"Chen Xuan, protect me!" Dugu Lun shouted loudly. Chen Xuan understood immediately. He concentrated on surrounding the Suzaku Fairy Fire around Dugu Lun, forming a solid defensive barrier.

Skyfire Phoenix saw Dugu Lun's actions, and its eyes shone with vigilance. It seemed to be able to feel the fluctuations of spiritual energy in Dugu Lun's body, and understood that the other party posed a powerful threat.

Dugu Lun stepped forward step by step. The Nether Light Sword danced in his hand, and the sword light was like a rainbow. He used the sword technique of the Shenluo Sect to perfectly combine the spiritual energy in his body with the sword intention, making the sword moves as fast as a shadow. It's elusive.

Sky Fire Phoenix let out a sharp cry and tried to attack Dugu Lun with Sky Fire. However, Dugu Lun's figure flashed and he nimbly avoided the attack of Sky Fire and continued to sprint forward.

"Chen Xuan, now!" Dugu Lun suddenly shouted loudly. Chen Xuan immediately understood. He stopped defending against the Sky Fire Phoenix and concentrated the Suzaku Fairy Fire on the tip of the sword.

Dugu Lun used the exquisiteness of his sword skills to point the tip of his sword at the body of Sky Fire Phoenix. The Suzaku fairy fire gathered on the tip of the sword to form a dazzling sky fire ball, full of destructive power.

"Suzaku Flame!" Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun shouted at the same time, and the sky fire ball was instantly launched, flying towards the sky fire phoenix like a meteor.

The Skyfire Phoenix was startled by this sudden attack. It tried to dodge, but the speed of the Vermillion Bird Flame was too fast. The Skyfire Phoenix let out a sharp scream, and the Vermilion Bird Flame hit its body, and a dazzling Skyfire burst out. The phoenix was shaken back by the violent impact of the explosion, and its feathers burned in the sky fire, making a crackling sound.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun perked up when they saw Suzaku Lieyan's attack taking effect. They continued to cooperate and launched more violent attacks.

Chen Xuan swung the Suzaku Sword and released one stream of Sky Fire Sword Qi, trapping the Sky Fire Phoenix in it. Dugu Lun kept changing his sword skills, forcing the Sky Fire Phoenix into a desperate situation.

The Skyfire Phoenix was under double siege and finally felt the strong pressure. It tried to break free, but Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun's attacks followed closely and showed no mercy.

The Sky Fire Phoenix burst out with powerful power in despair, its body began to emit a dazzling red light, and the burning Sky Fire became even hotter.

Suddenly, the Skyfire Phoenix opened its mouth and let out a long roar. A huge arc of Skyfire was released from its mouth, like a dazzling comet, and shot towards Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun in an instant.

"Be careful!" Chen Xuan warned loudly, and they quickly separated to escape. The arc of sky fire swept across, and the rocks in the cave were instantly reduced to ashes. The air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

However, the Skyfire Phoenix's attack was not over. It spread its wings and spit out a storm of Skyfire again, filling the entire cave with scorching Skyfire. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were trapped in the sea of ​​fire, watching the Skyfire. Approaching, they were cornered.

Dugu Lun gritted his teeth, his eyes flashed with determination. He tried to use the sword intent of the Netherlight Sword Technique to disperse the surrounding sky fire. His body exuded bright light, as if it were an indestructible diamond, and in the sky fire Shining with dazzling light.

Chen Xuanze was exuding Suzaku Fairy Fire all over his body, trying to resist the attack of the Sky Fire Phoenix with his own sky fire. The Suzaku Sword in his hand turned into a streak of fire, which merged with the surrounding sky fire to form an indestructible wall of fire.

However, the Skyfire Phoenix's attack was too powerful, and their defenses were quickly defeated. The Skyfire Phoenix's Skyfire Storm intensified, forcing them to retreat.

"This guy is too powerful, we can't resist it!" Chen Xuan roared, his body was swallowed up by the sky fire, and he let out screams.

Dugu Lun's face also showed a look of despair. He felt the threat of death. However, at this moment, a flash of light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes.

"By the way, we can merge!" Dugu Lun shouted, and he suddenly realized a possible solution.

Chen Xuan's eyes widened when he heard this. Fusion is an extremely dangerous method, but in this desperate situation, they have no choice.

"Okay, let's try!" A look of determination appeared on Chen Xuan's face. He knew that now he could only place his hope on this last glimmer of hope. He and Dugu Lun held each other's hands tightly and began to circulate the spiritual energy in their bodies.

Their bodies began to change, and the auras of the two merged together to form a brand new power. Their eyes flashed with powerful light, as if they were two meteors streaking across the night sky, bringing with them the power to destroy everything.

Upon seeing this, Skyfire Phoenix's eyes flashed with shock. It could feel the power of this force and knew that this was a threat that could not be ignored.

After the two merged, their bodies began to change. A powerful aura of heavenly fire emerged from their bodies, and the surrounding air was ignited, forming a red sea of ​​fire.

"Suzaku merges!" Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun shouted at the same time, and their voices turned into a sound wave that shook the entire cave.

The combined attack of the two was like a huge meteor, carrying destructive power and slamming into the Skyfire Phoenix. The Skyfire Phoenix tried to dodge, but its figure was insignificant in front of the attacks of the two.

Two powerful strands of Sky Fire Spiritual Energy tore apart the Sky Fire Phoenix's body in an instant, making a huge roar. The Sky Fire Phoenix let out a shrill howl, and its body was torn into two halves. A blazing Sky Fire came out of its body. gush out.

The remains of the Sky Fire Phoenix began to mutate. A burst of intense fire suddenly erupted, swallowing up the originally gray Phoenix remains. In the fire, a brand new Phoenix slowly rose up, its body emitting a dazzling red light. , the wings spread out, like a burning fire from the sky.

"It has reached nirvana!" Chen Xuan's voice was full of surprise and vigilance. He did not expect that the Sky Fire Phoenix could be reborn from nirvana. This is the special ability of the immortal beast, but it also means that its strength will be even more powerful.

Dugu Lun's brows were furrowed, and he clenched the weapon in his hand, preparing to fight again. The Skyfire Phoenix's eyes flashed with blazing fire, and it let out a high-pitched cry, like a beating, announcing that a more intense battle was about to begin. .

"Chen Xuan, protect me!" Dugu Lun shouted loudly. Chen Xuan understood immediately. He concentrated on surrounding the Suzaku Fairy Fire around Dugu Lun, forming a solid defensive barrier.

Skyfire Phoenix saw Dugu Lun's actions, and its eyes shone with vigilance. It seemed to be able to feel the fluctuations of spiritual energy in Dugu Lun's body, and understood that the other party posed a powerful threat.

Dugu Lun stepped forward step by step. The Nether Light Sword danced in his hand, and the sword light was like a rainbow. He used the sword technique of the Shenluo Sect to perfectly combine the spiritual energy in his body with the sword intention, making the sword moves as fast as a shadow. It's elusive.

Sky Fire Phoenix let out a sharp cry and tried to attack Dugu Lun with Sky Fire. However, Dugu Lun's figure flashed and he nimbly avoided the attack of Sky Fire and continued to sprint forward.

"Chen Xuan, now!" Dugu Lun suddenly shouted loudly. Chen Xuan immediately understood. He stopped defending against the Sky Fire Phoenix and concentrated the Suzaku Fairy Fire on the tip of the sword.

Dugu Lun used the exquisiteness of his sword skills to point the tip of his sword at the body of Skyfire Phoenix. The Suzaku fairy fire gathered on the tip of the sword to form a dazzling sky fire ball, full of destructive power.

"Suzaku Flame!" Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun shouted at the same time, and the sky fire ball was instantly launched, flying towards the sky fire phoenix like a meteor.

The Skyfire Phoenix was startled by this sudden attack. It tried to dodge, but the speed of the Vermillion Bird Flame was too fast. The Skyfire Phoenix let out a sharp scream, and the Vermilion Bird Flame hit its body, and a dazzling Skyfire burst out. The phoenix was shaken back by the violent impact of the explosion, and its feathers burned in the sky fire, making a crackling sound.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun perked up when they saw Suzaku Lieyan's attack taking effect. They continued to cooperate and launched more violent attacks.

Chen Xuan swung the Suzaku Sword and released one stream of Sky Fire Sword Qi, trapping the Sky Fire Phoenix in it. Dugu Lun kept changing his sword skills, forcing the Sky Fire Phoenix into a desperate situation.

The Skyfire Phoenix was under double siege and finally felt the strong pressure. It tried to break free, but Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun's attacks followed closely and showed no mercy.

The Sky Fire Phoenix burst out with powerful power in despair, its body began to emit a dazzling red light, and the burning Sky Fire became even hotter.

Suddenly, the Skyfire Phoenix opened its mouth and let out a long roar. A huge arc of Skyfire was released from its mouth, like a dazzling comet, and shot towards Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun in an instant.

"Be careful!" Chen Xuan warned loudly, and they quickly separated to escape. The arc of sky fire swept across, and the rocks in the cave were instantly reduced to ashes. The air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

However, the Skyfire Phoenix's attack was not over. It spread its wings and spit out a storm of Skyfire again, filling the entire cave with scorching Skyfire. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were trapped in the sea of ​​fire, watching the Skyfire. Approaching, they were cornered.

Dugu Lun gritted his teeth, his eyes flashed with determination. He tried to use the sword intent of the Netherlight Sword Technique to disperse the surrounding sky fire. His body exuded bright light, as if it were an indestructible diamond, and in the sky fire Shining with dazzling light.

Chen Xuanze was exuding Suzaku Fairy Fire all over his body, trying to resist the attack of the Sky Fire Phoenix with his own sky fire. The Suzaku Sword in his hand turned into a streak of fire, which merged with the surrounding sky fire to form an indestructible wall of fire.

However, the Skyfire Phoenix's attack was too powerful, and their defenses were quickly defeated. The Skyfire Phoenix's Skyfire Storm intensified, forcing them to retreat.

"This guy is too powerful, we can't resist it!" Chen Xuan roared, his body was swallowed up by the sky fire, and he let out screams.

Dugu Lun's face also showed a look of despair. He felt the threat of death. However, at this moment, a flash of light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes.

"By the way, we can merge!" Dugu Lun shouted, and he suddenly realized a possible solution.

Chen Xuan's eyes widened when he heard this. Fusion is an extremely dangerous method, but in this desperate situation, they have no choice.

"Okay, let's try!" A look of determination appeared on Chen Xuan's face. He knew that now he could only place his hope on this last glimmer of hope. He and Dugu Lun held each other's hands tightly and began to circulate the spiritual energy in their bodies.

Their bodies began to change, and the auras of the two merged together to form a brand new power. Their eyes flashed with powerful light, as if they were two meteors streaking across the night sky, bringing with them the power to destroy everything.

Upon seeing this, Skyfire Phoenix's eyes flashed with shock. It could feel the power of this force and knew that this was a threat that could not be ignored.

After the two merged, their bodies began to change. A powerful aura of heavenly fire emerged from their bodies, and the surrounding air was ignited, forming a red sea of ​​fire.

"Suzaku merges!" Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun shouted at the same time, and their voices turned into a sound wave that shook the entire cave.

The combined attack of the two was like a huge meteor, carrying destructive power and violently crashing into the Skyfire Phoenix. The Skyfire Phoenix tried to dodge, but its figure was insignificant in front of the attacks of the two.

Two powerful strands of Sky Fire Spiritual Energy tore apart the Sky Fire Phoenix's body in an instant, making a huge roar. The Sky Fire Phoenix let out a shrill howl, and its body was torn into two halves. A blazing Sky Fire came out of its body. gush out.

The remains of the Sky Fire Phoenix began to mutate. A burst of intense fire suddenly erupted, swallowing up the originally gray Phoenix remains. In the fire, a brand new Phoenix slowly rose up, its body emitting a dazzling red light. , wings spread out, like a burning fire from the sky.

"It has reached nirvana!" Chen Xuan's voice was full of surprise and vigilance. He did not expect that the Sky Fire Phoenix could be reborn from nirvana. This was the special ability of the immortal beast, but it also meant that its strength would be even more powerful.

Dugu Lun's brows were furrowed, and he clenched the weapon in his hand, preparing to fight again. The Skyfire Phoenix's eyes flashed with blazing fire, and it let out a high-pitched cry, like a beating, announcing that a more intense battle was about to begin. .

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