"We really did it!" Bai Yunpiao clenched his fists, his eyes filled with excitement.

Yang Wen also looked excited. He smiled and said: "I didn't expect that we could beat him. This experience is really incredible."

Chen Xuan's eyes were calm and deep. He looked around and watched the surviving warriors leaving the secret realm one after another. After this battle was over, they could finally leave in peace.

The door to the secret realm slowly opened, revealing a bright light that attracted the attention of all survivors. The warriors left the secret realm one after another, and everyone's face was filled with the joy and exhaustion of victory.

Chen Xuan and the other three also walked towards the gate, preparing to step out of this area full of challenges. However, just as they were about to leave, a voice stopped them in their tracks.

"Wait, don't leave!" came a voice, and Chen Xuan and the others stopped immediately.

They looked towards the direction from which the sound came, and saw a middle-aged monk walking over.

His eyes were sharp, and he had a powerful aura about him. He was obviously not an ordinary person.

"Who are you?" Chen Xuan asked, his eyes alert.


As soon as Liu Qing finished speaking, Chen Xuan and the others felt a cold murderous intention emanating from him.

"Revenge?" Yang Wen frowned slightly. His intuition told him that Liu Qing was not a simple person.

"Yes, I came here just for revenge." Liu Qing's tone became cold, and his eyes flashed with uncontrollable hatred.

Chen Xuan and the others stood there warily, feeling the increasingly murderous aura on Liu Qing's body.

At the moment, they have no other choice but to fight Liu Qing.

Liu Qing suddenly burst out with a strong aura, and his figure was like lightning, and he came in front of Chen Xuan and the others in an instant.

His fist struck Chen Xuan with violent force.

Chen Xuan did not dare to be careless. He activated the true energy in his body and used the prairie fire sword technique.

The sword energy was flowing horizontally and collided with Liu Qing's fist, bursting out with dazzling light.

Yang Wen and Bai Yunpiao also took action at the same time. They unanimously displayed their unique skills and launched a fierce duel with Liu Qing.

The entire battlefield instantly became chaotic, and strong energy fluctuations raged in the air.

Liu Qing's offensive was extremely fierce, and every move he made carried unstoppable power. Chen Xuan and the others had to do their best and concentrate on dealing with his attack.

During the battle, the ground collapsed instantly, and the surrounding scenery was also involved in the battle.

"Liu Qing, you don't have to continue!" Chen Xuan's voice was full of determination, and his eyes shone with determination.

However, Liu Qing ignored him. His murderous intention became stronger and his offensive became more fierce.

In his eyes, there was only one thought, which was to completely defeat Chen Xuan and the others and avenge himself.

The battle entered a fierce stage, and the air was filled with explosions and violent energy fluctuations.

Chen Xuan and the others also had more than one scar on their bodies. They understood that this battle was by no means easy.

"This guy is really difficult!" Yang Wen said through gritted teeth.

Bai Yunpiao also frowned tightly, and his moves gradually became more fierce.

Chen Xuan held the hilt of the sword tightly, knowing that the outcome of this battle might determine their fate.

Under Liu Qing's offensive, his thoughts became extremely clear, and every dodge and counterattack was carefully calculated.

Time passed by minute by second, and the intensity of the battle did not weaken at all.

Liu Qing's aura became more fierce, and the physical strength of Chen Xuan and the others was gradually depleted.

Liu Qing's offensive became more and more fierce, but under his full attack, Chen Xuan's defense line never collapsed. The three of them cooperated tacitly, sometimes attacking and sometimes defending, and they managed to neutralize Liu Qing's every surprise attack.

"This guy is not simple. We have to find a way to divide his attention." Chen Xuan whispered to Yang Wen and another companion.

The two nodded, and they each used their unique skills to continuously attack Liu Qing. Flames and frost intertwined in the air, forming a bizarre battlefield.

Liu Qing was forced to constantly shift his attention. He felt the dual threat of fire and frost and had to remain vigilant at all times. At this critical moment, Chen Xuan suddenly launched a surprise attack, with the sword in his hand pointing directly at Liu Qing's vitals.

Liu Qing retreated hurriedly and narrowly escaped Chen Xuan's attack. However, Flame and Frost continued to pursue him, not giving him a chance to breathe. The three people's cooperation became more and more tacit. Chen Xuan's sword moves, Yang Wen's flames, and the other companion's frost were intertwined to form an unbreakable line of defense.

"These guys are actually being so clever in front of me!" A flash of anger flashed in Liu Qing's eyes, and he knew that he had fallen into the siege of Chen Xuan and the others.

Chen Xuan and the others kept changing positions, sometimes attacking and sometimes defending, leaving Liu Qing no chance to counterattack. As time went by, Liu Qing's offensive gradually weakened, and he gradually felt tired.

"If this continues, his physical strength will be exhausted." Chen Xuan secretly decided in his heart. He knew that as long as he persisted, victory would be right in front of him.

Liu Qing's face gradually turned pale, and his attacks gradually became less fierce. Seeing this, Chen Xuan and the others stepped up their offensive, trying to take advantage of the opportunity to win.

However, at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded on the battlefield: "That's enough!"

Everyone's eyes turned to the source of the sound, and a figure came from a distance. It was a middle-aged man in a black robe, with a hint of coldness between his eyebrows.

Liu Qing stopped attacking and stared at the middle-aged man, with a flash of fear in his eyes. Chen Xuan and the other two also stared at the middle-aged man vigilantly, and they felt the abnormal breath on the other side.

"It turned out to be..." Chen Xuan's heart moved, he recognized the identity of the person, but because of the previous confusion, he did not respond immediately.

"We really did it!" Bai Yunpiao clenched his fists, his eyes full of excitement.

Yang Wen was also excited, he smiled and said: "I didn't expect that we could beat him. This experience is incredible."

Chen Xuan's eyes were calm and deep. He looked around and watched the surviving warriors leave the secret realm one after another. After the battle, they can finally leave with peace of mind.

The door of the secret realm slowly opened, revealing a bright light, attracting the attention of all the survivors. The warriors left the secret realm one after another, and everyone's face was filled with the joy and exhaustion of victory.

Chen Xuan and the other two also walked towards the gate, ready to step out of this area full of trials. However, just as they were about to leave, a voice sounded, stopping them.

"Wait, don't go!" A voice came, and Chen Xuan and the other two stopped immediately.

They looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a middle-aged monk walking over.

His eyes were sharp, and he exuded a strong aura, obviously not an ordinary person.

"Who are you?" Chen Xuan asked, his eyes alert.


As soon as Liu Qing finished speaking, Chen Xuan and the other two felt a cold murderous intent emanating from him.

"Revenge?" Yang Wen frowned slightly, his intuition told him that Liu Qing was not a simple person.

"Yes, it's for revenge." Liu Qing's tone became indifferent, and his eyes flashed with uncontrollable hatred.

Chen Xuan and the other two stood there vigilantly, feeling the increasingly strong murderous aura from Liu Qing.

At the moment, they had no other choice but to fight Liu Qing.

Liu Qing suddenly burst out with a strong breath, his figure was like lightning, and he came to Chen Xuan and the other two in an instant.

His fist with violent power suddenly hit Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan did not dare to be careless, and urged the true energy in his body to perform a move of the prairie fire sword.

The sword energy was crisscrossed, colliding with Liu Qing's fist, and bursting out with dazzling light.

Yang Wen and Bai Yunpiao also made a move at the same time. They spontaneously displayed their own unique skills and launched a fierce duel with Liu Qing.

The entire battlefield instantly became chaotic, and strong energy fluctuations raged in the air.

Liu Qing's offensive was extremely fierce, and every move and style of his was irresistible. Chen Xuan and the other two had to do their best and concentrate on dealing with his attack.

During the battle, the ground collapsed instantly, and the surrounding scenery was also involved in the battle.

"Liu Qing, you don't have to continue!" Chen Xuan's voice was full of determination, and his eyes flashed with a resolute light.

However, Liu Qing ignored him. His killing intent became stronger and his offensive became more fierce.

In his eyes, there was only one thought, that is, to completely defeat Chen Xuan and the other two and avenge himself.

The battle entered a white-hot stage, and the air was filled with explosions and violent energy fluctuations.

Chen Xuan and the other two also had more than one scar on their bodies. They knew that this battle was by no means easy.

"This guy is really difficult!" Yang Wen said with gritted teeth.

Bai Yunpiao also frowned tightly, and his moves gradually became more fierce.

Chen Xuan held the hilt of the sword tightly in his hand. He knew that the outcome of this battle might determine their fate.

Under Liu Qing's attack, his thoughts became extremely clear, and every dodge and counterattack was carefully calculated.

Time passed by, and the intensity of the battle did not decrease at all.

Liu Qing's breath became more fierce, and the physical strength of Chen Xuan and the other two was gradually consumed.

Liu Qing's offensive became more and more fierce, but under his full-strength attack, the defense line of Chen Xuan and the other three never collapsed. The three of them cooperated well, sometimes attacking, sometimes defending, and dissolving every attack of Liu Qing invisibly.

"This guy is not simple, we have to find a way to divide his attention." Chen Xuan whispered to Yang Wen and another companion.

The two nodded, and they each used their unique skills to continuously attack Liu Qing. Flames and frost intertwined in the air, forming a bizarre battlefield.

Liu Qing was forced to constantly divert his attention. He felt the dual threat of flames and frost and had to remain vigilant at all times. At this critical moment, Chen Xuan suddenly launched a surprise attack, and the sword in his hand pointed directly at Liu Qing's vitals.

Liu Qing hurriedly retreated and narrowly avoided Chen Xuan's attack, but the flames and frost continued to chase him, not giving him a chance to breathe. The three of them cooperated more and more tacitly. Chen Xuan's sword moves, Yang Wen's flames, and another companion's frost intertwined together to form an impenetrable line of defense.

"These guys are so clever in front of me!" Liu Qing's eyes flashed with anger. He knew that he had been besieged by Chen Xuan and his three companions. Chen Xuan and his three companions kept changing positions, sometimes attacking, sometimes defending, so that Liu Qing never had a chance to fight back. As time went by, Liu Qing's offensive gradually weakened, and he gradually felt tired.

"If this continues, his physical strength will be exhausted." Chen Xuan secretly decided in his heart. He knew that as long as he persisted, victory would be right in front of him.

Liu Qing's face gradually turned pale, and his attacks gradually became less fierce. Seeing this, Chen Xuan and the others stepped up their offensive, trying to take advantage of the opportunity to win.

However, at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded on the battlefield: "That's enough!"

Everyone's eyes turned to the source of the sound, and they saw a figure walking from a distance. It was a middle-aged man wearing a black robe, with a hint of coldness between his eyebrows.

Liu Qing stopped attacking and stared at the middle-aged man, a hint of fear flashed in his eyes. Chen Xuan and the other three also stared at the middle-aged man warily. They felt the unusual aura on the other person's body.

"So it's..." Chen Xuan's heart moved. He recognized the identity of the person, but because of the previous confusion, he did not respond immediately.

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