Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6478 Definitely not weaker than the king

This elder had a noble temperament and an unfathomable smile in his eyes. His presence was like a mountain, exuding a powerful aura that was hard to ignore.

"This is Chen Xuan, right?" The elder's voice was not loud, but it spread far in the air. His eyes stayed on Chen Xuan, as if he was examining everything about him.

Chen Xuan stood up, cupped his fists and saluted, "Junior Chen Xuan, I have met the elder."

The elder nodded slightly, with a hint of interest in his voice: "You have made a lot of progress during this period of time. To be able to become an inner disciple, your strength should not be underestimated."

Chen Xuan smiled slightly and said nothing. He could feel that the strength of this elder was definitely not weaker than that of the king, and he was a high-level presence in the inner sect.

"There is something special about you." The elder suddenly said with a flash of his eyes.

Chen Xuan's heart moved, and he knew that his path of cultivation was not ordinary. With the secret method of space and the true essence of heaven and earth, he was indeed unique in this world.

"Thank you, elder." Chen Xuan responded humbly.

The elder looked at Chen Xuan deeply, as if searching for his inner secret.

After a moment, he slowly shook his head: "You are a smart man. I believe you know that within this sect, individuals who are too special are not allowed to exist."

Chen Xuan was slightly stunned. He understood what the elder meant. The balance within the sect was very important. If a person's strength was too outstanding, it would easily cause jealousy and disputes.

"I understand, elder." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

The elder nodded, and the smile on his face deepened: "Okay, since you understand, take advantage of your opportunities. The sect has many resources, and if you can integrate into them, you will definitely benefit a lot."

Chen Xuan understood in his heart that this elder seemed to be reminding him not to be too showy and to know how to hide his strength to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"Thank you, elder, for your advice. I will keep it in mind," Chen Xuan said respectfully.

The elder smiled and nodded, then turned and left, his figure gradually disappearing on the road in the distance.

Chen Xuan's eyes were far-reaching, and a firmness arose in his heart. He understands that only by constantly improving and improving himself can he gain a foothold within this sect.

In the high-level conference hall of the sect, a group of elders and important sect leaders gathered together, and their eyes were focused on a piece of light and shadow on the conference table.

"Chen Xuan, the newly promoted inner disciple, is indeed a bit unusual." An elder in gorgeous robes said, his voice low and profound.

"Yes, he not only showed great strength in a short period of time, but also attracted the attention of many inner disciples." Another elder agreed.

In the conference room, there was a lot of discussion. Chen Xuan's appearance obviously attracted the attention of the sect's senior officials. After all, his performance was too outstanding and he quickly attracted people's attention.

"How should we view him?" one leader asked.

"Personal strength is one aspect, but more importantly, whether he can integrate into the overall environment of the sect." An elder with a wise appearance said thoughtfully: "The balance within the sect is very important, and one should not be allowed to People’s outstanding performance creates unnecessary strife.”

"And he has some special methods in cultivation, which also needs to arouse our vigilance." Another elder added.

Discussions continued in the conference room, with everyone expressing their opinions. Although they appreciate Chen Xuan's strength and potential, they also realize that this may bring internal instability.

"However, we cannot completely exclude him. After all, he is still a member of the sect." A senior leader proposed a neutral attitude.

"Yes, we can observe him for a while to see if he can gradually integrate into the sect." Another elder agreed.

In the end, a consensus was reached at the meeting, which was to remain vigilant about Chen Xuan, but not rule out giving him a chance.

After all, if a potential disciple can grow steadily in the sect, it will also be a wealth to the entire sect.

The meeting gradually ended, and the senior sect members dispersed.

The sect leader was sitting alone in a quiet study room, with a cup of tea placed in front of the table. His eyes were cast on the rippling water in the tea cup. He is the leader of the sect and a role model for everyone, but at this moment, there are ripples in his heart.

"Chen Xuan, this young man is indeed a bit too eye-catching. His strength has made such outstanding progress in a short period of time, which is really hard to ignore." The sect leader was thinking deeply.

"However, strength is not everything. Within the sect, balance and harmony are equally important. His outstanding performance may cause dissatisfaction and jealousy among some people. I cannot let the sect fall into infighting because of the existence of one person." Sect Master The thoughts in my heart became deeper and deeper.

He put the tea cup down gently and closed his eyes.

"I don't want unnecessary disputes to arise within the sect, but I also don't want to kill a person with potential. Maybe, I should give him some opportunities." The sect leader thought, and gradually developed some tendencies in his heart.

This elder had a noble temperament and an unfathomable smile in his eyes. His presence was like a mountain, exuding a powerful aura that was hard to ignore.

"This is Chen Xuan, right?" The elder's voice was not loud, but it spread far in the air. His eyes stayed on Chen Xuan, as if he was examining everything about him.

Chen Xuan stood up, cupped his fists and saluted, "Junior Chen Xuan, I have met the elder."

The elder nodded slightly, with a hint of interest in his voice: "You have made a lot of progress during this period of time. To be able to become an inner disciple, your strength should not be underestimated."

Chen Xuan smiled slightly and said nothing. He could feel that the strength of this elder was definitely not weaker than that of the king, and he was a high-level presence in the inner sect.

"There is something special about you." The elder suddenly said with a flash of his eyes.

Chen Xuan's heart moved, and he knew that his path of cultivation was not ordinary. With the secret method of space and the true essence of heaven and earth, he was indeed unique in this world.

"Thank you, elder." Chen Xuan responded humbly.

The elder looked at Chen Xuan deeply, as if searching for his inner secret.

After a moment, he slowly shook his head: "You are a smart man. I believe you know that within this sect, individuals who are too special are not allowed to exist."

Chen Xuan was slightly stunned. He understood what the elder meant. The balance within the sect was very important. If a person's strength was too outstanding, it would easily cause jealousy and disputes.

"I understand, elder." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

The elder nodded, and the smile on his face deepened: "Okay, since you understand, take advantage of your opportunities. The sect has many resources, and if you can integrate into them, you will definitely benefit a lot."

Chen Xuan understood in his heart that this elder seemed to be reminding him not to be too showy and to know how to hide his strength to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"Thank you, elder, for your advice. I will keep it in mind," Chen Xuan said respectfully.

The elder smiled and nodded, then turned and left, his figure gradually disappearing on the road in the distance.

Chen Xuan's eyes were far-reaching, and a firmness arose in his heart. He understands that only by constantly improving and improving himself can he gain a foothold within this sect.

In the high-level conference hall of the sect, a group of elders and important sect leaders gathered together, and their eyes were focused on a piece of light and shadow on the conference table.

"Chen Xuan, the newly promoted inner disciple, is indeed a bit unusual." An elder in gorgeous robes said, his voice low and profound.

"Yes, he not only showed great strength in a short period of time, but also attracted the attention of many inner disciples." Another elder agreed.

In the conference room, there was a lot of discussion. Chen Xuan's appearance obviously attracted the attention of the sect's senior officials. After all, his performance was too outstanding and he quickly attracted people's attention.

"How should we view him?" one leader asked.

"Personal strength is one aspect, but more importantly, whether he can integrate into the overall environment of the sect." An elder with a wise appearance said thoughtfully: "The balance within the sect is very important, and one should not be allowed to People’s outstanding performance causes unnecessary strife.”

"And he has some special methods in cultivation, which also needs to arouse our vigilance." Another elder added.

Discussions continued in the conference room, with everyone expressing their opinions. Although they appreciate Chen Xuan's strength and potential, they also realize that this may bring internal instability.

"However, we cannot completely exclude him. After all, he is still a member of the sect." A senior leader proposed a neutral attitude.

"Yes, we can observe him for a while to see if he can gradually integrate into the sect." Another elder agreed.

In the end, a consensus was reached at the meeting that we should remain vigilant about Chen Xuan, but we would not rule out giving him a chance.

After all, if a potential disciple can grow steadily in the sect, it will also be a wealth to the entire sect.

The meeting gradually ended, and the senior sect members dispersed.

The sect leader was sitting alone in a quiet study room, with a cup of tea placed in front of the table. His eyes were cast on the rippling water in the teacup. He is the leader of the sect and a role model for everyone, but at this moment, there are ripples in his heart.

"Chen Xuan, this young man is indeed a bit too eye-catching. His strength has made such outstanding progress in a short period of time, which is really hard to ignore." The sect leader was thinking deeply.

"However, strength is not everything. Within the sect, balance and harmony are equally important. His outstanding performance may cause dissatisfaction and jealousy among some people. I cannot let the sect fall into infighting because of the existence of one person." Sect Master The thoughts in my heart became deeper and deeper.

He put the tea cup down gently and closed his eyes.

"I don't want unnecessary disputes within the sect, but I also don't want to kill a person with potential. Maybe I should give him some opportunities." The sect leader thought, and gradually developed some tendencies in his heart.

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