Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6490 Moving towards a higher realm


\u0026lt;blk p_idx="0" e_idx="0" e_order="1"\u0026gt;"Chen Xuan, it seems that you have made considerable progress in your cultivation." A voice suddenly sounded, breaking the quiet night. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="1" e_idx="0" e_order="2"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan turned around and saw a young man wearing the clothes of an inner disciple walking towards him. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="2" e_idx="0" e_order="3"\u0026gt;This young man is handsome, with a sense of confidence and indifference in his eyes. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="3" e_idx="0" e_order="4"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan smiled slightly. He was no stranger to this young man. This young man was someone he had met in the competition, named Lei Feng. Lei Feng and Chen Xuan didn't have much interaction, but his strength and arrogant personality made Chen Xuan somewhat impressed by him. "Yes, I am practicing hard and hope to reach a higher level." Chen Xuan said, his tone was both calm and firm. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="4" e_idx="0" e_order="5"\u0026gt;The two stood quietly on the top of the mountain, and the starlight fell on them, reflecting two faint figures. Chen Xuan turned his head slightly and looked at Lei Feng. He could feel the other person's aura, which was an innate confidence and arrogance. "Chen Xuan, I don't deny your strength, but you have to be careful in this inner sect." Lei Feng said lightly, with a hint of warning in his tone. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="5" e_idx="0" e_order="6"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan smiled slightly. He knew that Lei Feng was not caring about him, but wanted to warn him. After all, competition among inner disciples is extremely fierce. Everyone is vying for resources and opportunities, and no one is willing to share them easily with others. "Thank you Brother Lei Feng for the reminder, I will be careful." Chen Xuan responded with a calm voice without any arrogance. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="6" e_idx="0" e_order="7"\u0026gt; Lei Feng glanced at Chen Xuan, seeming to be thinking about something, and then nodded gently: "No matter what, you can perform well in the game , has proven that your strength cannot be underestimated. However, the competition among inner disciples is far more fierce than you think, so you must always be vigilant.”\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="7" e_idx="0" e_order="8"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan nodded to express his understanding. He didn't take Lei Feng's words to heart, because he had long understood the cruelty and competition of the inner sect. Here, the weak compete with the strong, and only by constantly improving yourself can you survive in this harsh environment. "Brother Lei Feng, are you practicing too?" Chen Xuan asked tentatively, hoping to understand something about the other party. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="8" e_idx="0" e_order="9"\u0026gt; Lei Feng smiled slightly and seemed not to mind chatting more with Chen Xuan. "Of course, cultivation is something that every inner disciple must do. However, cultivation is only one aspect. There are many other things that we need to pay attention to."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="9" e_idx="0" e_order="10"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan nodded in agreement. Inner disciples have relatively more tasks and responsibilities. They are not only practicing, but also participating in various activities and tasks. , make contributions to the sect. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="10" e_idx="0" e_order="11"\u0026gt;Their conversation continued, covering the rules of the inner sect, the competition for various resources, etc. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="11" e_idx="0" e_order="12"\u0026gt;Although Lei Feng's attitude still contained a hint of reminder, Chen Xuan could feel that he did not deliberately embarrass himself, but was using his own way to give some reminders. "Chen Xuan, I still have things to do, so I won't stay here any longer." Lei Feng said suddenly, his eyes turning to the distance. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="12" e_idx="0" e_order="13"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan nodded slightly, not too surprised by Lei Feng's farewell. The communication between the two may have been temporary, but Chen Xuan felt some information from the other party and had a clearer understanding of the environment in the inner sect. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="13" e_idx="0" e_order="14"\u0026gt;Watching Lei Feng's back gradually disappear, Chen Xuan felt a sense of determination in his heart. He understands that the path of inner disciples will not be smooth sailing. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="14" e_idx="0" e_order="15"\u0026gt;After talking with Lei Feng, Chen Xuan became more determined on his path of cultivation. He returned to his residence and practiced in seclusion, focusing on the flow of spiritual power and the mastery of time and space magic. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="15" e_idx="0" e_order="16"\u0026gt;Every day, he devotes himself to cultivation with full enthusiasm. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="16" e_idx="0" e_order="17"\u0026gt;He continued to feel the flow of spiritual energy and gradually integrated it into his body. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="17" e_idx="0" e_order="18"\u0026gt; The magic of time and space has become more and more skillful in his hands. He can easily perceive the ripples of time and space, integrate himself into it, and reach the point of being in nothingness. realm within. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="18" e_idx="0" e_order="19"\u0026gt;Whether it is day or night, Chen Xuan is constantly challenging himself. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="19" e_idx="0" e_order="20"\u0026gt;He galloped in the vast courtyard of the inner gate, his body seemed to be flying under the injection of spiritual energy, and every punch and kick was accompanied by spiritual energy. The surging waves made the sound of breaking wind. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="20" e_idx="0" e_order="21"\u0026gt; Time passes silently, and Chen Xuan can feel his progress. Every breakthrough makes him more confident and determined. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="21" e_idx="0" e_order="22"\u0026gt;When night fell again, the starry sky seemed to be embedded in the black curtain. Chen Xuan was still standing in the courtyard, sweat sliding down his forehead, but his His eyes were full of light. "Chen Xuan, your cultivation is getting better and better." A voice suddenly sounded. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="22" e_idx="0" e_order="23"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan turned his head and saw Lin Yuting standing not far away, with a smile on her face. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="23" e_idx="0" e_order="24"\u0026gt;She seems to be more confident and mature compared to the last time she competed. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="24" e_idx="0" e_order="25"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan smiled slightly, but he did not stop practicing: "Lin Yuting, are you also practicing here?"\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="25" e_idx="0" e_order="26"\u0026gt; Lin Yuting nodded, walked into Chen Xuan's side, and stood beside him. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="26" e_idx="0" e_order="27"\u0026gt; Her eyes turned to Chen Xuan, full of recognition and appreciation: "Yes, the training of the inner sect is more difficult than that of the outer sect, but it is also It makes more sense. It seems you are used to the rhythm here."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="27" e_idx="0" e_order="28"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan smiled slightly. He did not reveal too much about his feelings, but the determination and hard work deep in his heart can be seen from his It can be seen in the eyes. "Lin Yuting, your strength is also constantly improving." Chen Xuan said encouragingly. He was deeply impressed by Lin Yuting's performance in the game and knew that she was also full of potential. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="28" e_idx="0" e_order="29"\u0026gt; Lin Yuting smiled slightly and raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead. Her eyes flashed with determination: "Chen Xuan, I think we all I understand that the competition among inner disciples will become increasingly fierce, but as long as we continue to work hard and improve our strength, we will definitely be able to leave our own footprints on this stage.”\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;


\u0026lt;blk p_idx="0" e_idx="0" e_order="1"\u0026gt;"Chen Xuan, it seems that you have made considerable progress in your cultivation." A voice suddenly sounded, breaking the quiet night. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="1" e_idx="0" e_order="2"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan turned around and saw a young man wearing the clothes of an inner disciple walking towards him. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="2" e_idx="0" e_order="3"\u0026gt;This young man is handsome, with a sense of confidence and indifference in his eyes. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="3" e_idx="0" e_order="4"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan smiled slightly. He was no stranger to this young man. This young man was someone he had met in the competition, named Lei Feng. Lei Feng and Chen Xuan didn't have much interaction, but his strength and arrogant personality made Chen Xuan somewhat impressed by him. "Yes, I am practicing hard and hope to reach a higher level." Chen Xuan said, his tone was both calm and firm. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="4" e_idx="0" e_order="5"\u0026gt;The two stood quietly on the top of the mountain, and the starlight fell on them, reflecting two faint figures. Chen Xuan turned his head slightly and looked at Lei Feng. He could feel the other person's aura, which was an innate confidence and arrogance. "Chen Xuan, I don't deny your strength, but you have to be careful in this inner sect." Lei Feng said lightly, with a hint of warning in his tone. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="5" e_idx="0" e_order="6"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan smiled slightly. He knew that Lei Feng was not caring about him, but wanted to warn him. After all, competition among inner disciples is extremely fierce. Everyone is vying for resources and opportunities, and no one is willing to share them easily with others. "Thank you Brother Lei Feng for the reminder, I will be careful." Chen Xuan responded with a calm voice without any arrogance. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="6" e_idx="0" e_order="7"\u0026gt;Lei Feng glanced at Chen Xuan, seeming to be thinking about something, and then nodded gently: "No matter what, you can perform well in the game , has proven that your strength cannot be underestimated. However, the competition among inner disciples is far more fierce than you think, so you must always be vigilant.”\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="7" e_idx="0" e_order="8"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan nodded to express his understanding. He didn't take Lei Feng's words to heart, because he had long understood the cruelty and competition of the inner sect. Here, the weak are the strongest, and only by constantly improving yourself can you survive in this harsh environment. "Brother Lei Feng, are you practicing too?" Chen Xuan asked tentatively, hoping to understand something about the other party. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="8" e_idx="0" e_order="9"\u0026gt; Lei Feng smiled slightly and seemed not to mind chatting more with Chen Xuan. "Of course, cultivation is something that every inner disciple must do. However, cultivation is only one aspect. There are many other things that we need to pay attention to."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="9" e_idx="0" e_order="10"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan nodded in agreement. Inner disciples have relatively more tasks and responsibilities. They are not only practicing, but also participating in various activities and tasks. , make contributions to the sect. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="10" e_idx="0" e_order="11"\u0026gt;Their conversation continued, covering the rules of the inner sect, the competition for various resources, etc. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="11" e_idx="0" e_order="12"\u0026gt;Although Lei Feng's attitude still contained a hint of reminder, Chen Xuan could feel that he did not deliberately embarrass himself, but was using his own way to give some reminders. "Chen Xuan, I still have things to do, so I won't stay here any longer." Lei Feng said suddenly, his eyes turning to the distance. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="12" e_idx="0" e_order="13"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan nodded slightly, not too surprised by Lei Feng's farewell. The communication between the two may have been temporary, but Chen Xuan felt some information from the other party and had a clearer understanding of the environment in the inner sect. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="13" e_idx="0" e_order="14"\u0026gt;Watching Lei Feng's back gradually disappear, Chen Xuan felt a sense of determination in his heart. He understands that the path of inner disciples will not be smooth sailing. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="14" e_idx="0" e_order="15"\u0026gt;After talking with Lei Feng, Chen Xuan became more determined on his path of cultivation. He returned to his residence and practiced in seclusion, focusing on the flow of spiritual power and the mastery of time and space magic. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="15" e_idx="0" e_order="16"\u0026gt;Every day, he devotes himself to cultivation with full enthusiasm. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="16" e_idx="0" e_order="17"\u0026gt;He continued to feel the flow of spiritual energy and gradually integrated it into his body. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="17" e_idx="0" e_order="18"\u0026gt; The magic of time and space has become more and more skillful in his hands. He can easily perceive the ripples of time and space, integrate himself into it, and reach the point of being in nothingness. realm within. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="18" e_idx="0" e_order="19"\u0026gt;Whether it is day or night, Chen Xuan is constantly challenging himself. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="19" e_idx="0" e_order="20"\u0026gt;He galloped in the vast courtyard of the inner gate, his body seemed to be flying under the injection of spiritual energy, and every punch and kick was accompanied by spiritual energy. The surge made bursts of breaking wind sounds. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="20" e_idx="0" e_order="21"\u0026gt; Time passes silently, and Chen Xuan can feel his progress. Every breakthrough makes him more confident and determined. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="21" e_idx="0" e_order="22"\u0026gt;When night fell again, the starry sky seemed to be embedded in the black curtain. Chen Xuan was still standing in the courtyard, sweat sliding down his forehead, but his His eyes were full of light. "Chen Xuan, your cultivation is getting better and better." A voice suddenly sounded. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="22" e_idx="0" e_order="23"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan turned his head and saw Lin Yuting standing not far away, with a smile on her face. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="23" e_idx="0" e_order="24"\u0026gt;She seems to be more confident and mature compared to the last time she competed. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="24" e_idx="0" e_order="25"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan smiled slightly, but he did not stop practicing: "Lin Yuting, are you also practicing here?"\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="25" e_idx="0" e_order="26"\u0026gt; Lin Yuting nodded, walked into Chen Xuan's side, and stood beside him. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="26" e_idx="0" e_order="27"\u0026gt; Her eyes turned to Chen Xuan, full of recognition and appreciation: "Yes, the training of the inner sect is more difficult than that of the outer sect, but it is also It makes more sense. It seems you are used to the rhythm here."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="27" e_idx="0" e_order="28"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan smiled slightly. He did not reveal too much about his feelings, but the determination and hard work deep in his heart can be seen from his It can be seen in the eyes. "Lin Yuting, your strength is also constantly improving." Chen Xuan said encouragingly. He was deeply impressed by Lin Yuting's performance in the game and knew that she was also full of potential. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="28" e_idx="0" e_order="29"\u0026gt; Lin Yuting smiled slightly and raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead. Her eyes flashed with determination: "Chen Xuan, I think we all I understand that the competition among inner disciples will become increasingly fierce, but as long as we continue to work hard and improve our strength, we will definitely be able to leave our own footprints on this stage.”\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

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