Under his gaze, the flame in the furnace suddenly rose, forming a fireball, tightly wrapping the pill inside.

Chen Xuan's fingers moved lightly, and the fireball in the furnace began to rotate slowly, and the temperature and breath of the flame gradually stabilized.

His fingers lightly drew in the void, and complex patterns appeared, fixing the flame in a certain position.

As the patterns bloomed, the fireball in the furnace gradually became transparent, and the pill inside began to take shape gradually.

Chen Xuan's consciousness penetrated into the fireball, feeling the changes in the pill, and always mastering the balance of fire and breath.

After a period of refining, the pill in the fireball finally matured. It exuded a rich golden light and medicinal fragrance, like a gem.

Chen Xuan gently took it out of the fireball and placed it on the pill tray. His eyes flashed with excitement. This pill was the result of his careful refining. If successful, it would help him make more breakthroughs in his practice.

Chen Xuan gently stroked the pill, feeling the powerful medicinal power it exuded. He knew that this was a high-level elixir that could greatly enhance the practitioner's physique and true essence, and might even allow him to enter a new realm.

However, Chen Xuan did not rush to take the elixir, but put it back into the elixir furnace and continued to refine it.

He knew that the elixir refining process was not over yet, and the last key step was equally important.

The flame jumped again, and Chen Xuan began to make the final adjustments and refine it.

His eyes were fixed on the changes in the elixir furnace, and his consciousness kept exploring it, feeling the changes every minute and every second.

After a period of careful regulation, Chen Xuan finally confirmed that the refining of the elixir had been completed. He took out the elixir and saw that it was flawless, exuding a strong medicinal fragrance and medicinal power.

Chen Xuan smiled and put the elixir into the storage bag, then stood up and stretched. He felt that his blood and true essence seemed to be more active, which was due to the effect of refining high-level elixirs.

At this moment, the sun shone on the ground through the shadows of the trees in the courtyard, and the breeze blew, bringing a hint of fresh air. Chen Xuan felt that his whole body was glowing with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

He took a deep breath, felt the energy in the air, and then sat quietly in the courtyard and began to practice.

He closed his eyes, and the breath of his whole body gradually converged, entering the state of practice.

Time passed in silence, and Chen Xuan was fully immersed in practice.

His heart was as calm as water, and the true essence flowed through the meridians, constantly condensing and improving.

In the process of practice, Chen Xuan felt the changes in himself, his cultivation seemed to be constantly improving, and the opportunity for a breakthrough seemed to be at hand. His heart was full of expectations and excitement. He knew that as long as he worked hard to practice, he would definitely achieve greater achievements.

In the courtyard, Chen Xuan's practice state lasted for a long time until the sky gradually darkened.

He finally slowly opened his eyes and exhaled deeply.

He stood up, felt the energy filling his body, and walked towards the restaurant in a happy mood.

The practice during this period made him feel a huge progress, and he was eager to see if his cultivation had a new breakthrough.

The fresh aroma of wine wafted in the air, and the guests in the restaurant were laughing and enjoying the wine and food. Chen Xuan walked into the building, found a seat at random, ordered a pot of tea, and waited for the waiter to bring the tea.

He sat there quietly, in a good mood, thinking back to the practice process just now. He could feel that his cultivation had improved significantly, the flow of true energy in his body was smoother, and his internal strength was deeper.

At this moment, a young waiter came over and put a pot of tea in front of Chen Xuan's table. He smiled and said, "Sir, this is the tea you ordered, please enjoy it slowly."

Chen Xuan nodded and thanked with a smile. He picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea. The fresh tea fragrance spread in his mouth, which was refreshing.

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly sounded: "Chen Xuan, it's rare to see you practicing here. It seems that your cultivation has improved a lot." Chen Xuan looked up and saw a young cultivator standing in front of him. He was wearing a green robe and had an extraordinary temperament. It was the young cultivator Yang Wen whom he had met in the secret realm before. Chen Xuan smiled and nodded, stood up and bowed, saying: "It turned out to be Brother Yang Wen. I didn't know you were also practicing here." Yang Wen smiled and nodded, saying: "Yes, the environment of Changhen Restaurant is quiet and quiet, and it is indeed a bit unique for practicing. However, Brother Chen Xuan, you performed exceptionally well in the secret realm and even killed a strong man from the enemy sect. It is really admirable." Chen Xuan smiled and said: "That's all in the past. Today's practice is the most important. Brother Yang, you are also practicing here. Have you gained anything?" Yang Wen's expression changed slightly, and he smiled and said: "Of course there are some gains, but it's still far from complete. Far from enough. I heard that Brother Chen Xuan obtained the inheritance in the secret realm, is it true? "

Chen Xuan nodded, he did not hide: "Yes, I got a magic weapon in the secret realm, which is of great help to cultivation."

A trace of envy flashed in Yang Wen's eyes, and he smiled: "It is really rare to have the opportunity to obtain inheritance. However, Brother Chen Xuan, I heard that you also encountered a lot of troubles, and even attracted pursuit, is it true?"

Chen Xuan smiled slightly, he did not deny: "There are indeed some twists and turns, but they were all solved smoothly in the end. These experiences are also part of cultivation. "

The atmosphere in the restaurant gradually became quiet. Chen Xuan and Yang Wen looked at each other and smiled, as if they were communicating a tacit understanding silently. Chen Xuan raised his tea cup and said with a smile: "Come on, brother, let's drink to our practice and future."

Yang Wen also raised his tea cup, touched it with Chen Xuan with a smile, and said: "Exactly, cheers!"

The two people's teacups collided with each other, making a crisp sound. They drank it all in one gulp, and the slightly warm tea spread in their mouths, which was refreshing.

Under his gaze, the flames in the alchemy furnace suddenly swelled, forming a fireball that tightly wrapped the elixir inside.

Chen Xuan moved his fingers lightly, and the fireball in the alchemy furnace began to rotate slowly, and the temperature and breath of the flame gradually stabilized.

His fingers lightly traced the void, and complex patterns appeared, fixing the flame in a certain position.

As the magic pattern bloomed, the fireball in the alchemy furnace gradually became transparent, and the elixir inside began to gradually take shape.

Chen Xuan's consciousness penetrated into the fire ball, feeling the changes in the elixir, and always controlling the balance of fire and breath.

After a period of refining, the elixir in the fire ball finally matured. It exuded a rich golden light and medicinal fragrance, like a gem.

Chen Xuan gently took it out of the fire ball and placed it on the elixir tray. His eyes shone with excitement. This elixir was the result of his careful refining. If successful, it would help him achieve more breakthroughs in his practice.

Chen Xuan gently stroked the elixir, feeling the powerful medicinal power it exuded. He knew that this was a high-level elixir that could greatly enhance a practitioner's physique and true energy, and might even allow him to enter a new realm.

However, Chen Xuan was not in a hurry to take the elixir, but put it back into the elixir furnace and continued to refine it.

He knew that the elixir refining process was not over yet, and the final key step was equally important.

The flame jumped again, and Chen Xuan began to make the final adjustments and refining.

His eyes were fixed on the changes in the alchemy furnace, and his spiritual consciousness continued to penetrate it, feeling the changes every minute and every second.

After a period of careful control, Chen Xuan finally determined that the refining of the elixir was complete. He took out the elixir and saw that the elixir was flawless and exuded a strong medicinal fragrance and power.

Chen Xuan smiled and put the elixir into his storage bag, then stood up and stretched. He felt that the qi, blood and true energy all over his body seemed to be more active, which was due to the effect of refining high-level elixirs.

At this moment, the sun shines on the ground through the shadows of the trees in the courtyard, and the breeze blows, bringing a fresh breath. Chen Xuan felt that his whole body was filled with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

He took a deep breath, felt the energy in the air, then sat quietly in the courtyard and began to practice.

He closed his eyes, the breath in his body gradually converged, and he entered a state of cultivation.

Time passed in silence, and Chen Xuan was immersed in cultivation.

His heart was as calm as water, and his true energy flowed through his meridians, constantly condensing and improving.

In the process of practicing, Chen Xuan felt the changes in himself. His cultivation seemed to be constantly improving, and the opportunity for breakthrough seemed to be close at hand. His heart was full of expectation and excitement. He knew that as long as he continued to practice hard, he would surely achieve greater success.

In the courtyard, Chen Xuan's cultivation state continued for a long time until the sky gradually darkened.

He finally slowly opened his eyes and took a deep breath.

He stood up, feeling the energy in his body, and walked towards the restaurant happily.

This period of practice made him feel great progress, and he was eager to see if there was any new breakthrough in his cultivation.

The fresh aroma of wine hit our faces, and the guests in the restaurant were laughing and enjoying the fine wine and food. Chen Xuan walked into the building, found a seat at random, ordered a pot of tea, and waited for the waiter to bring the tea.

He sat there quietly, in a happy mood, thinking back to the training process just now. He could feel that his cultivation level had been significantly improved, the true energy in his body was flowing more smoothly, and his internal strength was deeper.

At this moment, a young waiter came over and placed a pot of tea in front of Chen Xuan's table. He smiled and said: "Sir, this is the tea you ordered. Please enjoy it slowly."

Chen Xuan nodded, smiled and thanked. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. The fresh tea fragrance filled his mouth, making him feel refreshed.

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly sounded: "Chen Xuan, it's rare to see you practicing here. It seems that your cultivation has improved a lot."

Chen Xuan looked up and saw a young monk standing in front of him. He was wearing a green robe and had an extraordinary temperament. It was Yang Wen, the young monk he had met in the secret realm before.

Chen Xuan smiled and nodded, stood up and bowed and said, "It turns out to be brother Yang Wen. I didn't know you were also practicing here."

Yang Wen nodded with a smile and said: "Yes, the environment of Changhen Restaurant is quiet and quiet, and it is indeed a bit unique to practice. However, brother Chen Xuan, you performed exceptionally well in the secret realm, and even killed a strong man from the rival sect. It's really Admirable."

Chen Xuan smiled and said: "That's all in the past, and practice now is the most important. Brother Yang, you are also practicing here, have you gained anything?"

Yang Wen's expression changed slightly, and he smiled and said: "Of course there are some gains, but it is not enough. I heard that Brother Chen Xuan obtained the inheritance in the secret realm. Is it true?"

Chen Xuan nodded, and he did not hide anything: "Yes, I obtained a magic weapon in the secret realm, which is of great help to my cultivation."

A trace of envy flashed in Yang Wen's eyes, and he smiled: "The opportunity to obtain inheritance is really rare. However, brother Chen Xuan, I heard that you have also encountered a lot of troubles, and even attracted pursuit. It's true. ”

Chen Xuan smiled slightly, but he did not deny it: "There were indeed some twists and turns, but they were all resolved smoothly in the end. These experiences are also part of spiritual practice."

The atmosphere in the restaurant gradually became quiet. Chen Xuan and Yang Wen looked at each other and smiled, as if they were communicating with each other silently. Chen Xuan raised his tea cup and said with a smile: "Come on, brother, let's drink to our practice and future."

Yang Wen also raised his tea cup, touched it with Chen Xuan with a smile, and said: "Exactly, cheers!"

Their teacups collided with each other, making a crisp sound. They drank it all in one gulp, and the slightly warm tea spread in their mouths, which was refreshing.

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