One day, a tremor came from the Dragon God Sect, as if the earth was shaking. The disciples of the sect were stunned by the sudden movement. They walked out of the house one after another and looked up at the stars, trying to find out the source of this strange phenomenon.

In their astonishment, the ground began to shake violently, a huge crack appeared in the Zongmen Square, and a strong smell of blood rose from the depths of the ground. Everyone's mood instantly became heavy. They knew that the Zongmen was about to face A huge test.

Just when the smell of blood filled the air, a huge beast-shaped shadow loomed in the cracks. It was a ferocious beast, its blood-red fur shone with a faint light, and its eyes shone fiercely like blood beads. This was exactly what happened. It is the legendary blood bull beast.

"The blood bull beast actually appeared after being sealed underground for thousands of years!" The elders of the sect looked solemn. They knew that this beast was an evil beast in ancient legends. Once resurrected, it would bring devastating consequences. disaster.

The disciples of the Dragon God Sect quickly gathered to prepare for this sudden threat. They held weapons and stood in front of the sect's main hall, staring at the blood bull beast that was gradually revealed in the cracks.

"The sect is in danger, we must not let this evil beast bring disaster again!" A young sect disciple gritted his teeth, with a determined light shining in his eyes.

At the same time, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun also rushed to the scene. They stared at the blood bull beast in the underground cracks, and their hearts were full of vigilance. They knew that this opponent was not an ordinary enemy, but a powerful one. of evil beasts.

The blood bull beast roared, and its body sprang out of the ground. Its huge body looked even more terrifying in the moonlight. Its eyes were fierce, as if it wanted to swallow up everything. The strong smell of blood filled the air, making people feel suffocated.

"Protect the sect, defend the homeland!" The disciples of the Dragon God Sect worked together and stepped forward to meet the attack of the Blood Ox Beast. Their weapons drew sharp rays of light in the night sky to meet the impact of the evil beast.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun also joined the battle without hesitation. Chen Xuan held the Vermilion Bird Sword, while Dugu Lun gathered powerful spiritual power and prepared to launch a powerful attack. The tacit cooperation between the two of them made the entire battlefield appear more orderly. .

The Blood Ox Beast roared and violently attacked everything around it with its huge hooves and claws. Its power was extremely powerful, and every attack caused the ground to tremble, which was astonishingly powerful.

The disciples of the Dragon God Sect rushed towards the evil beast, and they fought bravely, but the power of the Blood Ox Beast was too great, and every attack it made brought irresistible destructive power.

"Protect the sect at all costs!" The elders of the Dragon God Sect shouted loudly, leading the disciples to move forward bravely. However, under the fierce attack of the Blood Ox Beast, the disciples of the sect began to suffer casualties, and some were torn apart. Some were trampled underfoot, a tragic scene.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun also shuttled on the battlefield. They rushed towards the evil beast regardless of their own safety, trying to resist its attack with their own strength. Chen Xuan waved the Suzaku Sword, and the sword light cut through the night sky, while Dugu Lun condensed a powerful Spiritual power, launch powerful attacks.

However, the body of the Blood Ox Beast is like an indestructible boulder. Neither the sword blade nor the spiritual power can cause substantial damage. Its eyes flash with coldness and violence, as if only destroying everything can satisfy its anger.

In the fierce battle, the disciples of the Dragon God Sect continued to sacrifice their lives. Their flesh, blood, and lives became the price of this battle. Every fallen figure made the living people more determined to defeat the Blood Ox Beast.

"We can't go on like this!" Chen Xuan shouted loudly, his eyes flashed with perseverance, and blood surged in his heart. He couldn't watch the sect's disciples fall one by one, he had to stand up. Fight this evil beast to the end.

"Senior Brother Chen Xuan, let me help you!" Dugu Lun also decided to join the battle. They gathered all their strength and tried to find the flaws of the Blood Ox Beast.

The two cooperated tacitly. Chen Xuan attracted the attention of the blood bull beast and let it focus all its rage on him, while Dugu Lun quietly approached, trying to find the weakness of the evil beast.

Their cooperation is like a seamless dance. Although they are under strong pressure, they always remain calm and decisive. Chen Xuan wields the Suzaku Sword, turning into a sword light, and fights with the Blood Ox Beast, while Dugu Lun quickly investigates The body structure of the evil beast.

In the tense atmosphere of the battle, Chen Xuan suddenly noticed an opportunity. He aimed at the throat of the Blood Ox Beast and launched the strongest move in the Suzaku Sword Technique. The sword light was dazzling, penetrating the evil beast's defense and stabbing. Towards its vitals.

However, the Blood Ox Beast was not a fuel-efficient lamp. It lowered its head suddenly and pushed Chen Xuan with its horns, knocking him away dozens of meters. Chen Xuan fell to the ground, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, but there was a trace of blood in his eyes. Shining with determination.

Upon seeing this, Dugu Lun immediately rushed forward and launched a powerful spiritual attack to draw the blood bull beast away. The cooperation between them became more and more tacit, but the power of the blood bull beast still made them feel extremely depressed.

The battle raged inside and outside the sect. Every collision brought huge shock waves, destroying the surrounding trees and buildings. In this life-and-death battle, the disciples of the Dragon God Sect continued to sacrifice and sacrifice. The blood dyed the ground red, but their firm eyes were full of faith.

One day, a tremor came from the Dragon God Sect, as if the earth was shaking. The disciples of the sect were stunned by the sudden movement. They walked out of the house one after another and looked up at the stars, trying to find out the source of this strange phenomenon.

In their astonishment, the ground began to shake violently, a huge crack appeared in the Zongmen Square, and a strong smell of blood rose from the depths of the ground. Everyone's mood instantly became heavy. They knew that the Zongmen was about to face A huge test.

Just when the smell of blood filled the air, a huge beast-shaped shadow loomed in the cracks. It was a ferocious beast, its blood-red fur shone with a faint light, and its eyes shone fiercely like blood beads. This was exactly what happened. It is the legendary blood bull beast.

"The blood bull beast actually appeared after being sealed underground for thousands of years!" The elders of the sect looked solemn. They knew that this beast was an evil beast in ancient legends. Once resurrected, it would bring devastating consequences. disaster.

The disciples of the Dragon God Sect quickly gathered to prepare for this sudden threat. They held weapons and stood in front of the sect's main hall, staring at the blood bull beast that was gradually revealed in the cracks.

"The sect is in danger, we must not let this evil beast bring disaster again!" A young sect disciple gritted his teeth, with a determined light shining in his eyes.

At the same time, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun also rushed to the scene. They stared at the blood bull beast in the underground cracks, and their hearts were full of vigilance. They knew that this opponent was not an ordinary enemy, but a powerful one. of evil beasts.

The blood bull beast roared, and its body sprang out of the ground. Its huge body looked even more terrifying in the moonlight. Its eyes were fierce, as if it wanted to swallow up everything. The strong smell of blood filled the air, making people feel suffocated.

"Protect the sect, defend the homeland!" The disciples of the Dragon God Sect worked together and stepped forward to meet the attack of the Blood Ox Beast. Their weapons drew sharp rays of light in the night sky to meet the impact of the evil beast.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun also joined the battle without hesitation. Chen Xuan held the Vermilion Bird Sword, while Dugu Lun gathered powerful spiritual power and prepared to launch a powerful attack. The tacit cooperation between the two of them made the entire battlefield appear more orderly. .

The Blood Ox Beast roared and violently attacked everything around it with its huge hooves and claws. Its power was extremely powerful, and every attack caused the ground to tremble, which was astonishingly powerful.

The disciples of the Dragon God Sect rushed towards the evil beast, and they fought bravely, but the power of the Blood Ox Beast was too great, and every attack it made brought irresistible destructive power.

"Protect the sect at all costs!" The elders of the Dragon God Sect shouted loudly, leading the disciples to move forward bravely. However, under the fierce attack of the Blood Ox Beast, the disciples of the sect began to suffer casualties, and some were torn apart. Some were trampled underfoot, a tragic scene.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun also shuttled on the battlefield. They rushed towards the evil beast regardless of their own safety, trying to resist its attack with their own strength. Chen Xuan waved the Suzaku Sword, and the sword light cut through the night sky, while Dugu Lun condensed a powerful Spiritual power, launch powerful attacks.

However, the body of the Blood Ox Beast is like an indestructible boulder. Neither the sword blade nor the spiritual power can cause substantial damage. Its eyes flash with coldness and violence, as if only destroying everything can satisfy its anger.

In the fierce battle, the disciples of the Dragon God Sect continued to sacrifice their lives. Their flesh, blood, and lives became the price of this battle. Every fallen figure made the living people more determined to defeat the Blood Ox Beast.

"We can't go on like this!" Chen Xuan shouted loudly, his eyes flashed with perseverance, and blood surged in his heart. He couldn't watch the sect's disciples fall one by one, he had to stand up. Fight this evil beast to the end.

"Senior Brother Chen Xuan, let me help you!" Dugu Lun also decided to join the battle. They gathered all their strength and tried to find the flaws of the Blood Ox Beast.

The two cooperated tacitly. Chen Xuan attracted the attention of the blood bull beast and let it focus all its rage on him, while Dugu Lun quietly approached, trying to find the weakness of the evil beast.

Their cooperation is like a seamless dance. Although they are under strong pressure, they always remain calm and decisive. Chen Xuan wields the Suzaku Sword, turning into a sword light, and fights with the Blood Ox Beast, while Dugu Lun quickly investigates The body structure of the evil beast.

In the tense atmosphere of the battle, Chen Xuan suddenly noticed an opportunity. He aimed at the throat of the Blood Ox Beast and launched the strongest move in the Suzaku Sword Technique. The sword light was dazzling, penetrating the evil beast's defense and stabbing. Towards its vitals.

However, the Blood Ox Beast was not a fuel-efficient lamp. It lowered its head suddenly and pushed Chen Xuan with its horns, knocking him away dozens of meters. Chen Xuan fell to the ground, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, but there was a trace of blood in his eyes. Shining with determination.

Upon seeing this, Dugu Lun immediately rushed forward and launched a powerful spiritual attack to draw the Blood Ox beast away. The cooperation between them became more and more tacit, but the power of the Blood Ox beast still made them feel extremely depressed.

The battle raged inside and outside the sect, and every collision brought huge shock waves, destroying the surrounding trees and buildings. In this life-and-death battle, the disciples of the Dragon God Sect continued to sacrifice and sacrifice. The blood dyed the ground red, but their firm eyes were full of faith.

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