Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6630 Strong Spiritual Fluctuation

"Here! I found a flaw!" Han Feng shouted, pointing to a position in the formation.

Lei Zhen immediately understood Han Feng's intention, and they quickly joined forces to attack that node. They mobilized all their strength and concentrated their attacks on one point, trying to break through the formation set up by Chen Xuan.

Within the formation, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun also noticed Han Feng and Lei Zhen's vulnerable attacks. They immediately took measures to strengthen the formation's defense in an attempt to withstand Han Feng and Lei Zhen's attacks.

Inside and outside the formation, the two parties fought fiercely. Han Feng and Lei Zhen continued to launch attacks, trying to break through the defense line of the formation, while Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun defended with all their strength to protect the formation from being destroyed.

The sword energy is flowing freely and the sky is blazing with fire. The entire valley was filled with strong spiritual energy fluctuations, and the air was filled with the smell of fire and swords. The battle was extremely fierce, with both sides going back and forth, and the battle was dark and dark.

As time passed, the battle entered a fierce stage. Han Feng and Lei Zhen kept changing the angle and method of attack, trying to find flaws in Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun, while Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun stabilized their formations and resisted the attacks of Han Feng and Lei Zhen. .

Just after a violent collision, Han Feng and Lei Zhen finally broke through the defense line of the formation. They launched the most powerful attack, targeting the core node of the formation, preparing to destroy it in one fell swoop.

However, just when their attacks were about to hit the target, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun suddenly changed the form of the formation, and the power within the formation instantly increased several times. They used this momentary opportunity to counterattack Han Feng and Lei Zhen s attack.

Han Feng and Lei Zhen were caught off guard and were pushed back by the powerful power of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun. They were firmly trapped by the power within the formation and could not approach the core node again.

Chen Xuan sneered: "You want to destroy our formation? It's simply a wishful thinking!"

Dugu Lun also said calmly: "This formation is carefully designed by us. It is very difficult to break through it."

Although Han Feng and Lei Zhen were extremely angry, they were helpless in the face of the powerful formations of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun. They knew that this revenge plan had completely failed. Under the cover of the formations, they were helpless and could only watch. He looked at Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun proudly.

"You two, remember, never try to deal with us again at any time." Chen Xuan said coldly, "This failure is the price for your arrogance."

Lei Zhen and Han Feng gritted their teeth. They knew that this failure would be a thorn in their hearts. Their revenge plan failed, but hatred and resentment spread in their hearts. They swore that they would definitely find an opportunity to put this together. Wash away all the humiliation.

Under the cover of the formation, Han Feng and Lei Zhen were forced back, and their figures disappeared into the night.

In the palace deep in the valley, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were restoring their formations. Suddenly, there was a violent vibration, and the whole palace seemed to be shaking. Immediately afterwards, a gray fox rushed out from the depths of the palace, his eyes flashing with alertness.

"What is this?" Dugu Lun asked alertly.

Chen Xuan frowned slightly. He could feel the strange spiritual energy contained in this gray fox, which aroused great interest in him. "It looks like an unusual spiritual beast, very fast." A flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

The gray fox shuttled nimbly through the palace. Its speed was so fast that it was almost difficult to see clearly. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun reacted quickly. They decided to chase the mysterious gray fox to see where it came from.

The two of them released heavenly fire and sword energy one after another, preparing to pursue. However, the gray fox's speed was so fast that he almost disappeared from their sight in the blink of an eye. Chen Xuan's frown showed his dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction. disappointment.

"The speed of this gray fox is too fast. We can't seem to catch up with it." Dugu Lun said in a deep voice, and he also felt a little helpless.

Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and decided not to let it go easily. He took a deep breath and circulated the fire attribute aura in his body to increase his speed. Seeing his figure begin to undergo subtle changes, his speed increased significantly, like a sky fire piercing the night sky.

"Dugu Lun, follow me." Chen Xuan's voice reached Dugu Lun's ears.

Dugu Lun immediately understood Chen Xuan's intention, and he also accelerated his pursuit. The two of them were like sky fire and sword light, traveling through the palace, chasing the gray fox.

When the gray fox saw Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun chasing after them, a hint of vigilance flashed in its eyes. It sped up and ran away, trying to get rid of the pursuit. However, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were faster and kept approaching.

The chase went on for a while, and the gray fox suddenly turned around, with a cunning light in its eyes. It quickly released a mysterious power and formed an invisible barrier, blocking Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun's pursuit.

"Be careful, it has used strange skills!" Dugu Lun shouted vigilantly.

Chen Xuan's heart trembled. He could feel that the invisible barrier contained a mysterious power. He decided not to act rashly and stopped.

The gray fox took the opportunity to escape. It used the cover of the invisible barrier and quickly disappeared deep into the palace.

"We can't catch up with it." Dugu Lun sighed.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath. He knew that the speed and skills of this gray fox were extraordinary and difficult to catch up with. However, he did not give up, and his heart was burning with desire for unknown power.

"We can't catch up with it, but we can find its traces through other methods." Chen Xuan said calmly, "I believe that this gray fox must be related to the secret we are looking for."

Dugu Lun nodded. He was also deeply touched by Chen Xuan. The two decided to give up the pursuit temporarily and returned to the palace, preparing to use other methods to continue pursuing the mysterious gray fox.

Back in the palace, Chen Xuan began to think about how to deal with it. He decided to use his fire attribute aura and tried to find the traces of the gray fox through the aura's perception ability. He closed his eyes, meditated deeply, and integrated his mind into the sky fire. middle.

"Here! I found a flaw!" Han Feng shouted, pointing to a position in the formation.

Lei Zhen immediately understood Han Feng's intention, and they quickly joined forces to attack that node. They mobilized all their strength and concentrated their attacks on one point, trying to break through the formation set up by Chen Xuan.

Within the formation, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun also noticed Han Feng and Lei Zhen's vulnerable attacks. They immediately took measures to strengthen the formation's defense in an attempt to withstand Han Feng and Lei Zhen's attacks.

Inside and outside the formation, the two parties fought fiercely. Han Feng and Lei Zhen continued to launch attacks, trying to break through the defense line of the formation, while Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun defended with all their strength to protect the formation from being destroyed.

The sword energy is flowing freely and the sky is blazing with fire. The entire valley was filled with strong spiritual energy fluctuations, and the air was filled with the smell of fire and swords. The battle was extremely fierce, with both sides going back and forth, and the battle was dark and dark.

As time passed, the battle entered a fierce stage. Han Feng and Lei Zhen kept changing the angle and method of attack, trying to find flaws in Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun, while Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun stabilized their formations and resisted the attacks of Han Feng and Lei Zhen. .

Just after a violent collision, Han Feng and Lei Zhen finally broke through the defense line of the formation. They launched the most powerful attack, targeting the core node of the formation, preparing to destroy it in one fell swoop.

However, just when their attacks were about to hit the target, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun suddenly changed the form of the formation, and the power within the formation instantly increased several times. They used this momentary opportunity to counterattack Han Feng and Lei Zhen s attack.

Han Feng and Lei Zhen were caught off guard and were pushed back by the powerful power of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun. They were firmly trapped by the power within the formation and could not approach the core node again.

Chen Xuan sneered: "You want to destroy our formation? It's simply a wishful thinking!"

Dugu Lun also said calmly: "This formation is carefully designed by us. It is very difficult to break through it."

Although Han Feng and Lei Zhen were extremely angry, they were helpless in the face of the powerful formations of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun. They knew that this revenge plan had completely failed. Under the cover of the formations, they were helpless and could only watch. They looked at Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun proudly.

"You two, remember, never try to deal with us again at any time." Chen Xuan said coldly, "This failure is the price for your arrogance."

Lei Zhen and Han Feng gritted their teeth. They knew that this failure would be a thorn in their hearts. Their revenge plan failed, but hatred and resentment spread in their hearts. They swore that they would definitely find an opportunity to put this together. Wash away all the humiliation.

Under the cover of the formation, Han Feng and Lei Zhen were forced back, and their figures disappeared into the night.

In the palace deep in the valley, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were restoring their formations. Suddenly, there was a violent vibration, and the whole palace seemed to be shaking. Immediately afterwards, a gray fox rushed out from the depths of the palace, his eyes flashing with alertness.

"What is this?" Dugu Lun asked alertly.

Chen Xuan frowned slightly. He could feel the strange spiritual energy contained in this gray fox, which aroused great interest in him. "It looks like an unusual spiritual beast, very fast." A flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

The gray fox shuttled nimbly through the palace. Its speed was so fast that it was almost difficult to see clearly. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun reacted quickly. They decided to chase the mysterious gray fox to see where it came from.

The two of them released heavenly fire and sword energy one after another, preparing to pursue. However, the gray fox's speed was so fast that he almost disappeared from their sight in the blink of an eye. Chen Xuan's frown showed his dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction. disappointment.

"The speed of this gray fox is too fast. We can't seem to catch up with it." Dugu Lun said in a deep voice, and he also felt a little helpless.

Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and decided not to let it go easily. He took a deep breath and circulated the fire attribute aura in his body to increase his speed. Seeing his figure begin to undergo subtle changes, his speed increased significantly, like a sky fire piercing the night sky.

"Dugu Lun, follow me." Chen Xuan's voice reached Dugu Lun's ears.

Dugu Lun immediately understood Chen Xuan's intention, and he also accelerated his pursuit. The two of them were like sky fire and sword light, traveling through the palace, chasing the gray fox.

When the gray fox saw Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun chasing after them, a hint of vigilance flashed in its eyes. It sped up and ran away, trying to get rid of the pursuit. However, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were faster and kept approaching.

The chase went on for a while, and the gray fox suddenly turned around, with a cunning light in its eyes. It quickly released a mysterious power and formed an invisible barrier, blocking Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun's pursuit.

"Be careful, it has used strange skills!" Dugu Lun shouted vigilantly.

Chen Xuan's heart trembled. He could feel that the invisible barrier contained a mysterious power. He decided not to act rashly and stopped.

The gray fox took the opportunity to escape. It used the cover of the invisible barrier and quickly disappeared deep into the palace.

"We can't catch up with it." Dugu Lun sighed.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath. He knew that the speed and skills of this gray fox were extraordinary and difficult to catch up with. However, he did not give up, and his heart was burning with desire for unknown power.

"We can't catch up with it, but we can find its traces through other methods." Chen Xuan said calmly, "I believe that this gray fox must be related to the secret we are looking for."

Dugu Lun nodded. He was also deeply touched by Chen Xuan. The two decided to give up the pursuit temporarily and returned to the palace, preparing to use other methods to continue pursuing the mysterious gray fox.

Back in the palace, Chen Xuan began to think about how to deal with it. He decided to use his fire attribute aura and tried to find the traces of the gray fox through the aura's perception ability. He closed his eyes, meditated deeply, and integrated his mind into the sky fire. middle.

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