Chen Xuan hid alone in a deep mountain range, far away from the pursuit of the king.

His body was seriously injured, both internal and external, and he knew he needed to rest for a while to recover.

He found a hidden cave and placed a simple barrier at the entrance to prevent being discovered.

Chen Xuan closed his eyes, and he began to use his cultivation method and focus his attention on his body.

He adjusted his breath and recuperated his injuries, activated the magic power in his body, and tried his best to restore his body.

Time passed quietly in the quiet cave, Chen Xuan's breathing gradually stabilized, and his body gradually began to recover.

He could feel the injuries in his body slowly healing. Although the recovery speed was not fast, at least it was developing in a good direction.

In the process of training, Chen Xuan kept recalling the scene of fighting side by side with Yang Wen and Leng Yunpiao.

As time went by, Chen Xuan's body gradually recovered some strength. He knew that it would take more time to reach sufficient strength.

Chen Xuan lay quietly in the cave, his breathing gradually becoming steady. He felt the mana in his body flowing slowly and began to recover slowly. Although his cultivation was greatly depleted in the battle, his heart was full of firmness and determination at this moment.

He took out a softly shining elixir from his storage bag. This was a healing elixir he had collected for many years and had a powerful restorative effect.

He carefully put the elixir into his mouth and swallowed it gently.

As the elixir entered his body, a warm energy spread quickly, permeating every corner of his body. Chen Xuan felt a strange sense of comfort, accompanied by the relief of pain and fatigue.

He focused his attention on the energy of the elixir and began to guide this energy along the meridians to gently repair the injured area. The pain gradually subsided and his body gradually regained some vitality.

Time passed quietly in the quiet cave. Chen Xuan closed his eyes and concentrated on feeling the changes in his body. The power of the elixir flowed through his body like a trickle, quietly repairing his injuries.

After a period of practice, Chen Xuan felt that his physical condition had improved significantly.

He opened his eyes, exhaled, and felt a sense of relief in his heart.

However, he knew that although the elixir could help him regain some of his strength, it would take more time and effort to truly reach his peak state. The anger in his heart towards the king made him more determined to go on.

Chen Xuan sat up and left the elixir in his storage bag. He took a deep breath and stood up. He walked out of the cave and looked at the mountains in the distance with firm eyes.

He knew that in order to achieve sufficient strength, he not only needed to practice, but also needed to constantly look for opportunities and explore more powerful forces.

Chen Xuan's current goal is to find some powerful immortal beasts, hunt them, and obtain their precious inner elixirs to refine more powerful elixirs.

The forest was full of life, with all kinds of strange birds and beasts on the branches. Chen Xuan explored cautiously, keeping his senses alert while looking for the target.

Suddenly, a huge dragon-blood fairy beast appeared in his sight. Its scales shone with red light, and its eyes revealed majesty and wildness. Chen Xuan's heart moved. His target was this dragon-blood fairy beast.

Chen Xuan did not hesitate. His body was like lightning and he quickly approached the dragon-blooded fairy beast. The dragon-blooded fairy beast noticed Chen Xuan's presence, let out a roar, and pressed forward with great power.

Chen Xuan waved the prairie fire sword in his hand, the sword light flickered, and he activated the immortal-level Suzaku sword technique. The sword energy rolled up like a flame, like a fire dragon, attacking the dragon-blooded fairy beast.

The dragon-blood fairy beast did not show weakness. It waved its dragon tail, bringing up the strong wind, and at the same time, a red dragon's breath came out of its mouth. Chen Xuan evaded flexibly and at the same time used magic power to protect his body to resist the attack of the dragon's breath.

The battle became more and more intense. Sometimes Chen Xuan turned into a figure, sometimes into a ball of flame, sometimes into a sword light, intertwined with the dragon-blood fairy beast. His swordsmanship is agile and sharp, his body skills are agile and flexible, and the fierce battle with the dragon-blooded fairy beast caused the entire forest to fall into turmoil.

After a fierce battle, Chen Xuan finally found an opportunity, and he accurately stabbed the dragon-blood fairy beast's vitals. The dragon-blood fairy beast roared and finally fell to the ground. Its body gradually became blurred and turned into a ball of energy.

Chen Xuan quickly walked to the side of the dragon-blooded fairy beast, and he carefully took out the inner elixir of the dragon-blooded fairy beast. This inner elixir is filled with powerful energy and is an important material for refining elixirs.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath and felt the power of the dragon blood fairy beast surging in his inner elixir. He knew that this inner elixir helped him reach greater strength.

He carefully put the inner elixir of the dragon-blood fairy beast into the ring, and then continued to search for the next target in the forest. He understands that if he wants to reach his peak state, he needs more immortal beast inner elixirs

Chen Xuan continued to explore in the vast forest, looking for the next target. This time, his eyes were fixed on the deep underground, which was a powerful fairy beast called the Blood Dragon Scorpion. It was said that it lurked underground and had terrible toxicity and powerful power.

Chen Xuan did not dare to take it lightly, he carefully searched for traces of the Blood Dragon Scorpion. His senses swept across the land, trying to capture the breath of the blood dragon scorpion.

Finally, in a hidden valley, Chen Xuan discovered a faint breath, which was the trace of the Blood Dragon Scorpion. He decided to go deep underground to find this fairy beast hidden underground.

He gathered his magic power, used the Earth Escape Technique to blend himself into the ground, and quietly moved forward along the breath of the Blood Dragon Scorpion. The underground world was dark and silent. Chen Xuan's perception spread around him, and he tried to determine the exact location of the Blood Dragon Scorpion.

Not long after, he finally felt a strong aura, and a huge blood dragon scorpion lurked deep underground.

Chen Xuan hid alone in a deep mountain range, far away from the pursuit of the king.

His body was seriously injured, both internal and external, and he knew he needed to rest for a while to recover.

He found a hidden cave and placed a simple barrier at the entrance to prevent being discovered.

Chen Xuan closed his eyes, and he began to use his cultivation method and focus his attention on his body.

He adjusted his breath and recuperated his injuries, activated the magic power in his body, and tried his best to restore his body.

Time passed quietly in the quiet cave, Chen Xuan's breathing gradually stabilized, and his body gradually began to recover.

He could feel the injuries in his body slowly healing. Although the recovery speed was not fast, at least it was developing in a good direction.

In the process of training, Chen Xuan kept recalling the scene of fighting side by side with Yang Wen and Leng Yunpiao.

As time went by, Chen Xuan's body gradually recovered some strength. He knew that it would take more time to reach sufficient strength.

Chen Xuan lay quietly in the cave, his breathing gradually becoming steady. He felt the mana in his body flowing slowly and began to recover slowly. Although his cultivation was greatly depleted in the battle, his heart was full of firmness and determination at this moment.

He took out a softly shining elixir from his storage bag. This was a healing elixir he had collected for many years and had a powerful restorative effect.

He carefully put the elixir into his mouth and swallowed it gently.

As the elixir entered his body, a warm energy spread quickly, permeating every corner of his body. Chen Xuan felt a strange sense of comfort, along with the relief of pain and fatigue.

He focused his attention on the energy of the elixir and began to guide this energy along the meridians to gently repair the injured area. The pain gradually subsided and his body gradually regained some vitality.

Time passed quietly in the quiet cave. Chen Xuan closed his eyes and concentrated on feeling the changes in his body. The power of the elixir flowed through his body like a trickle, quietly repairing his injuries.

After a period of practice, Chen Xuan felt that his physical condition had improved significantly.

He opened his eyes, exhaled, and felt a sense of relief in his heart.

However, he knew that although the elixir could help him regain some of his strength, it would take more time and effort to truly reach his peak state. The anger in his heart towards the king made him more determined to go on.

Chen Xuan sat up and left the elixir in his storage bag. He took a deep breath and stood up. He walked out of the cave and looked at the mountains in the distance with firm eyes.

He knew that in order to achieve sufficient strength, he not only needed to practice, but also needed to constantly look for opportunities and explore more powerful forces.

Chen Xuan's current goal is to find some powerful immortal beasts, hunt them, and obtain their precious inner elixirs to refine more powerful elixirs.

The forest was full of life, with all kinds of strange birds and beasts on the branches. Chen Xuan explored cautiously, keeping his senses alert while looking for the target.

Suddenly, a huge dragon-blood fairy beast appeared in his sight. Its scales shone with red light, and its eyes revealed majesty and wildness. Chen Xuan's heart moved. His target was this dragon-blood fairy beast.

Chen Xuan did not hesitate. His body was like lightning and he quickly approached the dragon-blooded fairy beast. The dragon-blooded fairy beast noticed Chen Xuan's presence, let out a roar, and pressed forward with great power.

Chen Xuan waved the prairie fire sword in his hand, the sword light flickered, and he activated the immortal-level Suzaku sword technique. The sword energy rolled up like a flame, like a fire dragon, attacking the dragon-blooded fairy beast.

The dragon-blood fairy beast did not show weakness. It waved its dragon tail, bringing up the strong wind, and at the same time, a red dragon's breath came out of its mouth. Chen Xuan evaded flexibly and at the same time used magic power to protect his body to resist the attack of the dragon's breath.

The battle became more and more intense. Sometimes Chen Xuan turned into a figure, sometimes into a ball of flame, sometimes into a sword light, intertwined with the dragon-blood fairy beast. His swordsmanship is agile and sharp, his body skills are agile and flexible, and the fierce battle with the dragon-blooded fairy beast caused the entire forest to fall into turmoil.

After a fierce battle, Chen Xuan finally found an opportunity, and he accurately stabbed the vital part of the dragon-blood fairy beast. The dragon-blood fairy beast roared and finally fell to the ground. Its body gradually became blurred and turned into a ball of energy.

Chen Xuan quickly walked to the side of the dragon-blooded fairy beast, and he carefully took out the inner elixir of the dragon-blooded fairy beast. This inner elixir is filled with powerful energy and is an important material for refining elixirs.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath and felt the power of the dragon blood fairy beast surging in his inner elixir. He knew that this inner elixir helped him reach greater strength.

He carefully put the inner elixir of the dragon-blood fairy beast into the ring, and then continued to search for the next target in the forest. He understands that if he wants to reach his peak state, he needs more immortal beast inner elixirs

Chen Xuan continued to explore in the vast forest, looking for the next target. This time, his eyes were fixed on the deep underground, which was a powerful fairy beast called the Blood Dragon Scorpion. It was said that it lurked underground and had terrible toxicity and powerful power.

Chen Xuan did not dare to take it lightly, he carefully searched for traces of the Blood Dragon Scorpion. His senses swept across the land, trying to capture the breath of the blood dragon scorpion.

Finally, in a hidden valley, Chen Xuan discovered a faint breath, which was the trace of the Blood Dragon Scorpion. He decided to go deep underground to find this fairy beast hidden underground.

He gathered his magic power, used the Earth Escape Technique to blend himself into the ground, and quietly moved forward along the breath of the Blood Dragon Scorpion. The underground world was dark and silent. Chen Xuan's perception spread around him, and he tried to determine the exact location of the Blood Dragon Scorpion.

Not long after, he finally felt a strong aura, and a huge blood dragon scorpion lurked deep underground.

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