Chen Xuan shook his head slightly, and his voice was calm and firm: "You are wrong. Real power is not obtained through bullying and threats, but through continuous hard work and challenging oneself."

"Shut up!" Another member shouted angrily, the spiritual energy in his hand surged, as if he was ready to attack at any time.

"Chen Xuan, you are just a ridiculous little character, but you dare to preach to us. Do you think you are qualified to judge us?" one member said sarcastically.

Chen Xuan smiled calmly: "I am not qualified to judge you, but I have an obligation to prevent you from continuing to do evil."

As he spoke, Chen Xuan's voice gradually became firmer, and his eyes scanned everyone in the Phantom Hall, as if to reveal the darkness in their hearts.

"Chen Xuan, you are so ridiculous." A male member sneered, then suddenly waved his hand and sent out a burst of spiritual energy towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan frowned slightly, with a cold light flashing in his eyes. He did not avoid it, but stepped forward to meet the spiritual energy. A powerful aura erupted from his body, like a strong wind blowing through him, instantly dispersing the aura.

The members of the Phantom Hall showed disdainful smiles. They seemed to think that Chen Xuan was just an ordinary inner disciple and not something to be afraid of.

Chen Xuan's eyes were solemn, his figure was like lightning, and he flashed in front of the Phantom Hall members in an instant. He clenched his fist lightly, then swung it out suddenly.

The fist wind roared, and the air exploded instantly. The members of Phantom Hall's eyes shrank suddenly, feeling a strong pressure, and they quickly dodged.

However, Chen Xuan's fist seemed to be everywhere, and his attacks were fast and accurate, forcing the members of Phantom Hall to retreat. Auras of spiritual energy intertwined, and a faint explosion sounded in the space.

The faces of the members of Phantom Hall gradually became solemn, and they realized that Chen Xuan was far more powerful than they imagined. Under their offensive, Chen Xuan did not flinch and resolved every attack meticulously. "Impossible! How could he be so strong?" one member shouted in horror. Their previous contempt for Chen Xuan had been completely shattered.

Lin Yuting stood aside, her eyes full of relief. She had witnessed Chen Xuan's growth, but at this moment, he made her feel the aura of a strong man again.

Chen Xuan's attacks became more and more fierce. He was agile and every move was swift and sharp. The members of Phantom Hall kept retreating and were forced into passivity.

"Enough!" One member shouted angrily, forming seals with his hands, and the dark aura surging on his body condensed into a huge shadow.

Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed. He noticed the evil of this spiritual energy and did not dare to be careless. He focused his attention on it, waiting for the other party's attack.

The dark spiritual energy turned into a dark beam of light, cutting through the air like a sharp blade and slashing towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan clenched his fists, and his figure flickered in the air like a gust of wind, easily avoiding the attack of the dark spiritual energy.

Then, his figure suddenly disappeared and appeared behind another Phantom Hall member. Powerful spiritual energy surged from Chen Xuan's palm, and he punched out, hitting the opponent's back directly.

The member suddenly felt a powerful force coming from him. His whole body was severely knocked away and fell to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust.

The members of Phantom Hall looked livid. They did not expect that Chen Xuan was so powerful and could actually gain the upper hand in the battle with one enemy against many.

Chen Xuan's figure flashed like a gust of wind and rain, and his punches were like lightning. Every move accurately hit the members of the Phantom Hall, knocking them back. Sword light and sky fire intertwined, filling the atmosphere with a fierce battle. Chen Xuan's offensive came like a tide, like an unstoppable force.

The members of Phantom Hall were forced to retreat, and they felt Chen Xuan's strength and determination more and more. The previous contempt has been completely destroyed, and they understand that if they continue like this, they will only be completely defeated by Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting.

"Chen Xuan, you stupid guy, you dare to challenge our Phantom Hall, you are destined to pay a heavy price!" A member roared, and the aura in his hand instantly condensed into a sharp sword.

The sword light was bright, illuminating the entire scene in an instant. Chen Xuan was not afraid. His body shuttled back and forth in the sword light, easily dodging every attack. His movement is extremely agile, like a dancing leaf, elegant and unpredictable.

The members of Phantom Hall became increasingly furious and their attacks became more ferocious, but Chen Xuan still maintained his composure. There was a fighting spirit in his eyes, and he knew that this battle would determine their fate.

Lin Yuting also showed no signs of weakness. Her figure was extremely agile. When the long sword in her hand danced, the sword glowed like a dragon and the sky fire resembled a phoenix, firmly attracting the enemy's attention. She and Chen Xuan's tacit cooperation became more and more familiar, and they could instantly understand each other's intentions without using words.

The fighting continued for some time and the scene became chaotic. Explosions and roars of spiritual energy collisions occurred one after another, and the entire courtyard seemed to have turned into a battlefield. Dust was flying and smoke was filling the air, but behind the chaos, Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting still maintained a calm mind.

Liu Tong looked at the scene in front of him, his face becoming more and more gloomy. His Phantom Hall members were so defeated in front of Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting. This was a situation he had never expected.

"Enough!" He roared again, and strong dark aura erupted from his body, forming a terrifying aura. A trace of madness flashed in his eyes. He no longer had any scruples and decided to go all out to turn this battle around.

The expressions of Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting changed slightly, and they could feel the terrifying power contained in Liu Tong's attack. They focused their attention, their bodies quickly evaded, and they were also ready to face the challenge.

Liu Tong's attack came fiercely, and the figures of Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting flickered in the air, like agile swallows flying through the forest. Explosions of spiritual energy were raging around them, but they always maintained a calm mind and waited for the right time.

The members of Phantom Hall also gradually recovered from the chaos. They realized that Liu Tong's attack was not only an opportunity, but also their last hope. They regrouped and launched an attack with Liu Tong on Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting, forming a more organized cooperation.

"Chen Xuan, you can't escape this time!" Liu Tong smiled ferociously, and his attacks became more and more violent.

Chen Xuan's eyes became determined, and his body was like a strong fortress, resisting attacks from all directions.

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly, and his voice was calm and firm: "You are wrong. Real power is not obtained through bullying and threats, but through continuous hard work and challenging oneself."

"Shut up!" Another member shouted angrily, the spiritual energy in his hand surged, as if he was ready to attack at any time.

"Chen Xuan, you are just a ridiculous little character, but you dare to preach to us. Do you think you are qualified to judge us?" one member said sarcastically.

Chen Xuan smiled calmly: "I am not qualified to judge you, but I have an obligation to prevent you from continuing to do evil."

As he spoke, Chen Xuan's voice gradually became firmer, and his eyes scanned everyone in the Phantom Hall, as if to reveal the darkness in their hearts.

"Chen Xuan, you are so ridiculous." A male member sneered, then suddenly waved his hand and sent out a burst of spiritual energy towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan frowned slightly, with a cold light flashing in his eyes. He did not avoid it, but stepped forward to meet the spiritual energy. A powerful aura erupted from him, like a strong wind blowing through him, instantly dispersing the aura.

The members of the Phantom Hall showed disdainful smiles. They seemed to think that Chen Xuan was just an ordinary inner disciple and not something to be afraid of.

Chen Xuan's eyes were solemn, his figure was like lightning, and he flashed in front of the Phantom Hall members in an instant. He clenched his fist lightly, then swung it out suddenly.

The fist wind roared, and the air exploded instantly. The members of Phantom Hall's eyes shrank suddenly, feeling a strong pressure, and they quickly dodged.

However, Chen Xuan's fist seemed to be everywhere, and his attacks were fast and accurate, forcing the members of Phantom Hall to retreat. Auras of spiritual energy intertwined, and a faint explosion sounded in the space.

The faces of the members of Phantom Hall gradually became solemn, and they realized that Chen Xuan was far more powerful than they imagined. Under their offensive, Chen Xuan did not flinch and resolved every attack meticulously. "Impossible! How could he be so strong?" one member shouted in horror. Their previous contempt for Chen Xuan had been completely shattered.

Lin Yuting stood aside, her eyes full of relief. She had witnessed Chen Xuan's growth, but at this moment, he made her feel the aura of a strong man again.

Chen Xuan's attacks became more and more fierce. He was agile and every move was swift and sharp. The members of Phantom Hall kept retreating and were forced into passivity.

"Enough!" One member shouted angrily, forming seals with his hands, and the dark aura surging on his body condensed into a huge shadow.

Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed. He noticed the evil of this spiritual energy and did not dare to be careless. He concentrated on the attack, waiting for the opponent's attack.

The dark spiritual energy turned into a dark beam of light, cutting through the air like a sharp blade and slashing towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan clenched his fists, and his figure flickered in the air like a gust of wind, easily avoiding the attack of the dark spiritual energy.

Then, his figure suddenly disappeared and appeared behind another Phantom Hall member. Powerful spiritual energy surged from Chen Xuan's palm, and he punched out, hitting the opponent's back directly.

The member suddenly felt a powerful force coming from him. His whole body was severely knocked away and fell to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust.

The members of the Phantom Hall looked livid. They did not expect that Chen Xuan was so powerful and could actually gain the upper hand in the battle with one enemy against many.

Chen Xuan's figure flashed like a gust of wind and rain, and his punches were like lightning. Every move accurately hit the members of the Phantom Hall, knocking them back. Sword light and sky fire intertwined, filling the atmosphere with a fierce battle. Chen Xuan's offensive came like a tide, like an unstoppable force.

The members of Phantom Hall were forced to retreat, and they felt Chen Xuan's strength and determination more and more. The previous contempt has been completely destroyed, and they understand that if they continue like this, they will only be completely defeated by Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting.

"Chen Xuan, you stupid guy, you dare to challenge our Phantom Hall, you are destined to pay a heavy price!" A member roared, and the aura in his hand instantly condensed into a sharp sword.

The sword light was bright, illuminating the entire scene in an instant. Chen Xuan was not afraid. His body shuttled back and forth in the sword light, easily dodging every attack. His movement is extremely agile, like a dancing leaf, elegant and unpredictable.

The members of Phantom Hall became increasingly furious and their attacks became more ferocious, but Chen Xuan still maintained his composure. There was a fighting spirit in his eyes, and he knew that this battle would determine their fate.

Lin Yuting also showed no signs of weakness. Her figure was extremely agile. When the long sword in her hand danced, the sword glowed like a dragon and the sky fire resembled a phoenix, firmly attracting the enemy's attention. She and Chen Xuan's tacit cooperation became more and more familiar, and they could instantly understand each other's intentions without using words.

The fighting continued for some time and the scene became chaotic. Explosions and roars of spiritual energy collisions occurred one after another, and the entire courtyard seemed to have turned into a battlefield. Dust was flying and smoke was filling the air, but behind the chaos, Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting still maintained a calm mind.

Liu Tong looked at the scene in front of him, his face becoming more and more gloomy. His Phantom Hall members were so defeated in front of Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting. This was a situation he had never expected.

"Enough!" He roared again, and strong dark aura erupted from his body, forming a terrifying aura. A trace of madness flashed in his eyes. He no longer had any scruples and decided to go all out to turn this battle around.

The expressions of Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting changed slightly, and they could feel the terrifying power contained in Liu Tong's attack. They focused their attention, their bodies quickly evaded, and they were also ready to face the challenge.

Liu Tong's attack came fiercely, and the figures of Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting flickered in the air, like agile swallows flying through the forest. Explosions of spiritual energy were raging around them, but they always maintained a calm mind and waited for the right time.

The members of Phantom Hall also gradually recovered from the chaos. They realized that Liu Tong's attack was not only an opportunity, but also their last hope. They regrouped and launched an attack with Liu Tong on Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting, forming a more organized cooperation.

"Chen Xuan, you can't escape this time!" Liu Tong smiled ferociously, and his attacks became more and more violent.

Chen Xuan's eyes became determined, and his body was like a strong fortress, resisting attacks from all directions.

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