Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6492 Falling out with Phantom Hall


\u0026lt;blk p_idx="0" e_idx="0" e_order="1"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan felt the strength of Wang Zelong's fist. It was a terrifying force, as if it was going to tear him apart. However, his eyes remained firm, and the spiritual energy flowing in his body forcibly suppressed Wang Zelong's offensive. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="1" e_idx="0" e_order="2"\u0026gt;The two were in a stalemate for a moment. Chen Xuan suddenly smiled, turned his feet, condensed his spiritual power, and launched a move of time and space magic. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="2" e_idx="0" e_order="3"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong's pupils shrank suddenly. He felt space fluctuations, and Chen Xuan's figure suddenly became illusory. He seemed to turn into a stream of light, changing reality and reality, and suddenly came to Wang Zelong's side. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="3" e_idx="0" e_order="4"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong was shocked, and quickly turned around to fight back, his punches bursting out, but Chen Xuan's figure shimmered like a ghost, and his fists struck fiercely On Wang Zelong's flank. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="4" e_idx="0" e_order="5"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong groaned and his body trembled. He was hit by Chen Xuan's blow and his body flew out to one side violently. It crashed to the ground, throwing up dust and gravel. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="5" e_idx="0" e_order="6"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan stabilized his figure and looked deeply. The reason why he did not chase after him was because he was worried about making things worse. After all, he had just entered the inner gate and was with the Phantom Hall’s Confrontation should not be too intense. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="6" e_idx="0" e_order="7"\u0026gt; Zelong climbed up, his angry eyes flashing like a wild beast. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his breath became more ferocious. "How dare you hit me!" Wang Zelong roared, staring at Chen Xuan fiercely, his fists clenched again, and the airflow around him began to become violent. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="7" e_idx="0" e_order="8"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan stood there with calm eyes. He did not flinch or show any panic. He knew that Wang Zelong's anger was not his purpose. All he had to do was protect himself and not fall out with Phantom Hall. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="8" e_idx="0" e_order="9"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong rushed towards Chen Xuan again. This time his speed was faster and his punches were more fierce, as if he wanted to completely defeat Chen Xuan. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="9" e_idx="0" e_order="10"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan still remained calm, his body moved slightly, and the spiritual energy circulated in his body. A glint flashed in his eyes, and he did not choose to fight, but chose a more flexible method. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="10" e_idx="0" e_order="11"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong's punch arrived instantly, but Chen Xuan followed him like a shadow and nimbly avoided Wang Zelong's attack. His body was like running water, swimming through Wang Zelong's attacks like a fish, always keeping a safe distance. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="11" e_idx="0" e_order="12"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong's fist fell into the air, and his anger deepened. He attacked again, but Chen Xuan always maintained his flexibility and did not give Wang Zelong any chance. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="12" e_idx="0" e_order="13"\u0026gt; As time passed, Wang Zelong's attacks became more and more violent, but Chen Xuan was always able to avoid them skillfully. His eyes were calm, like a deep pool, unaffected by Wang Zelong's anger. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="13" e_idx="0" e_order="14"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong's punch strength gradually slowed down, and his breath began to become a little unstable. He realized that Chen Xuan was not swayed by his anger, but instead used his emotional changes to predict his attack. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="14" e_idx="0" e_order="15"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan seized this opportunity, and his body suddenly flashed and came behind Wang Zelong. He concentrated his spiritual power on his fist, and struck like a meteor straight into Wang Zelong's vest. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="15" e_idx="0" e_order="16"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong turned back suddenly, his eyes filled with horror. But it was too late, Chen Xuan's blow hit his vital point accurately. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="16" e_idx="0" e_order="17"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong's body trembled violently, and his body was shot away like a kite with a broken string, and he fell heavily to the ground. He coughed out a mouthful of blood in pain, and his face was as pale as paper. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="17" e_idx="0" e_order="18"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan stood on the spot, his eyes indifferent. He had no intention of pursuing him, nor did he continue to attack. He knew that Wang Zelong was no longer able to fight anymore. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="18" e_idx="0" e_order="19"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong slowly climbed up. His body was shaky and his breathing was rapid and unstable. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="19" e_idx="0" e_order="20"\u0026gt; His eyes were filled with resentment and helplessness. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="20" e_idx="0" e_order="21"\u0026gt;The surrounding disciples watching were stunned, and their hearts were shocked by this battle. In their eyes, Chen Xuan is a newcomer who has just entered the inner sect, while Wang Zelong is an important figure in the Phantom Hall. His cultivation has reached the middle stage of the fourth level of Shenlong Breaking God, and he is also a top presence among the inner sect disciples. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="21" e_idx="0" e_order="22"\u0026gt;However, Chen Xuan was able to confront Wang Zelong so fiercely and even defeat him. This contrast in strength was simply beyond their imagination, making them unable to believe their eyes. "It's so strong, Chen Xuan was able to defeat Wang Zelong!" "Wang Zelong's cultivation reached the middle stage of the fourth level of Shenlong Breaking God, and he was defeated by Chen Xuan." "Chen Xuan was simply too powerful, how on earth did he do it?" ”\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="22" e_idx="0" e_order="23"\u0026gt;The disciples who were watching were talking a lot, with shock and exclamation in their voices. In their eyes, Wang Zelong's strength was almost unshakable, but Chen Xuan told them with facts that strength was not the only determining factor. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="23" e_idx="0" e_order="24"\u0026gt;For a moment, the eyes of the disciples who were watching were full of admiration. They began to re-examine Chen Xuan and realized that he was not an ordinary newcomer to the inner sect. His strength and potential far exceeded their imagination. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="24" e_idx="0" e_order="25"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong's failure made them feel the reality that Phantom Hall is not invincible. They began to think that maybe there were other inner disciples who had the same strength as Wang Zelong, but they were just hidden deeper. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="25" e_idx="0" e_order="26"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan stood quietly. He did not indulge in the victory of the battle, but remained calm and calm. He understood that his battle with Wang Zelong was only a temporary victory, and Phantom Hall would not give up because of this defeat. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="26" e_idx="0" e_order="27"\u0026gt; His eyes swept across the surrounding disciples, then turned and left. He knows that he needs to continue to practice hard and improve his strength to meet greater challenges that may come in the future. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="27" e_idx="0" e_order="28"\u0026gt;The moment his back disappeared, the surrounding disciples seemed to wake up from a dream and began to think about their own cultivation. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="28" e_idx="0" e_order="29"\u0026gt;After the sect's senior officials learned the news that Chen Xuan had defeated the Phantom Hall, the atmosphere became tense and full of expectations. They had already noticed Chen Xuan, an outer disciple. Ever since he first entered the sect, he had shown amazing potential and strength. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="29" e_idx="0" e_order="30"\u0026gt;During the sect's internal discussion, a senior elder said: "We have heard the name Chen Xuan many times. He is outside He has already shown extraordinary talent when he was in the inner sect, and to be able to defeat the people of Phantom Hall in the inner sect is really something that should not be underestimated.”\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="30" e_idx="0" e_order="31"\u0026gt;Another elder nodded and agreed: "Yes, his strength and potential far exceed our expectations. This battle will probably make him Famous in the inner door. ”\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;


\u0026lt;blk p_idx="0" e_idx="0" e_order="1"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan felt the strength of Wang Zelong's fist. It was a terrifying force, as if it was going to tear him apart. However, his eyes remained firm, and the spiritual energy flowing in his body forcibly suppressed Wang Zelong's offensive. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="1" e_idx="0" e_order="2"\u0026gt;The two were in a stalemate for a moment. Chen Xuan suddenly smiled, turned his feet, condensed his spiritual power, and launched a move of time and space magic. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="2" e_idx="0" e_order="3"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong's pupils shrank suddenly. He felt space fluctuations, and Chen Xuan's figure suddenly became illusory. He seemed to turn into a stream of light, changing reality and reality, and suddenly came to Wang Zelong's side. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="3" e_idx="0" e_order="4"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong was shocked, and quickly turned around to fight back, his punches bursting out, but Chen Xuan's figure shimmered like a ghost, and his fists struck fiercely On Wang Zelong's flank. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="4" e_idx="0" e_order="5"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong groaned and his body trembled. He was hit by Chen Xuan's blow and his body flew out to one side violently. It crashed to the ground, throwing up dust and gravel. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="5" e_idx="0" e_order="6"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan stabilized his figure and looked deeply. The reason he did not chase him was because he was worried about making things worse. After all, he had just entered the inner gate and had a close relationship with the Phantom Hall's Confrontation should not be too intense. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="6" e_idx="0" e_order="7"\u0026gt; Zelong climbed up, his angry eyes flashing like a wild beast. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his breath became more ferocious. "How dare you hit me!" Wang Zelong roared, staring at Chen Xuan fiercely, his fists clenched again, and the airflow around him began to become violent. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="7" e_idx="0" e_order="8"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan stood there with calm eyes. He did not flinch or show any panic. He knew that Wang Zelong's anger was not his purpose. All he had to do was protect himself and not fall out with Phantom Hall. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="8" e_idx="0" e_order="9"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong rushed towards Chen Xuan again. This time his speed was faster and his punches were more fierce, as if he wanted to completely defeat Chen Xuan. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="9" e_idx="0" e_order="10"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan still remained calm, his body moved slightly, and the spiritual energy circulated in his body. A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and he did not choose to fight, but chose a more flexible method. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="10" e_idx="0" e_order="11"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong's punch arrived instantly, but Chen Xuan followed him like a shadow and nimbly avoided Wang Zelong's attack. His body was like running water, swimming through Wang Zelong's attacks like a fish, always keeping a safe distance. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="11" e_idx="0" e_order="12"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong's fist fell into the air, and his anger deepened. He attacked again, but Chen Xuan always maintained his flexibility and did not give Wang Zelong any chance. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="12" e_idx="0" e_order="13"\u0026gt; As time passed, Wang Zelong's attacks became more and more violent, but Chen Xuan was always able to avoid them skillfully. His eyes were calm, like a deep pool, unaffected by Wang Zelong's anger. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="13" e_idx="0" e_order="14"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong's punch strength gradually slowed down, and his breath began to become a little unstable. He realized that Chen Xuan was not swayed by his anger, but instead used his emotional changes to predict his attack. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="14" e_idx="0" e_order="15"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan seized this opportunity, his figure suddenly flashed and came to the back of Wang Zelong. He concentrated his spiritual power on his fist, and struck like a meteor straight into Wang Zelong's vest. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="15" e_idx="0" e_order="16"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong turned back suddenly, his eyes filled with horror. But it was too late, Chen Xuan's blow hit his vital point accurately. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="16" e_idx="0" e_order="17"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong's body trembled violently, and his body was blown away like a kite with a broken string, and he fell heavily to the ground. He coughed out a mouthful of blood in pain, and his face was as pale as paper. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="17" e_idx="0" e_order="18"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan stood on the spot, his eyes indifferent. He had no intention of pursuing him, nor did he continue to attack. He knew that Wang Zelong was no longer able to fight anymore. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="18" e_idx="0" e_order="19"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong slowly climbed up. His body was shaky and his breathing was rapid and unstable. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="19" e_idx="0" e_order="20"\u0026gt; His eyes were filled with resentment and helplessness. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="20" e_idx="0" e_order="21"\u0026gt;The surrounding disciples watching were stunned, and their hearts were shocked by this battle. In their eyes, Chen Xuan is a newcomer who has just entered the inner sect, while Wang Zelong is an important figure in the Phantom Hall. His cultivation has reached the middle stage of the fourth level of Shenlong Breaking God, and he is also a top presence among the inner sect disciples. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="21" e_idx="0" e_order="22"\u0026gt;However, Chen Xuan was able to confront Wang Zelong so fiercely and even defeat him. This contrast in strength was simply beyond their imagination, making them unable to believe their eyes. "It's so strong, Chen Xuan was able to defeat Wang Zelong!" "Wang Zelong's cultivation reached the middle stage of the fourth level of Shenlong Breaking God, and he was defeated by Chen Xuan." "Chen Xuan was simply too powerful, how on earth did he do it?" ”\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="22" e_idx="0" e_order="23"\u0026gt;The disciples who were watching were talking a lot, with shock and exclamation in their voices. In their eyes, Wang Zelong's strength was almost unshakable, but Chen Xuan told them with facts that strength was not the only determining factor. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="23" e_idx="0" e_order="24"\u0026gt;For a moment, the eyes of the disciples who were watching were full of admiration. They began to re-examine Chen Xuan and realized that he was not an ordinary newcomer to the inner sect. His strength and potential far exceeded their imagination. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="24" e_idx="0" e_order="25"\u0026gt;Wang Zelong's failure made them feel the reality that Phantom Hall is not invincible. They began to think that maybe there were other inner disciples who had the same strength as Wang Zelong, but they were just hidden deeper. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="25" e_idx="0" e_order="26"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan stood quietly. He did not indulge in the victory of the battle, but remained calm and calm. He understood that his battle with Wang Zelong was only a temporary victory, and Phantom Hall would not give up because of this defeat. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="26" e_idx="0" e_order="27"\u0026gt; His eyes swept across the surrounding disciples, then turned and left. He knows that he needs to continue to practice hard and improve his strength to meet greater challenges that may come in the future. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="27" e_idx="0" e_order="28"\u0026gt;The moment his back disappeared, the onlookers seemed to wake up from a dream and began to think about their own cultivation. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="28" e_idx="0" e_order="29"\u0026gt;After the sect's senior officials learned the news that Chen Xuan had defeated the Phantom Hall, the atmosphere became tense and full of expectations. They had already noticed Chen Xuan, an outer disciple. Ever since he first entered the sect, he had shown amazing potential and strength. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="29" e_idx="0" e_order="30"\u0026gt;During the sect's internal discussion, a senior elder said: "We have heard the name Chen Xuan many times. He is outside He has already shown extraordinary talent when he was in the inner sect, and to be able to defeat the people of Phantom Hall in the inner sect is really something that should not be underestimated.”\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="30" e_idx="0" e_order="31"\u0026gt;Another elder nodded and agreed: "Yes, his strength and potential far exceed our expectations. This battle will probably make him Famous in the inner door. ”\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

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