Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6502 Maintain a high degree of vigilance

What makes people even more frightened is that there is a strange aura permeating the Dragon Blood Mountain Range. Sometimes Chen Xuan felt as if there were eyes staring at him in the dark, and sometimes he seemed to hear a faint whisper.

This mysterious feeling prevented him from completely relaxing and kept him on high alert at all times.

However, this dangerous land is not without its treasures. During their training, they found some traces of dragon blood crystals from time to time.

Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting dispersed their actions in tacit understanding, and their figures were like two lightning bolts, traveling quickly through the Dragon Blood Mountains. This dangerous land is full of unknowns and challenges, but they are not afraid at all.

The two of them moved forward one after another, Lin Yuting's keen sense constantly scanning the surrounding environment, vigilantly capturing any potential threats. Chen Xuan is steady and determined. He explores the road ahead and is always ready to deal with possible dangers.

The scenery of this mountain range is extremely varied, sometimes with steep rocky cliffs, sometimes with dense forests, and sometimes with deep canyons.

Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting encountered various challenges from time to time.

Suddenly there was a slight vibration in front of them. Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting immediately stopped vigilantly and stared ahead. As the shaking on the ground became more and more obvious, a huge shadow gradually appeared.

This is a fairy beast, tall and majestic, standing in front like a mountain peak. Its body hair is like silver, flowing with a faint light, and its eyes are deep and mysterious. The powerful aura emanated from it, making Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting tremble. "That's the silver lion and phoenix beast!" Lin Yuting whispered, with a bit of awe in her voice.

Chen Xuan stared deeply at the silver lion and phoenix beast in front of him. He heard the name of this fairy beast from Lin Yuting's words. The silver lion and phoenix beast is a rare fairy beast in the Dragon Blood Mountains, possessing ferocious power and spirituality.

As the silver lion and phoenix beast gradually approached, Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting could feel the oppression emanating from it. This is an innate majesty that makes people feel awe.

The silver lion and phoenix stopped not far from Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting, scanning them indifferently. A powerful spiritual energy surged out from it, as if it had turned into substance, covering the surrounding space.

Chen Xuan raised his head and looked at the silver lion and phoenix beast. He could feel the power of this fairy beast, but he had no intention of backing down. On the contrary, there was a hint of determination in his eyes, which seemed to be conveying some kind of message to the silver lion and phoenix beast.

Lin Yuting also stood beside Chen Xuan, her eyes full of confidence. Although the Silver Lion and Lion Beast were stronger than them, they had no intention of retreating.

Suddenly, the silver lion and phoenix beast let out a low roar, and the sound resounded through the valley like thunder. Then, its body fur became more dazzling. A pair of huge wings spread out, like silver clouds, shining brilliantly in the sun.

Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting both had a bad premonition in their hearts. They knew that the silver lion and phoenix beast was about to attack. Sure enough, at the next moment, the silver lion and phoenix beast's eyes flashed with cold light, and it rushed towards Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting.

Lin Yuting immediately used her body skills to dodge like a gust of wind. Her figure was agile and swift. Chen Xuan stepped forward steadily, his hands condensed with spiritual energy.

Chen Xuan faced the silver lion and phoenix beast rushing towards him, his eyes shining with determination. He raised the prairie fire sword in his hand without hesitation, and the spiritual energy surged from the sword, forming a blazing sky fire.

The prairie fire sword is Chen Xuan's proud work, which is a collection of his many years of swordsmanship experience. The heavenly fire on the sword is not substantial, but it can burn everything and easily penetrate the enemy's defense.

The silver lion and phoenix beast rushed at extremely fast speed. Chen Xuan held the prairie fire sword tightly and tilted his body slightly, like a bolt of lightning flashing across. His swordsmanship was as sharp as fire, and every move carried burning power as he faced the attack of the silver lion and phoenix beast.

Skyfire and light collided in the air, making a harsh sound. Chen Xuan's sword moves were like a sea of ​​​​fire, blocking all the attacks of the silver lion and phoenix beast. Skyfire danced at the tip of the sword, building a solid line of defense to block the sharp claws and wings of the silver lion and phoenix beast.

However, the silver lion and lion beast's offensive did not stop. Its wings suddenly flapped, creating a strong airflow. This airflow condensed into substance, like a sharp blade, slashing towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's expression changed slightly. He quickly adjusted his sword technique and swung the prairie fire sword to neutralize the attack of the air flow. Then, he swayed, rose into the air, and pounced on the silver lion and phoenix beast again.

The prairie fire sword turned into a flaming sword in Chen Xuan's hands. The sword's light was dazzling, like a dragon of sky fire flying in the air. Chen Xuan's swordsmanship was wild and heroic, as if he had integrated into the essence of Sky Fire and became the Lord of Sky Fire.

The silver lion and phoenix beast felt Chen Xuan's powerful aura, and its eyes flashed with hesitation. However, it did not flinch, but instead gathered stronger spiritual energy to deal with Chen Xuan's attack.

Chen Xuan's sword moves were like flames rising into the sky, burning a sea of ​​fire. Swords and fire intertwined to form a spectacular picture. The silver lion and lion beast let out an angry roar, and its body began to become more and more dazzling.

The blazing fire from the sky seemed to set the entire mountain range on fire, and Chen Xuan's sword moves became more and more fierce. His brows wrinkled slightly, and he could feel that the strength of the silver lion and phoenix beast was constantly increasing, and it seemed to be launching a more powerful attack.

Against the backdrop of the firelight, Chen Xuan's figure looked firm and tenacious.

The power of the sword moves is brought to the extreme, and every swing is accompanied by an explosion of blazing sky fire and spiritual energy. Chen Xuan's state of mind gradually calmed down, and he seemed to be integrated with the sword and became a part of the sky fire.

The silver lion and phoenix beast felt the heat and pressure gradually rising on Chen Xuan's body, and its eyes were full of unwillingness and anger. It let out a thundering roar again, instantly tearing apart the surrounding air and forming a powerful storm.

The storm stirred up dust and gravel, distorting Chen Xuan's vision. He raised his arm and used his sword to resist the impact of the storm, his body trembling slightly. At this time, the silver lion and phoenix beast rushed towards Chen Xuan, its claws were like silver blades, slashing towards him.

Chen Xuan gritted his teeth tightly and swung the prairie fire sword again, and the sword light rolled up like a dragon of heavenly fire. There was determination in his eyes, he would never back down, nor would he lose in this battle.

The collision between the sword and the claw made a loud noise, and the surrounding air seemed to be shattered. Sky fire and silver light intertwined in the sky, forming a gorgeous and intense picture. Chen Xuan's body retreated slightly and was knocked away by the attack of the silver lion and phoenix beast.

However, Chen Xuan did not relax his vigilance because of this. He immediately adjusted his body posture to prepare for the next wave of attacks. The changes in sword moves were surging in his mind, and he wanted to find a way to break through the silver lion and phoenix beast's defense line.

What makes people even more frightened is that there is a strange aura permeating the Dragon Blood Mountain Range. Sometimes Chen Xuan felt as if there were eyes staring at him in the dark, and sometimes he seemed to hear a faint whisper.

This mysterious feeling prevented him from completely relaxing and kept him on high alert at all times.

However, this dangerous land is not without its treasures. During their training, they found some traces of dragon blood crystals from time to time.

Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting dispersed their actions in tacit agreement, and their figures were like two lightning bolts, traveling quickly through the Dragon Blood Mountains. This dangerous land is full of unknowns and challenges, but they are not afraid at all.

The two of them walked forward one after the other, Lin Yuting's keen sense constantly scanning the surrounding environment, vigilantly capturing any potential threats. Chen Xuan is steady and determined. He explores the road ahead and is always ready to deal with possible dangers.

The scenery of this mountain range is extremely varied, sometimes with steep rocky cliffs, sometimes with dense forests, and sometimes with deep canyons.

Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting encountered various challenges from time to time.

Suddenly there was a slight vibration in front of them. Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting immediately stopped vigilantly and stared ahead. As the shaking on the ground became more and more obvious, a huge shadow gradually appeared.

This is a fairy beast, tall and majestic, standing in front like a mountain peak. Its body hair is like silver, flowing with a faint light, and its eyes are deep and mysterious. The powerful aura emanated from it, making Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting tremble. "That's the silver lion and phoenix beast!" Lin Yuting whispered, with a bit of awe in her voice.

Chen Xuan stared deeply at the silver lion and phoenix beast in front of him. He heard the name of this fairy beast from Lin Yuting's words. The silver lion and phoenix beast is a rare fairy beast in the Dragon Blood Mountains, possessing ferocious power and spirituality.

As the silver lion and phoenix beast gradually approached, Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting could feel the oppression emanating from it. This is an innate majesty that makes people involuntarily feel awe.

The silver lion and phoenix stopped not far from Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting, scanning them indifferently. A powerful spiritual energy surged out from it, as if it had turned into substance, covering the surrounding space.

Chen Xuan raised his head and looked at the silver lion and phoenix beast. He could feel the power of this fairy beast, but he had no intention of backing down. On the contrary, there was a hint of determination in his eyes, which seemed to be conveying some kind of message to the silver lion and phoenix beast.

Lin Yuting also stood beside Chen Xuan, her eyes full of confidence. Although the Silver Lion and Lion Beast were stronger than them, they had no intention of retreating.

Suddenly, the silver lion and phoenix beast let out a low roar, and the sound resounded through the valley like thunder. Then, its body fur became more dazzling. A pair of huge wings spread out, like silver clouds, shining brilliantly in the sun.

Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting both had a bad premonition in their hearts. They knew that the silver lion and phoenix beast was about to attack. Sure enough, at the next moment, the silver lion and phoenix beast's eyes flashed with cold light, and it rushed towards Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting.

Lin Yuting immediately used her body skills to dodge like a gust of wind. Her figure was agile and swift. Chen Xuan stepped forward steadily, his hands condensed with spiritual energy.

Chen Xuan faced the charging silver lion and phoenix beast, his eyes shining with determination. He raised the prairie fire sword in his hand without hesitation, and the spiritual energy surged from the sword, forming a blazing sky fire.

The prairie fire sword is Chen Xuan's proud work, which is a collection of his many years of swordsmanship experience. The heavenly fire on the sword is not substantial, but it can burn everything and easily penetrate the enemy's defense.

The silver lion and phoenix beast rushed at extremely fast speed. Chen Xuan held the prairie fire sword tightly and tilted his body slightly, like a bolt of lightning flashing across. His swordsmanship was as sharp as fire, and every move carried burning power as he faced the attack of the silver lion and phoenix beast.

Skyfire and light collided in the air, making a harsh sound. Chen Xuan's sword moves were like a sea of ​​fire, blocking all the attacks of the silver lion and phoenix beast. Skyfire danced at the tip of the sword, building a solid line of defense to block the sharp claws and wings of the silver lion and phoenix beast.

However, the silver lion and lion beast's offensive did not stop. Its wings suddenly flapped, creating a strong airflow. This airflow condensed into substance, like a sharp blade, slashing towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's expression changed slightly. He quickly adjusted his sword technique and swung the prairie fire sword to neutralize the attack of the air flow. Then, he swayed, rose into the air, and pounced on the silver lion and phoenix beast again.

The prairie fire sword turned into a flaming sword in Chen Xuan's hands. The sword's light was dazzling, like a dragon of sky fire flying in the air. Chen Xuan's swordsmanship was wild and heroic, as if he had integrated into the essence of Sky Fire and became the Lord of Sky Fire.

The silver lion and phoenix beast felt Chen Xuan's powerful aura, and its eyes flashed with hesitation. However, it did not flinch, but instead gathered stronger spiritual energy to deal with Chen Xuan's attack.

Chen Xuan's sword moves were like flames rising into the sky, burning a sea of ​​fire. Swords and fire intertwined to form a spectacular picture. The silver lion and phoenix beast let out an angry roar, and its body began to become more and more dazzling.

The blazing fire from the sky seemed to set the entire mountain range on fire, and Chen Xuan's sword moves became more and more fierce. His brows frowned slightly, and he could feel that the strength of the silver lion and phoenix beast was constantly increasing, and it seemed to be launching a more powerful attack.

Against the backdrop of the firelight, Chen Xuan's figure looked firm and tenacious.

The power of the sword moves is brought to the extreme, and every swing is accompanied by an explosion of blazing sky fire and spiritual energy. Chen Xuan's state of mind gradually calmed down, and he seemed to be integrated with the sword and became a part of the sky fire.

The silver lion and phoenix beast felt the heat and pressure gradually rising on Chen Xuan's body, and its eyes were full of unwillingness and anger. It let out a thundering roar again, instantly tearing apart the surrounding air and forming a powerful storm.

The storm stirred up dust and gravel, distorting Chen Xuan's vision. He raised his arm and used his sword to resist the impact of the storm, his body trembling slightly. At this time, the silver lion and phoenix beast rushed towards Chen Xuan, its claws were like silver blades, slashing at him.

Chen Xuan gritted his teeth tightly and swung the prairie fire sword again, and the sword light rolled up like a dragon of heavenly fire. There was determination in his eyes, he would never back down, nor would he lose in this battle.

The collision between the sword and the claw made a loud noise, and the surrounding air seemed to be shattered. Sky fire and silver light intertwined in the sky, forming a gorgeous and intense picture. Chen Xuan's body retreated slightly, and was knocked away by the attack of the silver lion and phoenix beast.

However, Chen Xuan did not relax his vigilance because of this. He immediately adjusted his body posture to prepare for the next wave of attacks. The changes in sword moves were surging in his mind, and he wanted to find a way to break through the silver lion and phoenix beast's defense line.

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