At night, the starry sky was bright, and in front of the Dragon God Sect's palace, an elder and a junior sister stared into the distance silently.

In the courtyard of the Dragon God Sect, the stars were shining, and Dugu Lun's figure gradually appeared. Chen Xuan greeted him and said with a smile: "Dugu Lun, you are here."

Dugu Lun smiled and saluted politely: "Elder Chen Xuan, I heard that you have just been promoted to elder, congratulations."

Chen Xuan smiled and nodded: "Thank you, this is all our efforts. By the way, this is our junior sister of the Dragon God Sect, Lin Yuting."

Lin Yuting smiled and shook hands with Dugu Lun: "Hello, senior brother Dugu Lun."

Dugu Lun responded enthusiastically: "Hello, Junior Sister Lin Yuting, I heard that you performed very bravely in the battle at Sealing Dragon Valley."

Lin Yuting smiled modestly: "That is the result of everyone's joint efforts."

Chen Xuan pointed to the seat next to him: "Senior brother Dugu Lun, please take a seat. We were just discussing sect affairs, and you should also participate."

Dugu Lun nodded. After sitting down, Chen Xuan began to introduce him to some information about the sect, including its history, cultivation resources, etc. Dugu Lun listened attentively and asked some questions from time to time, showing his interest in the sect's affairs. care.

Lin Yuting also joined their conversation and shared some of her views on the development of the sect.

The discussion between the three gradually deepened.

Early the next morning, news about the sect reached the ears of the sect leader.

The sect leader's brows furrowed. He knew that this meant that uninvited guests might have sneaked into the Starry Sky Mine and posed a threat to the sect's disciples.

The sect leader immediately decided to discuss the matter with Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan was summoned by the sect and knew it well, so he immediately went to see the sect leader.

The sect master's mansion was grand and solemn. Against the background of the stars, it looked even more mysterious and solemn. Chen Xuan walked into the sect master's study and saw the sect master sitting upright with a solemn look on his face.

The sect leader looked at Chen Xuan and said in a serious tone: "Chen Xuan, a disciple of the sect has disappeared in the Starry Sky Mine. I need you to investigate the matter and find out the truth."

Chen Xuan was shocked, knowing that the task entrusted to him by the sect leader was no small matter, he responded in a deep voice: "Don't worry, sect master, I will go to the Starry Sky Mine as soon as possible to investigate the truth of this matter, and I will never let the sect suffer any losses."

The sect leader nodded with a stern expression: "This matter involves the safety of the sect, so we must act with caution. Remember, no matter who it is, as long as the interests of the sect are involved, no tolerance can be tolerated."

The Star Mine looks particularly deep.

A young disciple of the sect, named Li Hao, was supposed to be digging diligently in this mine, but he mysteriously disappeared. The news reached the ears of the sect leader. The sect leader was so anxious that he decided to find him. Here comes Chen Xuan.

When Chen Xuan learned the news, he couldn't help but frown. The Starry Sky Mine was very important to the sect, and the missing disciples might be in great danger. He agreed to the sect leader's request without hesitation and immediately set off for the Starry Sky Mine.

After arriving at the mine, Chen Xuan found that the atmosphere here was extremely solemn. The Starry Sky Mine was originally a busy scene, but now it seemed empty, without the bustle of the past. Chen Xuan began to investigate carefully. He interviewed the workers in the mine and asked about Li Hao's daily activities.

In the memories of a craftsman, Chen Xuan learned that Li Hao had discovered an abnormal crystal stone deep in the mine. It was said that the crystal stone exuded a strange light and seemed to contain some mysterious power. Chen Xuan Xuan's heart moved, and he decided to go to the depths of the mine to investigate.

When Chen Xuan came to the deepest part of the mine, he felt a strange aura. In a dark corner, he found a broken crystal. There seems to be a faint halo on the surface of the crystal, giving off an unsettling atmosphere.

Chen Xuan carefully observed the crystal. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. He found that there seemed to be an ancient power sealed inside the crystal. This power was so powerful that he couldn't help but be shocked.

At this moment, Chen Xuan felt a faint threat. He immediately became vigilant and looked around. Suddenly, a shadow flashed past and a figure quickly approached.

Chen Xuan reacted quickly. He dodged the attack and raised the sword in his hand. In the dim light, he could see the attacker's face clearly.

He turned out to be an elder in the sect.

"Who are you? Why did you attack me?" Chen Xuan asked coldly.

The elder sneered and showed his fangs: "Chen Xuan, are you the self-righteous genius? You are just a pawn, you deserve to die."

At night, the starry sky was bright, and in front of the Dragon God Sect's palace, an elder and a junior sister stared into the distance silently.

In the courtyard of the Dragon God Sect, the stars were shining, and Dugu Lun's figure gradually appeared. Chen Xuan greeted him and said with a smile: "Dugu Lun, you are here."

Dugu Lun smiled and saluted politely: "Elder Chen Xuan, I heard that you have just been promoted to elder, congratulations."

Chen Xuan smiled and nodded: "Thank you, this is all our efforts. By the way, this is our junior sister of the Dragon God Sect, Lin Yuting."

Lin Yuting smiled and shook hands with Dugu Lun: "Hello, senior brother Dugu Lun."

Dugu Lun responded enthusiastically: "Hello, Junior Sister Lin Yuting, I heard that you performed very bravely in the battle at Sealing Dragon Valley."

Lin Yuting smiled modestly: "That is the result of everyone's joint efforts."

Chen Xuan pointed to the seat next to him: "Senior brother Dugu Lun, please take a seat. We were just discussing sect affairs, and you should also participate."

Dugu Lun nodded. After sitting down, Chen Xuan began to introduce him to some information about the sect, including its history, cultivation resources, etc. Dugu Lun listened attentively and asked some questions from time to time, showing his interest in the sect's affairs. care.

Lin Yuting also joined their conversation and shared some of her views on the development of the sect.

The discussion between the three gradually deepened.

Early the next morning, news about the sect reached the ears of the sect leader.

The sect leader's brows furrowed. He knew that this meant that uninvited guests might have sneaked into the Starry Sky Mine and posed a threat to the sect's disciples.

The sect leader immediately decided to discuss the matter with Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan was summoned by the sect and knew it well, so he immediately went to see the sect leader.

The sect master's mansion was grand and solemn. Against the background of the stars, it looked even more mysterious and solemn. Chen Xuan walked into the sect master's study and saw the sect master sitting upright with a solemn look on his face.

The sect leader looked at Chen Xuan and said in a serious tone: "Chen Xuan, a disciple of the sect has disappeared in the Starry Sky Mine. I need you to investigate the matter and find out the truth."

Chen Xuan was shocked, knowing that the task entrusted to him by the sect leader was no small matter, he responded in a deep voice: "Don't worry, sect master, I will go to the Starry Sky Mine as soon as possible to investigate the truth of this matter, and I will never let the sect suffer any losses."

The sect leader nodded with a stern expression: "This matter involves the safety of the sect, so we must act with caution. Remember, no matter who it is, as long as the interests of the sect are involved, no tolerance can be tolerated."

The Star Mine looks particularly deep.

A young disciple of the sect, named Li Hao, was supposed to be digging diligently in this mine, but he mysteriously disappeared. The news reached the ears of the sect leader. The sect leader was so anxious that he decided to find him. Here comes Chen Xuan.

When Chen Xuan learned the news, he couldn't help but frown. The Starry Sky Mine was very important to the sect, and the missing disciples might be in great danger. He agreed to the sect leader's request without hesitation and immediately set off for the Starry Sky Mine.

After arriving at the mine, Chen Xuan found that the atmosphere here was extremely solemn. The Starry Sky Mine was originally a busy scene, but now it seemed empty, without the bustle of the past. Chen Xuan began to investigate carefully. He interviewed the workers in the mine and asked about Li Hao's daily activities.

In the memories of a craftsman, Chen Xuan learned that Li Hao had discovered an abnormal crystal stone deep in the mine. It was said that the crystal stone exuded a strange light and seemed to contain some mysterious power. Chen Xuan Xuan's heart moved, and he decided to go to the depths of the mine to investigate.

When Chen Xuan came to the deepest part of the mine, he felt a strange aura. In a dark corner, he found a broken crystal. There seems to be a faint halo on the surface of the crystal, giving off an unsettling atmosphere.

Chen Xuan carefully observed the crystal. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. He found that there seemed to be an ancient power sealed inside the crystal. This power was so powerful that he couldn't help but be shocked.

At this moment, Chen Xuan felt a faint threat. He immediately became vigilant and looked around. Suddenly, a shadow flashed past and a figure quickly approached.

Chen Xuan reacted quickly. He dodged the attack and raised the sword in his hand. In the dim light, he could see the attacker's face clearly.

He turned out to be an elder in the sect.

"Who are you? Why did you attack me?" Chen Xuan asked coldly.

The elder sneered and showed his fangs: "Chen Xuan, are you the self-righteous genius? You are just a pawn, you deserve to die."

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