The mountain rock dragon roared loudly, and its body trembled violently, trying to get rid of Chen Xuan's attack. However, Chen Xuan was as steady as a mountain and did not give in. He used the power of the diamond to insert the Suzaku sword deeply into the body of the mountain rock dragon, constantly expanding the wound.

At the same time, Dugu Lun also launched his own attack. He turned into a phantom and quickly shuttled around the body of the mountain rock dragon, attacking the vital parts of the mountain rock dragon with all his strength.

With the cooperation of the two, the mountain rock dragon finally began to feel the strong threat. It roared and tried to get rid of the siege of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun, but the two worked closely together and did not give it a chance to breathe.

As time went on, the body of the mountain rock dragon gradually weakened, and cracks appeared on its scales. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun's attacks became more fierce, and they were determined to defeat this monster.

Finally, with a huge roar, the body of the mountain rock dragon trembled, and then fell to the ground, its eyes were full of anger and unwillingness, but in the end it was defeated by Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun worked together and carefully dug out the heart of the mountain dragon. This huge organ exuded a strong demonic power, and it was like a gem that was shining with a faint light.

"This is a good material for cultivation." Dugu Lun's eyes flashed with greed. He put the heart of the mountain dragon into the storage ring. This heart contained powerful spiritual energy and was of great help to cultivation.

Chen Xuan also knew the preciousness of the heart. He put the heart into a special storage ring and tied it carefully around his waist. This heart will become an important auxiliary for his future cultivation and help him break through the bottleneck of cultivation.

As the heart was collected, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun's eyes flashed with joy. This battle not only trained their strength, but also brought them precious cultivation resources.

They continued to go deep into the Tianlun Mountains. With the heart of the mountain dragon, their cultivation path will be smoother. However, they also knew that in this dangerous place, it is most important to stay vigilant at all times.

Shuttled through the dense forests, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun's eyes were always vigilantly scanning around. They knew that this mysterious mountain range might hide more monsters and dangers. They must remain highly vigilant and be ready to meet challenges at any time.

However, the good times did not last long.

In the depths of the Tianlun Mountains, a huge monster suddenly appeared. Its body was tall and huge, covered with solid scales, and its eyes flashed with fierce light. This was a legendary thunder dragon, an ancient monster with powerful thunder and lightning power.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun immediately prepared for the battle. Their hearts sank. Facing such a monster, they must not take it lightly. Chen Xuan tightly grasped the weapon in his hand, and Dugu Lun mobilized the spiritual power in his body. The two stood together tacitly, staring at the thunder dragon in front of them.

The thunder dragon let out a deafening roar, and released a lightning from its mouth, instantly blasting a piece of surrounding rocks. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun quickly dodged and avoided the attack.

"Be careful, its lightning attack is extremely powerful." Chen Xuan warned, and at the same time he waved the weapon in his hand, releasing sword energy and shooting at the body of the Thunder Dragon.

Dugu Lun used his wind attribute spiritual power to form a whirlwind, trapping the Thunder Dragon in it. With a thought, he mixed sharp wind blades in the whirlwind and blew towards the Thunder Dragon.

The Thunder Dragon roared, with angry light flashing in its eyes. It waved its huge dragon claws, trying to smash the offensive of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun, but the two cooperated tacitly, flexibly dodging the dragon's attack, and always maintaining a balance of offense and defense.

Chen Xuan suddenly shouted, his body suddenly swelled, turned into a stream of light, and rushed directly to the head of the Thunder Dragon. He held a sharp sword, and the sword light flashed, like lightning across the night sky, directly slashing at the eyes of the Thunder Dragon.

"Chen Xuan, be careful!" Dugu Lun warned loudly, but Chen Xuan had decided that he would find the right time to attack the vitals of the Thunder Dragon.

The sword pierced into the eyes of the Thunder Dragon, and suddenly, a huge roar resounded throughout the valley. The Thunder Dragon twisted its body in pain, trying to get rid of Chen Xuan's attack, but Chen Xuan seized the opportunity and kept swinging the sword in his hand, stabbing the sword deep into the dragon's eye socket.

"Bang!" The Thunder Dragon fell to the ground in pain, and the dust flew. Chen Xuan followed closely behind. He jumped onto the dragon's body and continued to attack fiercely, while Dugu Lun continued to release wind-attributed attacks below, forming a double attack with Chen Xuan.

The Thunder Dragon roared and tried to break free from Chen Xuan's restraints, but it was seriously injured and slow in movement. The attacks of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun became more and more fierce.

In the depths of the Tianlun Mountains, the fierce battle between Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun and the Thunder Dragon became more and more intense. The dragon's body twisted in the valley, and its claws waved, trying to knock Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun away. Chen Xuan stabilized his body, moved quickly, and cleverly avoided the attack of the dragon's claws. At the same time, he waved the sword in his hand and kept stabbing the dragon's body.

Dugu Lun shuttled through the mountains at the speed of wind. A gust of wind rolled up around him, surrounding the dragon, forming a strong sense of oppression. Dugu Lun condensed a wind blade and shot it at the vital part of the dragon. The wind blade whizzed past, cutting through the air, bringing up bursts of sharp wind.

The dragon roared, with lightning lingering on its body, trying to release thunder and lightning. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun worked closely together. They stayed alert at all times, dodged quickly, and avoided the dragon's thunder. Dugu Lun used the wind power to protect Chen Xuan behind him, forming an indestructible line of defense.

Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with determination. He knew the key to this battle. He suddenly gathered the strength in his body, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. At the moment when the dragon tried to release a thunder and lightning attack, he quickly swung his sword blade and slashed towards The dragon's throat.

"Swish, swish, swish!" The sword light flashed, and Chen Xuan's sword blade cut through the dragon's hard scales and penetrated deeply into its throat. A surge of hot blood surged out, the dragon's roar suddenly stopped, and the ferocity and anger in his eyes gradually disappeared, eventually turning into a trace of despair.

The giant dragon fell to the ground, broken rocks flying around its body. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun stood beside the dragon's corpse. The smoke of the battle gradually dissipated. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun stared at the dragon's corpse, feeling in their hearts. Full of awe.

Deep in the Tianlun Mountains, the figures of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were looming under the moonlight. Suddenly, three blood-red figures appeared in front like ghosts. They were disciples of the Blood Dragon God Sect, with cold eyes and fierce momentum.

The mountain rock dragon let out a thundering roar, and its body trembled violently, trying to get rid of Chen Xuan's attack. However, Chen Xuan was as steady as a mountain and would not give in. He used the power of King Kong to insert the Suzaku Sword deeply into the mountain rock dragon. In the body, the wound continues to expand.

At the same time, Dugu Lun also launched his own attack. He transformed into a phantom, quickly shuttled around Shanyanlong's body, and attacked Shanyanlong's vital parts with all his strength.

With the cooperation of the two, Shanyan Dragon finally began to feel a powerful threat. It roared and tried to get rid of the siege of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun, but the two worked closely and never gave it a chance to breathe.

As time went by, the Shanyan Dragon's body gradually weakened, and cracks appeared on its scales. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun's attacks became more fierce, and they were determined to defeat the monster.

Finally, with a huge roar, Shanyanlong's body trembled, and then fell to the ground. Its eyes were full of anger and unwillingness. However, it was finally defeated by Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun worked together and carefully dug out the heart of the mountain rock dragon. This huge organ exuded strong demonic power and shone with a faint light like a gem.

"This is the best training material." Dugu Lun's eyes flashed with greed. He put the heart of the mountain rock dragon into the storage ring. This heart contained powerful spiritual energy and was of great help to his cultivation.

Chen Xuan also knew the preciousness of the heart. He put the heart into a special ring and tied it carefully around his waist. This heart would become an important supplement for his future cultivation and help him break through the bottleneck of his cultivation.

As their hearts collected, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun's eyes shone with joy. This battle not only exercised their strength, but also brought them valuable training resources.

They continue to go deep into the Tianlun Mountains, and with the heart of the Mountain Rock Dragon, their path of cultivation will be smoother. However, they also know that in this dangerous place, staying vigilant at all times is the most important thing.

Traveling through the dense mountain forests, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun's eyes were always scanning around vigilantly. They knew that this mysterious mountain range might hide more monsters and dangers. They must remain highly vigilant and be prepared to meet them at any time. Challenge preparation.

However, the good times did not last long.

Deep in the Tianlun Mountains, a huge monster suddenly appeared. Its body was towering and gigantic. It was covered in solid scales and had a fierce light in its eyes. It was a legendary thunder dragon, a kind of monster. An ancient monster with powerful thunder and lightning power.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun immediately prepared for the battle. Their hearts sank. Facing such a monster, they must not take it lightly. Chen Xuan tightened the weapon in his hand, while Dugu Lun mobilized the spiritual power in his body. The two of them tacitly understood each other. Standing together, staring at the thunder dragon in front of them.

The Thunder Dragon let out a thunderous roar and released a bolt of lightning from its mouth, instantly exploding a piece of surrounding rocks. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun quickly dodged and avoided the blow.

"Be careful, its thunder and lightning attack is extremely powerful." Chen Xuan warned. At the same time, he waved the weapon in his hand and released streams of sword energy, shooting at the body of the thunder dragon.

Dugu Lun used his wind attribute spiritual power to form a whirlwind, trapping the Thunder Dragon. With a thought, the whirlwind was mixed with sharp wind blades and blew towards the Thunder Dragon.

The thunder dragon roared, with an angry light flashing in its eyes. It waved its huge dragon claws, trying to crush Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun's offensive, but the two cooperated with each other tacitly, flexibly avoiding the dragon's attack, and always maintained Focus on offensive and defensive balance.

Chen Xuan suddenly shouted, his body suddenly surged, turned into a stream of light, and rushed directly towards the head of the Thunder Dragon. He held a sharp sword, and the sword light flashed like lightning across the night sky, directly striking the Thunder Dragon's eyes. .

"Chen Xuan, be careful!" Dugu Lun warned loudly, but Chen Xuan had already decided that he would find the right moment to attack the Thunder Dragon's vitals.

The sword edge pierced the Thunder Dragon's eyes, and immediately, a huge roar resounded throughout the valley. The Thunder Dragon twisted its body in pain, trying to get rid of Chen Xuan's attack, but Chen Xuan seized the opportunity and kept swinging the sword in his hand, piercing the blade deeply into the dragon's eye socket.

"Bang!" The Thunder Dragon fell to the ground in pain, with dust flying. Chen Xuan followed closely behind. He jumped onto the dragon's body and continued to attack violently, while Dugu Lun continued to release wind-attribute attacks from below. , forming a double attack with Chen Xuan.

The thunder dragon roared and tried to break free from Chen Xuan's restraints, but it was seriously injured and slow in movement. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun's attacks became more fierce.

Deep in the Tianlun Mountains, the fierce battle between Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun and the Thunder Dragon became increasingly fierce. The dragon's body twisted in the valley, waving its claws, trying to knock Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun away. Chen Xuan stabilized his body, moved quickly, cleverly avoided the attack of the dragon's claws, and at the same time waved the sword in his hand, stabbing continuously. The body of a giant dragon.

Dugu Lun shuttled through the mountains at the speed of the wind. A strong wind rolled up around him, surrounding the dragon, forming a strong sense of oppression. Dugu Lun condensed the wind blade and shot it towards the vital parts of the dragon. . The wind blade whizzed past, cutting through the air and bringing with it bursts of sharp wind sounds.

The giant dragon roared angrily, with electric light swirling around its body, trying to release thunder and lightning. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun worked closely together. They were always vigilant and quickly dodged to avoid the dragon's thunder. Dugu Lun used the power of the wind to protect Chen Xuan behind him, forming an indestructible line of defense.

Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with determination. He knew the key to this battle. He suddenly gathered the strength in his body, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. At the moment when the dragon tried to release a thunder and lightning attack, he quickly swung his sword blade and slashed towards The dragon's throat.

"Swish, swish, swish!" The sword light flashed, and Chen Xuan's sword blade cut through the dragon's hard scales and penetrated deeply into its throat. A burst of hot blood surged out, the dragon's roar suddenly stopped, and the ferocity and anger in his eyes gradually disappeared, eventually turning into a trace of despair.

The giant dragon fell to the ground, broken rocks flying around its body. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun stood beside the dragon's corpse. The smoke of the battle gradually dissipated. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun stared at the dragon's corpse, feeling in their hearts. Full of awe.

Deep in the Tianlun Mountains, the figures of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were looming under the moonlight. Suddenly, three blood-red figures appeared in front like ghosts. They were disciples of the Blood Dragon God Sect, with cold eyes and fierce momentum.

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