The black shadow regrouped, revealing a twisted face. This was the man sent by the village chief to kill Chen Xuan.

They got into a fierce battle.

Chen Xuan's sword moves were as hot as heavenly fire, and every sword move carried the aura of destruction.

At the same time, the black shadow's attack was also extremely violent. The space in the secret passage seemed to be torn apart, and rattling sounds came from all around.

During the fierce battle, Chen Xuan gradually gained the upper hand. His swordsmanship became more and more sharp. Each sword forced the black shadow back several steps. The black shadow also felt the terrifying power of Suzaku's swordsmanship, and his attacks gradually became hesitant.

Just when Chen Xuan thought the victory was determined, the black shadow suddenly let out a wild laugh, turned into a black mist, and disappeared at the end of the secret passage. Chen Xuan quickly pursued him, but when he reached the end, he found that the black shadow had disappeared. trace.

He took a deep breath and decided to return to the ground to look for other clues.

In the process, he decided to go back and take a look at the village chief's mansion, maybe he could find some useful information.

In the dark secret room, Chen Xuan and the village chief started a life-and-death battle. The village chief's eyes were full of madness and hatred. He roared, and the dark aura surging around his body turned into a black shadow and rushed toward Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan gathered all his strength and waved the Suzaku Sword to welcome this demonic aura. .

During the confrontation between the two, a dazzling light suddenly erupted in the secret room. Chen Xuan's sword aura was like red fireworks, shining with firm brilliance, while the village chief's demonic aura seemed eerie and terrifying. The sword collided with the magic door's aura, making a deafening sound that shook the entire secret room slightly.

Chen Xuan devoted himself to the battle, and his sword moves were as hot as heavenly fire. Each sword contained his determination and the power of justice, while the village chief continued to release dark attacks, trying to force Chen Xuan into a desperate situation. The atmosphere of the battle was extremely tense, and the air was filled with the smell of sky fire and darkness.

In a fierce confrontation, Chen Xuan finally seized the opportunity. He used the ultimate move of Suzaku Swordsmanship to burn the sky. The sword ignited with blazing sky fire. He swung the sword and stabbed the village chief in the heart. The sky fire instantly destroyed the village chief. The dark spiritual energy swallowed up and enveloped the village chief's body.

The village chief let out a shrill howl, and the demonic aura twisted violently in the sky fire. Finally, under the baptism of the burning flames, the village chief turned into ashes and disappeared into the dark world. The entire secret room suddenly returned to tranquility and darkness. The breath also slowly dissipated.

Chen Xuan stood where the village chief fell and slowly put away the Vermillion Bird Sword. His eyes flashed with determination. He knew that his mission was accomplished. He had rescued the village chief from the control of the Demon Sect. .

Just as he was about to leave the secret room, he suddenly noticed an ancient book in a corner of the secret room. He walked forward, opened the book, and found that it contained ancient secrets and formations, which were left behind by the magic door. An ancient book recording their conspiracies and experimental crimes.

Chen Xuan stood outside the secret room of Longyi Village with a solemn expression. In the fierce battle with Xue Aotian, he unfortunately lost an arm.

The broken wound was still in severe pain, but Chen Xuan had no time to take care of his own injury.

Xue Aotian.

Chen Xuan's thoughts returned to his lost arm. He took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. Although he lost a hand, he did not feel despair. Instead, he aroused a stronger fighting spirit in his heart. He knew that the world was not always fair, but he would not shrink back. In front of him, Chen Xuan's eyes gradually Determined, he knew that even though his arms were missing, his heart was still indestructible. He decided to march towards Xue Aotian's territory. He wanted to bring this man to justice.

Chen Xuan mentioned the Suzaku Sword again. Looking at the sword that had accompanied him through countless battles, he felt a powerful force. His eyes shone with determination. He knew that even a broken body could Exhibit infinite power.

"Xue Aotian, I will make you pay the price." Chen Xuan cursed in a low voice, his voice full of determination and hatred. He knew that this battle would be a life and death struggle, but he was already prepared. , determined to erase him from this world.

Chen Xuan took firm steps and embarked on the path forward without hesitation.

Behind Chen Xuan, a ball of sky fire rose up.

Chen Xuan stood in front of the ruins of the secret room, his eyes firm and his determination rekindled. Although he lost an arm, he did not give up, but began to look for a way out of here. He knew that he needed to find his partner, Dugu Lun, again, and then make the next plan together.

First, Chen Xuan began to carefully search for the remains of the secret room. Among the ruins, he found some ancient documents and spells, which might contain information about the secret room. He squatted down and carefully read through it with his remaining arm. With those documents.

Gradually, Chen Xuan found a record about the exit of the secret room in an ancient book. It turned out that this secret room was not a closed cage. It had a secret passage leading underground, directly to the ground. Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had found the hope of leaving.

Chen Xuan followed the guidance in the book and passed through a series of ancient passages and formations. In the process, he always remained vigilant and guarded against possible traps. His swordsmanship was fully demonstrated in the narrow passages. Each sword stabbed accurately into the corners where hostility might lurk.

Finally, Chen Xuan came to the ground. In the night, stars were dotted, and he felt the air. However, he knew that leaving the secret room was only the first step. He also needed to find Dugu Lun and formulate the next action plan together.

Chen Xuan followed the starlit night sky and carefully moved in the direction where Dugu Lun might be. He remained alert, listening to the wind and the friction of grass and trees around him, and was always ready to deal with possible dangers.

Finally, Chen Xuan found Dugu Lun in a dense forest. Dugu Lun's eyes were full of concern and worry. He saw Chen Xuan's incompleteness and knew how thrilling the battle Chen Xuan had experienced in the secret room.

The black shadow condensed again, revealing a distorted face. This was the man sent by the village chief to kill Chen Xuan.

They were caught in a fierce battle.

Chen Xuan's sword moves were as hot as sky fire, and each sword carried a breath of destruction.

At the same time, the black shadow's attack was also extremely violent. The space in the secret passage seemed to be torn apart, and there were creaking sounds all around.

In the fierce battle, Chen Xuan gradually gained the upper hand. His swordsmanship became more and more sharp. Each sword forced the black shadow back several steps. The black shadow also felt the horror of the Suzaku swordsmanship, and his attack gradually became hesitant.

Just when Chen Xuan thought the victory was decided, the black shadow suddenly laughed wildly, turned into a black mist, and disappeared at the end of the secret passage. Chen Xuan hurried to chase, but when he reached the end, he found that the black shadow had disappeared.

He took a deep breath and decided to return to the ground to look for other clues.

In the process, he decided to go back to the village chief's mansion, maybe he could find some useful information.

In the dark secret room, Chen Xuan and the village chief started a life-and-death battle. The village chief's eyes were full of madness and hatred. He roared, and the dark aura on his body surged, turning into a black shadow and rushing towards Chen Xuan, while Chen Xuan gathered all his strength and waved the Suzaku Sword to meet this breath of the demon gate.

During the confrontation between the two, a dazzling light suddenly broke out in the secret room. Chen Xuan's sword energy was like a red firework, flashing with a firm brilliance, while the village chief's breath of the demon gate seemed gloomy and terrifying. The sword collided with the breath of the demon gate, making a deafening noise, shaking the entire secret room slightly.

Chen Xuan threw himself into the battle. His sword moves were as hot as the sky fire. Each sword contained his determination and the power of justice, while the village chief continuously released dark attacks, trying to force Chen Xuan into a desperate situation. The atmosphere of the battle was extremely tense, and the air was filled with the taste of the interweaving of sky fire and darkness.

In a fierce confrontation, Chen Xuan finally seized the opportunity. He used the ultimate move of the Suzaku sword technique, the Burning Sky Flame, and the blazing sky fire ignited on the sword. He swung the sword and stabbed the village chief's heart. The sky fire instantly devoured the dark aura and wrapped the village chief's body in it.

The village chief let out a shrill howl, and the breath of the demon gate was violently twisted in the sky fire. Finally, under the baptism of the Burning Sky Flame, the village chief turned into ashes and disappeared in the dark world. The whole secret room suddenly returned to tranquility, and the breath of darkness slowly dissipated.

Chen Xuan stood where the village chief fell, slowly put away the Suzaku sword, and his eyes flashed with a firm light. He knew that his mission was completed and he rescued the village chief from the control of the demon gate.

Just as he was about to leave the secret room, he suddenly noticed an ancient book in a corner of the secret room. He walked forward, opened the book, and found that it contained ancient secrets and formations. This was an ancient book left by the Demon Sect, recording their conspiracy and experimental crimes.

Chen Xuan stood outside the secret room of Longyi Village with a solemn face. In the fierce battle with Xue Aotian, he unfortunately lost an arm.

The broken wound was still in great pain, but Chen Xuan had no time to take care of his own injuries.

Xue Aotian.

Chen Xuan's thoughts returned to the lost arm. He took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. Although he lost a hand, he did not feel despair, but instead aroused a stronger fighting spirit in his heart. He knew that the world was not always fair, but he would not back down because of this. In front of him, Chen Xuan's sight gradually became firm. He knew that even if his arm was broken, his heart was still indestructible. He decided to move towards Xue Aotian's territory. He wanted to bring this man to justice.

Chen Xuan picked up the Vermillion Bird Sword again. He looked at the sword that had accompanied him through countless battles and felt a strong force. A firm light flashed in his eyes. He knew that even with a broken body, he could exert infinite power.

"Xue Aotian, I will make you pay the price." Chen Xuan cursed in a low voice, his voice full of determination and hatred. He knew that this battle would be a life-and-death struggle, but he was ready and determined to wipe him out of this world.

Chen Xuan took a firm step and set out on the road ahead without hesitation.

Behind Chen Xuan, a ball of sky fire rose up.

Chen Xuan stood in front of the ruins of the secret room, his eyes were firm, and his determination was ignited again. Although he lost an arm, he did not give up, but began to look for a way to leave here. He knew that he needed to find his partner, Dugu Lun, again, and then make the next plan together.

First, Chen Xuan began to carefully search the wreckage of the secret room. In the ruins, he found some ancient documents and spells, which might contain information about this secret room. He squatted down and carefully flipped through the documents with his remaining arm.

Gradually, in an ancient book, Chen Xuan found a record about the exit of the secret room. It turned out that this secret room was not a closed cage, it had a secret passage leading underground, directly to the ground. Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, he knew he had found hope to leave.

Chen Xuan followed the guidance in the book and passed through a series of ancient passages and formations. In the process, he remained vigilant at all times, guarding against possible traps. His swordsmanship was fully demonstrated in the narrow passages. Each sword stabbed accurately into the corners where hostility might lurk.

Finally, Chen Xuan came to the ground. In the night, stars were dotted, and he felt the air. However, he knew that leaving the secret room was only the first step. He also needed to find Dugu Lun and formulate the next action plan together.

Chen Xuan walked cautiously along the star-studded night sky in the direction where Dugu Lun might be. He was always alert, listening to the sound of wind and the friction of vegetation around him, always ready to deal with possible dangers.

Finally, Chen Xuan found Dugu Lun in a dense forest. Dugu Lun's eyes were full of concern and worry. He saw Chen Xuan's mutilation and knew what a thrilling battle Chen Xuan experienced in the secret room.

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