"Is it an hallucination?" He thought silently in his mind, and this strange experience made him feel a little confused. However, even if it was an illusion, the powerful sense of power and the mystery of the Sky Shadow Celestial Palm still left a deep imprint on his mind.

He shook his head and returned his mind to reality. Chen Xuan stood up and stretched, feeling as if he had been brought into a mysterious realm, but now he has returned to ordinary life.

He looked around, and the scenery in the courtyard was still peaceful and beautiful.

The sun shines on the ground through the gaps in the leaves. The breeze blows and the leaves make a rustling sound, as if calling him gently.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath and gradually calmed down. No matter what just happened, he knew that he needed to continue to work hard and improve his strength. Whether it is reality or illusion, he has to go further and reach a higher realm.

He walked slowly towards a boulder and sat down.

Closing his eyes, he began to sink into his heart, recalling the hallucination experience just now.

In silence, he felt the natural atmosphere around him and integrated himself with the earth.

Chen Xuan closed his eyes and devoted his mind to cultivation. He gradually gathered the insights and memories he had just gained in the hallucination, and began to simulate the practice of Tianying Cactus in his own state of mind.

He imagined that he was standing in a vast expanse of void, with no sound or fluctuation around him, and that he was the only one blending with the heaven and earth.

He felt the spiritual energy surging through his body, like a river flowing through his body.

Chen Xuan slowly raised his hands, as if he was painting an invisible picture.

He sunk his thoughts into the palm of his hand and began to slowly gather the power of the Sky Shadow Celestial Palm. As he moved, a weak and mysterious aura gradually gathered in his palm, forming a faint light and shadow.

He began to try to use the method of Tianying Celestial Palm, and the light and shadow in his palm changed accordingly. Illusive phantoms floated out from his palms, like erratic pictures, showing endless changes and power.

Chen Xuan gradually integrated into this state. He felt as if he had established a wonderful connection with heaven and earth, and his thoughts and spiritual power were constantly blending in this void. His palms began to become flexible, as if he could sense subtle changes between heaven and earth.

Time passed quietly during practice, and Chen Xuan continued to mobilize the spiritual power in his body to maximize the mystery of Tianying Celestial Palm. His body seemed to be activated by this force, and every movement contained infinite spiritual energy.

In the process of his training, he tried to combine the power of phantom with the power of substance to create more unique moves. His palms passed through the air, leaving behind blurry light and shadows, as if they were erratic.

Chen Xuan gradually entered a transcendent state. He forgot time and everything around him, and was just immersed in his own practice. His state of mind gradually deepened, and he could feel the power of Tianying Celestial Palm bursting out in his body. He seemed to be standing on the top of a new realm.

As time went by, Chen Xuan's practice gradually reached a peak. His palms became as erratic as phantoms, and every movement contained incomparable power. His body seemed to be integrated with the aura between heaven and earth, and he could feel all the tiny changes around him.

Finally, under a strong impact, Chen Xuan felt as if he had broken through some kind of boundary, and a powerful force emerged from his palm.

His eyes sparkled with excitement and joy, and he seemed to have touched a higher realm.

Chen Xuan put down his hands and felt the flow of spiritual power in his body. He knew that he needed to take a rest at this moment. He picked up the tea cup from the table nearby and took a sip. The fragrant tea smell made him feel a little comfortable.

He sat on a stone bench in the courtyard, quietly admiring the surrounding scenery.

The flowers, plants and trees in the yard swayed gently in the breeze, making a rustling sound. The sky in the distance is leisurely and open, and the blue sky and white clouds seem to extend to endless places.

Chen Xuan closed his eyes and let the breeze blow over his cheeks, feeling the coolness it brought.

His state of mind gradually calmed down, and he could feel the spiritual power in his body quietly operating at this time, restoring his strength.

The temperature of the tea gradually spread to his body, bringing a touch of warmth. Chen Xuan felt the fragrance of the tea, and his thoughts gradually became empty, as if he was integrated with the world.

After some time, Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes. He felt that the fatigue in his body was relieved and his spirit became fuller. He put the tea cup back on the table, stood up, and prepared to continue his practice.

Chen Xuan's cultivation has entered an in-depth stage. He concentrates on running the spiritual power in his body and strives to understand the essence of Tianying Celestial Palm. During his practice, suddenly, a strange feeling came over him.

He felt as if he was in a strange yet familiar world. The surrounding scenery gradually blurred, replaced by nothingness and darkness. His consciousness seemed to have broken away from reality and entered a mysterious realm.

Chen Xuan's heart moved slightly. He tried to adjust his state, but found that he couldn't control it, as if he was being pulled by an invisible force. Rays of light appeared around him, and the lights of different colors intertwined to form a fantastic scene.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "Chen Xuan, what are you looking for?"

"Is it an hallucination?" He thought silently in his mind, and this strange experience made him feel a little confused. However, even if it was an illusion, the powerful sense of power and the mystery of the Sky Shadow Celestial Palm still left a deep imprint on his mind.

He shook his head and returned his mind to reality. Chen Xuan stood up and stretched, feeling as if he had been brought into a mysterious realm, but now he has returned to ordinary life.

He looked around, and the scenery in the courtyard was still peaceful and beautiful.

The sun shines on the ground through the gaps in the leaves. The breeze blows and the leaves make a rustling sound, as if calling him gently.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath and gradually calmed down. No matter what just happened, he knew that he needed to continue to work hard and improve his strength. Whether it is reality or illusion, he has to go further and reach a higher realm.

He walked slowly towards a boulder and sat down.

Closing his eyes, he began to sink into his heart, recalling the hallucination experience just now.

In silence, he felt the natural atmosphere around him and integrated himself with the earth.

Chen Xuan closed his eyes and devoted his mind to practice. He gradually gathered the insights and memories he had just gained in the hallucination, and began to simulate the practice of Tianying Cactus in his own state of mind.

He imagined that he was standing in a vast expanse of void, with no sound or fluctuation around him, and that he was the only one blending with the heaven and earth.

He felt the spiritual energy surging through his body, like a river flowing through his body.

Chen Xuan slowly raised his hands, as if he was painting an invisible picture.

He sunk his thoughts into the palm of his hand and began to slowly gather the power of the Sky Shadow Celestial Palm. As he moved, a weak and mysterious aura gradually gathered in his palm, forming a faint light and shadow.

He began to try to use the method of Tianying Celestial Palm, and the light and shadow in his palm changed accordingly. Illusive phantoms floated out from the palm of his hand, like erratic pictures, showing endless changes and power.

Chen Xuan gradually integrated into this state. He felt as if he had established a wonderful connection with heaven and earth, and his thoughts and spiritual power were constantly blending in this void. His palms began to become flexible, as if he could sense subtle changes between heaven and earth.

Time passed quietly during practice, and Chen Xuan continued to mobilize the spiritual power in his body to maximize the mystery of Tianying Celestial Palm. His body seemed to be activated by this force, and every movement contained infinite spiritual energy.

In the process of his training, he tried to combine the power of phantom with the power of substance to create more unique moves. His palms passed through the air, leaving behind blurry light and shadows, as if they were erratic.

Chen Xuan gradually entered a transcendent state. He forgot time and everything around him, and was just immersed in his own practice. His state of mind gradually deepened, and he could feel the power of Tianying Celestial Palm bursting out in his body. He seemed to be standing on the top of a new realm.

As time went by, Chen Xuan's practice gradually reached a peak. His palms became as erratic as phantoms, and every movement contained incomparable power. His body seemed to be integrated with the aura between heaven and earth, and he could feel all the tiny changes around him.

Finally, under a strong impact, Chen Xuan felt as if he had broken through some kind of boundary, and a powerful force emerged from his palm.

His eyes sparkled with excitement and joy, and he seemed to have touched a higher realm.

Chen Xuan put down his hands and felt the flow of spiritual power in his body. He knew that he needed to take a rest at this moment. He picked up the tea cup from the table nearby and took a sip. The fragrant tea smell made him feel a little comfortable.

He sat on a stone bench in the courtyard, quietly admiring the surrounding scenery.

The flowers, plants and trees in the yard swayed gently in the breeze, making a rustling sound. The sky in the distance is leisurely and open, and the blue sky and white clouds seem to extend to endless places.

Chen Xuan closed his eyes and let the breeze blow over his cheeks, feeling the coolness it brought.

His state of mind gradually calmed down, and he could feel the spiritual power in his body quietly operating at this time, restoring his strength.

The temperature of the tea gradually spread to his body, bringing a touch of warmth. Chen Xuan felt the fragrance of the tea, and his thoughts gradually became empty, as if he was integrated with the world.

After some time, Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes. He felt that the fatigue in his body was relieved and his spirit became fuller. He put the tea cup back on the table, stood up, and prepared to continue his practice.

Chen Xuan's cultivation has entered an in-depth stage. He concentrates on running the spiritual power in his body and strives to understand the essence of Tianying Celestial Palm. During his practice, suddenly, a strange feeling came over him.

He felt as if he was in a strange yet familiar world. The surrounding scenery gradually blurred, replaced by nothingness and darkness. His consciousness seemed to have broken away from reality and entered a mysterious realm.

Chen Xuan's heart moved slightly. He tried to adjust his state, but found that he couldn't control it, as if he was being pulled by an invisible force. Rays of light appeared around him, and the lights of different colors intertwined to form a fantastic scene.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "Chen Xuan, what are you looking for?"

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