.

Everyone approached the box and opened the lid. There is an ancient book inside, with a bright gemstone inlaid on the cover, shining with deep light.

"Is this an inheritance?" Bai Yunpiao stared at the book, his eyes full of excitement.

"It seems so." Chen Xuan carefully took out the book and opened it gently.

The pages of the book are full of ancient texts, recording the techniques and wisdom of immortal cultivation.

"This is a book of inheritance. It should contain many precious cultivation methods and experiences." Yang Wen said excitedly.

Everyone gathered together and read the contents of the book together.

These methods and experiences were created by immortal monks thousands of years ago, recording their experiences and insights in their immortal cultivation.

Everyone was deeply immersed in it, as if they were in an ancient practice scene.

"This is really good." Bai Yunpiao said with emotion.

"We can absorb the techniques and insights from it, which will be of great help to our cultivation." Chen Xuan said.

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