
\u0026lt;blk p_idx="0" e_idx="0" e_order="1"\u0026gt; Yanying's eyes narrowed, and the flames in his body burned even hotter, forming a wall of fire that struck the thunder and lightning out of the flames. He turned around and activated the fire sword again, slashing towards Lei Feng. The thunder and wind did not retreat but advanced, and the power of thunder and lightning surged again. His body turned into a bolt of lightning and clashed with Yanying's fire sword. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="1" e_idx="0" e_order="2"\u0026gt;Fire and electricity blend together, and the battle scene is like a magnificent picture, full of power and beauty. Every attack from the two men seemed to destroy the entire competition stage, but they were always resolved at the critical moment. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="2" e_idx="0" e_order="3"\u0026gt;As the battle progressed, both Lei Feng and Yan Ying gradually felt the strength of the other party, and their moves became more cautious and cruel. . The intertwined light of fire and electricity became more and more dazzling, and the scene became more tense and intense. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="3" e_idx="0" e_order="4"\u0026gt;The mood of the disciples watching the battle fluctuated as the battle progressed. They cheered for the performance of Lei Feng and Yan Ying, and for their fighting spirit. And moved. In this game, both of them showed strength beyond themselves, demonstrating the style and determination of the disciples of the sect. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="4" e_idx="0" e_order="5"\u0026gt;As time goes by, the offense and defense of Lei Feng and Yan Ying continue to interweave, and the scene becomes more and more intense. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="5" e_idx="0" e_order="6"\u0026gt; Their eyes revealed firm will and they would never give up easily. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="6" e_idx="0" e_order="7"\u0026gt;The battle between Lei Feng and Yan Ying became more and more intense. Each of their attacks carried destructive power, filling the air on the competition stage. Tear apart. The collision of flames and thunder and lightning made bursts of harsh sounds, as if the whole world was shaking for their battle. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="7" e_idx="0" e_order="8"\u0026gt;Leifeng showed the majesty of the Lord of Thunder and Lightning. His figure was as flexible as lightning, sometimes disappearing in the air, and sometimes appearing with flashes of lightning. Next to Yanying, he launched a fatal blow. His fists contain the power of thunder and lightning, and every swing can cause violent storms, as if the wrath of the gods are striking. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="8" e_idx="0" e_order="9"\u0026gt; Yanying uses the power of flames as his blade. His fire sword sometimes turns into a rain of fire all over the sky, and sometimes it gathers into a dragon of fire, attacking towards The thunderstorm struck. His moves were sharp and agile, and flames danced at his fingertips, dyeing the space on the competition stage red. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="9" e_idx="0" e_order="10"\u0026gt;The disciples watching the battle watched nervously, and every collision made their hearts beat faster. This battle is not only a competition of strength, but also a competition of will and courage. The determination of the two people is awe-inspiring. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="10" e_idx="0" e_order="11"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan stood under the stage with deep eyes, watching the battle on the stage intently. He could feel the powerful power contained in Lei Feng and Yan Ying. Although their moves were fierce, in this battle, they showed more of their enthusiasm and persistence in cultivation. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="11" e_idx="0" e_order="12"\u0026gt;The moves of Thunder Wind and Flame Shadow were intertwined, fire and electricity were entangled with each other, and the scene became more chaotic and intense. They all know that this game will determine whether they can enter the inner gate and get the opportunity to practice further. Therefore, they exerted all their strength without reservation and continuously burst out amazing energy. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="12" e_idx="0" e_order="13"\u0026gt;Time passes minute by second, and the battle situation is sometimes stalemate and sometimes fierce. Every attack from Lei Feng and Yan Ying challenged each other's bottom line. Their eyes shone with determination and they were unwilling to give in. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="13" e_idx="0" e_order="14"\u0026gt;As the battle progressed, Lei Feng's thunder and lightning power gradually became more fierce, and his offensive became more fierce. Yanying continued to mobilize the flames in his body, allowing the power of the flames to reach its peak. The moves of the two became more and more powerful, as if they were going to destroy the entire competition stage. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="14" e_idx="0" e_order="15"\u0026gt;The disciples watching the battle were attracted by this battle, and they applauded the courage and strength of Lei Feng and Yan Ying. In their eyes, this battle is not only a competition, but also a fierce duel. It is a display of the two people's cultivation achievements and the pursuit of the sect's glory. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="15" e_idx="0" e_order="16"\u0026gt;As time goes by, the auras of Lei Feng and Yan Ying become more powerful, and their offensive becomes more fierce. The battle entered its most intense stage, and the interplay of fire and electricity on the stage became increasingly fiery, shrouding the entire competition stage. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="16" e_idx="0" e_order="17"\u0026gt;In this fiery battle, both Lei Feng and Yan Ying released their most powerful power, and their moves almost tore the competition stage apart. Cracked. The disciples watching the battle stared in stunned silence, sensing the extraordinary strength and determination of the two men. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="17" e_idx="0" e_order="18"\u0026gt;Finally, in a confrontation, Lei Feng and Yan Ying retreated at the same time, and their attacks fell into a stalemate. Their chests rose and fell rapidly, sweat rolled down their faces, but their eyes remained firm, showing no sign of flinching. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="18" e_idx="0" e_order="19"\u0026gt;This battle has reached a fever pitch. Both Lei Feng and Yan Ying feel each other's strength, and neither of them is willing to admit defeat easily. At this critical juncture, their determination became stronger and their strength became more evident. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="19" e_idx="0" e_order="20"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan stood in the audience, his eyes full of admiration. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="20" e_idx="0" e_order="21"\u0026gt;"Look at the battle between Lei Feng and Yan Ying, it is so fierce!"\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="21" e_idx="0" e_order="22"\u0026gt;"Yes, their strength and determination are really admirable."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="22" e_idx="0" e_order="23"\u0026gt;"I thought Lei Feng would win before, but I didn't expect Yanying's flame power to be so powerful."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="23" e_idx="0" e_order="24"\u0026gt;"This battle is really eye-catching. Every attack they make seems to challenge the limit."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="24" e_idx="0" e_order="25"\u0026gt;"The genius disciples of the sect should not be underestimated. Their strength has far exceeded our imagination."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="25" e_idx="0" e_order="26"\u0026gt;"This competition is really exciting, I really want to know who will win in the end."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="26" e_idx="0" e_order="27"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan stood in the crowd and was also attracted by the battle between Lei Feng and Yan Ying. He could feel the strong aura of the two people on the stage, as well as their determination and fighting spirit. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="27" e_idx="0" e_order="28"\u0026gt;This battle not only won them the appreciation of their companions, but also inspired more people's fighting spirit and motivation. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="28" e_idx="0" e_order="29"\u0026gt;"Chen Xuan, who do you think will win?" A disciple next to him asked Chen Xuan. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="29" e_idx="0" e_order="30"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan smiled slightly, his eyes fixed on the battle on the stage: "I believe that no matter who wins, it will be an unforgettable game. Their strength and determination are very strong and should not be underestimated."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="30" e_idx="0" e_order="31"\u0026gt;"Chen Xuan is right. This game has shown the demeanor of our sect disciples." Another disciple agreed. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="31" e_idx="0" e_order="32"\u0026gt;The battle continued on the stage. Lei Feng and Yan Ying's moves were still extremely fierce. Every attack of theirs triggered cheers and praises from the audience. The power of fire and lightning on the stage continued to collide, and flames and lightning exploded in the air, and light burst out. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="32" e_idx="0" e_order="33"\u0026gt;Finally, in a fierce battle, Lei Feng and Yan Ying retreated at the same time, and the battle came to a temporary pause. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="33" e_idx="0" e_order="34"\u0026gt;Their breathing was rapid, but their eyes were still firm, without any retreat. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="34" e_idx="0" e_order="35"\u0026gt;"This battle is so exciting!"\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="35" e_idx="0" e_order="36"\u0026gt;"I can't imagine that their strength can reach such a level."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="36" e_idx="0" e_order="37"\u0026gt;"Is this the strength of the sect's disciples?."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="37" e_idx="0" e_order="38"\u0026gt;"No matter who wins, it will be the pride of the sect."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;


\u0026lt;blk p_idx="0" e_idx="0" e_order="1"\u0026gt;Yan Ying's eyes condensed, and the flames in his body burned more fiercely, forming a wall of fire, striking the lightning outside the flames. He turned his body, and the fire sword was launched again, slashing at Lei Feng. Lei Feng did not retreat but advanced, and the power of lightning surged again. His body turned into a flash of lightning and clashed with Yan Ying's fire sword. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="1" e_idx="0" e_order="2"\u0026gt;The fire and lightning blended together, and the battle scene was like a magnificent picture, full of power and beauty. Every attack of the two seemed to destroy the entire competition arena, but it was always resolved at the critical moment. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="2" e_idx="0" e_order="3"\u0026gt;As the battle progressed, Lei Feng and Yan Ying gradually felt the strength of each other, and their moves became more cautious and fierce. The light of fire and electricity became more and more dazzling, and the scene became more tense and intense. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="3" e_idx="0" e_order="4"\u0026gt;The mood of the disciples watching the battle fluctuated with the development of the battle. They cheered for the performance of Lei Feng and Yan Ying and were moved by their fighting spirit. In this game, both of them showed strength beyond their own, showing the style and determination of the sect disciples. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="4" e_idx="0" e_order="5"\u0026gt;As time went by, Lei Feng and Yan Ying's offense and defense continued to interweave, and the scene became more and more intense. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="5" e_idx="0" e_order="6"\u0026gt;Their eyes revealed a firm will and they would never give up easily. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="6" e_idx="0" e_order="7"\u0026gt;The battle between Lei Feng and Yan Ying became more and more intense. Each of their attacks carried destructive power, tearing the air on the competition stage apart. The collision of flames and lightning made bursts of piercing sounds, as if the whole world was trembling with their battle. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="7" e_idx="0" e_order="8"\u0026gt;Leifeng showed the majesty of the Lord of Thunder and Lightning. His figure was as flexible as lightning, sometimes disappearing in the air, and sometimes appearing with flashes of lightning. Next to Yanying, he launched a fatal blow. His fists contain the power of thunder and lightning, and every swing can cause violent storms, as if the wrath of the gods are striking. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="8" e_idx="0" e_order="9"\u0026gt; Yanying uses the power of flames as his blade. His fire sword sometimes turns into a rain of fire all over the sky, and sometimes it gathers into a dragon of fire, attacking towards The thunderstorm struck. His moves were sharp and agile, and flames danced at his fingertips, dyeing the space on the competition stage red. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="9" e_idx="0" e_order="10"\u0026gt;The disciples watching the battle watched nervously, and every collision made their hearts beat faster. This battle is not only a competition of strength, but also a competition of will and courage. The determination of the two people is awe-inspiring. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="10" e_idx="0" e_order="11"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan stood under the stage with deep eyes, watching the battle on the stage intently. He could feel the powerful power contained in Lei Feng and Yan Ying. Although their moves were fierce, in this battle, they showed more of their enthusiasm and persistence in cultivation. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="11" e_idx="0" e_order="12"\u0026gt;The moves of Thunder Wind and Flame Shadow were intertwined, fire and electricity were entangled with each other, and the scene became more chaotic and intense. They all know that this game will determine whether they can enter the inner gate and get the opportunity to practice further. Therefore, they exerted all their strength without reservation and continuously burst out amazing energy. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="12" e_idx="0" e_order="13"\u0026gt;Time passes minute by second, and the battle situation is sometimes stalemate and sometimes fierce. Every attack from Lei Feng and Yan Ying challenged each other's bottom line. Their eyes shone with determination and they were unwilling to give in. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="13" e_idx="0" e_order="14"\u0026gt;As the battle progressed, Lei Feng's thunder and lightning power gradually became more fierce, and his offensive became more fierce. Yanying continued to mobilize the flames in his body, allowing the power of the flames to reach its peak. The moves of the two became more and more powerful, as if they were going to destroy the entire competition stage. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="14" e_idx="0" e_order="15"\u0026gt;The disciples watching the battle were attracted by this battle, and they applauded the courage and strength of Lei Feng and Yan Ying. In their eyes, this battle is not only a competition, but also a fierce duel. It is a display of the two people's cultivation achievements and the pursuit of the sect's glory. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="15" e_idx="0" e_order="16"\u0026gt;As time goes by, the auras of Lei Feng and Yan Ying become more powerful, and their offensive becomes more fierce. The battle entered its most intense stage, and the interplay of fire and electricity on the stage became increasingly fiery, shrouding the entire competition stage. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="16" e_idx="0" e_order="17"\u0026gt;In this fiery battle, both Lei Feng and Yan Ying released their most powerful power, and their moves almost tore the competition stage apart. Cracked. The disciples watching the battle stared in stunned silence, sensing the extraordinary strength and determination of the two men. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="17" e_idx="0" e_order="18"\u0026gt;Finally, in a confrontation, Lei Feng and Yan Ying retreated at the same time, and their attacks fell into a stalemate. Their chests rose and fell rapidly, sweat rolled down their faces, but their eyes remained firm, showing no sign of flinching. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="18" e_idx="0" e_order="19"\u0026gt;This battle has reached a fever pitch. Both Lei Feng and Yan Ying feel each other's strength, and neither of them is willing to admit defeat easily. At this critical juncture, their determination became stronger and their strength became more evident. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="19" e_idx="0" e_order="20"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan stood in the audience, his eyes full of admiration. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="20" e_idx="0" e_order="21"\u0026gt;"Look at the battle between Lei Feng and Yan Ying, it is so fierce!"\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="21" e_idx="0" e_order="22"\u0026gt;"Yes, their strength and determination are really admirable."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="22" e_idx="0" e_order="23"\u0026gt;"I thought Lei Feng would win before, but I didn't expect Yanying's flame power to be so powerful."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="23" e_idx="0" e_order="24"\u0026gt;"This battle is really eye-catching. Every attack they make seems to challenge the limit."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="24" e_idx="0" e_order="25"\u0026gt;"The genius disciples of the sect should not be underestimated. Their strength has far exceeded our imagination."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="25" e_idx="0" e_order="26"\u0026gt;"This competition is really exciting, I really want to know who will win in the end."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="26" e_idx="0" e_order="27"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan stood in the crowd and was also attracted by the battle between Lei Feng and Yan Ying. He could feel the strong aura of the two people on the stage, as well as their determination and fighting spirit. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="27" e_idx="0" e_order="28"\u0026gt;This battle not only won them the appreciation of their companions, but also inspired more people's fighting spirit and motivation. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="28" e_idx="0" e_order="29"\u0026gt;"Chen Xuan, who do you think will win?" A disciple next to him asked Chen Xuan. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="29" e_idx="0" e_order="30"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan smiled slightly and stared at the battle on the stage: "I believe that no matter who wins, it will be an unforgettable game. They His strength and determination are very strong and cannot be underestimated. "\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="30" e_idx="0" e_order="31"\u0026gt;"Chen Xuan is right, this game has shown the grace of our sect disciples." Another disciple agreed. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="31" e_idx="0" e_order="32"\u0026gt;The battle continued on the stage. Lei Feng and Yan Ying's moves were still extremely powerful. Each of their attacks aroused cheers from the audience. and admiration. The power of fire and electricity on the stage continued to collide, flames and thunder and lightning exploded in the air, and light exploded. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="32" e_idx="0" e_order="33"\u0026gt;Finally, in a fierce confrontation, Lei Feng and Yan Ying retreated at the same time, and the battle came to a temporary halt. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="33" e_idx="0" e_order="34"\u0026gt; Their breathing was rapid, their eyes remained firm, and they did not flinch at all. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="34" e_idx="0" e_order="35"\u0026gt;"This battle is so exciting!"\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="35" e_idx="0" e_order="36"\u0026gt;"I simply can't imagine that their strength can reach such a level."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="36" e_idx="0" e_order="37"\u0026gt;"Is this the strength of the disciples of the sect?"\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="37" e_idx="0" e_order="38"\u0026gt;"No matter who wins, it will be the pride of the sect."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

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