Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun faced Xue Aotian's fierce attack. Their expressions were solemn and they held the weapons in their hands tightly. Chen Xuan's Suzaku Sword emitted scorching sky fire, and Dugu Lun's sword soul turned into a sword rainbow. The sword shines brightly. The two of them cooperated tacitly and withstood Xue Aotian's attack.

The battle became extremely fierce, and every sword and every sword carried the power of destruction. Xue Aotian's sword skills were fierce, and every blow was a fatal blow, so Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun had to resist with all their strength. His attacks were so frequent that they were almost unable to fight back.

Although Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun cooperated tacitly, they still seemed powerless in the face of Xue Aotian's suppression. Their eyes flashed with determination. They knew that they must defeat Xue Aotian in order to protect their homeland and those innocent people. s life.

Chen Xuan uses the Suzaku sword technique, and his sword dances like fire. Each of his swords is filled with blazing heavenly fire, instantly igniting the surrounding space. His swordsmanship is as hot as heavenly fire, and every strike is a baptism of heavenly fire, igniting the surroundings. Everything burned to ashes.

Dugu Lun turned into a sword soul, with sword light flying everywhere. His sword danced like lightning. Each sword carried the power of thunder and lightning, piercing the void. His swordsmanship was as violent as thunder, and every strike was thunderous. It descends and destroys everything around it.

There was a sinister smile on Xue Aotian's lips. His attack became more fierce. The sword flashed, forcing Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun into a desperate situation. His figure flickered, sometimes appearing in front of Chen Xuan, and sometimes moving to Dugu Lun's body. Beside them, a ghost-like phantom appeared, making them elusive.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun resisted with all their strength. There were beads of sweat on their foreheads, but their eyes always shone with determination. They were determined not to be defeated easily. Their attacks became more and more fierce. The sword energy and sky fire intertwined to form a spectacular picture.

However, in the fierce battle, Xue Aotian's sword skills became sharper and his attacks became more and more fierce. He looked at Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun indifferently, as if laughing at their incompetence, and he suddenly increased the intensity of his attacks. , forcing the two of them to retreat.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun tried their best, but still could not withstand Xue Aotian's fierce attack. Their bodies were shrouded in violent shocks, Dugu Lun's sword soul began to crack, and Chen Xuan's Suzaku Sword also began to tremble. The attack became more and more difficult, and Xue Aotian took the opportunity to launch a fierce counterattack.

Xue Aotian waved the blood stains, the light of his sword flashed, and each sword carried the power of destruction. His attacks were like a storm, surrounding Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun. The two tried their best to resist, but they were still unable to turn the tide of the battle.

In the fierce battle, Xue Aotian gradually gained the upper hand. His attacks became more and more fierce. The resistance of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun became more and more difficult. Their bodies began to show signs of exhaustion. Every sword and every blow became more and more difficult. Make them miserable.

"It seems that you have reached your limit." Xue Aotian sneered, his eyes flashing with crazy light. "Now, let me end your lives."

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun faced Xue Aotian's fierce attack. Their expressions were solemn and they held the weapons in their hands tightly. Chen Xuan's Suzaku Sword emitted scorching sky fire, and Dugu Lun's sword soul turned into a sword rainbow. The sword shines brightly. The two of them cooperated tacitly and withstood Xue Aotian's attack.

The battle became extremely fierce, and every sword and every sword carried the power of destruction. Xue Aotian's sword skills were fierce, and every blow was a fatal blow, so Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun had to resist with all their strength. His attacks were so frequent that they were almost unable to fight back.

Although Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun cooperated tacitly, they still seemed powerless in the face of Xue Aotian's suppression. Their eyes flashed with determination. They knew that they must defeat Xue Aotian in order to protect their homeland and those innocent people. s life.

Chen Xuan uses the Suzaku sword technique, and his sword dances like fire. Each of his swords is filled with blazing heavenly fire, instantly igniting the surrounding space. His swordsmanship is as hot as heavenly fire, and every strike is a baptism of heavenly fire, igniting the surroundings. Everything burned to ashes.

Dugu Lun turned into a sword soul, with sword light flying everywhere. His sword danced like lightning. Each sword carried the power of thunder and lightning, piercing the void. His swordsmanship was as violent as thunder, and every strike was thunderous. It descends and destroys everything around it.

There was a sinister smile on Xue Aotian's lips. His attack became more fierce. The sword flashed, forcing Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun into a desperate situation. His figure flickered, sometimes appearing in front of Chen Xuan, and sometimes moving to Dugu Lun's body. Beside them, a ghost-like phantom appeared, making them elusive.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun resisted with all their strength. There were beads of sweat on their foreheads, but their eyes always shone with determination. They were determined not to be defeated easily. Their attacks became more and more fierce. The sword energy and sky fire intertwined to form a spectacular picture.

However, in the fierce battle, Xue Aotian's sword skills became more and more sharp, and his attacks became more and more fierce. He looked at Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun indifferently, as if laughing at their incompetence, and he suddenly increased the intensity of his attacks. , forcing the two of them to retreat.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun tried their best, but still could not withstand Xue Aotian's fierce attack. Their bodies were shrouded in violent shocks, Dugu Lun's sword soul began to crack, and Chen Xuan's Suzaku Sword also began to tremble. The attack became more and more difficult, and Xue Aotian took the opportunity to launch a fierce counterattack.

Xue Aotian wielded a blood-stained sword, the blade flashed, and each sword carried the power of destruction. His attack was like a storm, surrounding Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun. The two tried their best to resist, but they could not turn the tide of the battle.

In the fierce battle, Xue Aotian gradually gained the upper hand, his attacks became more and more fierce, and Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun's resistance became more and more difficult. Their bodies began to show signs of fatigue, and every sword made them painful.

"It seems that you have reached your limit." Xue Aotian sneered, with a crazy light flashing in his eyes. "Now, let me end your lives."

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