Dugu Lun frowned and said, "When I was refining that kind of high-level elixir, I always couldn't control the temperature, causing the medicinal materials to be burnt or not completely fused." Chen Xuan gently patted Dugu Lun on the shoulder: "Alchemy requires meticulous observation and control, and the control of temperature is a key link. Come, I will take you to the alchemy room and teach you in person." The two walked to the alchemy room. The alchemy room was filled with the aroma of medicine, and various alchemy utensils were neatly placed. Chen Xuan explained the process of alchemy in detail to Dugu Lun, especially the control of temperature. He taught Dugu Lun hand in hand. Dugu Lun listened carefully and kept Chen Xuan's teachings in mind. He began to try to refine the elixir, and Chen Xuan patiently gave guidance on the side. After some debugging, Dugu Lun gradually mastered the temperature, and the refining of the elixir became smooth. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun sat in the alchemy room. The lights were dim and the room was filled with a strong aroma of medicine. Chen Xuan smiled, and Dugu Lun was focused. "Dugu Lun, the key to alchemy is the control of the temperature. We must first choose the right herbs." Chen Xuan pointed to the various herbs on the table and said, "Each herb has its own special properties and characteristics. We need to understand their properties so that we can better control the firepower." Dugu Lun nodded and listened carefully to Chen Xuan's explanation. Chen Xuan picked up a crystal clear fairy grass: "For example, this fairy flower has a cold attribute and needs to be refined with a relatively mild temperature, while this dragon fruit has a fire attribute and requires a higher temperature. Understanding these attributes plays a vital role in our choice of firepower. . "

Chen Xuan then pointed to the alchemy furnace: "In the process of alchemy, we need to control the size of the fire, which can be adjusted by the opening and closing of the alchemy furnace. If the fire is too weak, the medicinal materials cannot be completely integrated; if the fire is too strong, it is easy to burn. We need to find a perfect balance point. "

He took out another crystal clear ore: "This is ice crystal stone, which can be used to adjust the temperature. When refining elixirs that require high temperatures, adding ice crystal stone can keep the temperature in the alchemy room stable. This stone is very precious, and we need to use it carefully. "

Dugu Lun listened attentively, nodding from time to time to indicate that he understood.

"Next, we need to pay attention to the time of alchemy. Each kind of elixir has an optimal refining time, and it will affect the efficacy if it is over. During the alchemy process, we must always be vigilant, observe the state of the medicinal materials, adjust the firepower and time, and ensure that each elixir can achieve the best effect."

Speaking of this, Chen Xuan paused for a moment, and then continued: "Finally, alchemy also requires the state of mind of the practitioner. We must maintain inner peace and not be disturbed by the outside world. Concentration, patience and persistence are all qualities required for alchemy."

Dugu Lun silently absorbed Chen Xuan's teachings. He knew that these experiences were very valuable. As soon as Chen Xuan finished speaking, he began to practice in front of the alchemy furnace. He selected some medicinal materials, carefully added them to the alchemy furnace, and then adjusted the firepower to start the process of alchemy.

Chen Xuan looked at his movements and smiled slightly.

The next day, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun had already gotten up early and were ready to start a new day of practice. Suddenly, a light footstep came and a gentle knock came from the door.

"Come in." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

The door slowly opened, and Lin Yuting walked into the room.

She was wearing a fresh white dress, her hair fell on her shoulders like a black waterfall, and her eyes were shining.

She walked in front of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun, smiled and saluted.

"Elder Chen, Elder Dugu, good morning." Her voice was clear and pleasant, with a hint of tenderness.

"Good morning, Lin Yuting." Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun saluted in unison.

Lin Yuting looked at Dugu Lun: "Brother Dugu, I heard that you asked Elder Chen for advice on how to make pills last night. It seems that you have a great interest in making pills."

Dugu Lun nodded, with a hint of pride on his face: "Yes, I do have a strong interest in making pills. Elder Chen taught me a lot of experience in making pills, which benefited me a lot."

Lin Yuting smiled, with a hint of approval in her eyes: "Brother Chen's alchemy skills are unmatched. You are lucky to get his guidance. The road to alchemy is long and difficult, but as long as you have determination and perseverance, you will always achieve something."

As soon as she finished speaking, her eyes suddenly stopped on Chen Xuan's arm. Chen Xuan's broken arm had been wrapped with a delicate bandage, and there was nothing unusual, but Lin Yuting's eyes flashed with a hint of doubt.

"Brother Chen, your arm..."

Chen Xuan smiled slightly: "Yes, I was slightly injured in the last battle, it's okay."

Lin Yuting nodded, but her eyes were still worried. She suddenly changed the subject: "I came to you today because the sect master ordered all the elders to hold a meeting in the meeting hall."

"What's the matter?" Chen Xuan asked.

Lin Yuting frowned slightly: "The sect master didn't reveal too much, just said that a major task is about to begin, and we need to discuss countermeasures together."

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun looked at each other, and a little uneasiness surged in their hearts. They knew that when the sect master held a meeting, it was usually about major decisions of the sect. They followed Lin Yuting out of the courtyard and walked towards the meeting hall of the Dragon God Sect, with some uneasiness in their hearts.

The atmosphere in the meeting hall was solemn, and the elders sat around the round table with solemn expressions.

Sect Master Long Yunfeng frowned, his eyes revealed deep worry. He glanced at Chen Xuan, Dugu Lun and Lin Yuting who came in, nodded slightly, and motioned them to sit down.

"Elders, I just got the news that the Dragon Heart Pearl, the treasure of our Dragon God Sect, was stolen!" Long Yunfeng's voice was low and powerful, and the whole meeting room fell into silence.

Dugu Lun frowned and said: "When I was refining that kind of high-level elixir, I always couldn't control the temperature, causing the medicinal materials to be burnt or not completely fused."

Chen Xuan patted Dugu Lun's shoulder gently: "Alchemy requires meticulous observation and control, and the control of temperature is a key link. Come, I will take you to the alchemy room and teach you personally."

The two walked to the alchemy room, where the aroma of medicine was fragrant and various alchemy utensils were neatly placed. Chen Xuan explained the process of alchemy to Dugu Lun in detail, especially the control of temperature. He taught Dugu Lun hand in hand.

Dugu Lun listened carefully and kept Chen Xuan's teachings in mind. He began to try to refine the elixir, and Chen Xuan patiently gave him guidance. After some adjustments, Dugu Lun gradually mastered the temperature, and the refining of the elixir became smooth.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun sat in the alchemy room. The lights were dim and the room was filled with a strong medicinal fragrance. Chen Xuan smiled and Dugu Lun was focused.

"Dugu Lun, the key to alchemy is the control of the temperature. We must first choose the right medicinal materials." Chen Xuan pointed to the various medicinal materials on the table and said: "Each medicinal material has its own special properties and characteristics. We need to understand their properties so that we can better control the firepower."

Dugu Lun nodded and listened carefully to Chen Xuan's explanation. Chen Xuan picked up a crystal clear fairy grass: "For example, this fairy flower, its property tends to be cold, and it needs to be refined with a relatively mild temperature, while this dragon fruit has a fire property and requires a higher temperature. Understanding these properties plays a vital role in our choice of firepower . "

Chen Xuan then pointed to the alchemy furnace: "In the process of alchemy, we need to control the size of the fire, which can be adjusted by the opening and closing of the alchemy furnace. If the fire is too weak, the medicinal materials cannot be completely integrated; if the fire is too strong, it is easy to burn. We need to find a perfect balance point. "

He took out another crystal clear ore: "This is ice crystal stone, which can be used to adjust the temperature. When refining elixirs that require high temperatures, adding ice crystal stone can keep the temperature in the alchemy room stable. This stone is very precious, and we need to use it carefully. "

Dugu Lun listened attentively, nodding from time to time to indicate that he understood.

"Next, we need to pay attention to the time of alchemy. Each kind of elixir has an optimal refining time, and it will affect the efficacy if it is over. During the alchemy process, we must always be vigilant, observe the state of the medicinal materials, adjust the firepower and time, and ensure that each elixir can achieve the best effect."

Speaking of this, Chen Xuan paused for a moment, and then continued: "Finally, alchemy also requires the state of mind of the practitioner. We must maintain inner peace and not be disturbed by the outside world. Concentration, patience and persistence are all qualities required for alchemy."

Dugu Lun silently absorbed Chen Xuan's teachings. He knew that these experiences were very valuable. As soon as Chen Xuan finished speaking, he began to practice in front of the alchemy furnace. He selected some medicinal materials, carefully added them to the alchemy furnace, and then adjusted the firepower to start the process of alchemy.

Chen Xuan looked at his movements and smiled slightly.

The next day, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun had already gotten up early and were ready to start a new day of practice. Suddenly, a light footstep came and a gentle knock came from the door.

"Come in." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

The door slowly opened, and Lin Yuting walked into the room.

She was wearing a fresh white dress, her hair fell on her shoulders like a black waterfall, and her eyes were shining.

She walked in front of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun, smiled and saluted.

"Elder Chen, Elder Dugu, good morning." Her voice was clear and pleasant, with a hint of tenderness.

"Good morning, Lin Yuting." Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun saluted in unison.

Lin Yuting looked at Dugu Lun: "Brother Dugu, I heard that you asked Elder Chen for advice on how to make pills last night. It seems that you have a great interest in making pills."

Dugu Lun nodded, with a hint of pride on his face: "Yes, I do have a strong interest in making pills. Elder Chen taught me a lot of experience in making pills, which benefited me a lot."

Lin Yuting smiled, with a hint of approval in her eyes: "Brother Chen's alchemy skills are unmatched. You are lucky to get his guidance. The road to alchemy is long and difficult, but as long as you have determination and perseverance, you will always achieve something."

As soon as she finished speaking, her eyes suddenly stopped on Chen Xuan's arm. Chen Xuan's broken arm had been wrapped with a delicate bandage, and there was nothing unusual, but Lin Yuting's eyes flashed with a hint of doubt.

"Brother Chen, your arm..."

Chen Xuan smiled slightly: "Yes, I was slightly injured in the last battle, it's okay."

Lin Yuting nodded, but her eyes were still worried. She suddenly changed the subject: "I came to you today because the sect leader ordered all the elders to come to the meeting room for a meeting."

"What's the matter?" Chen Xuan asked.

Lin Yuting frowned slightly: "The sect leader didn't reveal too much, just said that a major mission is about to begin, and we need to discuss countermeasures together."

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun looked at each other, and a trace of uneasiness surged in their hearts. They knew that when the sect master held a meeting, it was usually about important decisions of the sect. They followed Lin Yuting out of the courtyard and walked towards the meeting room of the Dragon God Sect, with some uneasiness in their hearts.

The atmosphere in the meeting room was solemn, and the elders sat around the round table with solemn expressions.

Sect master Long Yunfeng frowned, and his eyes revealed deep worry. He glanced at Chen Xuan, Dugu Lun and Lin Yuting who came in, nodded slightly, and motioned them to sit down.

"Elders, I just got the news that the Dragon Heart Pearl, the treasure of our Dragon God Sect, was stolen!" Long Yunfeng's voice was low and powerful, and the whole meeting room fell into silence.

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